• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 5,074 Views, 83 Comments

Rainbows Can Be Lonely Too - butboifranko

Rainbow and Fluttershy are stranded out in a storm.

  • ...

Chapter Three

The wind was strong enough to allow me to glide for most of the distance between Cloud Kicker's house and Ponyville Library. Not like I wasn't in the mood to fly or nothing, its just I was really tired. Maybe because I hadn't eaten anything all day and that I've been flying around from sunrise to now... I usually fly for long periods of time, but it doesn't effect me as much as it is now. Maybe Twilight had some grub I could mooch off of.

It didn't take me long to get to the Library and to land in front of the door in a perfect spiral. My hoofed rapped on the door and soon Twilight appeared.

"Oh, hello Rainbow." Twilight said warmly, yet she looked tired...probably been studying, as usual. "Hey there, Twilight. I just came to drop something off for you."

The letter that had previously been in my mouth while I was in flight, had been placed under my wing shortly after landing. I lifted my wing and pulled out the wrecked envelope with my teeth. "Heh, sorry about the condition…I was flying around with it."

Twilight looked at the envelope and nodded, "Its alright, Rainbow. Who is it from?" I opened my mouth to tell her, but shut it immediately. This was a secret admirer love kind of thing, its supposed to be a secret. "Sorry, Twi. I can't tell you."

"What, why can't you tell me?" Twilight began opening the envelope with her magic and began reading. "You'll see why once your done reading it, don't worry."

After a minute, Twilight started blushing and looked up at me. "A love note, stating a date, place, and time?" I nodded. "Yeah, you see why I can't tell you now…right?"

Twilight nodded and grinned. "Do you want to see what it says?" Oh wow, I get a chance to see one of Cloud Kicker's famous love letters. Thats a chance I wasn't gonna give up! "Sure, I'll take a look."

The letter was levitated toward me and I grasped it in my hoof and began reading,

My dearest Twilight,

I'm sitting at my desk, thinking about you constantly, thinking about what I'm going to say in this letter. So please, forgive me if this letter seems rash. Shall I begin with your luminous eyes, oh…your eyes. I can look at them for as long as time aloud me to live…

And then I stopped reading. Cloud Kicker really wants Twilight, but probably not for a permanent relationship. It isn't her kind of thing, she's more of a hit and run kind of mare.

"Yup, that's sweet alright. But um, I gotta get going. I haven't eaten since like yesterday, and well…I'm starving." Hopefully she'll offer me to stay for dinner, cause I had zip energy to fly home.

Twilight smiled, "Oh well, if you want you can spend dinner with me. I'm alone tonight since Spike was called forth by Princess Celestia, for some assistance in reorganizing their Library."

Success, just didn't need the details though; but I could make it a nice dinner conversation, I guess. "Sounds cool, thanks Twi."

"No problem at all, come on in!"

I followed Twilight through the door and into the center of the Library. She turned around to face me with a large grin, "I'll call you in for the food in a minute, just wait here." I nodded and watched her make her way into the kitchen. My stomach began to growl. I was more then surprised that it didn't start to growl at Cloud Kickers.

Maybe it was because I don't usually eat a whole lot each day, and that my body adjusted to it. Although...It was a little weird, but hey; it's the least of my worries. Considering I still have to think up what I was going to do about me and Fluttershys get together tomorrow. All I could think of was taking her on a stroll through the forest, but I doubt I'd be able to handle something so boring.

"Foods ready, Rainbow." I snapped out of my thoughts and began to make my way into the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, I looked over the kitchen table and saw two plates of hay fries and a lily sandwich, one of my plate and one on Twilights. I sat down across from Twilight and licked my lips. "Looks great, Twi."

Twilight giggled, "Its just sandwiches and fries. Nothing spectacular."

"Yeah well, when I'm hungry… anything looks good."

After I knew it was clear to take a chomp out of my sandwich, I lowered my muzzle and took a big bite. It was so bucking delicious. I didn't even bother chewing, I swallowed the piece whole and I was satisfied. Twilight had levitated her sandwich up to her mouth and took small bites. She didn't seem very hungry.

"So what made you so busy today, Rainbow?" I looked up from my plate and cleared my throat, "Well, me and Fluttershy went out yesterday and thanks to the poor excuse of a weather team, we were stranded during a storm. When I got back, I had a few ponies I had to chew out...So I've been flying around practically all day." I aloud myself to pause and took another bite of my sandwich.

"Oh geez, were you two alright, did you get hurt?" I swallowed the sandwich and made a shrug, "Not anything severe, just a few bruises and burns."

"You got burned, from a storm?" I thought Twilight was a smarty pants? Eh, maybe shes just trying to make conversation. I told Twilight about the tree and how I saved Fluttershy from being crushed.

"That explains the burn, was Fluttershy alright?"

"Yeah, just a few bruised and cuts. I took most of the damage, though."

Twilight nodded, "So where did you guys take cover in during the storm?" I explained to her about the cave and went a little into how, Fluttershy thought everything was her fault, and that I had to convince her that is wasn't; and that it was my fault. "But, it wasn't either you, or Fluttershys fault. It was just dull-luck, that's all."

"Well, I couldn't think of anything else to blame it on. I'd rather put it on me then on somepony else, if I did that, it would just make the argument drag on longer. I know it wasn't neither of our faults." By now, my sandwich was gone and I started on my fries.

Twilight took another small bite of her sandwich and settled it back on plate. She just stared at her sandwich, making me feel uncomfortable. Something was bothering her, she looked…uneasy. "Hey, Twi…you alright?"

She looked at me directly and we shared eye contact with each other for minute, until she gazed down. "Twilight, you can tell me."

Twilight looked back up to me and sighed, "Its just…this love letter. I can't tell if it's a joke, or real." For Celestia sake, I thought it was something bad. "Why would you think its fake? I was asked to deliver it to you personally."

"That doesn't necessary mean that it isn't fake. Besides, why would anypony even like me? I'm just a librarian, I'm nothing special."

Shoot. Just think of something comforting, and don't go over board. "Twilight. Don't say those thing about yourself! You are a awesome friend, your caring, your smart, your understanding and…" Think of something to top it off, come on, come on!

"And, your beautiful. Now, what mare or stallion wouldn't want that?" Twilight looked at me with glassy eyes and made a small smile. I got up from my cushion and made my way toward her. "Who wouldn't want that, eh?"

Twilight turned around to face me completely, a tear rolling down her cheek, but I was greeted with a smile. She wasn't supposed to say anything, so I just pulled her into a hug. She leaned into my chest and nuzzled me. It was pretty cute, actually but…Fluttershy is more cuter when she does it.

"If I were you, Twilight; I would just do what the letter says. Trust me, the pony who sent this to you means it. I know them personally." I felt Twilight's head nod up and down against my chest, and I felt like I was done here.

"Thanks, Rainbow. It means a lot to hear you say that." I began to move out of the hug and chuckled, "No problem, Twi but, I should get going…I have a huge day tomorrow."

Twilight wiped the tear from her cheek and nodded, "I do too, with this secret admirer and all." Little does she know, I'm in the same situation. "Yeah, well I got a similar kind of situation actually."

"Oh really? Well...Why don't we meet up the day after tomorrow and share what happens, since we're doing kind of the same thing tomorrow?." Twilights interested in my love live, eh? Oh well, that would be cool I guess.

"Sure. I'll come by the day after tomorrow. Good luck on your date, Twi." Twilight smiled at me. "Good luck to you too, Rainbow Dash." Twilight walked me to the door and opened the door with her magic with a smile. "I'll see you later, Rainbow." I nodded, "Yep, see ya." I trotted past Twilight and made my way out the door. I turned around at the sound of the door clicking. The door was shut and now, I was able to make my way home. Finally.

I began to consider doing a quick stretch before taking off. After sitting on a cushion for almost an hour made my leg a little sore, but I wasn't complaining. Twilight and I were going to share our experiences in romance, which is something I never guessed I'd share with Twilight. Shes just so…eggheady. Not like I don't think she could get a mare or even a stallion, its just her eggheadish ways, and my athletic awesome ways, don't match.

Anyway, after a minute of just standing in the same place, I began to do a little stretch and soon my leg was back normal. I shifted into a comfortable position to take off, allowing my wings to expand in their full length, while the now soft wind blew gently through my feathers, rustling them up...it felt wonderful.

With a mighty flap, I was off the ground but then something happened I didn't expect…I felt a surge of pain on my tail and my face slammed into the ground. Damn, that hurt. I turned around in rage to see who did it, and I was greeted with the pony I never would've guessed…

"Hiya Dashie! Where are ya flying off to? Your big, fluffy cloud castle?" I lifted myself off the ground and shook my head, "Pinkie, why did you do that? That hurt!"

"Aw, I'm sorry Dashie. Its just you looked so focused with your flying that I thought biting your tail and pulling you down was the only way to get your attention." How does she talk so fast…I don't know. "You could of just called my name, and besides; what's so important that you had to pull me out of the air?"

Pinkie giggled, "What, can't I say 'hey Dashie!'?" I let out a groan. "You pulled me out of flight to just say, hey?"

The hyper pink pony shook her head, "Well DUH! But if you want to know something I can think of something, one second!" Pinkie put her hoof to her muzzle and began to think. I was going to tell her it was alright, but then I remembered; this is Pinkie Pie I'm talking to.

"Oh, I got something! Okie dokie, I saw Fluttershy sneaking over to Rarity's Boutique earlier today and she didn't come out for a whole hour."

Wow, a whole hour. "Huh, did they have a spa day or something...wait, never mind. Do you know why she was there?" Considering Pinkie Pie, she probably does. Her and that…pinkie sense.

"Yes indeedy! Fluttershy went for advice in romance cause she has a crush on somepony. Isn't that just totally adorable?" Pinkie explained excitedly, hopping in the spot.

"Fluttershy went for advice in romance…wait, do you know who she likes?" This is devastating, but at the same time good. Either she has a crush on somepony else, or she had a crush on me.

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Oh Dashie, you have to find out for yourself! I can't give all of the answers, you silly filly!"

Pinkie Pie hopped off down the road before I can say anything else. Good thing too, cause I had no idea what to say to that. Since Pinkie was gone, I flapped my wings once again and was momentarily airborne. The wind carried me through the sky, and soon I was home. Thank Celestia for that.

I made my way inside and toward my bedroom. It had been a long day, and I just wanted to sleep. Once I entered my room, I plopped myself onto my bed and curled into a ball, wrapping my tail around myself for comfort. It could be pretty lonely at times, but at least I had Tank. Sad part was that he was asleep most of the time, and since hes a turtle…I mean, tortoise. Hes too slow to play with, so since I have no use for him; he just sleeps around the house most of the time.

The room was dark as I lay on my bed, thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow was still unplanned, and I had less then twenty four hours to figure it out. Cloud Kicker may have said that I was a smart pony, but no matter how much thought I put into this; I just couldn't think of anything. Maybe everything will just unfold by itself tomorrow, but for now…sleep.