• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 5,074 Views, 83 Comments

Rainbows Can Be Lonely Too - butboifranko

Rainbow and Fluttershy are stranded out in a storm.

  • ...


My hoof rapped on the door of Ponyville Library. Today I had agreed with Twilight to meet up to share our date experiences…if that makes any sense. It’s hard to put in words for some reason. Too bad I didn’t have time to think, ‘cause I heard the door creak as Twilight opened the door beaming,

“Hey Rainbow Dash, come on in!” I grinned at how happy Twilight seemed.

“You’re in a good mood today Twilight. I’m guessing your date went well?” I asked casually as I made my way inside the Library, slumping myself onto the floor.

Twilight came in my direction and nodded, “Actually yes. It went better than I had expected and…you’ll never guess who it was Rainbow!”

I smirked, “No…who was it? You have got to tell me!”

“It, it was Cloud Kicker!” Twilight clopped her hooves together as she sat down beside me, “I didn’t expect it to be her. She’s far out of my league, but it actually went well…considering how Cloud Kicker usually is, well from what I heard at least. But mother of Celestia, it went swell!”

Twilight is one crazy filly when she wants to be, especially when she’s love struck. Well, I don’t know if she’s love struck, but she does seem pretty hyped about how well her date with Cloud Kicker went. I’m happy for her.

“So Twilight. What did you and Cloud Kicker do for your date? Anything romantic?”

The crazy filly sighed, “Well…we didn’t go on what a normal date would be like. You know, dinner or anything. Instead we met at Town Square and than came back here, when we got to the Library I got us some drinks and, we got to know each other.”

got us some drinks and, we got to know each other.If I had been gulping down a drink at that exact moment I probably would’ve spit it all over Twilight’s exported carpet.

“Wait a minute Twilight. What do you mean by ‘I got us some drinks and, we got to know each other’?”

Twilight blinked for a second and than blushed, “Well. I mean get to know each other. What do you think I mean Rainbow?”

“What do I think? I think you just hopped in bed with a pony on your first date!” I gave her a wink, “Smooth move Twilight.”

The lavender purple unicorn blushed furiously as I chuckled at how adorkable she could be at times. “But seriously Twilight. Is that what happen?”

Twilight bite her lip, “Well…yes and no, but I, um. I don’t remember what exactly happened.”

“Don’t worry Twilight. I can explain everything that happened last night.”

I turned my head around to face the door to see Cloud Kicker standing in the flesh in the doorway. How long she had been standing there, I don’t know.

“Cloud Kicker! How long have you been standing there for?” I asked as Cloud Kicker casually made her way toward Twilight and myself.

“For about a minute. Not very long…but anyway, do you want to know what happened with me and Twilight?”

“Yes.” Both Twilight and me answered in unison.

“Well alright. Grab a sea- oh wait never mind you’re already sitting. Ahem, well I’ll start from a little bit after we got to the Library…”


The purple unicorn drained another glass, moving onto her fifth. I was obviously going to get lucky tonight, but I had to stay calm. Though, it would be cruel to take advantage of a innocent sexy librarian…especially if it’s Twilight Sparkle. Especially if she’s Princess Celestia’s star pupil, and the Element of Magic, and not to mention she saved Equestria more than once. Wow. I've got a lot of my plate.

“So as I was saying ‘hic’. Spike can be pretty bucking annoying at times. Always complaining about ‘hic’ how much work he has to do all the time, and that I don’t do anything other than bossing him around. Which isn't even true! Like for Celestia’s sake, I've done more work than he’s ever done in his whole lifetime! The most work he’s ever done was reorganizing the Library and dusting shelves. What have I done? ‘hic’ I've ran all over Canterlot fighting changelings, dealt with my friends when they were under that freaky Discord magic and well…a whole whack a mole more!”

Twilight had slurred most of what she had just said, but it was clear she was complaining about how Spike complains all the time. Which I doubt is true.

“Twilight. I highly doubt that Spike complains that much I’m sure he complains sometimes, but I think you may be over exaggerating it. Though you are right about the whole saving Equestria and how much it was to deal with….but you and myself know that you weren't forced to do it, and you were giving a chance to decide, and you made the right choice.”

I couldn't help but agree with the helplessly drunk unicorn as she continued to gulp down glass after glass, I had lost count by now. Luckily the bottle was getting empty pretty fast.

“Ugh. You are so right Cloud Kicker! Like, I know saving Equestria is a huge pain in the rump, but hay, somepony has to do it; and I was just the pony ‘hic’ to do it.” Twilight gulped down the last of her drink and slammed the glass on the table, going for the bottle; but realizing that it was no empty.

“Ran out of wine. Buck sakes!”

“You’re right Twilight. If I was Celestia, I wouldn't have chosen anypony but you. You’ve got the right stuff for the job. You know that right?”

Twilight wiped her muzzle with her hoof and let out a loud ‘hic’. For Celestia sake…she’s so adorable. “Yeah…I know but,” Twilight put her face in her hoofs and stuttered, “It’s just a huge responsibility!” Twilight wiped a tear from her eye, “How would you feel if you had the faith of a country, or even an empire in your hooves, and if you messed up, thousands would suffer because of your faults.”

I got up from my seat to comfort the now sobbing unicorn. As I sat down beside her my wing wrapped around her, bringing her close. “It’s alright Twilight. You don’t have to worry about it at the moment. There isn't anything terrible happening right now, you can rest without any worries.”

Twilight had wrapped her hooves around me and was crying into my chest. Her warm tears had been making my fur damp. “I, I hope so Cloud Kicker…” Twilight slid up to come face to face with me. I wasn't scared, or even shocked, especially when she moved in closer to her mouth. I felt her hot breathe. It smelt bitter and sweet, driving me crazy. I desperately wanted a taste, but I wasn't going to make the move…Twilight was drunk, and it was her decision. Even if we were to go all the way, I wouldn't let it happen. It just isn't right to do that when a pony’s drunk.

That’s just what she did. She moved into my personal space and attacked my lips with hers. I kissed her back instantly, allowing her to invade my mouth with her tongue. Her mouth felt warm and sticky, and I craved it. I wanted it.

Though she had kissed me and was getting really frisky, I could feel things were getting really intense and I had to stop her, considering she was drunk. I gently put my hoof to her chest and pushed her back, breaking the kiss. Twilight grumbled as she stared at me with squinted red eyes.

“Come on Twilight. Let’s get you to bed.” I got up and helped Twilight up, and lead her up the stairs to her bedroom. She wobbled beside me and crawled into her bed, as I helped her under the covers.

I turned around to go downstairs and leave but I heard Twilight mumble something. “Did you say something Twilight?”

Twilight patted the covers of the bed, “Stay here tonight Cloud Kicker…please.” Her eyes were barely open as she pleaded quietly, “Please.”

“Alright Twilight, but you have to go to sleep. No funny business.” I got into the bed with her and nuzzled her gently, “Not on the first date at least.”

Twilight snuggled up to me and rested her head my chest, mumbling something I didn't quite catch, and fell asleep.


“And then before the sun rose I left ‘cause I had weather duty. Wouldn't wanna upset Rainbow again.”

I looked back and forth at Cloud Kicker and Twilight. Drunk Twilight…I never thought I’d hear such a thing.

“Oh my goodness Cloud Kicker! I ruined our first date…I’m so sorry.” Twilight got up and hugged Cloud Kicker. Cloud Kicker chuckled and hugged Twilight back.

“Don’t worry about, ‘Twi. It was still a pretty nice date. I had a good time, don’t sweat it.”

I turned around from the romantic scene and made a barfing face. Romantic moments were only cool when you’re experiencing them yourself. When it’s other ponies, it’s just awkward and unpleasant.

“Um. I’m sorry but, is Rainbow Dash here?”

I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me, making me turn back around. It was just the pony I wanted to see. Fluttershy.

“Wow Fluttershy, you have like…the awesomeness timing ever. Things were getting kind of romantic with these two mares right about now.” I pulled Fluttershy into a hug, ignoring the glances from Cloud Kicker and Twilight.

“Oh well…thank you, I guess.” Fluttershy mumbled, hugging me back.

“Rainbow! You didn't tell me about you’re date yet. I completely forgot!” Twilight exclaimed shaking her head in disbelief.

“Well…it went radically. That’s all you need to know.”

Twilight looked disappointed. “You’re not going to tell me what happened?” I sighed, “Twilight…you kind of would’ve had to been there. It’s hard to describe.”

“Could you at least tell me who it was then?” Twilight pleaded, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. Man this filly is desperate!

“Well, since I did promise…it was with Fluttershy.” I heard the yellow pegasus behind me let out a ‘eep’. I turned around to see Fluttershy blushing. She’s so adorable.

“Oh wow! That’s so cute. I’m sure you two will make a great couple-” Twilight stopped as Cloud Kicker began whispering something into her ear. Twilight blushed and giggled, “But um…if you two don’t mind, could you maybe-”

“It’s cool Twilight. Me and Fluttershy were heading out anyway. You two have a good time.” I flashed a quick wink to Twilight and guided Fluttershy out of the Library, closing the door behind us.

“Ready to go practice Fluttershy?” Fluttershy nodded, signalling me that it was okay to take off and lead the way to the field.

~~~ Click here ~~~

Both me and Fluttershy soared through the air over the empty field. We laughed as we both did loops, occasionally bumping into each other…well Fluttershy bumped into me, and afterward apologizing. She was so adorable, I couldn't help but make her even more embarrassed by licking her nose every time she apologized, making her flutter.

We chased each other in the cerulean sky, dashing through stray clouds and reaching heights untouchable, as Fluttershy held on tight to me. She didn’t like flying as high as I did. So I offered a flight, she couldn't help but accept.

We had flown so high up, the trees and plants below were microscopic. Fluttershy squeezed my neck as I jumped off the cloud without any warning, and began to dive back down to Earth.

“Rainbow stop!” Fluttershy shouted into my ear, making me stop in a flash.

“Wh-what’s wrong ‘Shy?” Fluttershy got off my back and flew in front of me, not looking down, but looking straight at me.

“You’re pretty, crazy…you know that right?” I blinked and shrugged.

“I don’t know…why, do you think I’m crazy ‘Shy?” Fluttershy smiled and pushed me onto my back. I was startled at first and almost stopped flapping my wings for a minute, but I regained control.

“Well, a little bit…but that’s what I love about you.” Fluttershy climbed on top of me as I lay on my back in the sky, and kissed me hard on the lips. My wings flapped frantically as I kissed her back, while me and her hovered in the never ending cerulean sky.

She broke the kiss and blushed, “I’m so happy, that we’re finally together now Dash.” I smiled, “Me too Fluttershy. Me too.”


Comments ( 19 )

Well there we have it. The end of Rainbows Can Be Lonely Too! I hope you all enjoyed the story, and thanks for reading and tagging along for the ride!

I'd like to give a shout out again to StarShooterFrecklz for letting me write the story behind her art (The picture used for cover image). I never would've had the chance to write this story if it wasn't for her! :twilightsmile:

It ended before it had begun. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Allons-y.

great ending if i do say so myself tho i would have never guessed the date would have been with cloud kicker of all ponies:derpytongue2:

Great story I loved every word of it :) :twilightsmile:

I'm such a derp...:derpytongue2: I had just responded to this comment and said how wrong I was with that whole concept with CK and Twi. But I was wrong about being wrong. :applejackconfused:

I wasn't thinking clearly yesterday, so allow me to explain what went down with Cloud Kicker:

For other readers who are just reading the story, don't read this comment. SPOILERS.

So, Cloud Kicker had a crush on Twilight and when she told Rainbow about it, Rainbow just presumed that she wanted to bang Twilight, but she knew that she mean't it. Since Cloud Kicker didn't actually SAY if it was a serious crush or, just a desire....but Rainbow knew. :pinkiegasp: So when Rainbow brought 'Twi the note, and it was all mushy and lovey dovey, Twilight was unsure and than Rainbow had comforted 'Twi about it; assuring her that it wasn't a trick, and that the pony (CK) really liked her. :twilightsmile:

You said that it was out of character for Rainbow to give Twilight a note when, "she knew that it wasn't a crush thingy"...but Cloud Kicker actually had a crush on Twilight. So. If you read the Epilogue it would make more sense, based on how CK acts with Twi on their date. :ajsmug:

1641486 This is to you...I ACCIDENTALY DELETED YOUR COMMENT, 'cause I'm an idiot and mean't to delete mine. :facehoof: So there's your explanation to the Twi and CK fling...(I'm sooo sorry about deleting you comment!) :fluttershbad:

The whole thing was just so cuuute! :D :yay:

That was really worth the read :yay: I did notice some typing errors like random commas but I think this is EQD material :D

I loved the story, really cute and cheesy! But that's what you can (almost) always expect when Fluttershy is involved, am I right?

Now, I noticed a few things to correct besides a few grammar stuff(if you allow me):
1) You use different times in the narration, sometimes you use present, and others you use past; despite that, it still was easy to follow, normally stories are told in one narrative time, aren't they?
2) In one of the chapters, Rainbow already knew that Cloud Kicker was the one giving the letter to Twilight, and she also said "I'm not supposed to tell you " and "Trust me, the pony who sent this to you means it. I know them personally". But in the last chapter, Rainbow actually plays along when Twilight was about to tell her who her secret crush was, saying "Really?"
Now, that's a little off the truth, Twilight wouldn't have forgot that Rainbow already knew. BUT it could be that she was so excited to tell her that that thought vanished from her head a few seconds.

I'm sorry I bombed the comments section, but I can't help it if I find something to correct, forgive me.

But still, it was really pretty. No wonder it got featured some time ago!
And of course, I'll consider reading your other fictions.

You already got my fav, all what's left is a thumbs up, so there you have it!
And good luck on your coming projects!

:fluttershyouch::heart::rainbowkiss: loved it so much awsome job i sure know i can't make something like that. :D

1984165 It's no problem at all! And I apologize for the late response...but I don't actually remember this getting featured, if it did; either I didn't realize it, or...it didn't. :rainbowhuh:

2095809 Thanks, glad you enjoyed! :twilightsmile:


Well, it COULD happen...

Oh I wanted to remark something too, pretty smart move to make a healing technique there! That was very clever!

Really nice story, only 2 things i quite didnt like

Fluttershy breaking the 4 wall, ok the all kind of did but when Fluttershy says to dont stop reading that was way to direct, why i didnt like it? because that is something you expect from pinkie pie not everypony else.

And if RD knows that Cloud Kicker is not the kind of pony that doesnt have serious relathionships, well i would expect her to at least tell her to go easy with Twilight or to say "hey you better dont hurt her" ya know shes the element of loyalty and i would expect her to take care of her friends, especially after Twilight getting all insecure and stuff.

Out of that it was a really good story, but thats my point of view, good job

Second time reading this.
Fun read. Cloud should have been given a warning by Dash, but other than that, great story.

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