• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 5,074 Views, 83 Comments

Rainbows Can Be Lonely Too - butboifranko

Rainbow and Fluttershy are stranded out in a storm.

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Chapter Five

Birds. Why don't they ever shut up? I turned to face the window as my body was sprawled across my bed, barely capable of moving. The night had been restless and I got barely any sleep. I couldn't stop thinking. Couldn't stop thinking about, Fluttershy. I don't even know what to do for the get together still.

It was only eleven in the morning and I've been laying in the exact same position since I woke up, at about seven. My body was numb, but I didn't care. My mind was still functioning, yet it provided no help with providing an answer. But, through the time I've been laying motionless…I began to think that; maybe I was over thinking things, and the answer was simple. What if all I had to do was tell her how I feel, instead of trying to think up some cheesy date to try and win her heart.

That isn't me! I'm the type of pony who just goes out and does it. Don't need to plan, don't need to think, all I ever have to do…is do. Yet, love isn't simple. It's confusing as buck. Like sheesh! Why cant it just be simple, so everypony is happy, including me? The world would be a much better place if ponies didn't have to think up some, stupid plan to reveal their love for somepony. Like those birds outside, their probably chirping so loudly to just get in contact with their mate...who in their nature would do that? Not me. I shouldn't think about it too much, right now…time to get up.

I began to try and get up. My body was so numb, I felt like I had no body at all. Which made it hard for me to start the process of getting out of bed. I was laying on my back so, why not start with my forelegs? Since I'd need them to support my body for getting up.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, HOLY BUCK.

Alright, that was somewhat painful, but now my forelegs were in motion. I began to push myself up in a sitting position, which wasn't too hard. Good. Now I was sitting and now I just have to move my back legs, and I'll be able to walk.

I lifted my back legs off the bed, feeling the numb pain spreading over my haunches as they almost reached the cloud floor. They touched the ground, and now I was standing. I did a huge stretch to motivate my body to start moving. I heard a few cracks as I stretched, which to me; meant I was doing a good job.

Which I did. After the stretch…I felt much better.

Now that my body was functioning normal, I began to make my way to the front door to stretch my wings too. I sped past my bedroom door, past tank, and out through the front.

The sun was bright and warm against my coat as I warmed up my wings in the pleasant morning breeze. After about a minute, I began to flap harder and I began to bolt through the clear cerulean sky. Wind coursing it self through my mane and pushing it back, my heart was racing and my eyes squinted with determination was I looped and spiraled through the sky.

This was the best part of my morning. Just me, myself, and my wings. Busting up tricks in the sky and doing what ever I want, and no one can stop me. Cause when I'm flying, I'm Rainbow Dash; the greatest flyer in all of Equestria. Flying is my life, flying is my whole being, flying is my companion when the world turns against me, flying is my everything.

Flying is something I hope I'll be able to share with a special somepony one day. A special somepony hopefully being, Fluttershy. She doesn't have the same kind of love for flying like I do, but it's something we have in common. In fact; one of the only things we have in common.

Fluttershy and I have known each other for a really long time, but we've lived with the fact that we don't have much in common, other then flying. She prefers to be tending critters on the ground, while I prefer risking my life up in the sky; doing the undo able. I'm the daredevil, while Fluttershy is the coward. Always cowering from any kind of challenge, any kind of danger. It's who she is, and I wouldn't change her just a bit.

Why would I change her? If I did, I'd loose the sympathetic mare I fell in love with. The sympathetic, kind, timid, loving pony that I don't what I'd do without.

I rested on a cloud high above Ponyville, looking down at the small village below. It had been a lovely fifteen minutes. Just laying on a cloud, the gentle breeze flowing over me, thinking pleasant thoughts; now certain what I was going to do.

Now I felt confident, and even more determined then before. I stood up on the cloud and peered over the edge. I was so high up, the small village was…well, tiny. That wasn't going to stop me, buck no! I was going to go for a little plummet, the highlight of my mornings. What I do when I feel really daring, what I do when I feel unstoppable.

I took a deep breathe and leapt off the cloud. My body angled to face in a steep slant, building up speed as I went farther and farther down. My heart was pounding against my chest, my mane streaking behind me…

A bright rainbow blazed up the sky as I tore through clouds, coming closer to the ground. My eyes were squinted while wind whipped against face constantly, but I had to see; or else I'd crash muzzle first with the ground. I allowed my eyes to close for a moment, knowing that I was still far up from the ground.

"Eeep!" What the heck?!

Before I knew what exactly was going on, I was rolling and tumbling on the grass…along with another pony. When we came to a stop, I opened my eyes and came in contact with a pair of amazing cyan eyes, full of fear…yet they looked so beautiful. A crème coat and pink mane followed, making my heart increase in speed; realizing that our coats had been combined in cyan and crème.

Fluttershy looked at me with a bright blush, as I laid motionless on top of her. I could feel my face beginning to burn up as I looked at her. My mind told me get up, but my heart told me stay.

We laid there for almost a whole minute, until I realized how extremely awkward it was getting. "Fluttershy…are you alright?"

Fluttershy gulped, "Yes. Are you…okay?" I nodded, "Yeah. Sorry about crashing into you. I lost focus, and stuff."

I turned away, trying to hide my face from her; knowing that I was most likely blushing like crazy. Fluttershy shuffled underneath me, "Rainbow…can I get up, please?"

"Oh yeah, sure." I got off of Fluttershy and put out a hoof. She took it with little hesitation and I helped her get back onto all fours. Fluttershy looked at me a little indirectly, still blushing. I looked around to check our surroundings, and noticed we were in a big field. Wait…what was Fluttershy doing in a field in the middle of no where? Hold on, that means I went the wrong direction. Shoot.

"Mind if I ask what you`re doing in the middle of a field, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, um…I was just out for a walk." Fluttershy shuffled her hoofs uneasily on the ground and looked around constantly, avoiding eye contact. Is she lying? Cause that isn't a Fluttershy thing to do!

"It's pretty far from your cottage. How long were you walking for, 'Shy?"

Fluttershy looked up and made a small grin, "Probably about half an hour. I can walk pretty fast, but I think…I just came out here to clear my head. I've been…um, thinking a lot. How about you…why were you flying around, here?"

I looked up at the sky and sighed, "Well, I wasn't aiming to fly here. I must've angled myself wrong and completely missed Ponyville. I was up pretty high, so that's the only reasonable explanation…I guess."

Fluttershy nodded and looked up at the sky. She began to smile at something, so I turned around to look up too. What she was smiling at was my rainbow trail. It glowed brightly in the clear sky, as it pierced through stray clouds and sparkled. Why she was smiling at this now; I don't know. Fluttershy has seen it at least a million times.

"You know, Rainbow…" I turned around back to Fluttershy as she continued to speak, "I know we're not supposed to meet for, a while; but would you like to join me for a walk or, flight?"

I grinned and agreed without hesitation, "Sure. Why not?"

Fluttershy's smile grew bigger and she began to blush. I felt my cheeks burning up a little also, as we began to walk through the never ending field.