• Published 25th Oct 2022
  • 1,499 Views, 87 Comments

Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Equestria - Stalin with Da Spoon

It was supposed to be another normal switch-a-roo, where Black Spy thinks he has beaten White Spy, but gets the tables turned on him. This time however, the tables were turned on both of them, and they're both stuck in a magical technicolor world!

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1. The Portal Problem

The Arctic.

A desolate place, almost devoid of any intelligent forms of life or civilization, filled only with tall pine trees and monumental mountain ranges with their peaks as well as the ground coated in a deep lair of snow.

It seemed impossible for anyone to live or work out here, let alone want to even be out here.

And yet, there is one person who defies the impossible daily and gets paid to do it. And as we pass through the snowy blizzard flowing over the landscape, we see a lone snow covered sign as an unknown individual wipes away the frost obscuring the bold text...

'White Spy Arctic Test Site. Authorized Personnel Only. No Black Spies Allowed!'

Of course, there is only one person who would come all the way out here to take this White Spy down, one shrouded in their black uniform and hat. The Black Spy had a rather simple mission, and as he pulled out a clipboard, one with multiple objectives.

Step 1. Find Secret Test Site
Step 2. Get Inside.
Step 3. Recover Secret Intel.

The figure placed a check mark next to Step 1, before snickering to himself as he circled Step 4, for it was the most important part of the mission, as well as his favorite. After all, he had gotten his head chopped off on his last mission. It was about time for old White to get a taste of his own medicine, as Black Spy brandished an Ice Axe he held in his hand, before pulling out a pair of binoculars to look through the blizzard towards his objective.

There, obscured by the ice and snow, was a tall metal wall, and within that wall was both his great arch-enemy, and that sweet juicy top secret intelligence. Considering the fact this test site was all the way out here in the arctic, White Spy obviously had to be working on something both powerful and secret. Though Black Spy had to be sure that he played this safe, remembering the last time he was in arctic as he was blown up an Igloo battle tank.

As he approached the tall walls, he looked up to see that they were indeed, very tall. However, as he pulled out his most trusted gadget, not even the tallest of walls would be able to stop him. His rusty trusty grappling hook, given to him after his first time killing the White Spy. As he fired it up over the side of the wall, he heard the distinct metal clink, indicating it was hooked into place, as the hook's cable began to reel itself in, bringing Black Spy up with it.

As he hopped down off the wall and into the deep snow, he saw a... Rather pathetic sight. An Igloo, though he could tell this wasn't a tank due to it looking sharply different. As he approached, he saw it had a metal hatch for a door, before he opened it and crawled inside. The interior was that of a typical Igloo, however in the center was another metal hatch with a red metal valve. As he twisted the valve and opened it, faint sounds of clanging metal could be heard. As he pulled out his check list, he crossed off Step 2 before gripping onto the metal ladder as he climbed his way down, the metal hatch closing behind him.

As he descended down the quite long ladder, and I mean very long, he finally touched down onto a metal floor, as he turned to see both the walls and ceiling also metal, the hallway lit with bright ceiling lights. Feeling suspicious, he pulled out his pistol seeing as his ice axe would likely be useless here, holding it tight as he slowly walked through the halls, the sounds of hammer pounding on steel heard clearly, as well the tell tale noises of drilling and welding. At the end of the hall was a partially open metal door, and as he slowly peeked inside, his mouth gaped in awe.

Before him was a massive metal archway, or more of a... gateway? Regardless, it was a massive gateway supported by several massive metal cables, as electricity visibly pulsed through the two coils on the gateway's sides. Power cables ran across the floor and into the base of the gateway. And standing upon metal scaffolding would be his hated nemesis, the White Spy, hammering away and welding at the metal frame of the gateway as he wore a welding mask.

Black Spy could've shot him there and then, but he wanted to have some fun, and he still didn't know if this was some type of trick. As he looked around the room, he saw a control terminal with several blinking lights of various colors, complete with levers, switches, display screens, a mouse and keyboard, and a single big red button at the center of the console. Slowly slinking his way over, he looked up to the display screens.

'POWER: 100%'



The Black spy slowly nodded as he read the colored displays, before looking to the keyboard and deciding to type in a random set of coordinates, complete with letters, numbers, and symbols, just like you would type a password. As he pressed enter, a slight beep was heard as he looked up again.


Perfect. As he looked down to the red button, he saw a little readout above it, complete with gauges in the red and red text flashing above it.


Too bad Mr. Computer, this is all part of the plan. After pressing many buttons, turning some dials, flipping a few switches, and pulling a couple levers, he cracked his knuckles before slamming his fist down on the red button.

Alarms rang out across the room while red warning lights flashed, as the massive gateway began to shake, rattle, and groan as White spy lifted his welding mask and quickly stepped away, before the massive machine activated and a red vortex slowly cracked open. The White Spy soon turned to see his much hated arch enemy, as the two glared at each other, before looking back to see a White hat fly off and into the portal, soon followed by a Black hat.

The two spies exchanged looks of worry before screaming in terror as they attempted to outrun the portal while it sucked in carts of tools, crates, and even tore up the control terminal from the ground, all of it being consumed by the vortex before the two spies could run no more, as they saluted each other before they too were sucked in by the gateway.

As soon as they entered, the massive machine detonated in a blast of energy, it's frame blasted to pieces as electricity sparked everywhere from the broken cables. A bellow of flame emerged from the ruined wreck as the alarms continued to blare, with the fire soon coming into contact with a trail of oil, setting fire to it as the flame quickly followed the trail of flammable liquid to it's source.

A stockpile of oil drums, with one leaking out a small stream of black gold.

And as soon as the flame entered the leaking drum...


The explosion was heard across the world, seen from the space, and sent shockwaves across the entire arctic. All that remained of the test site was a crater...

And as the news reached the commanders of both the Black and White spy, they both accepted the news with sadness.

The White Spy and Black Spy had finally done it.

They had finally killed each other, once and for all. And as they were laid to rest, the two spies vanished into legend...

Or at least, that's what everyone on Earth thought. But no, the Spies aren't on Earth anymore. No, they're off to somewhere far different from our world. They're off to the land of friendship and harmony...

They're off... To Equestria.

Next time, on Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Equestria!

The two spies looked to each other, before looking back at the confusing pink little pony that was currently smiling up at them. And as they looked back to each other, they nodded and shook hands, before pulling out their tommy guns and aiming them at the strange technicolor horse.

"Oh, what's that?"