• Published 25th Oct 2022
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Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Equestria - Stalin with Da Spoon

It was supposed to be another normal switch-a-roo, where Black Spy thinks he has beaten White Spy, but gets the tables turned on him. This time however, the tables were turned on both of them, and they're both stuck in a magical technicolor world!

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7. The Fashion Fiasco

Now, you would think that constant and seemingly endless running would be tiresome for the White spy, especially after practically running a whole dang mile ever since his escape from the farm, but thanks to the boost of energy from consuming an apple, he was able to put his time on his school's track team to good use. Granted, his legs ached with pain and his blood was running hotter than a thousand suns, but it a minor inconvenience to him. For some reason the farm pony had not decided to chase him down, which was lucky for him as she seemed strong enough to buck him to the moon.

Meanwhile, Black Spy had encountered the same issue, however instead of running himself, he had built a pair of rudimentary robo pants from wood and scrap metal to do the running for him while he sat back and let the pants run along the path through the forest, unsure of where it lead and frankly not caring where he ended up. However, he was still performing the physical task of winding up the legs so they didn't stop and fling him into the nearest conveniently placed tree. A thing to note were the fact the robo pants seemed to be very Non-OSHA compliant, creaking and groaning as they transported the Black Spy through the dense woods.

Both spies were currently separated, running in completely opposite directions, and yet somehow, they were heading to the same location. How you may ask?

Cartoon logic. What, you want me to elaborate? Too bad, I don't get paid enough to explain further. Just assume somewhere along the way they took a turn at an intersection.

Regardless, the both of them were now inbound to the small town of Ponyville. Now, they had already been to Ponyville before, but the Cake Cannon of the Candy-mare Caper saw them booted back to the Everfree. Now however, they were ready for the dastardly mare's vanilla wrath, filled with courage as they entered the streets of the town, only to have that confidence disintegrate the moment that both of them caught sight of the pink pony trotting down the street. While not seeing each other in their haste, they just so happened to see a conveniently open window. Black spy abandoned his robo pants before the both of them dived into the windows to evade the perplexing pony's sight and closed the window behind them, not realizing both windows were part of the same building, as a sign saying 'Carousel Boutique' hung over the door.

Standing up and dusting off their shoulders, the two spies stood up and stretched out only to be greeted with the sight of each other as they gritted their teeth and stood in a stand off. Once again, the cold war that was their rivalry had been thawed, and it is likely that it would likely remain very hot after the business that went down on the farm. The two spies quickly surveyed their surroundings, looking for any potential weapons to use in destroying the other. Luckily, being in a boutique meant that there was a varirty of sharp objects availible for combat.

As the two spies grasped their own pairs of scissors and prepared for a duel, the door to the store opened as a certain fashonista walked in, before proceeding to do something unexpected. Something that the spies had not expected a magical unicorn to do when they see two spies wielding scissors about to give the other the treatment of an average London pedestrian in the United Kingdom.

Scream like a banshee for ten seconds straight, then dramatically fall over unconscious, likely due to both shock and the aforementioned long screaming.

Shrugging, Black Spy lunged at White, their scissors clashing as sparks flew and clanging was heard, the intense duel continuing as White slowly walked back, before accidentally bumping into a cabinet and awakening a sleeping cat on top of it, which proceeded to hiss and lunge at White Spy, who quickly ducked and left an unexpecting Black Spy open to the attack as he received a heavy cat mauling, the manic feline clinging and stratching at his face as he flailed around wildly trying to pull the cat off while White snickered the whole time.

After the cat deemed White's face sufficiently scratched, it leaped off it's face as the spy was left disoriented, before proceeding to have a pair of scissors fly right towards as he quickly snapped out of his daze and ducked, causing the pair to hit a vase behind him. White then stood back up and stuck his tounge out, before pulling out his own pair and repeating the same maneveur as his rival by throwing right at Black's face, who also ducked and let them soar over his head, right towards the purple pony who was waking back up and standing before the scissors wizzed over her head, slicing her purple mane in half as she looked and screamed before fainting again.

The two spies couldn't help but laugh at the purple haired ponies expense, with the situation being just too comical to them. Focusing back on their duel, the two spies then each grabbed a pair of knitting needles, before quickly dueling with them as they blocked each others blows, before the White spy managed to pierce into Black's clothing, and began to quickly unravel it. However, Black did the same as he pierced White's clothes and unravelled them as well. Soon, both spies had succeeded in unravelling their opponent, before looking to realize they too were unravelled as they quickly covered themselves with their hats before agreeing to re-knit each others clothes.

However, when the knitting was complete, Black was seen wearing White, and White was seen wearing Black. Or was White wearing... Alright, this was too confusing for them, so they decided to unravel again and do it right before they returned to dueling, this time using whips fashioned from waist measuring tape. Granted, it didn't really hurt that much, but they were more trying to disorient each other at this point so that the other could simply deliver a good punch to the gut. However, when they both struck their tape whips at the same time, they became snared with each other as both spies pulled back only to cause the amount of built tension to release and result in them colliding. After a short moment to recuperate, the spies resorted to just grabbing random objects and throwing them at each other, from vases and needles to an entire coat rack.

However, the sound of a familiar voice caused the two spies to immediately cease hostilities.

"Rarity, you in there? I heard a big ol ruckus!" The distinct southern accent and tone gave the telltale sign it was the farm pony from the apple farm. As such, the spies quickly shook hands, and the both of them bolted out their respective windows, sneaking into bushes on opposite sides of the store before the door opened and Applejack yelled. "What in tarnation!?!"

Whilst Applejack comforted the now wailing Rarity due to her hair loss, the two spies quickly picked up their bushes and used it as mobile cover, slowly making their way back out of the town.

They likely had a better shot just staying in the forest for a while.

Next time, on Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Equestria!

The small bunny rabbit rapidly dodged and retreated from the many rounds being fired out of the spy's rifle as they pursued their prey, before quickly coming to a stop as a rather forboding sight appeared in front of them.

A whole dang bear.