• Published 25th Oct 2022
  • 1,500 Views, 87 Comments

Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Equestria - Stalin with Da Spoon

It was supposed to be another normal switch-a-roo, where Black Spy thinks he has beaten White Spy, but gets the tables turned on him. This time however, the tables were turned on both of them, and they're both stuck in a magical technicolor world!

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3. Nightmarish Relations

Cricket noises.

Cricket noises.

Cricket noi- WHAM!

Stupid crickets...

White Spy lifted his hand off of the now flattened cricket, wiping it's green guts from his hand while sitting up and shaking his head, blinking away the sleep in his eyes before taking a look around, then looking straight up to see the moon was out. Nothing out of the ordinary, it was probably- WAIT, THE MOON WAS OUT!?! It wasn't even 5 PM yet! White Spy quickly checked his watch, only to see it going absolutely haywire, it's hands going in random directions and spinning at a rapid speed.

Great, this place suffers from some kind of time anomaly. As if wooden wolves and peculiar pink ponies weren't enough. White Spy turned to the still unconscious Black Spy, as he slapped his nemesis awake and then he fully stood up, dusting himself while grumbling. Black soon came to, wiping the weariness from his eyes and knocking on the side of his head to get bits of loose dirt out. As the two spies grumbled and stretched their aching muscles, they then remembered something.

That pink pony.

Had shot them.

With a cake cannon.

An actual cake cannon.

Welp, they were for sure going to get their revenge, but considering the fact that it was night time, and they had some wooden friends lurking around them, they decided to find somewhere to crash until tomorrow. And as they wandered through the bushes, they didn't have to look long, for standing before them in the distance was a massive ruin of stone, overgrown with moss and greenery, appearing to be some kind of castle surrounded by a deep chasm, as a wooden bridge crossed over the pit.

Said bridge did not look safe. At all. Like, it looked like it was going to come apart the moment someone stepped on it. But these spies were fearless, mainly cause death was a minor inconvenience for them. As they approached the bridge, they examined it closely, and using their big brain spy knowledge, they determined it could hold at least one person at a time. So of course, White Spy decided to go first.

And as he slowly walked across the bridge, keeping his arms up for balance as he perilously teetered side to side, before he eventually made it to the other side and as the Black Spy began walking across, White suddenly got a devious idea, as he pulled out a pair of scissors right as Black Spy looked to see the sharp cutters and rapidly shook his head in panic.


Try as Black might, he could not deter White from his plight. As the rope bridge lost one end of it's supports, it became extremely unstable and swayed uncontrollable, eventually flipping on it's side as White barely held onto it for dear life, as he slowly used his strong arms to make his way to the other side. Astonished by the fact he was still alive, as well as his strong arms, White then proceeded to move his scissors to cut the other end.


White snickered to himself as he watched the rope bridge fall into the abyss, until he noticed Black Spy wasn't falling with it, as he turned around to see Black right behind him, who was currently waving before pointing down as White's feet, and he then looked down to a bundle of rope with it's end tied around his right ankle, and said bundle of rope was rapidly decreasing. Before he could even do anything, he was promptly dragged into the dark abyss by his ankle and screamed as Black snickered to himself, as he ran over and listened for the faint indicator his rival took the plunge...


Sabotage successfully completed, Black then made his way up to the door to the castle, knocking on it only to find a very wet and angry looking White opening it, which he honestly expected as indicated by his smug pose and smile. Luckily, White let out a breath and calmed down, accepting the fact it was him who tried to off Black first, and so the two spies went back to having their fragile truce while they traversed this castle.

Looked real shoddy honestly, 3/10 place to live, could really use a refurnishing. The old portraits were nice though. As they opened a large door, they appeared to be in some kind of throne room, one with conveniently two thrones for some reason. Seeing it as a free snooze spot, the two spies approached the thrones, before being so rudely interrupted by a burst of dark blue magic going off in front of them which sent them flying back, and as they stood back up looked, they a black horse shrouded in shadow wearing deep blue armor, with a mane and tail appearing as the night sky itself and some sort of birthmark in the shape of the moon on her butt.

That's gotta be embarrassing.

As the dark moon horse opened it's eyes and looked upon the spies who currently trembling in fear, it at first seemed confused, before smiling wickedly.

"Bow before your new ruler, bird nosed bipedal monkeys! For I am Nightmare Moon, empress of the night and true ruler of Equestria!"

The two spies looked to each other, then back to the weird nightmare horse before them. And thought back to Spy School, and one of their most important lessons...

When in doubt, bow when someone says to bow, because they'll think your loyal to them and you can backstab 'em later.

And so the two spies proceeded to swallow their pride and bow down to the strange moon horse, as she maniacally cackled to herself.

"Excellent, soon that foolish sister of mine Celestia shall realize her failures, and recognize me as the true leader of the ponies!"

Okay, there was some serious trauma and familial tension going on here, but the spies did not dare question their new moon overlord. Plus, in their opinion...

Nightmare Moon was a pretty sick name.

Next time, on Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Equestria!

"And with friendship, we will defeat you!" The strange purple unicorn horse said as she and her friends began to... Float and glow? And the things around their necks and on top of her head began to also glow? The two spies then realized what it was, a spies worst nightmare...

A Deus Ex Machina.

And fearing it might be aimed at them, they decided to put their plan into motion... And shove the moon horse right into it's path.