• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 1,614 Views, 34 Comments

Pokémon/Digimon Mystery Dungeon: The Adventure Begins - StormPhoenix246

It's up to a human turned Pokémon/Digimon to combat the mysteries from the world of Pokémon that has crossed paths with the world of ponies

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Tomorrow’s Stranger is today's Friend

The end of the world.

That's the only way he could describe the scene unfolding before his eyes. Destroyed buildings, fires raging on uncontrollably, and what he suspected were the ponies of this world running in sheer terror. They were fleeing from God only knowing what caused this kind of destruction to their fair homes. In the distance, oddly shaped clouds were rising in the air and rained

Suddenly, an inhuman roar was heard in the distance. Turning his head toward that direction, the howl was heard, and his eyes could not believe the kind of terror that was before him.

Rising from behind a destroyed castle, was a large, six-armed creature. When he looked closer, he saw those arms were disconnected from his body Following its thunderous roar, strange rings appeared from behind it. Strange portals appeared from within those rings and shadow figures quickly exited each one.

What exited could only be described as beings of pure destruction. Two were large creatures, one was a blue sauropod with metallic properties and the other was a therapod with stripes and markings of a darker shade and gray underarms and waist. A small object was seen standing on top of a ruined building with various black crystals surrounding it. Three humanoid creatures, floating on clouds morphed into animal-like creatures and destroyed the already ruined structures.

High above the sky was a large number of creatures in armor. At first glance, he thought those were ponies or another species of Pokemon, but it was a bit of both. They were largely equine in appearance but possess insect-like characteristics. They have black, carapace-like, furless exteriors, webbed manes and tails, blue non-reflective eyes (unlike their queen's), fangs, bent horns, jagged ears, insect-like wings, and holes in their legs. At the head of this swarm, a larger pony commanded this swarm and was female after he got a closer look at her face.

A loud stomp shook the land beneath his feet just before a garbled sound echoed through the air. He looked ahead of him, and what could be described as a giant. The mold on this titan’s shoulders moved and a coral filly with a horn and wings revealed herself. She and the titan fired off attacks, aimed at something in front of them. Once the smoke cleared from the explosion, their targets were revealed to be a massive, bipedal dinosaur with a dark red to deep crimson color and a large dragon beast with a mix of black body parts, icy details on the left side, and a vertical, black tail coming from its backside. After surviving the combined attack, they responded with attacks of their own.

Up in the sky, the swarm of equine insects, there were two fast-moving in an air battle with a large, black, serpent that also resembled a missile; a large, Satanic creature in the shape of a serpent; and what could only be depicted as a massive, flying, dark, blue whale with translucent parts of its body reveal organ-like structures that glow with a mysterious light. The two fast-moving beings were birdlike bodies that resembled planes and differed in red and blue body colors.

After many attacks from both sides, all five of the flying creatures back away from one another when two more objects flew between them and stopped their battle. One of them was a mix of a large, white dragon, a plesiosaur, and a bird with a birdlike head and beak, large wings that resembled hands, and dark blue plate-like protrusions that ran down its back. The other was hard to make out with the insane weather surrounding it, but what he could see was a winged unicorn with a body composed entirely of shadows. He couldn't make out any solid surface from where he was standing but could see the anger in its white, lifeless, eyes. The two sides continued to stare at one another before the black serpent was sick of waiting and went on with its attack. It charged ahead with a menacing roar, with the other flying creatures following right behind. The other flying creatures responded as such and began their onslaught of attacks to put an end to this conflict.

Witnessing this destructive display of power, he was terrified by this display of power, so much so that he was almost crushed by a large creature. It was a large centaur with red skin, white hair, dark fur, black horns, and cloven hooves. His head has bull-like facial features with a goat-like beard. He was in a major struggle with a large dragon/dinosaur creature that continued to emit large quantities of blue lightning while dodging the large centaur's horn blasts.

As if some higher force responded to his desire, he suddenly found himself on top of a tower as well, while most of it was destroyed, it looked like it was once an observatory. Hovering across from him was a white, draconic, avian creature with a long, voluminous wispy mane. It was protecting him from a creature that he couldn't quite describe. The creature in front of the dragon was a being with the head of a horse, a deer antler on the right side of his head, and a blue goat horn on the left. It had a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a guard. On its back were a bat's right wing, a pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tuft. And attached to all of those body parts was its body that resembled a snake. Never in his life would he have seen something that looked like it was born from a Chimera and a Turducken.

The amalgamed creature snapped its eagle claw, and many of the strange clouds appeared right beside it. From out of nowhere, cow utters formed on the clouds. The creature's appearance matched that of a soldier, and with a gesture of its hand, high-pressurized milk was fired toward the avian.

Now, you'd think milk wouldn't cause any real damage, but you'd be wrong if you saw a milk bullet make a hole in the side of the destroyed, observatory wall. The avian put up a force field to protect itself and him from the barrage of bovine liquid.


A strong voice resounds through the entire kingdom. Every battle came to a stop as when every living being in the destroyed city, including him, was searching for the owner of that voice. Suddenly, a bright light came from the clouds and a being was lowering out of them. What presented itself in front of every feuding creature and all the injured citizens was Arceus.

No one even moved, scared of offending the divine being and facing his wrath. From up close, the dragon/centaur was even more massive and imposing, reinforcing the feeling that he was a mere ant in front of this holy creature. He wanted to run away, preferably as far as possible, but he was immobilized, his body frozen in place.

Before anyone could react to this being's mere presence, its entire body glowed a bright golden light. Many streams of this golden energy flowed through the entire destroyed kingdom.

Just as he wondered whether his life would end here, the light came in contact with his body before everything around began to flash out of existence.


The young man, now Pokemon, resting on a homemade bed woke up with a startle. Once he took a few deep breaths and looked around him, he recalled where he was and what was happening.

"Some dream...”

He suddenly felt movement under him. Turning towards his bedmate, he peered at her sleeping form, seeing if she was disturbed by his movements. The young rodent was fast asleep while curled up at Tom’s side. Her sleeping face brought a sense of peace to him. Even after everything that happened on the last day, this sense of normalcy is just what Tom needed.

After staring at his friend for a while, the young man let out a sigh. While it may have been only one day since got turned into a Pokemon and had his first battle, it feels like he’s been here for days. He keeps reliving the moments since he met Arceus and Mew before he arrived. And what's worse is that he still has no idea what threat is coming to this world. However, if there was something he knew about himself, it was that he won’t be giving up the fight.

Tom carefully, maneuvered out of Pikachu’s grasp without waking her up. He didn’t mind sleeping next to her. She felt like sleeping next to a plush toy, or in this case, a small mouse.

Once he grabbed his treasure bag from the side of the wall, he walked out of his new cave home and took in the sun's rays of this new day.

“Ah. The sun here feels great. Just as good when I went to Hawaii." Tom stretched while keeping his voice down from waking up Pikachu. "Alright. Let's see what I can do first." Tom searched for anything to do in this new world and then decided to take a walk.

His morning stroll was a good way to distract his mind from the foreboding dream he had last night. Was it just a dream or was it a premonition? Who were all of those creatures that the legendary pokemon were fighting against? Why were they fighting in the first place? More and more questions continued to spring through his mind, but, for now, those thoughts are pushed to the back of his mind. While walking through the dark forest, he met a few of the Pokemon from yesterday and new Pokemon that heard about what he did.


All this walking and making new friends has made him hungry. Tom searched for food and spotted a tree with apples growing from the branches. There were plenty of apples in that tree, so he could grab plenty for himself and Pikachu. So, he ran up to the tree, set his bag down, and began climbing.

"This shouldn't be too difficult," Tom said. Even as a Pokemon, he could still climb a tree. He's been climbing trees since he was a kid, usually sightseeing or bird-watching. Of course, he sometimes fell out of those trees and broke his arm once or twice, but learned from those mistakes and improved his tree-climbing skills.

He found the inner strength to pull himself up the tree with one arm at a time. When he was about halfway up the tree, he started to slide down the trunk. This small slip-up didn't stop him, and he kept on trying to reach those apples. After falling for what felt like hours, he was beginning to get frustrated. He was so frustrated that stomped his feet around and threw a tantrum. In a fit of rage, he grabbed his scalchop and threw it down on the ground.

When he realized what he just did, he took and deep breath, grabbed his seashell, and placed it back on his stomach. When he finally calmed down, he closed his eyes and considered all his options.

One thought he came up with was shooting down those apples with one of his water guns, then he realized he wasn't a good shot yet and yesterday was just a lucky shot. His second option was asking some of the forest Pokemon for their help but saw there were a limited amount of apples in that tree, and every Pokemon he'd asked for help may want those apples for themselves.

While thinking about what to do, he remembered that, unlike most pokemon, he had access to multiple forms, not just Oshawott. He closed his eyes and focused on a form that was an excellent climber. After a couple of seconds, he's made his choice and began his transformation. Just like yesterday, a multicolored aura shrouded his body and he was beginning to change into a taller and rounder form. The light subsided and his form was revealed as a small mammalian Pokémon covered in brown fur. It had long, dark brown ears with dark pink interiors, beady black eyes, and a small mouth. It has a round body with wide arms and two small feet. On its belly is a white ring and there are dark brown stripes around its tail.

He got a quick look at himself, just as he stood on the base of his tail as he figured this was the best choice he made. Out of all the Pokemon within, Sentret was one of the best climbers he knew. He could've chosen Pachirisu for its speed or any of the flying types but considered that just big enough to carry multiple objects in its soft paws.

Once he was used to his new body, he began his trek up the tree trunk. He began with one pawa after another, similar to walking, and ran up the tall plant with no problems whatsoever. This was no ordinary climb since the squirrel-like creature was a natural-born climber with little resistance from gravity.

When he made it up the tree, he grabbed four apples, three of the apples were wrapped around his tail while the fourth was in his mouth. He could've held one in his mouth, but he needed both his paws to hold onto the tree so he can safely slide down. With one last check, he grabbed onto the tree and slid down the tree trunk at an increasing speed before coming up on the incoming ground. He squeezed the tree with both his paws and feet to slow his descent while feeling a growing heat appear on his body. When he finally reached the ground, he let go of the tree, dropped the apple from his mouth, and blew cool air against the hotspots on his body. While his Pokemon body was used to being hurt and exhausted, he wasn't used to how much pain they could take. When his soft bruises were gone, he picked up all of the apples and approached his treasure bag.

He's been wondering what's in this bag when it was given to him by Arceus but has not had a chance to check. When he approached his bag, he placed the apples down, looked inside, and was surprised at what he saw. There were a couple of oran berries, sitrus berries, Pecha berries, bluk berries, appear berries, Cheri berries, and tamato berries. He also saw some defense scarves, a lucky ribbon, a twisted band, a power band, a joy ribbon, a defense belt, and a couple of Cacnea spikes. Since he's played a lot of Pokemon games, including the Mystery Dungeon games, he has some knowledge of support items in the Pokemon. After moving a few items around, he grabbed all of the sweet apples, placed them in the bag, moved them over his shoulder, and walked back to his cave.

It took only a few minutes since he didn't want to worry Pikachu if she woke up without Tom right next to her. A few minutes later, he made it to the cave entrance and saw Pikachu outside, likely searching for her lost friend. When she was approaching Sentret, she was on guard in case this was an attack, but relaxed after seeing a bag around its shoulder.

"Tom? Is that you?" Pikachu asked.

"Yes, it's me. I left so I could find us some food." Tom said, placing his bag on the ground and pulling out all four sweet apples.

Pikachu couldn't believe that the friend she just made yesterday would go out of his way to find her. She was overjoyed to have made such an amazing friend like him.

Getting on their four legs, the two of them walked slowly into the forest, searching for a spot to have their breakfast while gathering a few fallen berries. While they walking, Tom used this chance to distance his senses by scanning his surroundings in search of danger while sniffing each bush in search of food. From just taking a few sniffs, he could smell a group of Pokemon that was only a mile away from him. And he also picked, up the scents of more sweet apples in the trees they passed.

Sometime later, Tom and Pikachu came upon an extensive field with wildflowers, some of those flowers had Flabebe and Floette of various flower colors taking care of their respective flowers. Beyond them was a large abundance of bug types gathering food from plants before squirming or flying away. Being a Pokemon was great. Nature in its elegance.

When they entered the field, they found a small spot in the garden where not many Pokemon were gathered. They sat down on the grass, took out their sweet apples, and began eating.

"These are so good. Thanks so much for doing this." Pikachu said with a few crumbs in its mouth.

"It was no problem. All I did was do something nice for my friend. No big deal." Tom said while taking bites out of his apple.

"Well, it's still a sweet thing you did," Pikachu said, smiling at him with a toothy grin.

When he saw her smile, it was like his heart was being choked by all of her cuteness. This is different than watching Pikachu in the Pokemon series or seeing all kinds of Pikachu toys in stores. Seeing her face brought thought to his mind he's been considering since he went to sleep last night. Should her about his mission? All she's done is help him, and she barely knows anything about him. After everything she's done for him, the least he could do was be honest with her about why he was here. Maybe her knowledge could help him stop this future threat just like how Ash Ketchum's Pikachu helped stop all kinds of enemies. Or her knowing could put her in the same danger that Arceus warned him about. He racked his brain for all types of scenarios of her knowing and not knowing.

"Tom. Is everything all right?" Pikachu asked, noticing the worried expression on her friend's face.

When he heard her voice and saw the look of worry on her face, he finally decided what to do next.

"Pikachu. There's something I have to tell you." Tom said, putting his apple on the ground to face his friend.

"What is it?" Pikachu said, also placing her apple down so she can focus all of her attention on him.

So, Tom explained everything, from actually being a human to meeting Arceus and Mew assigning him to his mission. He even told her about getting figures from Mew and how from where he comes Pokemon is a part of a fictional story. When he was finished with his entire story, he waited for his friend's response. As she listened to him. she had mixed feeling about everything he told her: confusion, fear, sadness, sorrow, and empathy. Once he was done, she contemplated all the thoughts going through her head.

"So... I'm not real?" Pikachu said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Tom heard what she said and quickly hugged her. He said, "No. You are just as real as I am, that's why I decided to tell you about everything. Your thoughts are real; Your feelings are real; You're real." He pulled away from his friend and looked at her face. "I wanted you to know why I'm here because you have done so much for me. And you’ve been there for me like very few have. You are someone I knew I can trust.”

She was truly touched by all his kind words. Never in her life has she been told how important she was before. And here he was telling her everything that made her feel special. His kind words brought tears to her eyes as she hugged back.

“Thank you for trusting me with your secret. I’ll help you in any way I can.” She said as her grip grew tighter.

Tom smiled, knowing that he was right to trust her with his secret. He returns the hug, thinking this was the beginning of a long friendship.

"Are you the one who defeated Feraligator?"

The two’s moment was interrupted by a voice from behind them. They turned around and saw it came from a large, bipedal Pokémon resembling a humanoid black bear with a wushu motif. It had a muscular build with long legs and long arms with large paws and claws for striking. Its body and head were covered in gray, black, and white fur, minus the yellow muzzle. The front of its pelt slightly resembles a traditional frog buttoned/braid buttoned hanging off ends on both front and back. The fur on its head is spikier and flares into a flowing white and black headband. The backs of its hands, its knuckles, and the tops of its feet are also white colored. The fur on top of its head and its legs flowed down.

The two of them were on guard at the sudden appearance of this large Pokemon. And the mention of the Feraligator from the watering hole didn't help in the slightest.

“Who wants to know?” Tom asked, weary of his answer.

“His sensei.” The tall Pokémon said.

The two of them were shocked to hear this legendary fighting type was the reptilian’s teacher. The fact that anyone would teach that guy how to fight would be a surprise to anyone.

“You’re his sensei?” Pikachu asked, moving out of battle position.

“Yes. Call me Shinji. I found them when he was a Totodile. He was rough around the edges, but I saw potential in him. After some time, his training came to an end once he evolved into Croconaw. I never saw him again after that.” The Urshifu, now known as Shinji, said.

“Then I suppose you heard about what he did at the watering hole,” Tom said, feeling a bit guilty about what he did.

“Unfortunately. I heard a Feraligator was terrorizing innocent Pokémon at the local watering, only to hear he was defeated by a small shapeshifter. At first, I thought it was Mew messing around but after hearing what happened I’ve concluded: it was you, wasn't it?” Shinji said, pointing at the wide-eyed Sentret in front of it.

“And would it be a problem if it was me?”

Shinji smiled at the young Pokemon’s attempts at dodging the question. He said, “No. I wanted to thank you for putting my former pupil in his place. This loss could be just the thing he needed to grow.”

“Then, if you already know, what are you doing here?” Pikachu asked.

Shinji smiled as he grabbed a large sweet apple from within the tuft of his fur. He said, “To fight him.” He took a large bite out of the fruit.

The two, small Pokemon were shocked to hear he wanted to fight Tom. He was responsible for training Feraligator, the same Pokemon Tom barely defeated, and now he's being challenged by the sensei.

“Why would you want to fight Tom?” Pikachu asked, concerned for her friend.

“Feraligator was my best pupil despite his life choices and he beat him. I want to see just what kind of Pokémon he is.” Shinju said before taking his last bite of the apple and throwing it away. He looked toward the silent Pokémon and said, “How bout it? Wanna battle?”

Tom was silent the whole time while listening to the old martial arts Pokémon. One part of him was flattered that someone sought him out to talk to him. Another part of him was worried that he was going to fight a strong opponent like him. When considering his options, he thought about what his friend Max would do if he was in this position. Once that thought crossed his mind, he knew exactly his answer.

“I’m up for any challenge,” Tom said with a look of confidence in his eyes.

Shinji smiled. He said, “Good. Follow me. We’ll battle in a more spacious field.”

Shinji walked in that direction, out of the flower garden with Tom and Pikachu following behind him.
They were all silent as the only sounds heard were their footsteps and a few passing Pokémon.

A few minutes later, they finally made it to their location. Shinji has led them all to an open field where there is nothing but a grassy field and the surrounding trees from the forest. Once they were in the clearing, Shinji walked to the far side of the field and turned around.

“Are you ready?” Shinji asked.

Tom took a deep breath before turning his body towards Pikachu and giving her his bag.

“Be careful.” She said, concerned with her friend's safety.

“I promise I will.” He said, flashing an ordinary smile.

Tom turned around and walked towards the grassy terrain. In his mind, he couldn't believe he was about to have his second Pokémon battle, only this time he was about it was just an ordinary battle and not a fight for his life.

Once he was standing on the opposite side of the field, he considered changing into a more useful form to combat the fighting/dark hybrid. His normal type Sentret was form was a terrible matchup against. He thought about his choices and made his choice. His eyes closed as his body began changing shape into something else.

Once the transformation was complete, Tom's form was revealed. He was a yellow, round-bodied Pokémon with black stripes. Elekid's arms are bulky in proportion to its body, and it has three claws instead of fingers. It has two stripes on its arms, which wrap all the way around. There are two horns on top of its head which resemble the prongs of a plug, complete with holes in their sides. These horns glow bluish-white when Elekid is fully charged. Elekid has a black lightning bolt marking on its chest. Two rows of stripes are near the marking, with the pattern continuing around its lower back. Its legs are black, and its feet are rounded and toeless.

“I’m ready,” Tom said, enjoying his Elekid form.

Shinji was intrigued by this transformation and was even more excited to battle him. He said, “Just so you know, I won’t be holding back.”

“Neither will I,” Tom said will with a smirk.

The two Pokémon took their fighting positions, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Pikachu was on pins and needles worried her friend getting injured like in his last battle.

Since neither of them was moving, Tom used this chance to make the first move. He gathered electricity in his body and fired a beam of electricity from his body. The electricity then formed into a dome of electricity around him and his opponent. The area sparked with electricity that could be felt by both him and Tom, being the only electric types.

With this electric power boost created, Tom decided to start with an electric-type move. He ran towards the sensei and said, “Thunder Punch!” His right arm sparked with electricity as before he jumped and aimed for his opponent.

Shinji simply responded by putting up his right arm to guard. When the electric punch made contact, he was pushed back but did not seem to have been affected.

“Not bad. You have a lot of spirit in you, but is that going to be enough?” Shinji said before using his force of will to push him back.

Tom was thrown back by the sensei’s will and rolled in midair to minimize the damage. Once he was back on his feet, he spun both his arms and gathered up a lot of electricity. Before Shinji had a chance to move, Tom fired a large burst of electricity from the top of his head. The thunder didn't have a chance of causing any damage because he disappeared out of sight.

The electrical Pokémon was surprised by this sudden disappearance and searched the area for his opponent. He didn't know why but his senses are telling him to turn around and protect himself. So, he turned around and saw Shinji standing over him with both his fists raised. He acted quickly, and crossed his arms, manifesting a green force field.

For a second, he thought he was safe, but was mistaken after feeling all of Shinji’s punches from within his shield. Every one of his punches made contact with the shield and invisible punches impacted Tom’s body.

Once Shinji was done with his barrage of attacks, Tom was forced back with clear signs of damage on his body. When he was trying to figure out how he got past his shield, Tom remembered Urshifu special ability: Unseen First. With that power, he can damage an opponent even if they use a defensive move.

When Tom rose from the ground, he saw Shinji’s body exhibiting small electricity on his body as some of his movements were slow. He smiled at the sight of his ability activated: Static. Once a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokémon will become paralyzed.

Shinji saw the smirk on the electric Pokémon’s face. He said, “If you think you’re winning because of Static then you’re mistaken. I’ve fought an army of Durant while poisoned.”

“Then I guess this is getting interesting,” Tom said.

Both Pokémon rushed toward one another, continuing the battle. Shinji’s right hand glowed as he aimed at Tom with a Mega Punch. He ducked under that punch and attacked with a Low Kick. The attack made contact with the fighting type’s leg, causing significant damage.

Tom kept it up by jumping in the air and shooting star-shaped rays at opposing Pokémon. Shinji used Close Combat to destroy those stars, creating stardust from the destroyed attack. After destroying the stars, both his hands and feet glowed before he charged ahead. Tom responded by focusing his energy on his body and lunged forward with a white streak following him. The two countered each other blow for blow with only a few attacks making it past Shinji’s defense.

The two of them separated and we're taking deep breaths after a long fight. It was clear the two of them were exhausted and only had enough energy for one more move.

So, Tom charged ahead while spinning head right arm before jumping in the air and delivering a swift chop. While he was in the air, Shinji focused the last of his dark energy into his fist before throwing his fist toward the falling Pokémon.

Once the two attacks collided, a strong gust of wind picked up as a smoke cloud formed around both of them. The smoke obscured Pikachu’s view of the battle, not sure if her friend was okay or not.

As the smoke cloud began to dissipate, Pikachu could see the electric terrain disappear and
was able to make out figures within the smoke. After the rest of the smoke was gone, Pikachu could see how the battle unfolded and was surprised at what she saw before her.

Shinji was standing up with his fist in the air, standing triumphantly over a fainted Tom. Pikachu quickly raced over to her injured friend and checked on him. When she made her way over to him, she reached into his treasure bag and gave him an Oran Berry.

He unconsciously cheered the berry and swallowed it down his throat. His swirling eyes were replaced with his regular eyes. Once he sat up, he rubbed his head and saw Pikachu and the injured Shinji in front of him.

“Are you okay?” Pikachu asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” Tom said while looking at all of the damage caused by his battle. “Did I lose?” Pikachu nodded her head, which caused him to sigh.

“Do not despair, young Pokémon. You may not have won the battle but you have impressed me. Never have I ever had a battle like that in quite a while.” Shinju said, panting while still under the effect of Static.

Tom saw this and gave him an Sitrus Berry to return some of his energy and a Cheri Berry to remove the Static. While the large Pokémon was eating, Tom thought back on his battle. It may have been a great battle but what would’ve happened if this was a real battle? What if this battle was against the evil threat that was sent to stop? He may be a Pokémon, but he still doesn't know how to fight like one. With that thought in mind, he came up with an idea.

“Shinji,” Tom said, gaining the Pokemon’s attention.

“Yes?” Shinji asked after he finished eating both berries.

Tom got on both of his knees and bowed his head. He asked, “Will you teach me how to fight?”