• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 1,609 Views, 34 Comments

Pokémon/Digimon Mystery Dungeon: The Adventure Begins - StormPhoenix246

It's up to a human turned Pokémon/Digimon to combat the mysteries from the world of Pokémon that has crossed paths with the world of ponies

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Pokémon vs Beast

The day had a somewhat unsettling mood to it as if something bad was going to happen. It may have looked like any other day with the sun shining and the birds singing but there was still something wrong about today. Anyone with some sense could sense this feeling, would think it’d be a bad idea to go anywhere dangerous, especially in a place like the dark forest.

Deep within the forest depths, there was the sound of small footsteps stomping the ground. When the steps continued within the forest they edged closer to a clearing. Some movement was heard, and two figures stepped into the light of the sun.

One of the figures was a yellow earth filly with a red mane and tail and a large pink/red bow on the top of her head. The other beside her was also a filly with white fur and a pink and lilac, curly mane and tail. From a closer inspection, it looked like the two of them was caring satchels around their bodies.

“Apple Bloom. Are you sure Zecora’s home is around here?” The small white filly asked.

“Of course, I’m sure, Sweetie Belle. I took this path the last time when my sister and her friends got sick.” The yellow filly, now known as Apple Bloom, said with a southern accent.

“It's too bad Scootaloo couldn’t come with us.” Sweetie Bell said.

“Yeah, but she did get herself in trouble when she got into an argument with Diamond Tiara.” Apple Bloom said. “We’ll just have to tell her about our time with Zecora once we get there.”

“Oh yeah. Why are we going to Zecora’s again?” Sweetie Bell asked, curious about their excursion through the forest.

Apple Bloom sighed. She said, “Don’t you remember? Zecora has been using all new kinds of berries for her potions. We’re heading over there so we can help her with the berry picking.”

Sweetie Bell said, “Right. And once we pick enough berries, we will get...”

“Berry Picking Cutie Marks!”

The two said before bumping their haunches with one another. They both were excited at the thought of them discovering the unique talents that will set them on a path like every pony. While their third friend wasn’t here to enjoy this experience, they’ll try to enjoy it as if she were there.

As the two fillies continued their journey through the forest, they came to a stop after hearing some faint sounds ahead of them.

“Do you hear something?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Yeah. It sounds like… screaming?” Apple Bloom said, hearing the sounds get louder.

Before they knew it, three objects crashed into the two fillies. The sudden collision knocked the wind right out of the two fillies as slides across the ground. Once they were finished moving, they looked at what crashed into them and were shocked. It was three devilish-looking creatures with frantic looks on their faces. They were jumping around and speaking in a language that the two fillies couldn’t understand. Sweetie Bell saw one of them had a clump of fur in its hand, and thought that was strange.

“Aren’t those some of the creatures that have been showing up in Ponyville for the last few days?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“No. I’ve seen plenty of them back at the far, but none of them looked like these. Maybe they’re a different species?” Apple said while looking at the hyperactive creatures.

The three stopped speaking as they sensed something coming their way. So, they took the chance they had and continued their running away from the predator. The two fillies were confused. Why were those three in such a hurry? They got their answer after hearing a low growl coming from the moving bushes in front of them.

Following the notion of common sense, the two began to slowly back away from the bushes to avoid whatever was in them. Maybe it was something small and cute, like a squirrel or a beaver. Those three creatures could have been running because they were scared of something that was not of them. But it could also be something dangerous, like a hydra or timberwolf.

Before another thought could enter their imaginations, they finally saw something exit the bushes. A single paw entered their line of sight before another paw followed suit. Then the face of a lion appeared from inside the bush that brought chills up the fillies’ spines. Once, the head was out, the rest of the body appeared, with large bat wings coming off its back and a long curled scorpion tail displayed from its backside.

The giant, mythological beast scanned the area in search of something, likely the three imps that were here just a few seconds ago. His eyes searched and searched until he found two trembling fillies right before it. As much as he was expecting to find the ones responsible for tearing off a piece of its mane, he was starving. He licked his lips before slowly walking towards his prey. Whether they run or not made little difference to him. They were both at lunches.

Trembling from where they stood, the two fillies were scared out of their wits at the sight of the beast in front of them. They wanted to run away but could not find the courage to do so. When the Manticore was getting closer and closer, their entire lives flashed before their eyes. All of their friends and families appeared before them, followed by everything they’ve ever done.

Once the Manticore was close enough, it stood on its hind legs and raised its claw. The fillies closed their eyes, waiting for their inevitable demise, but it never came. They opened their eyes and saw were shocked by what they saw. It was an unknown unicorn, coated in a purple aura, attacking the manticore’s side. And above him was a small mouse with an electric hand, making contact with its face.

(A few minutes earlier)

It had been nearly thirteen minutes since both Tom and Pikachu left Fluttershy’s house. They’ve been searching for the immediate threat but have not found anything that resembled his vision. They asked a few of the forest-dwelling Pokemon if they had seen or heard anything strange but none of them were helpful.

After a while of running, the duo heard various screaming ahead. At that moment, a trio of Impidimps crashed into the two of them. They were panicking rambling about a terrifying beast. Tom thought this could have something to do with his vision, so he got them to calm down and explain. They told him of a giant beast with bat wings and a scorpion tail chasing after them. They also mentioned leaving two fillies behind as they escaped. Once, he hit them for leaving to children behind, Tom raced toward the direction the Wily Pokemon gave him.

One minute later, he came to a clearing and saw the beast they described, approaching to fillies. He needed to do something before hurting the two. Tom focused energy around his body before a swirl of yellow-orange streaks. Then, he was surrounded by a purple aura just before charged ahead.

Pikachu did not just sit out of this fight. Once Tom got close enough, she jumped off of his head and reeled back her hand. Her first was surrounded by yellow sparks, which grew into a ball of electrical energy.

When the two of them were close enough, their attacks made contact with the beast as he roared with pain. He flew back from the double attacks before digging his claws into the ground to stop himself. When shook himself off, he looked for what attacked him. His eyes soon came across a unicorn staring daggers at him and a small rodent that landed on the ground.

Tom and the Manticore just stared at one another, neither knowing who would attack first. He was hoping that these last two days of training with Shinju could be just what he needed right now. This wasn’t an ordinary battle since the only fighting he’s done since coming here has been against Pokemon. Even back home, he’s never been in a fight before. The best option would be to wait for it while trying to get this beast to back off.

“What do you want? I don't want any trouble. If you just allow us to leave, then we won’t trouble you again.” Tom said.

The manticore, as I didn’t expect, showed signs that he understood him. This did not come as a surprise since most of the animals in this world understand the common language. His main concern was protecting the two fillies behind him and ending this without conflict was the best option.

“Is there any way possible that we could not be your next meal?” Tom asked.

The manticore’s response to the Pokémon’s proposal was simple: he let out a roar before charging in for an attack. Tom really should have known this was coming.

When the beast got closer to Tom, he skilled dodged the clawed strike and deliver a double kick under the chin. ‘Thank you, Sensei.’ He thought.

Once he was out of the way, Pikachu threw jumped above the Manticore and surround her tail with yellow electricity and multiple yellow sparks. All the electricity then condensed and formed into an orange-yellow orb of electricity with sparks of yellow electricity coming off it. She hurled the orb towards his head just before it exploded leaving a large smoke cloud.

The Manticore was blinded by the electric rodent’s lightning ball and couldn’t see the approaching equine in the smoke. Tom appeared before him and delivered a repeat of kicks with his hooves at a fast speed.

The Manticore had enough of this, and through the barrage of rapid kicks, he aimed his clawed arm and slashed *Schlick* the side of Tom’s stomach, drawing some blood.

Tom stopped his barrage of kicks to reel back in pain. He clutched his side to hold in some of the blood. From the size of the injury, he could tell the cut was not very deep so there wasn’t a chance of a scar.

“Tom!” Pikachu exclaimed, seeing the injury of her friend before delivering another attack.

“Don’t worry. The cut’s not too deep and it’s not that bad.” Tom said with a smile while fighting the pain he was feeling.

The Manticore looked towards his blood-covered claw and took a lick. When his tongue made contact with the new blood, its face turned curious to excitement. The white in his eyes turned from white to black before he smiled. He must’ve been the first time he’s ever tasted Pokémon blood and he wanted more.

Everything about this sight just made Tom angry. It wasn’t just that he got hurt, it was the fact it seemed the beast wanted to eat him and Pikachu more when it licked its lips. He was not going to let that happen so he had to come up with a way out of this.

While Pikachu was continually dodging the frenzied Manticore, he came up with a plan. His body shined before he began changing shape. Once the light was gone, what replaced the equine was a serpentine Pokémon. He was mostly covered in black scales but had several markings on his body. He had yellow hexagon markings that run from his head to his tail, small yellow bumps where he touched the ground, and various purple scar-like marks. He had elongated red fangs that protrude from his upper jaw and fierce red eyes. His tail is partially red and has a blade-like shape.

Even when he transformed, the injury was still on his body but he pushed that thought away for now. When the two creatures battling separated just long enough, he would enact his plan. After a few seconds of dodging, Pikachu jumped out of the Manticore’s reach, giving the Seviper exactly what he needed.

He slithered forth while his dagger-like tail glowed purple. It swung from side to side as he was getting closer to the distracted beast. When he got close enough, the Manticore tried attacking after picking up the snake’s scent but missed his sleek body. Once he maneuvered around the beast’s attack, Tom raised his glowing tail and brought it down on his opponent's face.

The beast slid back with a loud grunt before he stopped himself from falling over with its hind legs. Once he looked up, there was a clear sign he was poisoned from that attack. However, he did not seem to have slowed down, even with the poison.

This battle did not seem like it was coming to an end and the injury did not look like was getting any better. They needed to get away from here.

“Tom, you have to stop fighting. Your injury looks back. I’ll fight while you rest.” Pikachu suggested with a concerned tone in her voice.

“No. It’ll take both of us to take this beast on, and that was before he tasted blood. Now that he’s on a feeding frenzy, things got twice as tough.” Tom said taking deep breaths.

“Then what can we do?” Pikachu asked.

“We’ll run,” Tom responded.

“What? How are we going to get away when that creature will just chase after us?” Pikachu wondered.

“Simple. Can you use Volt Tackle?” Tom asked, confusing his electric friend.

“Yeah?” Pikachu said, curious about what her friend was thinking right now.

“Good, then be ready,” Tom said before getting into a battling position. She wasn’t sure what he was thinking but decided to trust her friend.

The poison monster was tired of the two annoyances in front of him and wanted to put this to an end. So, with a roar, he charged forward toward the Pokémon. Once he was halfway they, the snake creature spewed a thick, black, or dark-purple smoke from its mouth onto the battlefield. His sight was obscured by the sudden smokescreen. Since he couldn’t trust his eyes, then he’ll have to trust his nose. He took a deep breath and could smell one of the creatures approaching. When he looked ahead, he saw a golden body in the smoke.

It got closer and was revealed to be Pikachu, surrounded by golden electricity. Once she was close enough, she tackled the Manticore. and it tackles the opponent. The attack was just strong enough that the monster fell on his side. The downside was that Pikachu also fell as well because of her move’s recoil damage.

Outside of the smoke, the two fillies could not believe the sight before their eyes. Two strange creatures came out of nowhere and protected them from a rampaging Manticore. When they saw a figure moving in the black fog, they thought it was the Manticore again. Their worries were dashed away when the figure turned out to be the Unicorn from before with the yellow mouse in its mane.

“Get on,” Tom said to the two fillies.

They were both too in shock to argue with him and complied with his request. Carefully getting on his back while avoiding his injuries, the fillies hopped aboard his back. Once the two were properly situated, Tom took off running into the forest.

When the smoke cleared, the Manticore was slowly beginning to stand. Yellow static electricity appeared around his body as he opened his eyes. His eyes scanned the field and saw his prey was nowhere to be seen. He roared in frustration and began searching with his nose. Once he caught their scents, he began his hunt down the same path they took.

And now, the story is right where it began: Tom at the edge of a ravine with small creatures behind him and a menacing beast in front of him. Plus, he still had his injury on the side of his stomach. Everything kept getting more and more worse while he was around this thing. With the shaking forms behind him, he decided on a plan of action.

He lowered his head down towards his electric friend and said, “Stay here and take of them.”

Pikachu was confused by his request. Why would he ask her to do this? Her question was answered when her friend began to walk toward the black-eyed monster. She tried to stop him, but all her requests were ignored.

When the bloodthirsty beast saw the injured equine approach him, he smiled and started running for the easiest prey behind him. Why spent his energy on one unicorn with there were three small morsels to snack on? Tom knew he was coming and had to act quickly.

In a swift motion, Tom ducked under a claw swipe and pressed his body against the beast’s underbelly. With all of his strength, while grunting from the pain of his injury, he flipped the Manticore over him and into the ravine. For a second, he thought it was over until a scorpion tail grabbed him. The fillies and Pikachu were scared that Tom was in trouble and looked down at the battle.

Tom tried to break loose from the Manticore’s tail grip with little luck. While constricted, the beast tried clawing at him while fighting against the effects of Static and Poison. As this struggle continued to go on, the land beneath them was growing ever closer. Tom knew he needed to make a change and thought of the first form that came to mind. Once the aura appeared around his body, he changed into a smaller shape that was able to get out of the tail grip. The Manticore was startled by this and looked toward the now-flying creature.

He was a grayish-brown, avian Pokémon similar to a large bird of prey. He had small, red eyes and a thin, yellow beak with a black tip. There was a circular white patch on his forehead. Larger white markings cover the front of its throat and chest, separated by a black ruff encircling the shoulders. A red-tipped, black crest extends over his head, nearly reaching the tip of his beak. He had large wings, five black-tipped tail feathers, and yellow feet with black talons.

The beast smiled at this transformation, happy that this fight has changed into an air battle. The two flying creatures soared towards one another, trading blow for blow barely causing each other any damage.

Once Tom was at a safe distance, he flapped his wings and released multiple light blue glowing saw disc-like energy blades from his wings at the opponent. Most of them were swiped away with the Manticore’s claws, while the rest were made contact. While distracted by the multiple energy blades, Tom used this chance to get in close to deliver a repeat of kicks and pecks with his wings at a fast speed.

Annoyed by this creature’s continued barrage of attacks, the Manticore swing his scorpion tail. Tom dodged this but that gave all the beast needed to swipe his claw at Tom. This sent him hurling into the side of the ravine, barely hanging on by a tree with one wing in its branches. When he saw the bird out of commission, he set his sights on the three small creatures still on the cliff. He soared towards them as the fillies prepared for their demise while the mouse got into her battle position.

Trying to move from his position, Tom opened his eyes and saw the Pikachu and the fillies were in danger. He quickly pecked his wing out of the branch and raced towards the encroaching beast. While flying, Tom knew he and the others were done if he didn’t come up with a plan. He had to act quickly to do what he had to do, even if it meant crossing a line he never thought he’d cross. With that thought in mind, he began his next transformation to finish this fight.

The beast had a wicked smile on his face, a smile of victory, and was already licking his lips at the thought of the succulent exotic meat he will soon have. When he was about halfway there, a small object collided with his neck. He locked it and saw it was a bipedal creature that resembled both a cat and a weasel. It Was primarily bluish-black with three bright red feathers for its tail and a single one on its left ear. The other ear was short and pointed, and it had narrow red eyes. On its forehead and chest were yellow, oval markings. It had red eyes with black eyelash-like markings on the edges. It had long limbs with two large, retractable claws on its hands and feet.

Taking advantage of the Manticore’s confusion, Tom raised his large white claws and slashed his opponent, leaving behind a white energy stream where he slashed.

He stayed there for a second while looking into the beast’s eyes. He said, “I’m sorry.” After that, he backflipped off of the beast while transforming back into Keldeo.

Once he was back on the cliff, he heard the sound of the Manticore’s body landing In the ravine. He looked down and caught a glimpse of his twitching body before he stopped moving. When he stopped moving, Tom saw a tracing of blood on his hooves from when he had claws. In a way, he felt sad for the Manticore. He was just an animal trying to feed himself as everything else does.

He stayed there for a minute, before watching the three creatures he was protecting approach him. The smiles of relief on their face were the last things he saw before falling over. All of his injuries and the blood loss finally got to him. Before he lost consciousness, he could barely make out six large figures approaching them whim and his compatriots. With that one image left in his mind, his eyes closed, and his body collapsed.