• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 1,609 Views, 34 Comments

Pokémon/Digimon Mystery Dungeon: The Adventure Begins - StormPhoenix246

It's up to a human turned Pokémon/Digimon to combat the mysteries from the world of Pokémon that has crossed paths with the world of ponies

  • ...

Training Day

What was supposed to be a quiet day took a turn in a different direction. Originally, Tom and Pikachu planned to eat breakfast together, then spend the rest of the day having fun with one another. That all changed once a legendary Pokémon appeared before them and challenged Tom. From there, the day’s agenda changed completely.

So, Tom accepted the legend’s challenge and the two of them had a battle. It was an incredible battle, with the winner being the challenger, Shinji. Normally, the loser of a battle would wallow in self-pity, but Tom used this opportunity to ask the winner an important question.

“Will you teach me how to fight?”

No one, not even Shinji, could’ve expected this from the shapeshifter. First, he accepted the old Pokémon’s old challenge, then he lost. After the battle was over, instead of feeling down, he got on his knees and asked for a fighting tutor.

“You want me to be your sensei?” Shinji asked, confused by his request.

“Yes. Just from that battle, I learned that I’m too inexperienced. So, my first thought was to train and focus on the areas that need the most attention. And who better to help me than a legendary fighting master?” Tom asked, explaining his reasoning to the old Pokémon.

“Tom, you want to be trained by the same Pokémon who trained Feraligator?” Pikachu spoke.

“Feraligator may have been a bully, but he was still a great fighter. If he wasn't so angry, then he would have beaten me when we battled. If I can learn even half of what he learned, then I'll be ready enough for any battle.” Tom said, raising his head and looking toward the large Pokémon. “Will you train me?

Now, it was Shinji’s turn to make respond. He was impressed with the shapeshifter's forwardness in asking for what he wanted. His kind of bravery and fortitude is something he hasn't seen in quite a long time, not even in his former student.

“You’ve impressed me with directness. Yes, I will be your tutor.” Shinji said, surprising the two smaller Pokémon.

“Really?” Tom asked, surprised he agreed to teach him how to fight.

“Of course; however, you must be prepared for what’s to come. My training regimen is not for the weakest of will. Even the strongest of Pokémon could not handle my training. Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes,” Tom said with no hint of doubt.

“Very well. From this day forward, you are the pupil of the Wushu Pokémon. Our training begins at once, and just to let you know, it will not be easy.” Shinji said, explaining what was to come from his training.

“Don't worry. I can handle everything you throw at me.” Tom said, realizing what was to come from his new sensei.

And he was wrong. He could not handle everything in his training. His first task was to carry three boulders on his back. Shinji said it was to build up strength in his entire body. Tom changed into Timburr since it was used to carrying an object all of its life. It helped very little as he was told to carry those boulders up and down a hill for two hours.

After that, he began his accuracy training. Shinji tasked him with accurately hitting various flying types with his attacks. So, he changed to various forms that good long-distance fighters: Tepig, Turtwig, Bulbasaur, Piplup, Torchic, Riolu, and Cyndaquil. For the first hour, he barely grazed the birds in the trees. And the constant mocking from them was a big motivation for Tom.

They used the next hour to focus on his hand-to-hand combat training. A few fighting-type Pokémon close by, like Hitmonchan and Sawk, helped in this endeavor. Training as Ambipom and Heracross were just the forms he needed to survive the multiple martial arts styles coming at him.

The next training routine this time included Pikachu’s assistance. Shinji wanted to build up his resistance to attacks so he can properly execute counterattacks. So, Tom turned into all of his water and flying forms while absorbing all of Pikachu’s electric attacks.

It came to a swift end once one of Pikachu's Thunderbolts was too much for Tom to handle. With no strength left in him, he fell towards the sky, and into the arms of his sensei. Tom was carefully placed on the ground, right beside Pikachu with an Oran Berry in his paws. Tom was now a mainly gray, pigeon-like Pokémon. He had golden, oval eyes and a tuft of feathers atop his rounded head. He had a short, black beak with a bulbous pink ere and a black patch on the nape of his neck. There was a wide, heart-shaped area of lighter coloration on his chest. His black wings have a thick gray stripe down the side. He had pink feet with black talons.

Once he had eaten the Oran Berry, Tom had regained consciousness. Shinji looked down at his exhausted pupil and said, "I think this a good place for us to stop."

"Are you sure? I can still keep going." Tom said, clearly exhausted from the day's training.

"Perhaps, but I trained my last pupil to just close to the breaking point and we both know how he turned out," Shinji said, emphasizing on his former student. "Besides, the sun is going down and it's too early to begin your nighttime training."

Tom and Pikachu looked towards the horizon and saw he was right. The sun was slowly beginning to set as the blue sky was beginning to change into its starry palette of dark blue. Their training must have lasted longer than he thought.

"Huh. Didn't realize the day passed by so quickly." Tom said, rubbing the few aches out of his back with his wings.

"Don't worry. We shall resume our training. Go home and rest. If you think your training was tough today, then you'll be surprised at what comes in store tomorrow." Shinji said right before walking into the forest, disappearing from sight.

When the old Pokemon was out of sight, Tom and Pikachu decided it was time to head back home for a nice long nap. They trekked through the forest while witnessing the nightlife of all the pokemon. Some were just waking up from their daytime sleep whereas others were enjoying the night sky with their friends and family. It all brought a smile to Tom and Pikachu's faces.

Once they made it back to their cave home, Tom quickly fell to on their homemade bed, completely exhausted from his first day of training. Pikachu smiled at this sight and joined him in his search for a peaceful slumber, curling her tail around her feathered companion. The only thought that came across Tom's mind was that tomorrow's training wasn't going to be as bad as today's was. With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes and began his journey in search of the dream realm.

How wrong he was when the sun began to rise and a new day began. Once he and Pikachu woke up, they thought they were going to enjoy a nice morning together with breakfast. They couldn't have been any more wrong. When they found a tree with a lot of big, sweet apples, Shinji stopped them from grabbing the fruit. Instead, he had Tom work for his breakfast by having a few psychic types float the fruit just out of reach to work on his reach and jumping abilities. It was only an hour before was able to grab the fruit and finally have breakfast. That was just the beginning of today's training. They spent half of the day doing the same training regimen they did yesterday, plus some battle training. Shinji had Tom battle himself and Pikachu in a two-on-one battle. It was to further his combat training while expanding his mind to unpredictable situations.

When the afternoon came around, it was a good time to take a break. Tom took this chance to find a pleasant stream to relax for a bit until his training began again. While getting a drink of water, Tom was in the form of a bipedal, lizard-like Pokémon. His oval eyes are set to the sides of his head, and his teeth appear to be constantly exposed. There was a small red scale on his yellow head. Below the yellow portion of his head, his body was cream-colored with thin arms and a red, scaly belly. He carried his loose, yellow skin around his legs, resembling trousers, which garner them more respect the saggier they are. Some of the loose skin seems to trail off to form or cover a tail.

He stopped drinking from the stream once he heard a ringing sound. He searched for the origin of this ringing and heard that it was coming from his treasure bag. Once he pulled out his Arceus-styled phone, he read who in this world could be calling him. It came as a surprise that the calling him was... Mew?!?

Tom pressed the answer button and placed the phone against his earless head. He said, "Hello?"

"Hello, Tom. Having fun as a Pokemon?" Mew said with a hint of a giggle from over the phone.

"Yeah. Thanks for warning me I'd be turned into a Pokemon. I thought I was just going to have the powers of Pokemon, not become one." Tom said with a little disdain in his voice.

"I know, that's why it's so funny." Mew laughed when she finished speaking. "But that's not why I called. I was wondering if you've been having any bad dreams lately." Mew said with a more serious tone he could hear from the other side of the phone.

Tom was confused by her query. Why would she be concerned with his dreams? She's not Cresselia or Darkrai, so it doesn't make any sense that she would be interested. A thought did spring to mind when she mentioned dreams. The dream he had two nights ago with the destroyed city and the warring creatures. How could Mew possibly know about that dream when he hasn't mentioned it to anyone, not even Pikachu?

"How do you know about that?" Tom questioned.

"I know that because Arceus is the one who sent you that dream," Mew said.

A wide expression made its way to the human/pokemon's face. He asked, "Why would he do that? Why would he show me something so horrible?"

"Because he wanted you to know just how serious this threat is. If you don't intervene against these coming threats, then everything and everyone around you will be gone. Understand?" Mew asked after explaining the purpose of his appearance in this world.

Tom couldn't believe what he heard. This whole time, he's been trying to figure out why he was sent to this new world, and could not come up with anything. Now, with a clear answer given to him, he felt an immense amount of pressure on his shoulders. But, he recalled that he was not alone in his mission. He has Pikachu and Shinji to help him through his tough journey in his life. That one fact lift all of that pressure from his mind.

"Yes. I understand." Tom said.

"Good," Mew said with the sound of her happy tone returned to her voice. "With that out of the way, tell me more about Pikachu."

Tom raised an eyebrow. He asked, "What about her?"

"Are the two of you dating?" Mew asked with a teasing tone.

Her comment brought a blush to Tom's face. He couldn't believe this small pokemon was asking about his love life. It's not that he doesn't like Pikachu but he has not known her long enough to clearly answer that question.

"No. We're just friends." Tom said with a slight stutter in his voice.

"Then why do I hear you stuttering in your voice?" Mew asked.

"No reason. Besides, I already told her that I was originally human." Tom said.

"And has she acted any differently to you after knowing?" Mew asked. It was actually a good question. Since Pikachu learned he was once a human, her attitude towards him has not changed in the slightest.

"No," Tom said.

"There you have it. She's just started to get to know you, and her feelings are ever-increasing the more the two of you spend with one another." Mew said while his embarrassment keeps growing the more this conversation continued to grow.

He said, "Look I am not having this conversation with you anymore. Goodbye."

"Wai-" Mew did not have a chance to respond before Tom pressed the end call button.

He let out a breath after having to deal with someone that acted like his little sister if he had one. With that out of the way, he decided to take a look at his mobile device. He turned on his phone and scrolled its list of applications. There was a camera app, a weather app, a news app that had local information from his world, a Safari application, and a map app. Wait, a map? This was exactly what he needed to find the inhabitants of this world. He's explored nearly the entire forest, yet it felt like he's only seen a small chunk of it. When he pressed the app, it opened up and he saw the terrain of his new environment.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The map looked like it came out of a World of Warcraft game, combined with the fantasy background of Harry Potter with remote islands and depictions of mythological creatures. While this came as quite a shock to him, with the appearance of fictional creatures in this world, he should expect a few surprises. So, he focused on his current location on the mobile device and searched for any signs of settlements. As he scrolled over, he saw what looked like a small village no more than a mile from his position. With that knowledge, he decided on his next move: meet the inhabitants.

"Tom." He raised and head from his phone and turned towards the voice. It belonged to his friend, Pikachu. She said, "Shinji said it's time to resume your training."

The shapeshifter sighed at this and she laughed at his response. He was going to ask Shinji about meeting with the inhabitants after looking at his map, so now was as good a time as any to bring it up.

Before the two moved from their spot, there was an explosion from behind them. The two looked at one another before nodding their heads. They took off running towards the explosion with Tom lagging behind thanks to his loose-skinned pants. Seeing the explosion in the distance worried the both of them. What if someone was hurt? Could it be Feraligator again? Was he on a rampage? Many thoughts crossed their minds but pushed them aside to deal with the immediate problem.

After running for about 10 minutes, the two of them came to a stop in the location near the explosion. They scanned the area in search of whatever could have caused it, but the only thing they found was grass and trees like the rest of the forest. Before they knew it, a large object crashed into Tom and pushed him toward the ground. He quickly sat up, thinking it was an enemy, but was shocked to see something else entirely. It was a small white rabbit, riding on the ball of a wall-eyed with a forked tongue. Yeah, that's what he saw.

Out of all the things that have happened to him in the last three days, this was definitely the strangest. Usually, a predator and prey such as them would not be that close to one another unless it was a symbiotic relationship. And since neither of them seemed to be offering each other advantages, he's wondering why the two were running. He was about to get his answer after large footsteps came from where the rabbit and crocodile exited. They hid behind him while both he and Pikachu got into their battle positions.

As the footsteps got louder, a large hand grabbed a tree and a figure came into sight. It was a simian Pokémon that was primarily red. Its ears were broad with orange insides, and it had oval eyes and a small black nose. It had a swirled, flame-like tuft on its head with a smaller tuft on either side of it. It had white shoulder ruffs; and a cream-colored face, chest, fingers, and toes. Its hands had five fingers, and its feet had three toes. Its fluffy, swirled tail resembled a flame.

"You two! You're gonna pay for eating my apples." The fire monkey said with rage in his voice.

While the appearance of a Simisear took Tom by a surprise, he could put two and two together with the shaking creatures behind him and the angry Pokemon in front of him. He said, "Look, I understand you're mad, but I'm sure we can come to some understanding."

"An understanding? An understanding?!?! All of my apples are gone and you think we can come to an understanding?" Simisear said with no hint of calming down.

"I realize you're hungry. And I'm sure they're really sorry about eating all of your food.," He said while looking back at the two animals behind him. The rabbit rapidly nodded its head while the crocodile just stared off into space. "See? Look, how about I show you some trees with plenty of sweet apples for you to eat? What do you say?" He said while sticking out his hand as a sign of friendship.

To anyone else, his offer would sound reasonable and they would have agreed. But Simisear is not anyone. His anger was just continuing to grow with every passing second. He didn't want a compromise; he just wanted to take out his frustrations on everyone around him. He was so angry that it looked like his head was literally on fire.

"I say get out of my way so I can deal with these two food stealers!" He angrily said before charging with a flaming fist raised to his side.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, Tom actually saw this fight coming. He put down his treasure bag and reeled back his before focusing his energy on it. His hand was surrounded by an icy glow or an orb of pale blue light. He then aimed his fist toward the rampaging simian. Once both powered-up fists clashed with one another, a cool steam was created from the clash of fire and ice. When the smoke cleared, the monkey looked and saw the small pokemon was gone and the two animals were standing in front of him. Just when he was about to attack them, a shadow appeared over his head. He looked up and saw the small Pokemon coming down on with a glowing kneecap. The knee came in contact with his head and pushed him back.

Tom landed on the ground and said, "Just remember, I gave you a chance."

Being attacked by the small Pokemon further enraged the already fire pokemon. When he was about to counterattack he felt a pain in the side of his cheek just before he was sent flying back into a tree. He got up and looked to where that attack came from, only to be surprised by that the attack from the Pikachu with a glowing white tail. Having his food stolen and stopped by one pokemon aggravated him enough, but to be attacked by another pokemon pushed him over the edge.

The angry Simisear fired off a flamethrower from his mouth to remove of his problems all at once. Pikachu jumped over the torrent of flames while Tom grabbed the two animals before they were charred to a crisp. Pikachu was the first one to land and her first move was to charge ahead at a fast speed, hitting Simisear in the chest. He recoiled in pain as he clutched the area of his stomach that was damaged. Quickly following behind his friend, Tom dropped the two animals and charged with his head aimed for the monkey's leg. When he was close enough, he bashed his head against Simisear's leg which caused a fair amount of damage.

Simisear rubbed his leg to soften his already aching appendage. If he wasn't already angry enough, they haven't seen him angry. Before he could fire off another attack, he saw the small Scraggy's body glow a prismatic color while his body was getting bigger. At first, he thought the Scraggy was evolving but was shocked to see something else entirely. He had turned into a quadrupedal, colt-like Pokémon with a cream-colored body. He had a short, rounded snout with large nostrils and blue eyes. He had a large, feathery red mane, long, dark blue, ridged eyebrow-like protrusions, and a single cream-colored horn that curves slightly. The back of his head, as well as his neck, was covered with fluffy, light blue fur. He had blue hooves, and his tail was light blue with white spots and resembles an elaborate feather in a cap.

This sudden transformation into a different species of Pokemon took Simisear by surprise and gave Tom the opportunity to deliver his finishing move. The now mythical pokemon raced towards the angry fire type just as he aimed another Fire Punch at him. He ducked under the punch, and turned his body in a clockwise motion with his back to the fire monkey, kicking up both his hind legs toward his opponents. His Double Kick was strong enough to lift the primate up in the air, causing significant damage to the Pokemon. Once he was up high enough, Tom fired two streams of water from his hooves as the flame monkey was launched higher into the air. When he stopped his water attack, Simisear could be seen screaming while falling into another part of the forest.

With the raging Simian out of sight, Tom was able to take a breath after a tough battle like that one. It was thanks to Shinji's training so far that helped him survive that battle. He could hear the rabbit celebrating over the fire monkey's defeat while the crocodile just stood from its spot, not showing any ounce of emotion. While smiling at the two, he felt something rubbing against his leg. He looked down and saw Pikachu rubbing its head against his front leg while trying not to rub her electric cheeks against him. He smiled at this and reciprocated by dipping his head down and rubbing it just above her head.

Once they were all done celebrating, Tom and Pikachu separated and walked up to the rabbit and crocodile. When they were right in front of him, the rabbit stopped locked up at the two being right in front of it while the crocodile just stuck its tongue out.

"Now, what are we going to do with the two of you?" Tom asked.

"Angel. Gummy. Where are you?"

They were all torn away from their thought when a soft voice rang from within the forest. They looked in the direction where that voice was coming from. There was a movement from behind the bushes and the Pokemon duo was at the ready in case it was another enemy. When the voice got closer to the four of them, a figure poked its head out of the bushes, following its neck and the rest of its body. Tom's eyes widened at the presence of this new species.

It was an equine with a light yellow coat. From the look of its face, he could tell it was female, especially with its teal eyes the size of dinner plates. On top of her head were a long, flowing pink mane and a tail of the same color. What really shocked him, even more, was the fact that this being in front of him had feathery wings on both sides of its stomach. Three pink butterflies were tattooed on both sides of her hips.

Standing right before Tom was what could be described from Earth's mythology as a Pegasus. This pegasus looked like the same species as the running creatures in the dream he had the last two nights ago. Tom did not expect to find a pegasus in the forest, precisely any pegasus in the forest because never in his life did he expect to meet one. And from the look on her face, she did not expect to meet someone either.

When both equines' eyes met, neither one of them spoke. The mare remained in total silence, and Tom was waiting for her to say something, but she was just as silent as him. He was never good at meeting new people.

Pikachu nudged her paw against his leg to gain his attention. She whispered, "Gone on... ask for her name!"

He cleared his throat to gain her attention. "Err... sorry, w-what is your name?" Tom spoke to the pegasus, trying not to look uncomfortable.

"... Fluttershy..." the yellow pegasus whispered weakly, taking a small step back.

'Crap, this isn't working!' Tom thought, beginning to grow impatient to see that he has apparently met the shyest creature in this world.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't hear your name, could you repeat it, please?" Tom asked, gathering his patience and giving the pegasus another chance to answer at a louder volume.

The pegasus opened her mouth to answer, but she couldn't speak, because before she does, noticed two small animals behind the strange pony. Her eyes widened before she zoomed right past him and scooped them up with her hooves.

"Oh, Angel. Gummy. The two of you had me worried. I look away for a second and saw that the two of you were gone." The yellow pegasus said in a louder voice than with him.

He couldn't help but find how adorable this conversation in front of him was. The way she's scolding them reminded him of a mother scolding her children when they did something bad. A memory crossed Tom's mind when he was in elementary school and he broke his home's window with his baseball. His mother scolded him and Max for causing so much damage and they had to spend their summer paying off the damage. While it wasn't the best time in his life, it was still a moment with his mother that he will never forget. Seeing the two animals get chewed out by the pegasus, so he decided to step in.

"The blame shouldn't fall on them. They were being chased by a mad fire pokemon." He said, gaining the attention of the pegasus and animals in her grasp.

"Pokemon?" The pegasus asked.

"Yes. They were being chased after eating his apples, and when they ran into me, I intervene and stopped them from getting hurt." Tom explained.

"Oh my goodness! You are the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Pikachu was taken aback by how excited she was. He hadn't seen this much excitement for him back when he was a movie star.

"Uh, this is my partner Pikachu. And you're Fluttershy?" Ash said to the excited pegasus.

The equine's eyes widened after hearing this total stranger was in a battle against a powerful creature in order to protect her animal friends when he didn't have to. This selfless act brought a warm feeling to her heart.

The yellow pegasus looked towards the two animals in her hooves. "The important thing is that the two of you are okay." She hugged the animals before placing them back on the ground.

"Let's start over. My name is Tom." He said gesturing to himself. "And this is Pikachu." He gestured to the small electric rodent beside him.

The equine's eyes widened in shock. "Oh my goodness! She's so adorable." She said before picking Pikachu in her hooves, rubbing her red sacced cheeks against hers. From this rubbing of fur, a small surge of electricity appeared.

"Wait... Don't-"

Right before he could intervene, Pikachu zapped both equines and the small animals with her powerful electricity.

"GGGGHHHHGHH!" That was the sound they all made. A few moments later, the electricity dissipated and the equines fell down.

"I should have warned you that her cheeks are very sensitive," Tom said, trying to recover from suddenly being zapped by his electric friend. All of them were spewing smoke from their mouths, along with their mains and fur popped up.

"Of course. I should've asked before suddenly picking her up," The yellow pegasus said, raising the electric rodent in her hooves to her face. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable."

"It's not a problem, really." Pikachu shrugged, not making it a big deal.

"Oh, good." The pegasus said before dropping the mouse back on the ground.

Tom was shocked to hear that she could understand what Pikachu said. Could that be the reason why she could understand him? Would others of her species be able to understand him as well or was she special?

"It's nice to meet you, Tom. My name is Fluttershy. I have to repay you for saving my friends." The yellow pegasus, now known as Fluttershy, said gesturing towards her animal friends.

"You don't have to do that," Tom said, shaking his head at her kind offer.

"Of course I do. You saved my friends when you didn't have to. The very least I could do is offer you a cup of tea from my home." Fluttershy said.

"Well, with an offer like that, how could I say no?" Tom said, accepting the pegasus' gracious offer.

A smile made its way to her face when he accepted her invitation to her home. She gathered up both of the animals and placed them on his back. She then began to lead Tom out of the forest and to her home with Pikachu hopping aboard his back. Their trek through the dark forest consisted of Fluttershy asking Tom all kinds of questions about Pokemon. What were they? How many of them were there? Why were they appearing in this world? He answered her question to the best of his abilities without revealing too much about his mission.

Once an opening in their path came into view, the two equines finally exited the dark forest and bathed in the sun's rays. Tom couldn't believe he was finally out of that forest after three days there. Once he took in his surroundings, he saw Fluttershy walk up to what he had guessed was her home. It was a small wooden cottage with various animal burrows and birdhouses around the front yard.

What surprised him, even more, was the multitude of Pokemon species near her home. There was a napping Turtwig, a group of dancing Bellosums, a few Fletchlings and Pidoves, a Teddirursa eating a pot of honey, and Minccino dusting the pathway to Fluttershy's door. There were even a few Alomomola jumping out of the pond. This was the largest gathering of Pokemon he'd ever seen besides the forest. If those were the Pokemon she kept outside her home, what kind of Pokemon does she keep inside?

The two of them walked along the pathway while greeting the various Pokemon that were either awake or not busy eating. Once they made it up to the door, Fluttershy pushed it open and walked in. Tom followed suit, closing the door behind him after a few pokemon from outside walked under him. He then had his chance to see what the inside looked like.

Inside, the first floor held the den and fireplace, even more birdhouses, and several mouse holes. A few more Pokemon were living inside the cottage, like a sleeping Cubchoo on a pillow that made it even look more like a teddy bear, a Vaporeon was sleeping in the corner, a Togedamaru rolling around the floor, and a Ditto was morphing into various objects around the house.

"I already have a pot of tea on the stove. Sit on the couch while I pour us a few cups." Fluttershy said while walking into the kitchen.

Tom looked towards the couch and sat down on the cushions. Pikachu hopped off of his back and sat right beside him, taking in all of the Pegasus' home. While they were looking around, Tom spotted a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon right beside him. It was primarily light brown with a darker brown muzzle, paws, and ear tips. It had large blue eyes, button ears, a short muzzle with a triangular pink nose, and a short tuft of fur on each cheek. Around its neck was a ruff of grayish-white fur stubbed with dark brown pebbles. The dark brown markings on its paws extended to a thin point on each wrist and ankle. It had a grayish-white tail that curls tightly over its back and is covered in fluffy fur.

He saw the sleeping form of the Rockruff right beside him. He raised his left hoof and scratched behind it's ear. It moaned from the affection that it was getting from the unknown source. When it opened its eyes, it saw its eyes were being rubbed by an unknown Pokemon. It greeted him by jumping towards his neck and began rubbing the rocks around its neck. Tom laughed at this sudden display of affection and accepted it thus. Pikachu saw this and laughed at how silly Tom was. When Rockruff heard her laughing, it jumped off of Tom and started rubbing its rock neck against her.

Fluttershy came with a pot of tea being balanced by Angel still on her back She saw Rockruff rubbing its neck against Pikachu and smiled. She said, “Looks like you’ve met Rocky. I found a two weeks ago with an injured leg. After she was all better, she decided to stay.” Angel placed the tea on the coffee before he and Gummy jumped off of Fluttershy’s back and went to a food bowl near the fireplace.

Once the tea was within reach, Tom tried grabbing the teacup with his hooves while failing to get a proper grip. He saw Fluttershy picking up her teacup with one of her wings like they were hands. Seeing her do this just got him more determined. So, after a few tries, he was finally able to pick up his teacup.

He took a swig of the homemade tea. He said, “This is good. Thanks.”

She blushed at his compliment. She said, “It was no trouble. This is just the average earl grey that I always make.”

“Well, it's delicious. Did you put it hon-”

He suddenly stopped speaking just before dropping his teacup. It shattered into pieces, catching everyone’s attention, including the sleeping Vaporean in the corner. Fluttershy and Pikachu were worried that their friend was injured in some way. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

For whatever reason, Tom is feeling something, something that wasn’t in the room. He closed his eyes and opened them just before his eyes took on a light shade of blue.

From his very seat, he could sense something bad was about to happen. And it was going to happen in the forest. An image appeared in his mind of a large beast and two small forms before it. After the beast swung its giant claw, the image vanished and his eyes went back to normal.

“Tom, are you alright?” Pikachu asked, worried that something was wrong with her friend.

Tom did not answer back and was instead focused on his vision. Was that the future? Is it the immediate future or what was yet to come? My questions raced through his head, but he had the answer to one question.

He rose from his seat on the couch and stormed out of the cottage. When he was outside, he ran past the animals and Pokemon and entered the forest. He was galloping at a fast pace with no clear sign of stopping.

While he was running, a small form made its way onto his back and to the top of his mane. The mysterious hitchhiker was revealed to be Pikachu.

“What’s going on, Tom? Where are you going?” Pikachu asked while hanging onto his mane.

“I don’t know how or why, but something bad is about to happen. Someone is about to be hurt and I’ve got to save them.” Tom said.

“Then I’m going with you.” Pikachu boldly said.

“No. This could be dangerous and I don’t want you getting hurt.” Tom said, not taking his eyes off his path.

“And I’m not leaving you to face this danger alone. I promised I’d be there for you and I’m not breaking my promise now.” Pikachu said with no sign of convincing her to leave.

Tom sighed. He said, “Alright, then hang on.”

He picked up the pace, as Pikachu tightened her hold on his mane. The two of them were heading straight toward the immediate threat from his vision.

(A Couple of Minutes Ago)

Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest, three shadowing figures were jumping from tree to tree. When those figures came to a stop, they came into view. They were small, fuchsia Pokémon with large heads, small bodies, and wiry limbs. Their hands had three fingers each while their feet did not have digits. Their faces have purple "masks", prominent pointed ears, large eyes with small pupils, long noses with single nostrils, and fanged mouths. And they had purple tongues sticking out.

Impidimps were mischievous Pokémon thaalways causing all kinds of mischief to those around them. This usually involved sneaking into someone’s house to steal their things and be a nuisance. And that is exactly what they're doing right now.

In front of their imps was a large, dark cave with various claw marks on the out walls. There were various animals scattered outside to scare away any animals that would get too close. The Impodimp trio were the only ones too foolish enough to not be scared.

They entered the cave quietly so they wouldn't disturb whatever was sleeping in the cave. A minute passed by and all was quiet within the cave.


Of course, that all changed one a beast’s roar echoed within the cave. The three Impidimps were running out of there as fast as they could. One of them had what looked like a clump of fur in its hand.

At the cave’s entrance, a monstrous glare appeared in the entrance’s shadow. It scanned the area in search of the three intruders but saw no sign of them. It roared once more in anger so loud the rest of the forest could hear it.