• Published 26th Dec 2011
  • 3,690 Views, 43 Comments

So you want to Hybridize? - Gabriel LaVedier

A message from the Ministry of Inter-Sentient Affairs

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So you want to Hybridize

An informational pamphlet provided free of charge by the Ministry of Inter-Sentient Affairs, prepared under the auspices of Their Royal Highnesses Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and under the direction of the Minister of Inter-Sentient Affairs, Peppermint Pinfeather.

Introduction: A Message from the Minister of Inter-Sentient Affairs

Section One: Hybritization- What does it mean?

Section Two: Hybridization and Equestria- The hybrid and the Principality

Section Three: The recognized Sentient Species- On their identity and status

Section Four: Hybridization or Natural Fertility- Understanding your situation

Section Five: The Hybridization or Natural Fertility Process- How it happens

Appendix One: Frequently asked questions

Appendix Two: Key Terms

A Message from the Minister of Inter-Sentient Affairs

Greetings to you, who are reading this pamphlet. Hopefully, you are reading this with the one you love. This is a big decision, not something to be undertaken lightly. It will change your lives, for the rest of your lives.

But that is not to say you should be afraid. Nor should you be overly concerned. We are here to help you. To transition you calmly though this period, onto the next stage in your lives. It can be rough for some. But it need not be so.

As a hipogriff, I understand what it is to be a hybrid, and I saw how hybridizing affected my parents. In these more modern times, things are very free and equal. While pockets of resistance still exist, and sadly may persist, the vast majority of Equestria is a friendly and amenable place. And, of course, there are laws protecting hybrids and their parents. There is NO legal standing behind any hatred or prejudice. Be assured, all instances are investigated by appropriate constabulary forces and prosecutions are handled with the full force of applicable Royal law.

So now, the decision is in your hooves or claws. Be well, love well, and please have a pleasant day.

~Peppermint Pinfeather, Minister of Inter-Sentient Affairs

Section One: Hybritization- What does it mean?

Hybridization is the combination of two species to produce an offspring that is a combination of the two. Sometimes this is seen in regular, non-speaking animals, like tigers and lions. And various kinds of birds. This is a natural hybridization, allowed by the close relationship between the two. But these kinds of combinations are sterile. If they were not, they would not technically be species, only breeds.

In Sentient species this is distinctly different. Some Sentient species may naturally hybridize and produce sterile offspring. And some can never combine, no matter how many times the effort is attempted. This is where the official process for hybridizing and natural fertility come into play.

Section Two: Hybridization and Equestria- The hybrid and the Principality

Hybrids are active, vital participants in the Principality. They serve an important role of representing the diversity of Equestria, and showing the true love that exists between the sentient species of these and near lands.

Hybrids are protected from discrimination and abuse under the amended General Order against Discrimination (Great Declaration of Rights and Freedoms, Section 5, Article 3, Paragraph B as amended by input from the Canterlot School of Bio-Thaumaturgy and the Canterlot School of Social Sciences.) Hybridizers are protected from discrimination and abuse by the same General Order.

All social services available to single-species sentient Citizens are available to hybrids provided they meet all applicable criteria as possible for their species, with modifications for specific circumstances related to species. (Example: Hippogriffs are eligible for low-to-no cost horseshoes if they meet the criteria but receive only half the number.)

Section Three: The recognized Sentient Species- On their identity and status

There are seven recognized non-Pony Sentient species, who are legally endowed with Citizenship by right of birth in the Principality or by Naturalization, and entitled to rights by visitation when they come from other lands. Equestria maintains diplomatic relations with all lands containing Sentient species, and as of the printing of this pamphlet they are all in good standing.

All the mentioned Sentient species have been fully assessed by the relevant bodies and have been determined to be in possession of species-wide self-determination, higher-order thinking and the understanding of complex topics.

Buffalo- Inhabitants of the Prairie lands, the buffalo have a rich history of stampeding in unison across the vast plains. They live in loosely confederated bands each headed by a chief and consisting of many males, often with attached females related to the chief, while unrelated females live in separate groups, united to a particular male group by tradition. Interaction with ponies has traditionally been limited, but more contact has resulted from the sparse settlement of prairie land purchased from buffalos, with some border skirmishes resulting from topographical mistakes during community planning. Nevertheless, those groups who have sent representatives acknowledge Princess Celestia as a legitimate political head, though they maintain autonomy on their own land.

Cattle- Native citizens of Equestria who live in their own communities, typically sex-segregated on various farms. Females generally exchange milk and grazing services to keep grassy areas even for living space and bits, some of which are used to support male relatives whose opportunities are limited to grazing.

Diamond Dogs- The latest species to be found, vetted and certified as fully sentient, Diamond Dogs are intelligent, subterranean canine creatures living within the scope of Equestrian lands and accepted as new Equestrian citizens following diplomatic and scientific expeditions. They tend to be miners, excavating precious gems which form some portion of their diet, to a lesser degree than dragons. Because of an intentional lack of contact and sporadic appearances in more formal learning environments, their general level of education is below the normal Equestrian standard, but an influx of teachers is working to resolve the issue.

Donkeys- Native Equestrian citizens who exist as Cutie-Mark-lacking fellow equines and have for a long while. They lack the Earth Pony connection to land mana, but are known for a physical strength and endurance that can surpass the average Earth Pony.

Dragons- Independent but largely-nomadic individuals who live across the world. Long-lived, extremely large in adulthood and known for rapid development when very young, they are accorded certain rights to nesting, though are required to leave in the event that they become a hazard to health. They lack a centralized authority and live an individuals and family groups. Females of some types will donate eggs to Canterlot to give their children a Pony education and upbringing as a kind of cultural exchange program, though they have never asked for foals in return.

Griffins- Griffins occupy a Kingdom outside the Equestrian borders which consists primarily of mountainous terrain but which also encompasses some peripheral portions of the Grand Veldt. The griffin clans are united under a single king. Griffins are naturally patriarchal and polygynous, with little official tolerance for those engaged in same-gender romantic activity. Consequently, the equivalent of Filly Foolers and Colt Cuddlers emigrate to the Principality, as do hens who do not wish to be part of a group mating to a single male. However, since the acquisition of mates involves combat, smaller or less battle-ready males will also emigrate. The official position of the Principality is to treat family groups as a single entity when they immigrate en masse. (Equestrian Family Law, “On Griffins and their family ways”, as amended.)

Zebras- Zebras are equines from the Grand Veldt and sub-desert regions. They are a dual society, some living in tribal, and live in mixed-gender bands with a local leader who is empowered to meet with other groups for parlays, while others live in the large and ancient cities in the veldt or in more modern towns. Zebras practice limited polygyny, but may also engage in limited polyandry where the gender balance has moved in that direction in the tribal bands. At the time of the receipt of a Cutie Mark, the young tribal zebra is sent on a journey of self-discovery and maturation. Usually, this is a trip into a nearby land to learn about the world, which results in a return to the tribal group. Some choose to remain in the new land after the period of the journey has ended. Note that this is the only group whose members also get Cutie Marks.

Section Four: Hybridization or Natural Fertility- Understanding your situation

Hybridization is impossible, by purely natural means, between certain species. In others, it is possible but leads to offspring who are not, themselves, fertile. Because of this, there are two options under the umbrella of hybridization: General Hybridization and Natural Fertility.

General Hybridization is the term for combining two species that normally cannot be combined through conventional methods. This involves intervention from one of the Princesses to combine the material of the parents and successfully implant the resulting new life in the mother. Fertility is default for these combinations, through the magic force involved.

Natural Fertility is the term for imparting fertility to a species that normally lacks it. This is done during the initial development of the child by one of the Princesses.

Ponies can naturally Hybridize with Donkeys, Griffins and Zebras. They require Natural Fertility. Similarly, combinations of Cattle and Buffalo require Natural Fertility. Griffins, as well, can Hybridize with Donkeys and Zebras, with less success. They, too, require Natural Fertility. All other combinations require General Hybridization.

Section Five: The Hybridization or Natural Fertility Process- How it happens

The first step in either process is the petition. A couple, typically married and necessarily living in the Principality goes to a local Royal office. In larger communities this will likely be a specific Ministry office, while in smaller areas it may be an all-purpose Royal office. All have the necessary forms. Once these forms have been filled out they will be verified by the staff at the office and sent to Canterlot for review. This can take 2-4 weeks depending on caseload. Note: Less than 1 percent of cases are rejected.

Once the forms have been processed, transport is arranged from the home location to Canterlot for the two parties involved and their Advocate. An Advocate is a friend or relative of one of the parties who can attest to the strength of the bond between the two and vouch for the affection and ability to care for a child. The Advocate is interviewed by members of the Ministry of Inter-Sentient Affairs prior to the final meeting with one of the Princesses.

Those applying for Natural Fertility do not require an Advocate but one is advised for the sake of practicality and reassurance.

Couples applying for General Hybridization are assisted at any time after their petition has been approved following the Advocate interview. Couples applying for Natural Fertility must wait until pregnancy has been confirmed by a doctor.

Appendix One: Frequently asked questions

Q. I am a citizen of Equestria and have met someone in another land with whom the Principality maintains good relations. Can I apply for hybridization or Natural Fertility if my partner is not a citizen of Equestria? Or if we are not married?

A. Any citizen may apply for either of the varieties of hybridization, married or not, so long as both parties fill-in the petition and truthfully answer all questions. Note: Marriage to an Equestrian citizen grants the ability to apply for naturalization as spouse of a citizen. Additional note: Children born to a female citizen of Equestria are automatically citizens at birth.

Q. I am a female pony currently engaged in a relationship with a male dragon. Can I apply for Hybridization?

A. Because of medical complications involved in the later birth process, females of all non-dragon species are discouraged from engaging in Hybridization with dragons.

Q. I am a Filly Fooler, and my partner is not the same species as I am. We wish to have hybrid children. Can we still apply for Hybridization or Natural Fertility?

A. The Ministry strongly suggests that before considering hybridization, because of the time and stress involved, conventional methods of reproduction be used as in normal Filly Fooler interactions. However, if this is desired, and a suitable male of the other species is selected, it can be done. It is strongly recommended that the chosen male be the Advocate, to not cause too many problems in scheduling.

Q. I was an Advocate for a relative earlier in my life. Now a friend wishes for me to be their Advocate. May I do that?

A. No. Each citizen is only allowed to be an Advocate once in their life.

Q. Is there a cost for any step of this process?

A. No. There are no costs associated with any step of the process. In fact, if fees were charged at the Royal office they were collected illegally. Please report illegal fees to any constables and apply for a refund from the Canterlot Accounting Office.

Appendix Two: Key Terms

Hybridization: The process of combining two different species to create an offspring that is a combination of the two species.

General Hybridization: An official process combining two species that cannot normally combine, so long as one is an Equestrian Citizen, using magic provided by one of the two Princesses.

Natural Fertility: An official process granting fertility to a hybrid offspring which would normally not have such.

Sentient Species: Species recognized by official sources in the Canterlot government to have a general intellect, self-awareness and capacity for self-motivation comparable to Ponies. Sentient Species are, on the whole, considered capable of informed consent.

Comments ( 43 )

Hah, nice lil' read.
Great job.

Interesting. Sensibly explained. But why can Advocates only do so once?

And I always wonder about what other sentient species exist in the world of MLP. Goats were seen talking in the Sisterhooves Social episode and other writers operate on the assumption that other four legged-hoofed creatures (deer, pronghorns, antelopes, etc.) are capable of speech and intelligence.

#3 · Dec 26th, 2011 · · ·


Well. I, and my Zebra partner, found that very informative. :raritywink:

Seriously, great work. I would have never imagened to see something like this. Inventive, and informative! :raritystarry:

Granted, it had issues. :twilightsheepish: Just a few spelling errors, nothing major. And seeing as i'm lacking my sonic fine-tooth comb at this second, I can't find any except the Polygamy spelling issue. It's to be excepted though, great work still!

Look forward to more!

-The Librarian

#6 · Dec 26th, 2011 · · ·

Epic heacannon is epic

#7 · Dec 26th, 2011 · · ·

87919 * headcannon


Plygamy is the general term for multiple spouses, literally meaning "Many marriages." There are more specialized terms. "Polygyny" means "Many women" while "polyandry" means "many men." More or less. I was showing the specificities of the named cultures.


It's a cutoff mechanism, to prevent "professional advocates" from doing so for potentially immporal or unethical purposes.


World building is one of my passions. And when I find an absent bit, I fill it. Mostly because I wanted to have the potential of Braeburn and Little Strongheart having children.

You used the term Sentient instead of Sapient.



I know. Technically it should have been both. Can you be sapient without being sentient?

This is a very informative piece about how your version of the world works, though your rules do kind of screw over Spike if he had any chance at all.

Sapient just seems like a strange word to apply to ponies and the other races, though as far as I know, you can be sentient without being sapient, but not vice versa.

This was wonderful to read and slots in beautifully with other fanon works. Section one has a typo in that it says hybritization instead of hybridization.

Definitely a worthwhile read and lovely stuff. do you think you'll update it if and when we discover other sentient species?:pinkiesmile:


I considered it, but I've referenced these numbers and rules in other stories (And that sort of makes me sad, because there's a big elephant in the room: Filly Foolers and reproduction. The clear implicating Is artficial insemination, but I wish I could will myself to just handwave "magic babies; it totally happens."

470213 *nods sympathetically* Would it be worth perhaps doing a story about filly-foolers and more clearly iron out how it all works? Or just do one story and have an alt ending? :twilightsheepish:


There's nothing much to alter. Either Filly Foolers have always needs unicorns to futa one of the ladies or not every Filly Fooler couple has children that are blood related to both (Not every lady has brothers.)

Very interesting idea and well written.

that was very informative. :pinkiesmile:


I love to build worlds and that requires a lot of details like this.

What a coincidence, I love very detailed, and usually, fairly complex worlds in the stories I read.

This is world building at its best. Despite the "pamphlet's" age in the fandom, I'd consider it nearly canon in the approach and attitude to a very non-canon subject. Well done and good show, GL!

So thanks for that.


Thank you very much!

I wish I could make an updated version but the format is no longer allowed; this is merely grandfathered in. I need to add Changelings, modify dragons to give the possibility of mare/dragon relations. Plus a big list of the hybrids that are actually extant. Some are possible but just never happened.

Excellent world-building.


Many thanks. I enjoy world building quite a bit.

As do I. My only problem is keeping my muse going long enough to expand. I do have an Idea how to cheat a little in that regard though. I'll basically make all of my works, fanfiction and original, a giant, world hopping crossover due to reality jumping magic found by an MLP OC of mine.

This is a great idea, very much in line with Equestrian cultural values and the existence of the various sapient species. The only problem that jumps out at me is the use of "filly fooler" and "colt cuddler" in an official document. I understand that "gay" and/or "lesbian" may not make sense to use in an Equestrian setting, but "fillyfooler" and "colt-cuddler" have always struck me as sounding much more like slurs than generally accepted terms for those of homosexual preference. If you need alternative terminology, you could always simply use "homosexual" ("homosexuals", "sapients in a homosexual relationship", etc.)- it sounds about as formal as "polygyny" or "polyandry" and is technically correct regardless of species.


Official documentations, in my headcanon, have at least some connection to the common language where the less formal term is simply used all the time, without malice. It's that sort of things, where the government doesn't just drop dry technical terms as though they are completely separate from the population.

2750696 This isn't just the less formal term, though- in my experience of the term's use in fiction, saying "fillyfooler" isn't like saying "lesbian", it's like saying "dyke". Same with "colt-cuddler"- it's not pony-speak for "gay man", it's pony-speak for "faggot". These are slurs.


Not in this universe. Proof is shown when Granny Smith says it with pride about Applejack (mare/mare pairs are respected.) The Colt Cuddler term has bee. Redeemed as seen by the government's "Cuddle Up!" campaign (See "Pony PSAs and Ad Spots.")

88871 No, but an animal can be sentient without being sapient. As in, all animals that are between sponges and us.

Sentient: One who feels.
Sapient: One who knows. Mostly, that applies to abstract thought and higher cognitive phenomena.

Author Interviewer

This wasn't as gross as I thought it would be. :V

Look forward to my review in the next few days.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

That is a major pet peeve of mine, and you are awesome for correcting it before I had to.


Thank you so much! I consider this compliment especially meaningful considering the age of the work and the lack of certain other things like a list of hybrids and the inclusion of Changelings.

After reading the comments, I must say that I am happy to see someone who is actively communicating with the fanbase on such an old work of theirs.


I'm always glad to talk to fans, no matter the age of the work.

And that is something you don't normally see with other authors, but it is good to see one like yourself doing it.

On a side note, is there any chance that we may see an addition of changelings to this in the future?


The is grandfathered in; the format is now against posting rules. I'm not sure if I can make such extensive changes. if i can I will, even if few will notice it.

Comment posted by gwarrior2013 deleted Sep 16th, 2013

Q. I am a female pony currently engaged in a relationship with a male dragon. Can I apply for Hybridization?

A. Because of medical complications involved in the later birth process, females of all non-dragon species are discouraged from engaging in Hybridization with dragons.

Aaaaaaand you lost a fav and like right there.

That's probably because dragons are reptiles and lay eggs. It might be like trying to pass a bowling ball, and if you survive, you goota wait for it to hatch. Just thinking.

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