• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Distortion World

The Distortion World.

The Distortion World.

Another Universe parallel to the one Ash, Twilight and many call home. It is a Universe that is completely reversed and distorted, mainly rust-coloured with landmass that is separated into tiny islands. The Trees are all spiky and incredibly tall, much like giant kelp. Beneath the floating land, there is a spinning whirlpool of spatial clouds.

And in the Distortion World, Sci-Twi, after being pulled into the large tear, found herself in this Alternate Universe. But she was very much not alone. Present there as well was none other than Cyrus. The Leader of Team Galactic.

"Y-You're...You're Cyrus!" Sci-Twi exclaimed, her eyes widening as she would stand up, only to fall on her back afterwards. Immediately, she was hit with the bizarre nature of this alternate universe. "Oof!" Once her vision was bac to full strength, she adjusted her glasses, realizing the area she was in and how off it was. "W-What the...What is this place?"

"How did you find yourself in the Distortion World?" Cyrus spoke, revealing the name of this bizarre universe.

"Distortion World...?" Sci-Twi repeated, looking around. It was like she was in a completely different world. A world where the sky was purple and the ground was blue. There were also these giant rocks floating in the sky and the ground as well. The trees were upside down and there was a strange aura in the air.

This was indeed the Distortion World.

"Is this the universe Volo was trying to create...?" Sci-Twi said, trying to get up again, only to fall over once more. She didn't know why, but her body felt so heavy. It was like gravity was affecting her differently. She tried to move her legs, but it was no use. Her body wouldn't respond to her commands. "I...can't move properly. Everything feels so heavy and light at the same time..."

"The Distortion World is a world where the laws of physics are distorted, as the name implies. Don't tell me you showed up here without knowing of this place's existence?" Cyrus coldly said.

"I-I did...Well, by accident anyways." She gripped onto the grass to stay stable. "I got sucked in here by accident because of a huge tear in space-time. The pull was just too strong for me...and I didn't even know where I was ending up."

"By pure accident. Ending up here takes more than just an accident." Cyrus turned his head, facing away from Sci-Twi. "What you are looking at is an Alternate Universe completely opposite to the universe we all know and live in. This is the Distortion World. A world where everything is flipped and twisted. Where reality itself is warped beyond recognition. And this is where I have been trapped for years. A prisoner of my own accord. A punishment for what I've done in the past."

"Punishment...?" Sci-Twi questioned.

"Yes. Punishment. For attempting to destroy our world and remake it in my image. A world of nothingness. A world where emotions don't exist. A world where everyone is equal. That was my goal. Elimination of Emotions and the Spirit." Cyrus didn't hold back, revealing his chilling goal that made Sci-Twi shudder.

"Just like Volo..." She uttered quietly, realizing that Cyrus's goal was similar to Volo's, at least when it came to resetting the universe.

"I thought I had succeeded in it, but not at all. I don't even know how many years I've been in this universe. Time has been lost on me completely." Cyrus would take a few steps forward. "But now, I am forever bound to live here. I am the only one here with no emotion. And I doubt a spirit either. But now, here you are." He would turn his head to gaze at Sci-Twi. "A visitor from another world. The question is how you got here in the first place and why you are even getting involved in something relating to this..."

"I-It was a tear in Space-Time. It was threatening to pull everything and everyone around it in, so I did what I could to try and stop it. I don't know if I pulled it off..." Sci-Twi would grip onto the pendant. "I'm the only one who was pulled in it looks like but I don't know if everyone is safe. But even so, if I can return, I'll have great news for Mars and the others"

"Hm?" Cyrus had a slight reaction to that, his eyes, very, very slightly widening.

"The three of them will be happy to know that you're still around! You're safe and sound! They were really worried about you!" Sci-Twi smiled, trying to get up again, only to fall over. "Oof...They've been working hard to bring you back. All of Team Galactic has. And I promised them that I'd help them out."

Cyrus would then look away from Sci-Twi, taking a moment to process her words. "So...they haven't given up on me. Even after all these years. I see." His voice was quiet, but there was a hint of relief in it. "They stayed loyal even after all of that. Unbelievable, the three of them."

"I promised them I'd bring you back, without them having to resort to remaking the universe. But right now...I don't even know if I can get back at all." Sci-Twi lowered her head, realizing that getting back home would be the tallest task possible. Cyrus has been here for so long and he hasn't even escaped it yet.

"Most likely, you're bound to remain here. With me and the one who reigns over it."

"Eh? W-Who are you talking about?" Sci-Twi questioned as an almighty roar would suddenly echo throughout the Distortion World. The ground would shake as Sci-Twi would lose balance, falling on her side. She would look up, seeing how a large figure in the distance was approaching. Her pupils shrunk, her eyes widened and her lips started quivering as she gazed at the Pokemon that was approaching in the distance.

The Ruler of the Distortion World. The Master of all things Anti-Matter and the Shadow of Arceus. Giratina. The Renegade Pokemon.

"That Pokemon...Is that G-Giratina...?!" Sci-Twi stammered, her body shaking with fear. She knew what this Pokemon was capable of. It was the reason why Volo wanted to remake the universe in the first place. To summon it into their world and use its power to achieve his goal. And if not Giratina then Arceus, who was the ultimate end goal. Now, she was face to face with it.

Giratina roared, flying towards Sci-Twi. Its six wings would flap, creating a powerful gust of wind that would push Sci-Twi back. The young girl would slide across the ground, unable to move properly due to how heavy her body felt.

"Ahhhh!" Sci-Twi cried out as she suddenly fell upside down thanks to the Distortion World's gravity. Cyrus simply watched her fall in the opposite direction as she would land on her head. "Ohh..." She groaned, rubbing her head. Sci-Twi soon found herself looking at what was originally the bottom but was now the top since she fell upside down.

As she got back up, she would then see the figure of Giratina descending down upon her. "Gyaaah!" She shrieked, covering her face. However, she would feel nothing. Nothing but a strange sensation that made her shiver. Slowly, she opened her eyes, seeing how Giratina was standing before her, staring her down.

The Renegade Pokemon would then look directly at the pendant she wore, causing Sci-Twi to slowly back away, absolutely intimidated by his presence. Not only was she seemingly trapped here, but she was trapped here with Giratina of all Pokemon, in a Universe with completely different laws.

Sinnoh. Mount Coronet. Late Afternoon.

Back at Mount Coronet, Ash and Pikachu were still baffled from seeing Sci-Twi being pulled into the tear in Space-Time. The pull had ceased, leaving behind a trail of golden light that faded away. The skies above were still ravaged by the tear but it was no longer exerting the same amount of force from before.

"I don't believe it...She fell through it...?" Even Volo was shocked by this. He never imagined that would happen to her and it had him stunned.

"Twilight..." Ash muttered, his eyes trembling. His hands shook, clenching into fists as he tried to process what just happened. "No way..."

"Pika..." Pikachu lowered his ears, feeling sad for his trainer.

"Curses..." Volo said quietly, realizing that he may have gone too far. "This wasn't supposed to happen...How frustrating!"

"Even after all that, you don't hate Twilight, do you?" Ah pointed out, spotting Volo's reaction to this. Volo would shift his attention to Ash once he brought it up, letting out a light gasp. "You and Twilight ended your teamwork but she still had some faith in you there. And you did too."

"What do you know?"

"You still wanted Twilight to help you out even after she learned everything. You wanted her to understand you. Plus, even before all that, if you wanted to take the shards away from her, you would've done it already."

"?!" That answer absolutely struck Volo to his core, sending another shock to his system. He then started thinking to himself for a moment, his thoughts being louder than ever. "He's right...I was always stronger than her in every possible way. I knew I was stronger. And yet I stuck around her...Why? Why did I stick around her when I could've taken those Shards from her at any time?"

Volo couldn't understand it. He didn't get why he kept Twilight around despite knowing that he was stronger than her. He could've easily overpowered her and taken the Shards from her at any time. But he didn't. He stuck around her for so long, even after she learned the truth.

"You're still holding onto hope that Twilight will come back to you. You want her to be on your side again. I can tell. Because deep down, you still care about her." Ash's words were reaching Volo, making him question things.

"Silence!" Volo roared out, letting the divine energies around him erupt as he channelled it into an attack. The energies moulded together, racing straight towards Ash, attempting to take him out.

"Dra!" Getting in the way of the attack were Dragonite and Gengar, who attempted to stop it. Both held their arms out, meeting with the attack head-on. They struggled to hold it back, but they managed to stop it from hitting Ash. However, the outburst of it was great, engulfing the two of them and even Volo's Togekiss.

As Ash squinted his eyes at the force of the outburst, further damaging the top of Mount Coronet, the smoke would clear, revealing that all three had fainted from the explosion. Ash's eyes widened as he saw how his Pokemon had been taken out.

"Dragonite! Gengar!" Ash cried out.



"Toge..." Togekiss would also fall unconscious as all three were down for the count.

"Tsk...Return." Volo palmed his face before returning Togekiss to her Poke Ball. "I've had enough of this. Just get out of the way already, Ash Ketchum! You and your friends!" With his rage reaching its peak, he held out two more Poke Balls.

"No way! I'm gonna stop you and get Twilight back! I'll knock you back to your senses, Volo!"Ash would hold out his Poke Ball as well, throwing it forward. "Lucario, I choose you!"

"Lucario!" Emerging from the Poke Ball was Lucario. And as for Volo, he ended up summoning his own Lucario and his Hisuian Arcanine.


Suddenly, the mountain would begin rupturing from the middle thanks to the overwhelming power that has been hitting it as of recently. Ash would see how the energy would spread like an uncontrollable and rabid wildfire, crackling across Mount Coronet. All of this chaos was eventually going to reach the towns and cities of Sinnoh, possibly even beyond that.

"Everyone...!" Ash would then think of all of his friends inside of Mount Coronet, hoping they were alright. To ensure that, he threw one more Poke Ball out, summoning his Dracovish.


"Dracovish! I need you to go and check up on the others! Keep them safe Pikachu, Lucario and I will take care of the rest up here!"

"Dra! Dracovish!" Dracovish was already off. He knew what he had to do.

"Arcanine! Raging Fury! Lucario, use Close Combat!"

"Arca!" Arcanine and Lucario both went in, approaching Ash's Lucario with incredible speed.

"Use Double Team!"

"Ca! Right as their attacks were about to land, Lucario would split into multiple clones of himself, evading the attack. Arcanine and Lucario's fists would hit nothing but air as they looked around, seeing the many clones surrounding them.

"Now! Aura Sphere!"

"Lucario!" Lucario would unleash an aura sphere from each of his hands, firing them at Arcanine and Lucario. A barrage of Aura Spheres from all directions would land on them both, bringing about an azure explosion.


"Lucario!" Both would be struck by the spheres, being knocked back. They would tumble on the ground before getting back up. The clones would remain, rapidly moving around the area and attempting to confuse the opposing Pokemon.

One by one, the Lucario clones kept moving in different directions, not slowing down for a moment. Volo's Lucario would try landing an attack, only to miss the right Lucario, receiving a kick to the face. Arcanine was unable to keep up as multiple Lucarios would strike him.

"What's going on?! I can't sense the real Lucario's Aura!" Volo growled, trying to sense Ash's Lucario.

You're not that focused right now, Volo!" Ash exclaimed, having some extensive knowledge about Aura. "Without it, you're not gonna find the real one! Force Palm!"

"Lu...Ca!" The real Lucario would deliver a powerful blow to Arcanine's face, dealing super-effective damage to him. Volo's Lucario would then attempt going for the real Lucario now that he was seen, only for a clone to get in the way, blocking the initial blow.

"Enough!" Using the power of the plates, Volo received a radius-wide pulse that would wipe out all the clones, exposing the real Lucario who was staggered from the pulse. "There you are! Get him!"

"Arca!" Arcanine would use Raging Fury once more while Lucario was this vulnerable. He would rush towards Lucario, his body engulfed in flames. Lucario was then struck by the flames, crying out before sliding back. But he managed to recover quickly, standing back up. However, right in front of his face was Volo's Lucario, ready to strike him down. Ash's Lucario just managed to catch the attack, the two of them having their paws meet.

"Rrrr...!" Both Lucarios growled at each other, trying to push one another back. Ash's Lucario would gasp, seeing Arcanine approaching from the side while he was still holding back Volo's Lucario.

"Arca!" Arcanine would use Fire Fang, biting onto Lucario's arm.

"Lucario!" Ash's Lucario cried out, feeling the fangs of Arcanine digging into his flesh. He would then feel the burning sensation of the fire, making him cry out even louder.

"Now! Use Close Combat!"

"Lucario!" Volo's Lucario would unleash a barrage of punches on Lucario, striking him repeatedly. He was being pummelled while restrained, receiving heavy hit after heavy hit. The Aura Pokemon would receive a beatdown, powered by Volo's own rage which made the blows even harder than before.

"Perhaps if you all didn't get in the way, she wouldn't have been pulled into that tear!" Volo roared at Ash while Lucario received a beatdown. "My goal would've been completed by now and Twilight would've seen that wonderful universe I envisioned! But it's all wrong now! Ash Ketchum! I promise on what I said earlier You'll be erased from existence! for good!"

"Caa...!" That final roar from Volo would transfer into Lucario's next hit as the energy of his incoming strike would glow and expand. The impact would then unleash an orange light that fully enveloped Ash's Lucario, bringing an explosion afterwards. Volo grinned maniacally after the hit had landed, believing that he had taken out Ash's Lucario.

The force of the impact was even seen from a distance. Many who could view Mount Coronet from here could see the orange energy pulsating after it had landed and the smoke that came from it.

However, Ash's Lucario was not yet defeated. Instead, one the smoke cleared, it was revealed that Arcanine had been knocked to the ground all of a sudden. This was because Lucario was radiating his own powerful energy.

Mega Evolution.

"Lucario!" Ash had activated the power of the keystone, initiating Mega Evolution. "Mega Evolve!"

"Luuuu....Ca!" Lucario would expel his energy, appearing in his Mega Evolved State.

"You can't be serious...!" Volo clenched his hands, feeling the Aura radiating from Lucario.

Everything you said just now is why we're gonna win this! Volo!" Ash would point powerfully at Volo. "I love this world! This universe We love his universe! Everyone on this planet...Human, Pokemon, Pony, Dragon, Changeling and on and on and on! It's irreplaceable to us! And I'm not letting you take that away!"

"Lucario!" Lucario would agree with his trainer, ready to fight back.

"That's why, we're gonna win for sure!" Ash adjusted his hat, his voice echoing across the peak of Mount Coronet. "Lucario! Aura Sphere!"

"Rrrr!" Lucario grit his teeth before holding both his hands out. He began gathering a tremendous amount of Aura, building it up to a level he's never done before. The buildup was so great that his eyes were even twitching. In his hands, a large Aura Sphere was beginning to appear.

"Stop him! Bone Rush and Flamethrower!"

"Arca! Arcanine!" Arcanine would use bone rush, creating a large bone club that he would swing at Lucario. At the same time, Volo's Lucario would launch a flamethrower attack at Lucario. However, the sheer force of Lucario's Aura would block the attacks as if it were a barrier, causing the flames to disperse and Volo's Lucario to be bounced back.

"This Aura! It's tremendous!" Volo gasped, seeing how Lucario was able to hold off the attacks. "How is that even possible?! Match it with yours, Lucario!"

"Rio!" Volo's Lucario would expel his own Aura, attempting to match the size and force of Ash's Lucario. He too would use Aura Sphere, building up all the Aura that he could. However, he came to discover that his Aura did not burn as bright as Mega Lucario's.

"Awesome, ain't it?! This is the power of Mega Evolution! Lucario!" Ash shouted.

"Luuu...Caaaaa!" Lucario roared, unleashing a giant Aura Sphere that was much larger than any other he has ever unleashed before. The sphere would grow and grow until it was twice the size of Lucario himself. It was like an Aura Bomb that was ready to explode.

"N-No way..." Volo stammered, taking a step back. "This can't be happening...! My Lucario can't match it?! That can't be!"

"Now! Fire!" Ash raised his fist.

"Lu!" Lucario would then condense the Aura Sphere into something far more its original and more common size, but the power was still tremendous but in a smaller state. After condensing it, Lucario would unleash the Azure-coloured sphere, sending it flying towards Volo's Lucario.

"Lucario! Stop it!" Volo ordered.

"Rio!" Lucario tried to stop it with his own Aura Sphere, only to realize that he couldn't match the power of Ash's Lucario. The two Aura Spheres would meet, clashing against one another, trying to overpower each other.

However, it was clear who had the upper hand here. Volo's Lucario would struggle to keep the Aura Sphere from reaching him, his feet sliding across the ground. The sheer force of Ash's Lucario's Aura was too much for him to handle.

"Rrrr...!" Volo's Lucario growled, trying to push back. But it was no use. His Aura Sphere would shatter, leaving him vulnerable to the incoming Aura Sphere. "Lucario!" The Aura Sphere would land on him, exploding upon impact.

The force of the explosion would also engulf Arcanine, hitting him as well. Both Pokemon would be sent flying, tumbling on the ground before stopping. They were both knocked out, unable to battle anymore.

"No...!" Volo was left speechless, seeing how easily his Pokemon were defeated by Ash's Lucario. "That's impossible...! I'm supposed to have the advantage! How did this happen?!"

He would get on his knees, his arms almost becoming limp. He felt like he was about to fall apart after seeing his Pokemon being taken down so easily. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it.

He then lowered his body, his hands touching the peak of Mount Coronet. Right before his very eyes, his dream was coming apart. All thanks to Ash. It wasn't just his dream that was gradually crumbling, but it also seemed to be everything else. The relationship he formed with Sci-Twi had already come apart and the same goes for the one with Lena. All that progress was seemingly for nothing.

Volo feared that he would have to return to his time, losing all memories of an event like this ever happening. He would be back to the start but he would never get anywhere this close ever again.

"Is this it...? It can't be it. I'm a descendant of the Celestic People. Those closest to Arceus. Among one of the last ones remaining. This world...everything in it has to be remade."

"You can stop right now, Volo." Ash would suggest this one option. "Come on. If you wanna see Twilight again, then you've gotta stop all of this."


"...No. I've come too far for that. It would all be a waste." He said with a bit of a low tone. Volo would then stand up, his hands clenched as his gaze strongly fixated on Ash. "This is the only way it can all truly end...But I promise you, I will even bend fate itself if that is what it takes to win."


"I lack the Fire Shard...I haven't even managed to restore some of the shards as LifePlates. So...I'll do it myself. With my own power!" In one hand, he held out a Poke Ball which contained his final Pokemon. Garchomp. And in the other hand, he held the shards that have not yet become Life Plates. But the one that stuck out the most was the Dragon Shard. Volo would throw the Poke Ball upwards, summoning Garchomp.

"Garchomp!" Garchomp roared, landing on the ground.

"Watch this! Watch as I restore these shards to their original selves!" Volo cacked, aiming to restore them without the use of the machine. And judging by the way he was laughing, he was very much confident that he could do it as Ash braced himself.

The Distortion World.

In the Distortion World, Sci-Twi was currently backing away from the Renegade Pokemon Giratina, who was staring her down. She was absolutely terrified by its presence, knowing what it was capable of. Her body shook, unable to move properly due to how heavy she felt.

Giratina started moving forward, letting out a powerful roar at Sci-Twi, which prompted her to start running. The young girl would run as fast as she could, trying to get away from the Renegade Pokemon.

Sci-Twi cried out, running across the upside-down trees and rocks, attempting to escape Giratina. However, the Pokemon was far faster than her, flying through the air while chasing after her. "Ngh!" Sci-Twi tripped over a rock, causing her to fall in a different direction entirely.

Sci-Twi felt her body falling through this bizarre air, screeching as she curled her body, closing her eyes afterwards. At high speeds, Giratina would fly over her, sending a pressure strong enough to hurl her through the air.

"Why?!" Sci-Twi screamed, tumbling in the air before hitting the ground. "Oof!" She groaned, rubbing her head. She looked up, seeing how Giratina was descending upon her. "Oh no...!"

The Renegade Pokemon would let out another roar, causing Sci-Twi to cover her ears. She felt like her eardrums were going to burst. "S-Stop it! Please!" She begged, only for Giratina to unleash a powerful shockwave that would push her back.

Sci-Twi tumbled on the ground, sliding across the blue surface. She would then find herself on top of a tree, lying on it. She was currently lying sideways in this alternate universe, groaning as she witnessed Giratina slowly coming her way. But she didn't have the strength to move any further right now, her body needing some time to recover at the moment.

She would shudder when seeing Giratna approaching her, his body slithering across the air thanks to the serpentine form he had here. Sci-Twi's heart started racing, her breathing becoming rapid as she saw how close Giratina was getting.

She then turned her head, looking away from Giratina while closing her eyes as tears began forming. She has never felt more terrified in her life than ever before. She knew what this Pokemon was capable of. And being trapped here with it was the last thing she wanted.

"Please..." Sci-Twi whimpered while panting, feeling the presence of Giratina looming over her. "Please...don't hurt me." She said quietly, hoping that Giratina wouldn't do anything to her.

However, the Renegade Pokemon would suddenly stop, backing away from Sci-Twi a bit. Sci-Twi would pant before slowly opening her eyes, seeing how the Renegade Pokemon was now just staring at her.

"W-What?" Sci-Twi questioned, not understanding why Giratina wasn't attacking her. She expected him to attack her, but he didn't. Instead, he was just staring at her. It was like he was studying her.

Her body was still heavy, making it hard for her to move properly and get up. However, she managed to stand up, facing Giratina who continued to stare at her. "Why isn't it doing anything? Is it waiting for something?"

Giratina would then let out a small roar, causing Sci-Twi to flinch. "Ah!" The Renegade Pokemon would then turn around, flying away from Sci-Twi. "Huh...?" She blinked, watching Giratina lock onto the pendant. Just then, Arceus Pendant would glint as it would suddenly respond to Giratina's glowing eyes.

Sci-Twi would freeze as the light coming from the pendant would suddenly transfer a voice into her head. She couldn't make out the voice but one thing was for sure. To her absolute surprise, it was friendly. That voice was Giratina's voice. As she gripped onto the pendant, her grip loosened as she gazed at the Renedage Pokemon.

"You...Don't want to hurt me? You understand why I'm here?"

In response, Giratina let out a slight roar. Indeed, Giratina knew why she was here. But it confused Sci-Twi as to why he was chasing her. Giratina, interacting with the pendant would let her know.

"You were just trying to test me...To see if I was dangerous? And you also wanted to see how I'd react to your presence?"

Another roar was heard. This time, it was a bit louder. Giratina was indeed testing her. He wanted to see how she would react to his presence. And he was impressed by her reaction.

"Giratina understands you without fail." Cyrus would walk here while continuing to speak in his cold tone. "You clearly do not belong in this universe."

"You understand him as well."

"No. Not even for a moment. I have been trapped here for an unknown amount of time and not once has Giratina paid me any attention. This universe is my prison and with nothing else to do, I am no threat to Giratina."Cyrus continued to explain. "And neither are you. You did not come here of your own accord, unlike me."

"Then...do you know what's happening out there, Girtatina?" Sci-Twi leaned in. While Giratina wasn't the master of Time or Space like Diagla and Palkia, he at least knew when something was very wrong in the universe. And right now, he could sense it. The tear could be sensed even in this universe.

Giratina, using his grandiose power, would shoot Anti-Matter into the air. The Anti-Matter particles would then reveal something, painting the skies with the scenery of what was lying in the universe opposite to it. There, Giratina would show Sci-Twi the tear in the sky. He indeed had the power to view it even from here.

Cyrus would look at the tear as well, being unphased by it. Sci-Twi would let out a sigh of relief once she saw that it had died down a bit but it was still strongly active.

"Okay...Good to know I weakened it a bit. But at this rate, if it doesn't get shut down, then it's all over. I gave Ash all the time he needs to try and stop Volo." When Sci-Twi brought up Ash's name, it sparked a reaction from Giratina. He remembers that name very well.

"Ash Ketchum..." Cyrus muttered, remembering that name as well. Suddenly, with a harrowing sound, the tear in the sky would aggressively widen before their eyes. It suddenly grew in size in just a second, reaching what appeared to be its true apex.

This was all thanks to Volo, unleashing the power of the Shards and using all that he could within him to restore them as Life Plates. He directed all that energy into the tear as it began affecting the Distortion Realm as well. Sci-Twi gasped, seeing Divine crackles around the area.

Giratina roared as he suddenly heard a voice call out to him. It was Volo's voice as he was managing to reach the Distortion World. "Giratina!"

Volo was calling for Giratina, finally going the distance and targeting the Shadow of Arceus himself. Giratina would focus on the voice shouting at him, paying close attention and anticipating what would happen next. So would Sci-Twi. The climax of this confrontation was here.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 535 End.

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