• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 2,910 Views, 174 Comments

A canterlot wedding - Aiko-Arts

Not everything we saw at the royal wedding was the only thing that happened that day.... At her brother's wedding, after chrysalis sends her to the cave, twilight loses consciousness and has a vision, a dream in which she meets a nine-tailed beast

  • ...

Memories of Kurama

"Memories of Kurama"
CH6 Death and life again! a new opportunity?!


"Were... were I am?"
"See you again kurama"

"Hagoromo... so I'm dead?"

"As you know the Bijuu are essential in the world, I sincerely know that you won't be able to revive here."

"What? Why not?"

"I know you are essential in that world, but I found out something, and that's about Boruto's power, that power is equal to yours or even stronger if he trains hard."

"I understand, but then? that doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, there is a world not far from here, in which there is a lot of chakra or something like that, however there is a big imbalance, I already chose someone ' or rather from the pony'"

"You said something?"

"No nothing else sincerely"

"If there is an imbalance then you need me, but wouldn't you need more Bijuu's?"

"Yes but there in that world there is something called elements of harmony if I'm not mistaken, they are part of that world, however there are going to come stronger villains that neither the elements nor other gems or powers that are there won't be able to stop"

"And what will happen to Konohagakure and the other villages?"

"Well, there's something else I didn't tell you..."

"Tell me then!"

"You'll come back someday."

"Really?! But when?"

"Why so many questions?"

"I don't know, I miss Naruto, honestly he changed my life..."

"I understand, I know it's hard for you, but I assure you that your new Jinchuriki will like you, when you go, be nice to her."


"Oops, I guess it slipped out."

"Agh well, but how will I get in?"

"Uh? what do you mean"

"How am I going to be inside or rather how will you seal me in?"

"Mhmm well it's as easy as adding 2 + 2."

"Sometimes I hate your philosophy"

"Yeah... Well for every minute that passes here in the other world it's a week."


"And... stop!"

"You have to go kurama"

"But you didn't answer my question!"

"Well... there I placed a transparent trap, more than that is a seal, although you will not take directly your physical form but you will have your chakra, soul and mind" Hagoromo spoken

"Basically everything except... why explain if you already know, something I should add is that your powers will have been multiplied by 1.5x" Hagoromo tried to explain kurama

"Why didn't you do that before in the fight that naruto and I had against" kurama couldn't finish when he was shushed by Hagoromo.

"Because over there the sun is mythical! Your chakra is coming from the sun, if you put them together with the sun over there which is much more powerful your chakra will be more powerful!"

"I understand but still... it won't be the same."

"I promise you, over there you will finally learn about friendship."

"I hope so...I really hate everyone except for some of them of course"

"Kurama, you've really softened up a bit thanks to Naruto."

"Well what will happen next in the future with this...this new Jinchuriki?"

"I really don't know"

"Huh? Then why did you choose her? There must be a good reason specifically."

"She? well she has the soul and spirit of a great warrior, she saved her world twice, doesn't she remind you of someone?"

"Ha a little bit"

"Kurama I'm afraid I'll have to erase your memory a bit before you leave..."

"Eh? but why?"

"It's dangerous someone who can read minds or a similar power could be dangerous."

"You won't erase my whole mind...will you?"

"That's right, I'll just erase this conversation, but as time goes by you'll remember it."

"Uff well, that's okay I guess"

"Something else"

"Ah? not that I was supposed to leave?!"

"Yeah yeah I know"

"Ugh you really put a lot of thought into this!"

"Well I just wanted to explain something to you, listen carefully!"

"I'm listening"

"In that world, princesses rule, they're like the hokages"

"They're rule the whole world?"

"Not the whole world, only a part of it, it is one of the many kingdoms there are, but you will go there, because that is where your jinchuriki is, and there are also the elements of harmony, your jinchuriki has the most important one".

"Why the hell are you telling me this? I'm going to forget later."

"Yes, but later you will remember, now..." hagoromo would clear his throat and say "Well, there is a very important wedding apparently, but I felt the chakra of dangerous creatures, apparently your jinchuriki knows about it and tried to explain to the monarchy and her relatives about it, but nobody believed her".

"How is she going to be at the wedding?"

"Because her brother is marrying one of the princesses, in fact there are 3 of them, he's marrying the youngest, her name is, wait... yeah I remember, Princess Cadance the princess of love."

"Ugh so much cliche"

"Wait kurama I didn't tell you everything, the main monarchy, There is the princess luna who controls the night, the princess celestia control one of the biggest stars, the sun, princess cadance the princess of love and.... oh that's all about them, well, the point is that your jinchuriki is a student of one of the monarchies, and the strongest in fact, that's Princess Celestia."

"I get it, is that why you chose her? for her power?"

"No, I chose her for her values, her power has nothing to do with it."

"Well by the time I remember this I'll probably know all about her."

"Maybe, but what's the point of this?"

"Ahh..." kurama would be silent, he didn't know what to answer, hagoromo would hit his head with his baculum.

"Don't be silly, it's to make friends, learn from friendship with them! protect and have fun!"

"Well it also makes sense"

"Yes it does, so my dear Bijuu, kurama, it's time to go, the portal is ready" hagoromo would say pointing towards the portal.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that kurama... we will see each other again soon, I promise you."

"I trust you, I think..."

"Very well... See you, have a good trip Kurama!"

"Eh? well good bye Hagoromo..." kurama didn't finish when the portal pulled him.

"Oh what am I going to do with you kurama...sometimes you are the silly here"

'Hagoromo, I guess I owe you thanks eh?'


"Mhmm, oh twilight were you there?"

"Yeah, well I fell asleep and concentrated, I went into something like a 'transparent mode' a relaxation mode to talk to you."

"I hate."


"Your heart, it's full of hate"

"Really yeah, I just... I can't understand! They're so stupid, why do I have them as friends?, more like why are they still my friends?, maybe they're just my friends because of royalty? that's it?! I REALLY DON'T KNOW! and I hate it!"

"Are you sad or mad about it?"

"And what do you think?"

"Kurama, they never learn, something like that happened last time, they promised to believe me no matter how crazy I think I am, they promised me their loyalty, but where did that leave me? for example rainbow dash, her element is loyalty, yet now she is one of the most disloyal ponies I know, she abandoned me when I needed it the most, or applejack with her honesty, why didn't she just say she was fed up and that's it? why keep pretending to be my friend? or rarity? she represents the element of generosity! when I asked for her help or at least to comfort me she just... looked at me like I was a freak, fluttershy? she represents the element of kindness, yet she was just as cruel as all of them! and pinkie... this time she's no laughing matter! she didn't cheer me up when she should have, they don't deserve the elements!"

"Twilight calm down, you've got me!"

"But I still won't forget what they did to me! I can't even forget it!"

"There are scars that you can't see on the outside, but they grow on the inside...did you know that Kurama?"

"Something like that, my old Jinchuriki was something like that, nobody understood him, they hated him for being different, just for having me, but when he saved the village everybody loved him, they praised him as a hero.... some people are hypocrites twilight, don't think that everyone is going to be like you, someone loyal, who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for others..."

"Kurama... tell me what do I do uh? it seems like there's nothing left for me anymore"

"Believe it or not you are lucky to be living and to have at least someone to talk to and be with, my former jinchuriki didn't have what you now call family, you should be grateful, however I don't blame you, the way they acted towards you was cruel, even your tutor who you considered as a second mother... sometimes you just have to let it go..."