• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 2,910 Views, 174 Comments

A canterlot wedding - Aiko-Arts

Not everything we saw at the royal wedding was the only thing that happened that day.... At her brother's wedding, after chrysalis sends her to the cave, twilight loses consciousness and has a vision, a dream in which she meets a nine-tailed beast

  • ...

The meeting

"The meeting!"
CH7 ¡The dragon and the fox! Questions & Answers!

"What happened to Sparkle?! Cadance!" Luna shouted angrily.

"We must go quickly! There are several ponies injured!" Shining would say

"Yes captain!"

"Captain shining armor, you come with us, we have left somepony else in charge of it, you have to help us!"

"Twilight... what are we going to do with her?"

"I think she's been practicing dark magic, that could mean a conviction! It's against the laws! But I doubt that, dark magic is a little different!"

Spike would run to Twilight

"Twilight's not capable of doing that, she's the noblest pony I've ever met in my life!"

"Princess Luna we have to go to the hospital!"

"Most of them are busy, however we have a VIP pass, we have to go fast!"

"Quick, I need a scalpel!"

"Dr. Hooves! We need your help!"

In the hospital there were several injured ponies, now they had a medical attention to the smallest and for those who have hereditary problems or since they were born, the invasion had not only caused damage to canterlot, but to other nearby towns, bartering between towns had stopped, trains that were to arrive 2 hours earlier had been delayed by the invasion, several people without homes, all this would have been avoided if they had listened to twilight.


"Princesses! we'll help you now" The Doctor who was at her side would bring articulated beds for all the ponies, the soldiers had helped to bring some ponies that had stayed at the wedding reception, at main 5, other soldiers, princess cadance, Twilight and princess celestia.

"I..." Cadance had woken up, barely able to speak.

"Cadance don't talk! it's going to get worse" Princess Luna would tell her

Then a group of doctors came with several beds in which they would put each of the ponies.

"Emergency Room 53, to the right!" Dr. Hooves told the group of soldiers.

"C'mon Guys! call the city of Cloudsdale! we need your help with the fire!"

"We need more doctors, the doctors from Ponyhattan are available?!"

"We'll get them to the emergency rooms quickly!"

"First, I want you to separate the purple pony from the others, I want her thoroughly investigated!"

"What? Princess! She is very weak and has serious injuries."

"Do it when she's stabilized!"

"It's okay princess, we'll do studies on her, her magic and..."

"I want you to do studies into her mind, she looked like a wild animal incapable of reasoning! her magic had changed!"

"Of course we will, princess! We'll let you know if we find anything out of the ordinary."

"CADANCE!" Shining would shout running towards cadance inside the emergency room.

Cadance was malnourished, had some scratches all over her body and was wearing a neck brace, Twilight's hit was so hard that Cadance broke her neck.



"Captain, stay calm."

"How do you want me to stay calm Princess, if I may ask...Where is Twilight?, I promised I would protect her I must see her!"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, sir."

Then a Doctor entered the Emergency Room.

"I need to see her!" Shining shouted but was silenced by the doctor who had recently entered the emergency room.

"Dr. Bristleice"

"Princess Luna, please!"

"I'm afraid I can't help Captain Armor, as that would be against the rules."

"Don't tell me that..."

"Despite everything Twilight has done for Equestria, I'm afraid that if she is, she's been practicing dark magic."

"Princess, I highly doubt it's dark magic!"

"We'll see about that, besides, she attacked one of Equestria's princesses, well not just one, you saw it didn't you?"

"I did..." Shining couldn't finish his sentence when they heard some familiar shouts.

"Open the door, please!"


"Where's Twilight?!"

"I...What are you doing here?! I thought you were sleeping, but your injuries weren't that bad, just a few minor bumps."

"That doesn't answer my question, no one wanted to tell me where Twilight is! Why do they always keep everything to themselves! Is it because of what happened during the invasion?"

"Yes spike, and you won't be able to see her unless I say so, she's under surveillance! she's a danger to others, somehow or other I think she's been practicing dark magic, her magic turned a reddish orange! besides she didn't reason! she acted like a wild animal!"

"I am a wild animal and I don't behave like one..."

"Spike... I know you're frustrated by that just like me but..."

"And what do you know eh?! You never care about Twilight!"

"Of course I do!"

"Then why did you abandon her?!"


"And then how do you even remember" that was the last straw.

"You didn't even apologized to Twi!"

"Shining ya stop it!" Cadance said with difficulty.

"Cadance, forgive me...I really didn't mean to do it, I didn't mean to!"

Then a doctor would come into the emergency room.

"Dr.hooves, do you have any news?"

"Yes, I guess the princess is stabilized, we will put her in the room with the other 5 ponies!" Dr.hooves would say, shining would approach him.

"Dr. Hooves, do you know where my sister is? Twilight Sparkle, she is..."

"Yes I know who she is, but I am forbidden to reveal information about it until tests can determine her condition."


"Hey! You can't do that! We're her relatives and..." spike was silenced.

"Spike, I promise you will see Twilight, but it will be after the tests, and if the tests determine that something is wrong with her, then I'm afraid you won't be able to see her."

"I know I don't practice dark magic! Twilight never lies to me! She never hides things from me, after all she's like a big sister to me!"

Princess Luna looked at Spike, she knew that pushing them away was wrong, but it was for the good of everyone.

Meanwhile in another room.


"Rainbow, careful you might get a little dizzy at first from the medicine."

"Rarity? Twilight not applejack?..."

"No... it's me fluttershy."

"Oh dear, are you all better?"

"Yes, but where is twilight?"

"Oh my gosh twilight had gone crazy, she killed that damn queen, it's not good, plus she attacked the princess! who knows how she is" Rainbow would answer.

"Yes dear, twilight attacked the princess very hard, luckily it was only scratches" Rarity would say with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry Rarity, I'm sure the princess is fine, but twilight, she had never behaved like that! even when she went crazy because she hadn't sent a letter about her friendship lessons, but what worries me the most now are her eyes, she looked like a demon!"

"Yes! but they were more like Gummy's but red!"

"His eyes were red, yes it scared me a lot, however they look more like a fox's" fluttershy would answer pinkie.

Then the door opened, in wich enter several nurses and Princess Cadance, she was on a bed, Has a neck brace and several bandages.

"Princess Cadance!" they would all shout when they saw the princess with a neck brace.

"Twilight caused her a lot of damage! But how!"

"Princess luna what happened?!"

"I'm afraid twilight's attack was much more than a scratch, if I hadn't gotten there in time... cadance would have died because of twilight."

"Ladies! it's good to see you awake! it's been 14 hours since you arrived, your injuries weren't as bad as we thought!"

"14 HOURS?!" Rainbow yelled "Well I'm not really surprised! but what about Princess Celestia?!" applejack would said

"My sister is already fine, in fact she's on her way, this whole thing really got to her."

"Sorry for the interruption Princess Luna, but where is Twilight?"

Then a puffy eyed Spike would come in, he had cried so much for Twilight, he wanted to see her.


"Miss rarity, twilight is under surveillance, but I'm afraid she's not awake yet."

"Still not awake? I understand why she's under surveillance, she attacked a princess, but it was unintentional!" Pinkie would say in a sad tone.

"By the same token we believe he has been practicing dark magic, that violates the laws that have been imposed and followed for years."

"Um... twi, twilight is not capable of doing that, she is honest and kind, she doesn't like to make others suffer and besides twilight would never practice that kind of thing."

All the others nodded

"Aunt Luna, I assure you that Twilight is incapable of doing such a thing."

"I'm afraid that will come true" Princess Celestia would say entering the room where everyone was.

"Princess Celestia!"

"Princess... please tell me where twilight is!"

"You'll see her after you find out what she did on the exams."

"But how do you know she's practicing dark magic?"

"Well then..." Princess Luna would think to tell them.

"It's a long story" Celestia would reply.

"I was too little and naive to know what dark magic was, I was always attracted to what others were not, you know that because of my jealousy I did this, I had actually been practicing dark magic to make me stronger than Celestia, I practiced dark magic, it was thanks to the books that had been rescued from the crystal empire, the books of the ancient king, the shadow king."

"Shadow King?"

"An ancient corrupt ruler" Celestia would answer.

"He was considered a very talented magician, the same starswirl said so, but he followed the path of evil in order to get what he wanted, we do not know his full story, but his books? were living dark magic, once you read them and practiced dark magic there is no turning back, each time it consumes you until it consumes your soul completely." Luna spoken

"Something like what happened to Twilight, I really hope it's not what I think." Celestia answered

"I don't think so..." Fluttershy spoken

"In case it's not dark magic...what would it be?" Pinkie asked

"It's a question I've been asking myself, I think she was suddenly able to use the elements at a long distance thanks to her connection with them, and through this she was able to access their magic and energy." Applejack answer

"However, the elements are supposed to be used for good, or to cause good things, yet this caused the contrary." Celestia spoken

*NOCK* Then a knock would sound on the door *Nock* *Nock* *Nock*

"Please come in" Princess Celestia would say.

"Princess, we have the test results" The doctor said.

"So? what is it?"

"You have to follow me"

"Princesses, I think we are all fine and we can go with you, besides spike wants to see Twilight."

"I guess you can go, but be careful" Princess Celestia would say

*NOCK* Then a knock would sound on the door *Nock* *Nock* *Nock*

"Please come in" Princess Celestia would say.

"Princess, we have the test results" The doctor said.

"So? what is it?"

"You have to follow me"

"Princesses, I think we are all fine and we can go with you, besides spike wants to see Twilight."

"I guess you can go, just be careful" Princess Celestia would say

"We have done blood, neurological and other tests to determine what happened to her body," said the doctor.

"Well? what is it?" Princess Luna would say.

"There are no signs that she has been practicing black magic, or that she has used it, the magic tests determine that she is normal, we tested it 3 times, we used the best magic testing instruments, there is nothing out of the ordinary" The doctor said.

"Princess I told you, Twilight would never be able to do that" Applejack would say with a slight smile.

"Yeah i'm sure, but princess, you said something about the elements right?" Rainbow would say.

"Yes, and even if he had used some of his magic that would have already come up on the magic tests, and the strength tests" The celestial princess would say.

"So...what does this mean?!?"

"I'm really afraid of what might be happening to Twilight, she's been like a big sister to me."

"Oh dear, don't worry, Princess luna, why don't you use your magic to see into Twilight's dreams so you can find out what's going on" Rarity would say.

Everyone thought about what rarity had just said, until a pony interrupted the silence.

"It's true, princess luna you can use your power, to access twilight's mind" Shining armor would say.

"Of course I thought about it, but I can't access her, in fact I tried when she was unconscious, someone else must enter, someone she trusts, so her mind will think she's not a danger and let you in."

"Princess count us in!" Pinkie would say with a big smile

"I don't think we can..." said Cadance.

"I agree with cadance, however I doubt that after what we did to him he will let us in."

"What about me, I know I hurt her a lot but I'm her big brother, she and I have a great connection."

"I doubt it, according to what my sister told me about what happened at the reception, I don't think she will let you in".

"I want to go"

They all looked at a fixed point, where Spike was, he was afraid because of the way they were looking at him.

"I don't want to admit it spike, you honestly spend more time with twilight than anyone else."

"Yeah... Besides, you always care about her, you went looking for her when no one else wanted to."


"Cheer up! princesses I think spike can do it!"

"Spike are you sure?" Cadance would say.

"Of course I am, besides she always took care of me, she was the only one who treated me right! I'm sure!"

"Alright spike, follow me, they can all come."

"When Twilight recovers I'm going to make her 80,000 cakes! And a lot of pudding!" Pinkie would say.

Applejack would nod

Then the main 5, spike, shining and the princesses would enter a room, in the room there was a purple unicorn, it had a breathing tube and several bandages, what everyone could notice were the 3 marks it had on its face.

"Is it me or does Twilight have 3 marks on each cheek of her face" Rarity would ask.

"It's probably a little bit of Dirt..."

"Twily!" shining was terrified, because of her his sister and several ponies were in the hospital.

"Spike" Luna would speak up looking at spike.

"Is something wrong princess luna?" spike would ask.

"You are going to have a protective shield, invisible to the eye, use it if you find anything out of the ordinary, also, at the time you want to return just say 'I wish to return', but if you take too long I will have to take you out myself" Princess Luna would tell spike

Spike would look at Twilight with a sad look on his face, he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

"Yes Princess Luna"

Then the doors would open, spike felt like crying, after all, he felt the guilt that twilight was in that state, princess luna would enter


"I always have been."

Then Princess luna would use her magic, then spike's eyes would turn white, Princess luna's magic would send the mind, soul, body and voice into Twilight's mind, then spike would open his eyes.

"Where.... where am I?" Spike would say, standing up, his eyesight was blurred, he couldn't see well.

"Sp...Spike? How, how are you here?!" A mysterious voice would say

When Spike got a good look, he realized that the voice was Twilight's voice.

"Twilight! I..."

"Who is this brat?!"

Hearing that voice, spike would stand behind twilight, he was trembling, just hearing that voice had given him the chills.

"Hey! it's my little brother! spike" Twilight would say, spike was still trembling, he was afraid to even see

"A little dragon? I thought only those of the same species were siblings, you're a pony, he's a tiny dragon" A mysterious voice would say.

"Twilight if you want, I'm leaving!"

"No spike, stay, it's awesome, how did you get into my mind?"

"Well a bit of spells and magic and I was able to get in, but can you tell me who it is that's talking?! It really scares me!" spike would whisper.

"Haha? he's not scary or mean, he's just a little grumpy" Twilight would say with a mocking tone.

"GRUMPY?! How dare you brat!" A mysterious voice would say.

"Anyway, his name is kurama!" Twilight would say pointing at kurama.

"HE IS! IT'S A GIANT FOX!" Spike would run, twilight with her magic would bring him back.

"Spike, ehh how do I explain it to you..." Twilight didn't know how to explain to spike that she and kurama are connected.

"Listen spike, don't be alarmed! listen carefully because I'm not going to repeat it again!"


"Listen brat I am!" Kurama was about to speak but was interrupted.

"Don't you think you would scare him more Kurama?"

"Naa I don't think so!"

"Anyways, I'll explain"

"Uhh? I don't understand! just explain to me what's going on! why the princesses, your family and friends thought you were using dark magic, but it was impossible since you could never do that, and what are those marks on your face?!"

"Too much information" Kurama would say."

"Marks? I don't know what you mean but listen."

Spike would nod

"Technically Kurama lives in me, his magic is in me, at any time I can use him at will, he is stronger than all the princesses, he is a bijuu from another universe, a bijuu is an animal with a tail, like a mythological animal, he doesn't really possess magic, he possesses chakra, it is much stronger than magic, using the power of the sun, there are 9 beasts with tails in total, he is the strongest! he died and revived thanks to his creator, called hagoromo! he created the 10-tailed Bijuu, but it was so overwhelming that he decided to divide it into 9, that's why he is the strongest, anyway, his world is not like ours, there instead of princesses reign hokages, they are like the leaders of each village or kingdom, there are ninjas, the lowest is the pre-academy, then genin, then chunin, jounin, and more!"

Spike was slow to process what twilight had just told him.

"That means you..."



"What?! Well, I didn't think about it but, I'm only stronger than the princesses!"


Twilight would nod

"You have control of the sun? or well you can get or grab energy or magic from the sun, you are very strong!, like a goddess maybe? that was the reason why you were super strong?! that's why your wounds heal faster! those abilities superponys!"

"That's right!"

"Ugh are they done already?"

"Shut up Kurama! Give me a minute!"

"I want to tell everyone already!"

"Spike, there's a problem!"

"What... what is it?"

"You... You can't tell anyone, this stays here between the three of us."

"But wouldn't that help?!"

"On the contrary, I don't want them to get scared and think otherwise! You saw how they treated me spike, I can't risk it!"

Then everyone would hear a voice


"That's..." twilight was about to speak, but she was interrupted by spike.

"Princess Luna, but twilight.... How am I supposed to explain? I mean I tell them I didn't see anything so they won't believe me and they'll find out on their own? they can find out!"

"So, tell them that when you talked to me I told you to use the ability of the elements, a Starswirl book or something, that's the only thing I can think of!


"But twi!"

"Hey spike right?" Kurama would ask.

"Yeah... yeah what do you want?"

"SPIKEE!!!" again the scream would be heard.

"If you tell anyone about this.... I swear I will kill you!"


"What a brat! It's just a warning!"

"I... I won't say anything... I promise Twi!"

"Don't worry spike, I trust you."

Then a portal would appear behind them pulling spike

"See you when I wake up spike!" twilight would say with a big smile.

"Me... too."

then spike would disappear from the place

"So your brother huh?"

"That's right kurama, that's right."



"Spike we thought you had fainted or Twilight had attacked you!"

"I thought so too! But she was very kind, as usual."

"Spike, don't lie to us, tell us what happened!" Princess Celestia was very worried.

"Yay! When Twilight wakes up, I'll throw her a huge party!"

"Well, Twilight doesn't know, she told me that at first she felt like a big blast of energy coming into her body, she said it was like when she used the elements! but she doesn't remember anything"

"Spike, are you telling us the truth?"

Spike was sweating he wasn't that good at lying.

"Yeah! I actually freaked out at first since you couldn't see anything."

"I guess there's nothing else to do..." Shining would say

"Twilight..." The main 5 said in unison

"Well spike, thank you very much anyway" Princess Celestia would say

Then everyone would leave the room, but then Luna would grab Celestia's helmet and pull her to another place.

"Luna! what's wrong with you?" Celestia said with a sad tone

"I know spike is hiding something!"

"Luna? I think you're delirious, spike is very sincere."

"Maybe it seems that way but don't you see? he was sweating when he told us about this, he got stuck when he was talking, besides he said that everything looks dark! that's false, whenever you enter someone's mind it's a white void or a dream or a world!"

"Luna, the fact that he's slurred or sweating doesn't mean he's lying, and if he told you everything was dark it's because that's how Twi's dream was..... Sparkle's."

"Why don't you ever take anyone else seriously...sis?"

"Luna I..."

"Don't say anything, you've cleared my doubts, now I'm leaving."


"I'll take care of this myself, don't worry" was the last thing the youngest said before closing the door and leaving.

"What if he's right?" Celestia said to herself.

"I'm not going to let her do it alone, I can't lose her again" Celestia thought "I... I'm going to find out what's going on, this goes way beyond".

"This goes beyond the unknown."

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for uploading it late! i've been very busy! but there is it! i hope you enjoy it