• Published 4th Mar 2023
  • 3,171 Views, 108 Comments

NSL/Anon-A-Miss: Our Past Is Not Today - cornholio4

During Anon-A-Miss, Sunset ended up befriending Lincoln Loud who ran away during the luck incident.

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Chapter 5

Canterlot in the human world that afternoon and the local Twilight Sparkle was convinced by her girlfriend the local Sunset Shimmer to go out down town with her while also taking Twilight's pet dog Spike out as well. Sunset with her black vest, dark purple skirt (all hidden by her long winter coat) and hair in a ponytail whistled as she held Twilight by her arms. "You know as much as your folks don't entirely like me; they certainly are grateful that I am able to convince you to go out and act like a normal girl." Sunset teased as Twilight sighed.

Not that Twilight's family hated Sunset or anything like that but she was a girl that didn't care about what people thought of her; gotten in Crystal Prep on a scholarship thanks to her grades and made no secret of how she viewed her students including the ones that she had seen as only getting in thanks to their wealthy parents. Twilight's parents knew that they were both happy with eachother and Sunset wasn't trying to encourage Twilight to break the rules, laws or partake in using bad substances and it wasn't that Sunset was mean.

She just had an air of superiority about and while letting those that take a chance to see the warmer and nice girl inside (who wouldn't think to bully kids just because) but also that she appeared to be any parents' worst nightmare of who their darling child would bring home and Sunset saw no reason to make an effort to correct that impression of her. Didn't help that if you did succeed in getting on her bad side then she could be sneaky, cunning and vindictive.

She had absolutely no involvement of the scandal that forced Principal Cinch to resign with her precious reputation forever tainted and still had her being investigated to this day over cheating and sabotage in competitions along with alleged embezzlement of school funds. Nothing that could link Sunset to this.

The fact that Cinch had threatened Twilight to ruin her future prospects if she didn't break up and cut ties with the 'bad influence' Sunset with Sunset having caught the meeting while hiding; with this happening just before the entire scandal was just purely coincidental.

Sunset did take a chance now and then to check out the zoo to see Cinch at her new job cleaning out the habitats while bitter over everything she had lost including her now frozen 401K.

"They like you just fine Sunset and aren't you curious about what is going on at that school?" Twilight replied and it was Sunset's turn to sigh and shake her head.

"Not particularly; whatever happens at that school is their business and if they are up to anything that blows itself up then I will check it out and see what can be scavenged to study. Until then; I don't see any need in wasting brain space thinking about it or the rivalry that the preps that we have to share the hallways with take so seriously... Like that stupid Friendship Games..." Sunset retorted shaking her head.

"Well I have been doing some research..." Twilight said and glared at her girlfriend as she gave a face that basically silently asked 'what else is new'. "I have found out that something going on the school recently; a profile sharing secrets by a MyStable user only going by 'Anon-A-Miss'. The outline of the user icon resembles you a bit with your hair down even if the inside of the shape is blank." Twilight then finished explaining.

"Uh social media... Brings out arguments and stuff... Not to mention finding out that someone already has a profile with your name..." replied Sunset remembering that Twilight's old babysitter and school dean turned Principal Cadance had talked them both into signing up for MyStable in her attempts to encourage them to make more friends in the school.

Finding out that there was already a 'Sunset Shimmer' signed up so she had to with 'Sunny Shimmer' with the name.

They passed by a teenager who looked apologetic at Sunset with them confused; "Hey Sunset and Twilight... I am so sorry Sunset and I hope you can forgive me..." said another teenager passing by as their confusion grew.

"I wish I never checked out that stupid profile; I am sorry and I promise you that things will be better Sunset..." pleaded another teenager coming up to them and they just passed.

"You ever seen those guys before Twi because I sure as hell never did..." Sunset asked Twilight and she shook her head. However they were spotted by a family that had checked in at a hotel nearby and were checking out the stores.

"Were is my brother..." snapped a smaller younger girl coming up into Sunset's face and Twilight checked on her as Sunset pushed her off.

"Be grateful that I don't want to hit kids you brat because if you were my age; you would be nursing a sore eye right now!" warned Sunset at the kid.

"Lynn!" chided the girl's family as they came over and looked over at Sunset. "So sorry about our Lynn here... Are you Sunset Shimmer?" asked Lynn Loud Sr and they blinked and Sunset nodded.

"We are looking for our bro and we are hoping that you could help us as haven't you been hanging out with him?" Luna said showing the profile and the picture on her phone with Sunset and Twilight having their eyes widened at this picture with what looked like Sunset with her hair down and instead of her vest was a leather jacket.

"Looks like me... Could it be the girl that took my name as a profile?" Sunset muttered but shook her head. "That's not me if you can believe it... That's my name and look if different but... I can tell you where that place is and perhaps you can go from there but I have never seen that kid before in my life!" Sunset ended up saying and gave them directions to the Sweet Shoppe. "Bye and keep that girl under control!" Sunset yelled at them as they left.

"Well that was weird and what are the odds of there being another girl that looks like you with your name Sunset..." Twilight told Sunset only to see her staring at him.

".... If you cloned me or duplicated me then would you tell me Twi?" Sunset asked as Twilight blinked. "I am just saying that I bet I could come up with a reason or two why you would want another copy of your beautiful girlfriend..." Sunset smirked as Twilight just lightly punched her on the arm.

Twilight had found Sunset and Lincoln and told them that she had managed to get papers fast tracked with Sunset now being Lincoln's legal guardian and they could get a meeting at the schoolhouse to start having him signed up to join the class. She had taken them there as they went through the snow in their winter wear (with a big winter jacket and a big scarf for Lincoln). Lincoln was warmly welcomed by the teacher Cheerilee.

"We would be more than happy for Lincoln here young our class and he is more than welcome to sit in with his future classmates. Including today for we have 2 special guest speakers all the way from the Crystal Empire: Prince Shining Armor & Princess Cadance!" Cheerilee explained to them with Twilight grinning and Sunset impressed.

Howver Lincoln looked perplexed; "Shining Armor?" Lincoln asked batting an eye.

"Yes; the best captain of the guard that Equestria has had in a long time as well as my...." Twilight but Lincoln started snickering as eyes were on him.

"Sorry but it's a little on the nose... Plus his parents must have had high hopes for him; I mean what would it have looked if he ended up as a cleaner or something?" Lincoln asked as Sunset was struggling to hide her own laughs as Twilight shook her head and Cheerilee was open mouthed. There was a fake cough and they saw that entering was Shining Armor looking dignified as can be as well as Princess Cadance trying her best to hide her laughter under her breaths.

"Let me guess..... You're...." Lincoln muttered as they came over and Twilight went up to them and shared a dance and rhyme with Cadance much to her confusion.

"Princess Twilight is the sister of Shining Armor and was foalsat by Princess Cadance herself." explained Cheerilee to Lincoln as Sunset was surprised as well by this.

"Wasn't expecting that.... Wait how do surnames work in Equestria?" Lincoln asked his invisible audience as Sunset laughed at the more confusion at this.

Author's Note:

Please don't expect daily chapters to be normal and next chapter is Lincoln's first unofficial class here in Equestria.