• Published 4th Mar 2023
  • 3,171 Views, 108 Comments

NSL/Anon-A-Miss: Our Past Is Not Today - cornholio4

During Anon-A-Miss, Sunset ended up befriending Lincoln Loud who ran away during the luck incident.

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Chapter 8

Lincoln as a human was out on his knees on the front step outside the door of the Loud House thinking that he deserved being locked out but then found the moon rising high up into the sky much to his confusion. He saw a figure flying out from the moon and then there was Princess Luna.

"I must say that I was not expecting to find you dreaming of your previous form little one; you must be Lincoln the one that Sunset Shimmer brought forth from the other world who has helped her through a tiring time. I am Princess Luna; Princess of the Night!" greeted Princess Luna as Lincoln looked at her as he got up on his feet. "I must say that I am not used to such tall children." Princess Luna said amusingly as Lincoln blinked.

"What was in that dinner that Spike made us that made me dream of this?" Lincoln questioned as Princess Luna shook her head.

"As Princess of the Night; I have the ability to enter the dreaming world to look over my subjects when they are having nightmares. Especially the young ones." Princess Luna explained as Lincoln didn't look quite convinced that she had actually entered his dream.

"If I do believe that; isn't that a big invasion of privacy? I mean I know that your sister has the power of the Sun and could use it to lord it over all the other countries to bow to your authority but spying on children in their dreams? Could you use that knowledge to mould and manipulate them?" Lincoln asked taken aback and Princess Luna sighed looking like she was being quite patient.

"I believe that yes; what you say may have merit but back to your nightmare young Lincoln." Princess Luna spoke going near him. "Quite an unflattering view of what your family did. Yet I don't sense dishonesty or overexaggerating in this dream." Princess Luna spoke raising an eyebrow as Lincoln sighed.

"More of a memory; bad enough that I feel overshadowed by their accomplishments and while I'm not perfect.... I feel like I am on a handicap most of the time and it came to this latest incident that made me run away...." Lincoln spoke as Princess Luna blinked.

"I understand feeling overshadowed by your sisters but surely this is but an exaggeration I can see memories through the dreams...." Princess Luna and Lincoln sighed as he looked away and covered his ears as Princess Luna had them appear as spirits to view the entire incident. Princess Luna when Lincoln glanced at her saw that she looked on in stunned outraged and kept reliving the memory; as if trying to get it to change and that it must be exaggerated.

Soon enough it stopped and Princess Luna looked like she was struggling to keep her emotions in check; "Sorry young one but I must depart or else I risk terrifying you by letting it all out right here after you already went through so much...." Princess Luna said as calm as she could but it sounded terrifying to Lincoln as it sounded like she was keeping back unadulterated rage.

Lincoln ended up waking soon and yawned and was taken aback to find the floor of the room covered in spiders. "Am I still dreaming?" Lincoln asked as he let out a yawn and put Bun-Bun to the side with his magic but then popped in was an exasperated looking Discord.

"Seriously? That was your biggest reaction to that?" Discord asked stunned and Lincoln giggled as he smirked at him.

"Not bad for a prank Discord as it is a little freaky but Luan already pulled off something similar one year for April Fool's. Mostly only got Leni as she is the one super scared of spiders." Lincoln stated as Discord gave him a glare.

"I am going to get you kid; just you wait!" Discord warned as he disappeared with the spiders.

"I heard the voice of that goat bipedal thing; did Discord bother you!" Sunset spoke looking serious in an overprotective older sister voice as she slammed the door open with her magic.

"Just filled the floor with spiders Sunset; that's all. Nothing I can't handle!" Lincoln assured her as Sunset was open mouthed.

"A room filled with spiders is not something that you should say 'that's all' to! Seriously what those girls put you through; that Luan girl sounded like a menace..." groaned Sunset deciding to walk with Lincoln to the table for breakfast and insisting that she checked him over much to his embarassment.

There was Twilight and Spike reading over a scroll; "Get this Princess Celestia sent a letter warning us that in case she can't get her sister to calm down; Princess Luna may end up storming the castle to get to the portal. Something that happened during her peaking into dreams that caused her to want to use the portal as if preparing for war. Princess Celestia is trying to reason with her and the guard have to keep her away from the armoury as she was after an axe." Twilight spoke as Sunset blinked and Lincoln's eyes widened.

"So she does enter people's dreams... Plus I can explain that as I had a nightmare about my last memory with my family before I ran away and she saw it for herself..." Lincoln explained as they just sighed.

Twilight just shook her head knowing how protective of children Luna was when she entered their dreams to help with nightmares; if she did manage to get to the portal to get to Lincoln's family then Sunset as Lincoln's new older sister figure would end up deciding to help her.

Author's Note:

Some of my feelings towards Luan got put into the last bit and I am going to be frank: she is easily my least fave Loud sibling. On top of her puns and jokes not being funny, her pranks just get mean spirited and hurtful. Same reason why I don't buy Dash as an innocent victim in that episode with the zombie prank and cookies; it was spelled out to her that her pranking had gotten past funny and was now bullying. Plus hurtful with the biting a brick prank and how she was going to ruin a troop's cookie selling operation. While the zombie prank may have been too over the top; she had comeuppance and a taste of her own medicine coming. Please no arguments about this in the comments as I don't want the comments section to be a thread on this topic especially as for some reason the comments on a previous chapter became a thread about Phineas and Isabella from Phineas & Ferb and I have no idea how that started.