• Published 4th Mar 2023
  • 3,139 Views, 108 Comments

NSL/Anon-A-Miss: Our Past Is Not Today - cornholio4

During Anon-A-Miss, Sunset ended up befriending Lincoln Loud who ran away during the luck incident.

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Chapter 6

Twilight and Sunset had left with Sunset telling Lincoln that she will pick him up from class later and to wish him good luck with his first unofficial class in Equestria. The other young ponies started to fill into the class and Lincoln was directed to an empty seat and smiled upon seeing that he was sitting next to Stella.

"Welcome back class; I know that you are all excited for our super special guest speakers but first I think that you will find with a new face among us. he is sitting in while we will have him checked in to join the class so please give a warm welcome to the new student Lincoln Loud!" Cheerilee said as the class politely clapped their hooves and Lincoln nervously looked around him and waved with his hoove.

"Thank you class and now please give as much a warm welcome to our guest speakers all the way from the Crystal Empire: Prince Shining Armor & Princess Cadance!" Cheerilee introduced and the class clapped fiercely as entering the schoolhouse waving with warm smiles were Cadance & Shining Armor with Lincoln joining in hoping that they would forget their introduction to him.

"It's so great to meet all of you my little ponies and big thanks to your teacher Ms Cheerilee for having my husband and I." Cadance smiled sweetly to the class after they had gone to the front of the class. "Now I don't think that I will have to explain our home the Crystal Empire but just in case anypony needs a refresher... Can someone please tell the class what they know about the Crystal Empire and it's return?" Cadance asked and there were several hooves up in the air but Cadance looked towards Lincoln. "How about you show us what you know Lincoln since it's your first day?" Cadance suggested pointing to Lincoln who almost jumped out of his seat having not put up his hoove and just looked around nervously at the expected class.

Lincoln looked to Cheerilee's encouraging face and tried to find his words saying "Well it's an Empire of Crystals so it must be made of them or something.... I know nothing about it; first I have heard of the place was when I was in here the first time." Lincoln sighed as it was not among the subjects that Sunset had taught him about Equestria. There were snickers from students and Lincoln just sighed.

"That's alright Lincoln and no shame in admitting how little you know." Shining Armor said and then cleared his breath. "The Crystal Empire a thousand years ago flourished until the evil King Sombra stole their sacred Crystal Heart artefact and took power; Princesses Celestia & Luna stood up to him but he vanished the Empire for a thousand years until he could return. When the Empire returned my sister Twilight, her friend Spike and their friends managed to find the Heart and stop Sombra with us taking rule since then." Shining then explained and Lincoln smiled nodding along digesting all that information.

"You know what Lincoln; no reason to make this visit about us. How about you share something that you do know? We have heard from Shining's sister and the best foal that I had ever foalsit Princess Twilight that you came here through a portal with Sunset Shimmer." Cadance suggested and Lincoln gulped as eyes were back on him and he walked to the front of the class looking nervous.

"Tell us about what it's like being in a world filled with hairless monkeys!" Scootaloo shouted and there were snickers at this but Lincoln frowned shaking his head.

"Humans actually and we have opposable thumbs which I still kind of wish I still had but being able to levitate stuff is kind of cool... We don't really have magic-magic on Earth but there is stage illusion magic that I am practicing myself. Weather isn't controlled by pegasus which don't exist where I am from and is controlled by just the clouds." Lincoln ended up explaining and there was stunned looks from the young ponies and some mutters.

"So your whole world is like the Everfree Forest?" someone shouts and Lincoln not knowing what to do just nodded and it caused some more mutters.

"How about the Sun and Moon? Do they move on their own as well?" asked another pony and Lincoln faced them.

"No; we don't have immortal gods like rulers to control the Sun and the Moon and about them... Technically speaking they don't ever move; it's the planet itself that moves...." Lincoln answered and there was stunned silence from just about everyone. "How about I explain with visual aid..." Lincoln said seeing a globe and doing his best to levitate to him and tried to do the same for models of the Sun and Moon on shelves but there was Cadance doing it for him to help out.

Lincoln did manage to find a small pencil to put on top of the globe; “Just pretend that this represents me... Basically how it works is that the planet moves slowly and we don't notice besides the changing of the skies... Makes a full rotation every 24 hours; we are here and it's day because it's closest to the Sun but as the world moves...." Lincoln explained and managed to move the globe so that the pencil was now facing the Moon. "It's closer to the Moon and so night time and obviously nights and days get longer or shorter depending on the time of the year but that is generally how it works." Lincoln finished and the stunned class began clapping their hooves along with the rulers of the Crystal Empire and Cheerilee as well.

Lincoln smiled at the positive attention he was giving for this mini-lecture; was easy to not notice but Lincoln was considered the second smartest of his siblings behind his 2nd youngest sister Lisa and most of his grades weren't terrible at all.

It was later after school when Sunset came to pick Lincoln up and got a report on how Lincoln did from Cheerilee. "Wow Lincoln; we are sending you to school here but it looks like you took everyone to school today." Sunset told Lincoln honestly impressed at how he managed to wow everyone with Earth science. "Give me five...We don't have fingers but you get the idea..." Sunset said putting her hoove up and Lincoln did so in return and they slapped hooves together.

"Did you get some alone time with Twilight...." Lincoln asked Sunset smirking but she refused to answer as she just walked them both home with her cheeks red and Lincoln laughing. There was Cadance nearby who managed to catch what Lincoln had said and Sunset's reaction.

"Had a good time Lincoln; do you think that I could stop by the Castle some time and you can show me whatever cool stuff is different on your world than here in Equestria?" Stella asked running up to meet Lincoln and he gave her a nod and a smile with her beaming before going to meet with her mother.