• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 1,792 Views, 48 Comments

A Murder Drones Tail - Kamen rider accel 2

We were left behind and thought we could live in peace. But, It seems the creator didn't want them to love freely.

  • ...

Chapter 2

F.S. stood there looking at the two surprised at his sudden appearance.

"Hey F.S! Your back!" N happily said."Oh, you won't believe it. The company sent us another disassembly drone to help us out. She's kinda short but.. she would most definitely help us. See?" N pointed at Uzi who was now in a panic attack seeing the other Murder drone in front of her.

F.S. gave her a look as she knew now she had to act or else she'd be dead. She tried to reach for her gun on the side, but her hands were shaking like a leaf. "N... Why didn't you tell me?" F.S. asked as Uzi closed her eyes as virtual tears came out."That she arrived hear already." He suddenly said.

"Hah?" Uzi muttered in shock toon as she opened her eyes.

"I just did there buddy." N laughed at that."I was just showing her the ropes on what to do and what we shouldn't do. Like the buttons and screen. And stuff like that."

"Did you tell her to not mess with V secret compartment area she told us never to go or else she'll kill us and make us eat our oragnas." F.S told pointing at the area where there was a drawl with. 'Never come hear or Else your dead!' Written with oil on it.

"Yeah.... Yeah I was about to. But got side tracked at that."N muttered while scratching the back of his head."But I was gonna! Just going with a simple.. baby steps to insure that she'll understand us better."

"Well in that case. Let me do take her on the tore then."

"Hah?" Both asked.

"She's new ok. And your not really good at showing anyone around as you tend to get lost your self hear." F.S told as he continued before N could say anything."And Do I need to remind you on the last time we were being given a 'Tore' around the city by you. J was this close to ripping your head off if I wasn't there to stop her. And V aswell." He reminded making N slump down.

"Fine, But I wasn't that bad on the tore. I was just fixing my map and all."

"We were flying in circles for hours, We only found out about the that, is when you we saw the skeleton of the construction worker." He muttered..

"Ok fine. It was that bad." He huffed at him. Soon he signed."Oh, I can't stay mad at you... Just get her back after your done giving the tore." He goffle said to his friend.

F.S grabbed Uzi hand before she could say anything."Don't worry, I will." He told her as his toon was a bit sinister."Come on Rookie. As they say in Japanese,"It's a Senpai duty to show his junior the basics. Or else how would he learn to study.'" he said as he grabbed her gun and flew up taking her with him as she screams.

N just looked at where they went and couldn't help but sign in joy."Hah.. That's my friend there you see. He always looks out for me and the others." He shook his head.

"Wow!" Uzi grunted as she was dropped on the ground."Ow, Ok that hurt." She muttered as she looked up to see F.S hovering above her. She crawled back and try to escape."You! You won't be able to harm me! I-I know karate and Kung Fu! I downloaded it in my self." She bluffed as she tried to get out.

F.S looked at her as he suddenly threw her gun Infront of her taking her by surprise."Hah?" She said as she looked at him."Get out." He simply told her.

"Huh?" She thought she didn't hear him right or else.

"I said Get out of hear kid." F.S said taking her by surprise as a Murder Drone who isn't malfunction is giving her a chance to escape."Stop gawing at me like that and just leave already. Your in a danger zone kid and you shouldn't be hear. Go back to those safe doors you call home. And don't let me catch you hear snooping around or else my colleagues hear won't be to much forgiving." He told her as he landed on the ground and start to walk away.

"Why..?" He stopped as he heard her."Why are you giving me a chance to escape? Why not kill me right now. Isn't this what your supposed to do?" Uzi finally asked wanting to know why she was spared..

"...." F.S was quite for a minute as he looked back at her. Suddenly her image was changed to the girl in his dream. He didn't know why but he felt a bit of... Close bonding with her. Like he could trust her."Hah.... Listen kid, Me sparing your life is a direct change in my system that is against the company and what they stand for. They send us to do one thing and that was to kill the rogue worker bots and be done with them. That's all."

"But why?!" Uzi almost shouted."Why do you do it. Us worker dornes can help you to fix the freaking ship and help you get off this stupid planet once and for all! If you stop with the useless murdering and that. We could help each other out." Uzi tried to reason with him.

"Kid, We don't just hunt for sport. Well some of us don't." He muttered."We do it so we could drink the oil that helps us by not over heating and dying. As you could guess. We're like robot vampires. Except we can't turn others into us and we don't ware capes." He explained.

"But, Won't the company dispose of you when your done with this. Won't they just get rid of you!"

"Well, I don't think they'll do that." Both looked to see N coming in to view as he had a sheepish smile." I mean they never gave us a coming back command. They only have us a one way travel. But that still got a bit of confusion."

"N... How long were you listening to this."F.S asked patiently as he got Infront of Uzi, Surprising her. She then saw something that one of the red lights on N head was yellow. Meaning it was bad news.

"Well.... Not long enough." He told while ackwardly scratching his back."They came in suddenly and fixed my reboot problem and we came in just time to hear this."

"Wait, 'They'?!" F.S got alarmed so did Uzi as two more Murder Bots landed on the top of the ship. They both were female as they wore black jacket. One had her hair done in pony tail and the other wears a black short-sleeved crop coat with a fur collar and cuffs. Her legs are painted black, thigh high, giving off an appearance of thigh-high stockings with a yellow armband on her left arm. They had the neon yellow balls on there head aswell.

"Well, Well, Well, look what we just came in and witnessed for our self." J said looking at the two."Our little 'partner' hear is not fallowing his prime directives given to him. What do you have to say for your self then?" She mockingly asked

"Let's let the kid go J, She doesn't have anything to do with this." F.S stated as she looked at him then soon both her and V burst out laughing at his comment. N simply laughed dryly on what they're laughing at."What's so Funny there J?" He demanded.

J stopped laughing,"Oh poor, Poor F.S. How you became such a rule breaker we don't know of. You used to be this simple bot that fallowed what you were told to do. But now this, Helping our prey in escaping and with a weapon that could kill us? This is not like you."

"Well, Some things can happen and sometimes it's for the better. I'm just saying to let this kid go. She has nothing to do with this or anything at all. She was just fallowing a stupid thing she thought was a good idea." He argued back as Uzi took offence to the last part.

"It is a good idea." Uzi muttered behind him making him look back at her annoyed."Now's not the time when I'm trying to save your life from them." He shot back.

J simply smirked."Oh F.S, Your being corrupted by this worker bot charm.. we can't let that happen van we V."

The physico Robot girl laughed menacingly as she looked at them."Nope, Nope we don't want that. Why not 'Fix' him then. That could be easy." She laughed.

"That's what I was thinking! So we do this. Listen hear N!" She called him out."You take care of that little brat and we 'Fix' our partner hear. Sounds good."

N didn't get the meaning behind the word Fix but he looked back at them and nodded."Ok then," he looked back at F.S and Uzi."I'm sorry about this F.S, But she's corrupting you and stopping you from completing our mission. So I have to dispose of her to get you back."

"N, Do you even know what they're talking about Fixing me. Or are you that stupid!" F.S demanded as he didn't know if his friend was smart or not. But he didn't listen as he got ready to attack."Uzi." He whispered to her."I'll create a distraction for you to escape while I deal with those two. Run fast as you can and hide from N. Don't let him find you ok."

Uzi didn't know what to do right bow as she was in deep shit but nodded."Good, So run on 3... 2...1!"

F.S created a smoke gun and fired down creating smoke to blind the others from seeing what's happening. Soon He flew directly at the two girls who quickly flew back to avoid him. He flew around as he avoided the bullets being fired at him. Meanwhile Uzi got a chance and ran as fast as she could away from them as N chased her.

F.S flew out of the Piller of bodies as he flew around buildings. The two girls were chasing after him as they fired more bullets. He doged the bullets as he took a turn to the right. They turned aswell but we're meet with a swift kick on the face by F.S as he ambush them. They fall back and hit the buildings and fall on some frozen skeletons breaking them in the process.

He then flew and landed where she was. She shot up in anger as she growled at him. He made his hands into blades as he he ran towards her. She made blades aswell as both clashed with one another in quick speed. Both were delivering heavy sets of attacks as F.S used the opportunity when she and her git back and jumped behind her. He delivered a round house kick and flung her to the wall. He then launched his blades at J who cartwheel to avoid them in the nick of time. As she threw her blades at him. F.S simply avoided them but was soon hit with a stinger on his arm taking him by surprise as he grunted.

"Gah!" He looked to see her giving him a smirk as he pulled the stinger out and ripped it out of her tail. She was taken back by this but still kept her smile.

"You know, I really liked you back then F.S. when we first came hear and when we killed all those Useless worker drones. We had so much fun while doing it. I really liked that side of yours more often... But this side. The Rebel one is kinda making me hard to like you. You really hurt me on this." J faked hurt as she looked at him.

"What I'm doing doesn't matter. We were given a mission to kill these bots but they didn't do anything to us. So why should we even do this! They were living peacefully hear before we came in." He argued back.

"Really... We were given orders on to solve the problem. Where's your proof on these bots being innocent." J said with a smile."And beside, You should keep your guard up."

"Hah?" F.S asked but soon was impaled from behind the chest by a stinger. He slowly looked back to see V behind him as she gave him a menacing laugh.

"You should keep your guard up there F.Sy. Hahahaha!" She threw him to the side as he hit the wall. The venom was affecting his body as he tried to get up using the wall as sport."Sorry for this buddy, But like J said. We can't have a rogue worker hear now. So we have to dispose of you." She sweetly told with menace in her eyes."So no hard feelings there."

They made cannon arms and prepared to launch the blast as they smiled wickedly. F.S didn't have any place to escape so he had to do the next thing. He made his hand in to a launcher and fired up to the building roof making it explode as the entire building start to collapse. J and V saw the state and had to bail.

"Well, Looks like your fate is to be barred hear then, If you survive.. we'll make sure to find you then." J said as they both took off flying out from the falling building. F.S didn't had the strength as he couldn't move much. His visor showed system error as he was loosing consciousness and finally fell down. He saw nothing else but darkness..

F.S now felt he was some place else as he opened his eyes and saw he was in some sort of back void. He scanned the place but it wasn't working as he was floating around.

"What the? Where the hell am I?!" He asked no one in particular as he looked around."Okay, The last thing I remember was being impaled behind the back then soon loosing consciousness in a collapsing building..... Meaning I'm now dead. Well that's great." He muttered to him self." I always thought I'll wake up in hell or something those religious people told about."

"Are you gonna let her die."

He quickly spin around to find another one inside the void..He was a human teen boy who looked like him but he had organic skin and blue eyes. The teen boy floated there with him inside the void. F.S didn't know what to think of him. Is he some sort of spirit or something.

"Who... Who are you?!" F.S demanded..

"I'm you." He told shocking him.

"What?!" F.S shouted."There's no way that's true. I'm a machine. Your some sort of human who's memories I have for some reason that's all! Your the reason I got into this mess. If you haven't been in my memories then I wouldn't have to fight my comrades then!"

The boy shook his head."It's not true..you are me. You just don't remember that's all." He then made a light shine Infront of F.S as he covered his eyes. He now find him self in a house of some sort making him confuse.

He looked around to find anything when the door of the house opened. He looked back to see the same women from before and the man aswell entering in. He looked at them as the women was holding a baby in her hands, it was a human baby which he could guess is the girl he sees.

"Flash! Were home and look who came with us!" The mother called out to the one called flash he was hearing.

"Is she hear! Awesome!" F.S looked back to see the human teen but when he saw the owner of the voice his mind almost stopped working. Coming in to view was F.S him self. He ran passed through him self and looked at the baby."OH MY GOD! She's so adorable and cute! And she's human just like you."

"Hahaha...Well Flash meet your new baby sister Scootaloo. Your a big brother now and it's your job to look after her." The father said to his son.

"You got it Dad.." He looked at her as she looked at him with her violet eyes."Hey there little girl. Guess what? I'm your awesome robot brother which the other kids want to have. So guess what you get to have me"

The baby Scootaloo looked at him funny and laughed at his antics.

Now back at the void F.S was having a mental break down. What? What was that he saw? Can it be him what he saw or or was it just his memory made up by this boy.

"Your confused right now. Aren't you." The boy told."But you have to wait for that. If you want answers on this then you first have to find your self then."

"W-What does that mean. Finding my self..what do you mean by that?!"

"I'm afraid that It's not my place to answer. In time you'll see. But for now, You have to save the girl. She needs your help right now."

"UZI!!" F.S shouted in realization.

"Yes, Now go back, and remember this.. Never abandon your identity on what makes you special. If you do then you lost your self." The boy told all that and soon F.S saw a bright light again.

In the real world the building had just fallen down barring everything in it. When suddenly the rubble start to move a bit, Then a robotic fist shot up from it.

Meanwhile Uzi ran as fast as she could away from the killer Robots as she ran towards the gate. The workers inside were playing there game when she suddenly opened the door running it. They all complained about it but she didn't have time."Bite me ok! I don't have time for this!"

She used the key card and closed the door in a hurry. But hope seemed lost as the door stops. She looked back and was now full of dread when a claw arm was holding the gate. It opened it slightly reveling N eyes."OH! Are you all playing card game. I wanna play! Oh but I have to kill you all. Rain check!" He launched his tail and stabbed the master key card and the control panel. He fried it off making the system unable as all the doors opened then.

This was the time to run as all the workers and Uzi ran away. While they were running some couldn't escape as n came in charging and ripping them apart as he bounced on some. He then fired shots at them while he was busy with his prey as Uzi ran fast as a worker ran beside her.

"Hey Uzi! I didn't get to give you my name because of the running and shouting but Its-!" He was shut up by a beam that split him in half and fall down.

Uzi ran desperately as she could, When she looked back to see N, he was no where to be found. As she thought she lost him she heard a voice she didn't want to right now."Ok the system is checked just need to." She looked back to see her Dad coming and stoped seeing her daughter and the doors opened. His eyes widen in shock "Uzi... What have you done?!"

Before she could say anything N came in crashing Infront of them pushing them back. Uzi there thought she had screwed everything. Bringing a killer robot hear and endangering the lives of her fellow people. And most of all making one of his own kind try to save him and who knows if his alive.... But she isn't gonna stop hear. If she caused this she'll fix it. She grabbed her gun and spun it around and took aim at him.

"This time. I won't miss." She told

N laughed evil toon as he looked back at her with his neon yellow eyes."Sorry Uzi. But I want my friend back and I can't let you be aiming that at V or F.S. But.. I really enjoyed our time together back there. Even if it was for a short while." He truthfully told as he got in to position.

"Uzi. You brought a murder drone hear, In our palace!!!" Khan freaked out.

"Dad Not Now! I caused this mess. And I'm gonna finish d it the same way." Uzi told but this was her big mistake as N got the chance and attacked her by hitting his metal wing at her right side of the chest making her grunt in pain as the gun fall down and landed near Khan who was shivering in fright."Dad! Aim and shoot! Please!"

Khan got the chance as he was told what to do... But, He didn't take it. The trauma of lossing his wife was coming back. The death of his beloved scared him that he couldn't even do it. He took step back in fright making Uzi go wife eyes. He had to decide that wither save her or the people. He looked at her in sadness on one last time."I'm sorry." Those were the words he spoke as he closed the gate down on them pushing the gun back. Now the only one left were those two.

Uzi couldn't believe on what happened. It looked like she lost the will to fight now. Being betrayed by ones own family is the hardest. She stopped struggling as her hand fell down. Soon the red lights were on as her face showed that it lost all her colour. N looked back at her as he felt sympathy for her as his eyes turned normal. He could tell what it's like to feel betrayed by a love one. He heard someone coming and looked to see his two comrades coming in to view by the vents. He quickly threw her to the side making her yelp a bit.

"Well done N, Hear I thought you were very useless. But now your not not useless at all. I've been trying to get through these stupid doors since forever." V excitedly told.

"You... Name... Remember.." He asked shyly. But she ignored him again.

"The vents will make a perfect way for us to enter the city. Less body counter gets to eat a missile!" V cheered as she flew threw the vents.

J smiled as she went towards him."Nice going there useless, maybe your not that much bad at all then. With this we could finally return to our place and get what we deserve. Power, Riches and The company pen~." She showed him the JC Jensons pen.

"Ohhh." He grabbed the pen as she was ready to go. But there he remembered about F.S as they told they'll fix him from his corruption."Um J, Where's F.S?" He asked making her stop.

"Hah?" She looked at him in question.

"You said,... That he was being corrupted by the worker bot and you were gonna fix him. You told me he needed to have a Reboot or something." N asked."I don't want to question your methods but I heard him talking to previous worker bot, About what our company wants."

Uzi opened her eyes in shock as she heard him say that. She hid behind the box to listen to there conversation.

"I listened to there conversation and that got me thinking. Why didn't the company made only a one way missile and not a way to go back home... Its wrong to think like that! I know that but was just getting a bit curious on why."

"Are you questioning the companies order there now." J asked getting beside him."Oh it's a great thing then."

"It is?" He asked

"Yeah, You just gave me the excuse I finally need." J sinisterly toon.

Before he could question what? He received a punch on the gut as he looked done to see J stabbing him there and installing a virus in him as it started to load. He dropped on his knees as the virus was affecting him.

"The company gave us a prime order. To eliminate these worker bots. They all are corrupted as well and I hate to see you corrupted aswell. So I'm going you a favour and sending you to meet F.S him self." J explained to him as his visors showed corrupted files..

"T-T-Th-T-t-Thank-s-S-s...J..Y0ur aa a real helper-r-r" N told as he fell down and on his back. J gave a mock salute and flew away.

After a few seconds of waiting Uzi came out of her hiding spot and looked at what happened."I-I so screwed up. So-Sorry Uzi for att attacking your palace and making you have an ackward moment with your dad." He told her in glitches.

"And I made you lose your friends and become a rebellious teen. So it's kinda mutual but you also kinda killed people back there so it's kind of a draw in our perspective." She told as she tried to find a way out of hear.

"Yeah, Sorry for that. Just gakde for you to show me the ropes." He told while glitching.

"No! No bounding thing right now!"

"I'm not trying to. I'm just waiting to meet my friend at the other end that's all." He sadly told.

Uzi looked at him and was now feeling way to much guilty as she should be. Can't she have a break."Hahhhhh!" She angry signed."Oh just help me fix this mess ok. I don't think I could do it alone."

"No thanks Uzi. Like I said. I just want to meet with my friend that's all now." N said."I just hope he'll be proud of me on helping you." He smiled sadly. Uzi just can't take with this.

"I am proud of you. But will be mad if you quiet on me now."

Both heard a voice as they looked to see F.S standing there with his arms crossed.

"F.S!" Both shouted in relief.

"Hey sorry I'm late. Got caught up on something." He told them as he went towards his Friend."Hah, Looks like she stabbed you with a virus. No worries I can fix it."

Uzi looked at him and signed in relief for some reason."I'm... I'm happy your ok. Also, Sorry for making you almost get your self killed by your 'comrades' " She told him not looking at him."But it doesn't mean that were cool with this. Were even and that's all! Ok!"

"Don't worry. We'll talk later. Once this is over, we'll stop the other two. Then we could talk in private if you want. But right now we gotta hurry. So you with me buddy." F.S asked as N gave a thumbs up.

A teen worker bot was flung back as oil leaked from him. He struggles from the pain as he tried to get up. The others tried to help him but got back seeing the two muder bots coming at them as they took down more bots.

"People, we need to leave immediately now. The other safe door area can get us out of this mess!" Khan told as he come in to view.

"What are you talking about. There are killer Disassembly bots hear who want to kill us all. And your saying we should run. When we can't even do that from them." Dave shouted at them. He picked up a pipe and got in attack position."Your the D.W.B. You defend us, So protect us then!" But khan couldn't do so as he looked at them in fright. He got back as they came closer with there sharp claws.

Dave looked back to see V right Infront of him with her crazed smile as she stabbed him in the arm. The others ran off in fear as she smashed him on the ground. She held him close enough and was ready to rip him apart..

"Hey!" She was called out as she looked to see Uzi, N and F.S standing there all ok."Put him, down!" Uzi ordered as she and the two got ready to fight.

"So the two traitors survived then." J said as she and V got ready to fight as V threw Dave away."No worries we'll finish you off as we rip out your cores and spline and use them as decorations!" She declared.

Right now they had to pick and fight."Ok. Who do you wanna fight." Uzi quickly asked N.

"J please." He pleaded not to fight V.

"Sorry, She's take." F.S told as he got ready to fight as he had a grudge against her for last time.

"So, good luck." Uzi smirked as she used the pen and threw it at J. Hitting her right at one of the upper core as acid fall down on her. She screamed in pain from the action. As the acid fell on her foot.

"Nice! I go high you go low!" F.S ordered as he flew above and Uzi ran at her. N now had to fight his crush who has no problem what so ever from killing him in a sadistic way as possible. She laughed menacingly as she made two blades and flew at him. N knew now that he's in trouble, way big trouble as his eyes widen.

Meanwhile Uzi ran to the side and aimed her gun at J who in pain still think and made a gun and fired at her. Just as the bullets came at Uzi, F.S landed Infront of her making a shield to block the bullets. He gave her a sign signal showing telling her something as she got what he ment. J took out the pen from her head as she growled at them and fired more bullets. But she stoped seeing only F.S standing there.

"Gahhh!" She looked up as Uzi came in delivering a kick to the face when she also was holding the pen near that as it damaged the visor again. She screamed in pain as she got back. Uzi got in posting but ducked from a beam as it split the wall in half. N was hit back as he dogged the beam from V. She ready to fire again as he quickly made an arm cannon and fired... Hearts?"Gah! My mind's in a weird place! Don't read on it!" Just then a missile landed near him and then exploded as he was flung away.

"Get your head in the game idiot!"F.S yelled as he avoided the blast from J who was firing blast at them widely. She got the pen out and saw somethings on her visors but enough to show him much as she saw Uzi and F.S in position. She laughed menacingly as she launch an EMV around the place which hit them both F.S survived by the shield but Uzi got turned off.

"Uzi!" F.S yelled as he deactivated his shield and flew at J before she could guess he gave her a spin kick on the head and a then came for a right palm strike but instead of a strike as J suspected he elbowed her on the face hitting her back.

N and V were flying above as they fought around with blades. N was losing badly as he didn't wanted to kill v but she was pushing him back. So he had to improvise and think of another way."Sorry on what I'm about to do. Hope you intense this." He suddenly licked her blade taking her by shock as she back away disgusted.

"Ew?! What the hell?!" V shouted getting distracted that gave him an opening as he flew up and delivered a drop kick on her head crashing her on the pavement as it broke with the force.

Back at the other three. J was hit back with the force as she was losing badly. F.S didn't give her a chance to attack as he delivered a palm strike and spin kick with a upper kick. He then gave her a spinning roundhouse kick on the stomach making her flung back." Ugh! Why can't you just die and not annoy me every time!" J yelled as she got up.

"Sorry, but it's my job to take care of rogue bots like you. Who happened to attack an innocent girl and her people." He fired back. While they were Fighting Uzi system got back on working as she got up seeing them. F.S saw her and had a plan. He put his arm back and gave her a sign language signal. She understood it and nodded.

"Your really pushing your luck hear now F.S, I just left you to die so you won't feel that much pain but now, Now I'm gonna make you suffer!" J yelled out in anger as she made chainsaws and pounced at him. F.S simply smirked at her as she fell for it. He got out of the way as Uzi was behind him aiming her gun right at her fully charged.

Before J could do anything it was to late,"Oh shit." She could only mutter as Uzi pulled the trigger launching a giant beam of energy making a big explosion around. F.S had to take cover by the blast as he got up seeing it was over. He looked to see the remains of J which were her two arms and legs left behind. She spatted on the remains of her body to add insult to injury and show further victory.

Uzi breath in a sign of relief as they were down. Soon the worker bots came out of the hidding spot and saw there bravery and cheered. Uzi smiled at that but suddenly got a glitch causing he to loose balance and almost fell dow. Luckily N came in and out her on his shoulder as V was behind him all tied up in her tail.

"Uzi! That was amazing on what you did back there!" Dave stated as looked at her the at the two Disassembly bots."And you two aswell... Who ever you two are?"

"Oh, I'm N! And I'm a Rebel type bot who play by his own rules." N told while acting cool. Then they looked at F.S who was gonna tell them his name but stopped as he remembered the words from the human teen.

"....Flash... I'm Flash Sentry." He told surprising the two others.

"What what?" They both said in confusion looking at him on why he changed his name. He looked at them saying that he'll tell them later.

Khan came in to view as he looked at the two bots. He still couldn't get towards them even if they saved him. There still murder bots in his eyes. That's when a rench fell Infront of him as he looked to see a not-so-pleased Uzi giving him the look of anger.

Uzi had to repress her anger from going haywire."You left me behind cause you couldn't pick up the gun to shoot so. You can't believe in me in picking up the gun. But no, it's the angsty teen who you can't fully understand." She smacked her cheek showing the grudge meeter resetting."But I'm not staying hear any more because of this... Let's go you two!" She told not wanting to meet her dad right now.

"Ok... I'm N by the way." N greeted him but it made him scared.

"Shut up N!" She yelled as N flew away with V with them as they blew a hole on the roof and went off. Flash looked back at the bots then at khan who was having trouble right now in his presence.

"*Sign* Don't worry, She'll come around." Flash told making him confused a bit."You gotta talk to her to understand her. She's your daughter, So try to understand on what she's going with. She'll warm up to you soon. It just needs a bit more time." He gave him an advice as Khan didn't know what to say but nodded.

"O-Ok then. I will try to. But... Please keep her safe." Khan requested even if his a murder bot but still."She's all I had left."

"... I'll try." Flash told him then flew away through the hole.

Meanwhile in space a shop was being transported through it. Inside the ship a figure could be seen monitoring the acces pad as it's claws clicked on the screen. The figure then received a message that suddenly pop up. It clicked it and it showed the image of Flash as a word was written above it.'ELIMINATE' on it.

"Hah.. well what do you know. You survived and now a target. Who knew you could do this Sentry." The figure said darkly as it looked at his image."But that won't save me from ripping you to shreds. Just you wait."

Back on the planet Uzi was watching the sun as she sat on the car. She looked at the beauty and admired it whole as she didn't get to see much inside the shed.

"I'll join you if the sun didn't kill me!" N yelled from inside the barrier made of bodies."Hope your having major character development right now!"

"Oh, I'm just waiting to murder all those humans. Basic robot stuff. Hope they all are sitting comfey in there chairs... Cause we're coming for them." She said in a sinister toon as her visor showed a warning sign on the screen. She laughed manicingly as it could be heard where Flash was sitting as he avoided the sun. He was still thinking back at what he saw. Who were those people? How was he there? And who was that boy? Why did he showed him those images? Were they memories of his or was it his memories? More and more questions came into his mind as he wanted to find out on what they were.

'Never abandon your identity on what makes you special. If you do then you lost your self.'

Those word still run in his mind. Just who is he?

Author's Note:

Well I'm done now..just finished the chapter 2 of murder drones story and will come back later to this.

So F.S meet Flash and now he's seeing videos of him with the family. Is it His memory or is it Flash?

Also who is the one assigned to kill Flash. Well... You gotta wait till next time.

So Bye!