• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 1,792 Views, 48 Comments

A Murder Drones Tail - Kamen rider accel 2

We were left behind and thought we could live in peace. But, It seems the creator didn't want them to love freely.

  • ...

Chapter 4

“N, for the last time, the control panel will not work with just a mix of duct tape and glue!” Flash had shouted at him. But N had ignored him and said it was okay, that he could make miracles happen. And then he had caused a fire that they both had to put out. N explained this to the tied-up disassembly drone, who looked bored and unimpressed. “But it was still okay. In the end, everything worked out.”

“Except for J trying to rip you apart and F.S trying to build you back together after the assault,” V reminded him. She was sitting next to the drone, equally bored. “I was there when it happened. I laughed my ass off seeing you in panic that time.”

“Yeah… Anyway, that’s how I was able to get away from J’s wrath on getting my guts ripped out that time,” N continued happily. He seemed oblivious to the drone’s lack of interest. “But it was a tough time for me to achieve that type of victory. Boy, it was like… Like…”

He was interrupted by the sound of the hatch opening. Uzi rushed in, looking frantic. “Uzi! You’re here,” N said. “I was just telling V about one of our classic adventures with Flash and me.”

“I was there as well, idiot!” V shouted at him.

“But since you’re back here, how about I tell you the tale of-” N started again, but Uzi cut him off.

“Not the time! Flash is in trouble, he may need help!” she said.

“Wow, wow, easy there, Uzi,” N tried to calm her down as he listened to the news. “What do you mean Flash is in danger? What happened?”

Meanwhile, Flash was fighting for his life against a robot samurai. He ducked under a gleaming blade that sliced through the air with a metallic whir. He felt a surge of adrenaline as he grabbed the robot samurai’s wrist and twisted it with a crack. He kicked the metal faceplate, denting it and sending sparks flying. He followed up with a series of punches and kicks, aiming for the weak spots in the armor.

The other robot blocked the incoming strike with ease and grabbed Flash’s leg with a vice-like grip. He smirked at him. “Nice moves there, kid. But not the ones to actually damage me.”


The robot knight dodged a bullet that whizzed past his head. He let go of Flash’s foot in surprise. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Flash said, smirking back. He flew away and got into position as the other robot recovered from his shock. “Okay, pal, who the hell are you and how the hell do you know me? No, bigger question is, why are you after killing me? What did I do to you that you were willing to kill me off?”

The robot knight didn’t say anything at first. He just stared at him. Then he burst out laughing. Flash wasn’t fazed. He had worked with a crazy one before, so he waited for him to continue. When he stopped laughing, instead of an answer, he suddenly threw his sword at him. Flash quickly jumped over it and ran at him. He delivered a punch, but the samurai grabbed it and twisted his hand. Flash used that to his advantage and jumped to the other side to ease his arm. He delivered a strike to the gut, making him let go. Flash went for a down kick, but he kept his distance from the incoming strikes and grabbed Flash’s leg. He delivered a devastating blow to the head and the gut. He let go and spun around, kicking Flash in the chest. Flash was flung back and hit the wall behind.

“You really think that I’m gonna tell you anything about your past right now, when I have the clear advantage over you?” The samurai robot said as his sword came back to him. He pointed it at him. “I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in right now and I’m here for finishing things.”

Flash got up from the pain. He didn’t know robots could feel this much. He now knew that this guy wasn’t in for talking and wasn’t like the bad guys in the TV shows who spoiled their plans. “Okay, then I’m gonna call you Red Knight then. 'Cause man, you didn’t give out a very good impression on me. So what did I do to anger you so much? Was it something I did to you in the past? 'Cause I’m having trouble remembering this.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be all over before you know it,” he said as he threw his sword again at him. Flash saw this and sidestepped in time. But suddenly, the red samurai was behind Flash. He took him by surprise and kicked him from behind. Flash cartwheeled his way to the side as he got out of the shock. “Wait, YOU CAN TELEPORT? How is that even fair?”

The red knight threw his sword again at him as he teleported in front of him. They both kicked each other at the same time. Flash gave a clean strike to his gut and leg, but the other was better. He blocked them and kicked his foot back and suddenly twisted it in his leg and squeezed it, making Flash wince. But Flash took the chance and jumped up and kicked him right in the neck, making him let go. Flash took out his two swords and went for the strike, but the other robot simply blocked them without any effort. He dodged the incoming strikes and got into a sword fight with Flash, but it was one-sided. The red knight had the upper hand. He was toying with his prey as he efficiently blocked the strikes and pushed Flash back. He came in for the strike as Flash got his blade in front, but they were soon cut off like butter as they fell onto the wall.

Flash had a second to see his arms go back. “Okay, that’s a very handy sword,” he muttered. “Any chance there are a few more like that for me?”

“Ha!” Flash dodged the sword slashes with his wings and flew back to a safe distance. He formed his hand into a gun and fired several shots at his opponent. The knight robot armor glowed red from the sides of his armor and helmet, deflecting the bullets with ease. “Oh, come on! How the heck is your armor bullet-proof? Where the heck did you even get that armor from anyway?” Flash demanded, frustrated by the lack of progress.

The knight robot armor laughed mockingly at him as he charged up an energy ball in his hand. Flash’s eyes widened on his visor as he gulped nervously.

Meanwhile, the three other robots were on their way to look for the ship and Flash. N and Uzi had gone ahead, but V insisted on joining them, claiming that she could be a great help in finding him. Uzi wanted to argue, but she also needed more firepower in case they encountered any enemies on the ship, so she reluctantly agreed.

“Okay, so where is the ship that you told us about?” V asked as they walked in the direction that Uzi had indicated.

“It’s not too far from here. We should reach it soon.” Uzi said. “Ugh! What is that idiot thinking? No, scratch that. He probably isn’t thinking at all. We could have gone together to check out the scene, so I wouldn’t be so worried about him, but he just had to go off on his own and get himself killed or worse.” She ranted angrily.

“I think he did that to protect you back there.” N suddenly said, making Uzi look at him. “Now, hold on a minute. I’ve known Flash for a while, back when we called him F.S. He acted a bit cold to others and had a bit of a temper, but he’s a good guy. He cares for others as much as himself and he even saved me from getting killed by J or V.” He said, pointing at her as she waved back with her psycho smile. “What I’m saying is, he worries about you as much as himself and he doesn’t want to see you get hurt in the crossfire. He can’t bear to lose any of his friends. Besides, this way he has fewer problems to deal with and he can go all out.”

Both Uzi and V looked at him with surprise, as he made a valid point. That was quite shocking and surprisingly insightful of him. “But why does he think I’m a burden? I can help, you know.” V protested.

“Maybe you can, but you’re still a beginner right now and you only got lucky to take down J with Flash’s help. If not, then you would have been toast, because J is a clever tactical fighter, no matter the boost or not. If you had gotten hurt, then Flash wouldn’t forgive himself for letting that happen to you.” N explained kindly to the young rebellious girl.

Before she could say anything else, an explosion rocked the ground near them. Flash came crashing through the wall of a nearby building with a loud thud. He got up quickly and looked in their direction. “What the? Why are you guys and V here?” He asked incredulously.

“Good to see you too.” V muttered sarcastically. “And what made you fall here?”

She got her answer when the knight robot armor appeared behind him with his glowing armor. “Oh, so you were fighting a red super high-tech armor robot. Must be having a blast.” She remarked.

Flash glared at her as he got ready to fight again. “Yeah, I’m calling him Red Knight for now since he didn’t give me his name and he’s after me for some unknown reason since he got here.” He said with a scowl.

“Why would he be after you when you didn’t even do anything to him? Isn’t that kind of suspicious by any chance?” N wondered aloud.

“Yeah, apparently this guy knows me from my past for some reason and knows who I was.” He said darkly as Red Knight stopped in his tracks.

You are the one who disassembled drones and worker robots. Move aside if you don’t want to be chopped to pieces. I only want him and the rest of you can go free.” He said in a metallic voice as he pointed his sword at Flash. “If not, then prepare to die.

Flash didn’t wait for Uzi to join him. He launched himself at Red Knight with his blade hand. The two swords clashed with a loud metallic sound. “What’s the deal with you? What have I done to you that you’re so bent on killing me?” Flash shouted.

“Killing you?” Red Knight repeated in confusion, making Flash hesitate. Then he laughed and pushed him back. “Me coming here is for a different reason actually. The one who wants you dead is someone else.” He said mysteriously.

“Someone else? Who? And what’s your reason then?” Flash demanded, trying to get some answers.

Red Knight didn’t reply. He just smirked and threw another energy ball at him. Flash barely dodged it and flew towards him again. The two resumed their fierce battle, exchanging blows and sparks.

The other three robots watched the fight from a distance, unsure of what to do. They could see that Flash was struggling against the superior armor of Red Knight, but they also didn’t want to interfere and risk getting hurt themselves.

“Who is this someone else that wants Flash dead? And why does Red Knight know him from his past?” N wondered aloud.

“I don’t know, but this is bad. We need to find a way to help Flash somehow.” Uzi said anxiously.

"Maybe we can use the ship to our advantage. There might be some weapons or gadgets." N suggested

"Just one problem. We don't know where it's parked." Uzi answered as the fight continue on.

“True, we don’t know where it’s parked. But maybe we can track it down somehow. There must be some clues or signals that we can follow.” V suggested, trying to be optimistic.

"Ok fine, We gotta hurry then." Uzi agreed as she didn't have a choice and suing her gun isn't an option as the fighter doesn't stand in one spot. They soon ran out to look for the ship.

Meanwhile, the fight between Flash and Red Knight continued to rage on. Flash was getting tired and wounded from the relentless attacks of his enemy. He tried to use his speed and agility to evade and counter, but Red Knight’s armor was too strong and durable. He also had a variety of weapons and abilities that Flash couldn’t match.

Flash dodged another energy ball and flew towards Red Knight’s face. He aimed his blade hand at his helmet, hoping to pierce through it. Red Knight blocked his strike with his sword and kicked him in the chest. Flash flew back and crashed into a wall.

“Give it up, Flash. You can’t win this fight. You’re outmatched and outclassed.” Red Knight taunted him.

“Shut up! I don’t care who you are or what you want from me. I won’t let you get away with this and hurting my friends.” Flash retorted, getting up from the rubble.

He charged at Red Knight again, but this time he was met with a powerful blast of energy from his chest. The energy ball hit him in the head, sending him flying into a nearby building. He smashed through the windows and landed on the floor.

Flash felt a sharp pain in his head, as if something had been activated inside him. He saw flashes of images and memories that he didn’t recognize. He heard voices and sounds that he couldn’t understand. He felt emotions and sensations that he couldn’t explain.

He felt confused and scared, as if he had lost his sense of self. He didn’t know who he was or where he was. He didn’t know what was happening to him or why.

He tried to get up, but he felt weak and dizzy. He looked around, but he couldn’t see anything clearly. He heard footsteps approaching him, but he couldn’t tell who it was.

He tried to speak, but he couldn’t form any words. He tried to think, but he couldn’t make any sense.

He felt helpless and hopeless, as if he had no control over his own fate.

He felt like he was dying.“Is this how you want this to end?” He heard the voice of the memory Flash again as he saw the boy standing in front of him, looking at him with concern. “Do you want to give up here and die?

“I…I-I want…” He tried to say something, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know what he wanted or what he should do.

He felt a surge of emotions in his chest, as he remembered the promise he made to Khan about protecting Uzi. He didn’t want to lose her. He didn’t want to let her down. He didn’t want to leave her alone.

He clenched his teeth and mustered his strength. He uttered one word with determination.


The memory Flash nodded and smiled. “That’s more like it.”

Red Knight reached him and looked down at him with contempt. He raised his sword and prepared to deliver the final blow.

Flash reacted quickly and blocked the sword with his hand. Red knight was taken back when he saw that the amor plating of his with the lines starting to glow up from head to toe. His inner defense system activated and his body glowed with a similar red light as Red Knight’s armor. He glared at him with defiance.

“Not so fast, Red Knight. I’m not done yet.” He said, pushing him back."Let's see what this backup does." He got up and faced him, ready for another round.

The fight was not over yet.While Flash and Red Knight were fighting, the other three robots were trying to find the ship of Red Knight. They hoped to find some clues or weapons that could help them in the fight.

They searched the area, looking for any signs of a ship or a landing spot. They scanned the buildings, the streets, and the sky, hoping to spot something unusual or suspicious.

“Where could it be? It has to be somewhere around here.” Uzi said, frustrated by the lack of results.

“Maybe it’s cloaked or hidden somehow. Maybe it’s underground or in a secret base.” N suggested, trying to think of possible scenarios.

“Or maybe it’s just a really small ship that we can’t see. Maybe it’s like a tiny drone that can fly around and shoot lasers.” V joked, trying to lighten the mood.

They laughed a little, but they also felt worried and anxious. They could hear the sounds of the fight in the distance, and they wondered how Flash was doing. They wondered if he was still alive and if he could hold on until they found the ship.

They decided to split up and cover more ground. They agreed to keep in touch through their communicators and report any findings. They hoped to find something useful soon.

They ran in different directions, hoping for a miracle.

"Come on Mister Knight of the round table. Show me what you got!"

Flash had gotten a boost in his ability as he was getting in serious combat with the other robot.

The second round of the fight between Flash and Red Knight was more intense and balanced than the first one. With Flash glowing with his inner defense system, he had a boost in his defense and agility, allowing him to go head to toe with Red Knight. He dodged and blocked his attacks, while also landing some hits of his own. He pushed him back with his speed and strength, making him retreat and regroup.

"Come on, I wanna try and see if this works with me or not." He formed energy balls in his hands as he smirked."Up, This does work." He threw them at Red Knight, hoping to damage his armor or knock him down. Red Knight countered with his own energy balls, creating a clash of power and light. The two exchanged blows and sparks, as they fought with their swords .

“You’re not so tough now, are you? You’re just a tin can with a fancy paint job.” Flash said, mocking Red Knight’s armor.

“You’re just a broken toy with a faulty memory. You don’t even know who you are or what you’re fighting for.” Red Knight said, mocking Flash’s amnesia.

“I don’t need to know who I was. I know who I am now. I’m Flash, the fastest and coolest robot in the world. And I’m fighting for my friends and my self.” Flash said, declaring his identity and purpose.

You’re delusional, Flash. You’re not a hero. You’re a traitor. You betrayed your own kind and your own mission. You’re fighting for nothing.” Red Knight said, revealing his knowledge of Flash’s past which suddenly made the blue hair teen take back."You were there main lead in getting to the planet extinction but you had to turn your back on him and caused this."

“What are you talking about? What kind of mission? What kind of betrayal?” Flash asked, confused and curious.

Red Knight didn’t answer. He just smirked and threw a huge energy ball at him. Flash barely dodged it and flew towards him again. The two resumed their fierce battle, exchanging blows and sparks.

The fight reached its climax when Flash managed to hit Red Knight with his own energy ball as both clashed with one another attack. This caused an explosion to rocket out as it was big enough to attract the attention of the other three robots. Uzi and N worried, thinking that Flash was hurt by the blast. They ran towards the source of the explosion, hoping to find him alive and well.

V followed them, but she also noticed something strange in the sky. She saw a faint outline of a ship that was cloaked by some kind of technology. She realized that it was the ship of Red Knight, and that it had been hidden all along.

“Guys, I think I found the ship of Red Knight! It’s in the sky, but it’s invisible! You have to look closely to see it!” She said excitedly.

“Are you sure, V? How do you know it’s his ship?” N asked skeptically.

“I just know it, okay? Trust me on this one! It’s the only thing that makes sense!” V said confidently.

“Okay, okay, calm down. Where exactly is it? How do we get there?” Uzi asked urgently.

“It’s above the building where the explosion happened. It’s like a big triangle shape with some lights on it. We have to find a way to get up there somehow.” V said quickly.

“Alright, let’s go then. Maybe we can find something useful on the ship or disable it somehow.” Uzi said decisively.

They agreed to meet at the building where Flash and Red Knight were fighting. They hoped to find a way to get to the ship of Red Knight soon.

Back at the area where the explosion took place, the objects around it were pushed back by the force. Fire and black smoke surrounded the palace.

“Hah, man, that… That was something else.” Flash muttered as he got up and looked around at the damage. “Ok, this was new and I didn’t know I could do that… Or did I?”

Just as he looked for the enemy, he found him and his eyes widened. Inside the smoke, he saw the figure of the red knight walking through the fire. His armor had a few dents and his visor glowed with a glare.

“Oh, COME ON! How tough is your armor?! That blast was huge and I thought it would do more.” Flash shouted as he saw him approaching. “Ok, who are you? I have been hunted down and watched by you and also called a traitor and an executioner. For the love of robot god! Can you at least give me a clue?”

The red knight remained silent for a long moment. He finally spoke in a cold voice. “Just be prepared for what’s about to happen to you and this pitiful planet. He is coming and he won’t take kindly to traitors who have not followed his expectations. You will soon feel the wrath of the emperor.”

“E-Emperor? Who the hell is-” Flash was cut off by the light in the sky as he saw the ship descending below him. The blue light shone on the red knight where he stood. A rope came down and he grabbed it. “Be prepared for what’s to come, Sentry. I was just on my own as others will come for your head.” He warned him as he was being pulled up into the ship."But as a token of our appreciation and for giving me a good fight. I like to give you this."

He threw his teleportation dagger towards him as it landed near his feat. Flash grabbed it as he inspected the dagger."Use it wisely." With that he was inside the ship.

Flash could only look as he saw the ship fly away in to space as he watched the enemy leave from hear. He could only repeat the words in head that he was told.'He is coming.... You will soon feel the wrath of the emperor.'

Just then N with Uzi and V fallowing landed near him as Uzi and N rushed towards him."Flash! Your ok!" She said as she looked at him.

"And alive. Wow who knew you had it in you to go toe to toe with another machine that was way beyond us." N said with joyfulness to his friend."How did you survive the fight. You gotta tell me and Uzi this."

He didn't pay attention to his friends landing behind him as they call out his name. He was just lost in his own thoughts. Finally he could muster out some words."Well, This is gonna be a hell of a surprise."

=Sir, I believe you have successfully completed your mission in eliminating your target.= His Ai asked as he entered the hanger.

"Not quite so Helen, He just got lucky and managed to get the drop on me that's all. But I had gotten in damage his memory so he doesn't know a thing." Red knight lied to her as he sat down."Tell the leader that he doesn't have to worry no more. His target is good as dead. He doesn't know who he is and was and doesn't know the single meaning of even the Emperor."

=As you wish Sir.= The AI said as she shut down.

Red knight sat at his chair as he looked tired out."I'm helping you this once now. My depth has been repaid. Your on your own century as when the emperor finds out that your alive. He's gonna have my head for that." He muttered to him self as he typed in some codes."Let's hope where ever I go... He won't find me. Helen set a course to Copper 3 I think I can get some more bounty there....... Helen."

"I'm afraid Helen isn't in your reach for now." A voice spoke up making him jump as he looked back at the door to see another figure with dark robe."Hello, Scratch. You thought you could go off on your mission."

"You!" Scratch said with sharp toon as he didn't show any sign of fear as he saw the figure. He went for his sword but it wasn't there. He looked to see the other figure held it up."Looking for this. I can't give it to you yet as you have disobeyed direct orders given to you. Which makes you a outsider."

"What do you want from me. I did my job and that's all! You have what you want. I was mearily doing what I was told." The other figure could only shake its head."I'm afraid you don't see what you have done. I was send by our leader him self in retrieve you if you haven't done your objectives right. So your coming along with me for now. And I don't take no for an answer."

Author's Note:

Well what's gonna happen next and who is after Flash. Wait for the next chapter to see.