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Chapter 10: The Final Battle, part 2.

Tirek had finally found a way to approach Shredder and drain his magic without being diced into bits. He jumped in the air, which was part of his plan. Shredder took a defensive position, ready to intercept Tirek as soon as he landed behind or in front of him. But that moment never came, as Tirek came crashing down, leveling an entire building down. The dust generated by the landing formed a thick cloud that limited Shredder’s vision. Unable to locate Tirek, he turned around nervously. He couldn’t prevent the magic stealing centaur from getting a hold of him. He felt his energy being sucked from his body and was only released once he had ran out of it. The dust dissipated and Shredder looked at Tirek with an empty stare.

“I win, pal” he said. “Now, to finish you off...”

Moonlight showed up between the two. He put the villain to sleep with a spell then looked at Tirek.

“I need you to give back his magic to him” he asked. “I’m gonna undo Grogar’s brainwashing”

Tirek didn’t argue with Moonlight’s decision and gave the magic he stole from Shredder back. Meanwhile, Chrysalis finally found out how to beat Shira. Turns out the girl was scared of spiders and the former queen didn’t hesitate to take advantage of it. She transformed into a giant Black Heart spider, the most fearsome race of mutant spiders in Equestria and was chasing Shira around. After 2 more minutes, the bad girl finally kicked the bucket and fainted from sheer terror. Chrysalis turned back to normal and laughed. Tirek soon arrived to tell her to bring the body to Moonlight, she was going to ask the reason, but Tirek already anticipated it.

“Something about undoing the brainwashing” said Tirek. “I’m gonna tell the others to do the same...”

He left. Meanwhile, Stygian and Ragna decided to fight at close range and Ragna was getting the shit beaten out of his body. With one last punch, Stygian put him out of commission. Tirek arrived and told him to bring the body to Moonlight. Stygian grabbed the body and headed for Moonlight. Not far away, Sombra was also done with his opponent, who had been impaled by multiple shadow stalagmite. Tirek arrived to his location and told him to bring the body back to Moonlight. When he arrived to the Sirens’ location, he saw that they had defeated the enemy.

“She was a pain in the ass, but Sonata’s strategy worked, surprisingly” said Adagio.

“Neat, now get her to Moonlight.” said Tirek. “That should be the last one of the elites. Sunny defeated Flare, Moonlight defeated Silva and Kleaver, i defeated Shredder, Sombra defeated Razor, Chrysalis defeated Shira, the Dazzlings defeated Hearts and Stygian defeated Ragna. That make 8.”

Moonlight was just being done with Shredder, when Chrysalis arrived with Shira’s body. Moonlight immediately started working on her. A minute later, Sombra arrived and dumped the dead body of Razor.

“Sorry” he said. “But he asked for it.”

Stygian arrived with Ragna’s body, followed a couple minutes later by the Sirens, carrying Hearts. By that time, Moonlight was done with Shira and was working on Razor. He was done with him a couple more minutes later and passed on to Ragna. Finally, 3 minutes later, he was done with Ragna and passed on to Hearts. After he was done with her, he reunited everyone, including the 8 elites, still asleep. He sent them to Eris’ dimension for the moment until he figures out what to do with them once the fight is over.

“Alright, now that’s done, we can turn our attention to Grogar.” he said to the group.

Him, Sunny and the others headed for Grogar. This one had killed Sunset’s friends and stole their geodes. Only Sunset was left, and she was on the verge of death. Grogar was already celebrating his victory and grabbed Sunset by the neck. Suddenly, she disappeared from his hand, as well as the bodies of her friends and their geodes. He turned around and saw Sunny and the others standing close to him. As for Moonlight, he was treating Sunset and her friends out of his sight. Sunny rushed toward Grogar and turned into a Salamander.

“You bastard!!!” she yelled. “You’ll pay for what you’ve done to my daughter!!”

Grogar blasted Sunny with a powerful bolt of magic energy, that she avoided by reverting to her human form. But she was stopped net in her track. Tirek and Sombra attacked Grogar from a distance, while Chrysalis and Stygian got up close. The Dazzlings attacked from above. Grogar redirected Tirek’s beam right back at him, shattered Sombra’s shadow crystal projectiles, blasted Stygian away with a magic attack, kicked Chrysalis in the guts and slammed the Sirens to the ground with gravity magic. Far from being done, the former villains charged at Grogar once more.

“Tell, me, what do you have to win by siding with them, Sombra?” asked Grogar.

“I’m just doing what Radiant Hope would have wanted me to do!!” answered Sombra.

He knocked Grogar back with a magic shadow punch. Chrysalis covered him with a sticky web.

“And what about you, Chrysalis?!” he asked. “Why are you doing this?”

“To live another day” answered Chrysalis. “I’m not following someone that already have one foot in the grave.”

Tirek blasted Grogar with a beam.

“To answer your question, old man, i’m fighting my own battles!!” answered Tirek.

Stygian slammed Grogar with a huge Gleam mace.

“I’m doing this to make my heroes, the Pillars of Harmony, proud!!” he said. “That’s what Starswirl would have wanted me to do!!”

Adagio, Sonata and Aria blasted Grogar with their soundwaves.

“We just want to keep doing what we do best: Inspiring people!!” said Adagio.

“With music...!!” said Aria.

“...And a little bit of magic!!” said Sonata.

Sunny uppercutted Grogar from below.

“That’s for my daughter!!!” she shouted.

Grogar knocked them all away with a powerful shockwave. Moonlight was done patching up Sunset and her friends. He was exhausted mentally and was bleeding from the nose and ears. Sunset gasped in horror.

“We’re alive!!” said Rainbow Dash. “Did you revived us, Moonlight?”

“Sort off” he answered. “It took a huge toll on my brain, hence the bleeding. Don’t worry, though, i’m fine...”

“You idiot!” said Sunset. “Why wasting your energy to revive us? We are no match for Grogar!!”

“Because your geodes still haven’t reached their true power” answered Moonlight. “You’ll have to figure out how to do it on your own...You’ve been relying on them too much in this battle, it’s time you go back to your roots”

“We’re going to make the biggest, greatest, most powerful Rainbow Laser ever!!” said Pinkie. “But will the 7 of us will be enough?”

“We’ll make sure to weaken him for you to finish off” answered Moonlight.

He teleported everyone away from Grogar. This is when a portal opened above them, from which someone fell through. The stranger was looking physically identical to Moonlight, but sharing Sunny and Sunset’s color palette.

“Who are you?” asked Moonlight.

The stranger considered Sunset and her friends, then Moonlight, Sunny and the rest of the group.

“Ouch...This is the last time i’m taking those portals. My name is Sunlight Blaze, if you want to know” answered the stranger. “Since everyone here is alive and well, i guess i landed in a parallel universe. Cause all of you are dead....

He looked at Sunset and her friends.

“You, you turned evil and we had to stop you” said Sunlight. “You, my sister, i impaled you with my sword...”

He then looked at Moonlight and the former villains

“You, you died at her hands” he said, pointing Sunset. “You were a brother to me...As for you 4, Grogar killed you one after another...”

“Wait, wait, wait!” said Sunset. “So, if i understand, you are from another universe, where i’m your sister. I turned evil and you had to kill me...is that correct?”

“Yes” answered Sunlight. “To be honest, seeing you make me feel both happy and sad...You’re my sister, but not MY sister...As for you, Moonlight, you are a clone created by Grogar from my DNA. You were evil at first, but you turned into a good guy and we became basically brothers. We defeated Grogar together, but my evil sister killed you when you sacrificed yourself to protect me. Tell me you’re a good guy in this universe...”

Moonlight, desirous to avoid wasting time explaining his story, simply shared his memories with Sunlight.

“So, your sister is a female version of myself?” asked Sunlight. “And i’m gorgeous, at that!!”

“Is this bad if i suddenly want to fuck him...i mean, myself?” asked Sunny.

“Yes” answered Moonlight. “Morally, that’s wrong, really wrong...”

“I must admit i’m tempted as well” said Sunlight. “But i guess now is not the time. I can feel his presence...Grogar...”

“What are your powers?” asked Stygian.

“Oh, i don’t have any!” answered Sunlight. “And i don’t need them, because i have this!!”

A cybernetic armor covered his entire body.

“This baby is highly resistant to magical and physical attacks, due to it’s unique alloy.” he said. “I can fly, shoot lasers, fire missiles, survive the vacuum of space, fire blast of energy, slice things with plasma wristblades and more...But that armor isn’t all i’ve got in my arsenal!”

He made two rayguns appear in his hands.

“Here’s Sally and Molly, my twin blasters!” said Sunlight. “They can shoot plasma beam and elemental projectiles.”

He then drew out two katanas.

“Those babies are made of anti-magic stone and hyper durable” he said. “Useful when almost everyone i’m fighting possess magic. They help leveling up the playing field, here, Moonlight, take them!”

Moonlight took the swords, still inside their sheat.

“As long as the sword are inside their sheat, their antimagic properties won’t work.” said Sunlight. “Oh!! I almost forgot!! I got gifts for you, guys!! For you, Tirek, here’s Titanomachia, a mallet that can change size and belonged to my Tirek...He doesn’t need it anymore, since he’s dead!”

Tirek took the weapon, embarrassed.

“For Chrysalis, i have Whisperia, a magic flute that, depending on the melody played, have different effects on it’s targets.” said Sunlight. “It was my Chrysalis’ weapon before she died...”

He looked at Sombra and gave him a longsword.

“Here’s Duskbreaker” said Sunlight. “Beside absorbing magic like a black hole, it’s blade generate a field of antimatter that can tear through anything, and i say anything like it’s butter.”

He gave Stygian a staff.

“This staff belonged to my Stygian, who got it from Starswirl the Bearded. Apparently, Starswirl infused part of his soul and all his memories into it. Stygian often called upon him for advices, or just chatting...”

He looked at Sunny.

“Don’t worry, i didn’t forget you...” he said. “My Discord gave me those elemental gems...They hold tremendous power, i have no use for them...”

Sunny grabbed the 9 gems and ate them one after another, under Sunlight’s shocked expression.

“I suppose it’s one way to assimilate their power...” he said. “Each of them contains an Elemental Guardian. The Flame Dragon, Ragnor. The Sky Goddess, Borea, The Venerable Turtoise, Maelstrom, The Unbreakable Titan, Gaius, The Raging Storm, Raikiri, The Jungle King, Blackthorn, The Frozen Fury, Polaris, the White Sage, Brightscale and finally, the Shadow Queen, Medusa. By eating the gems, i’m afraid you’re gonna share your body with them...But on the bright side!! You gained their incredible powers...You might even draw upon their knowledge and experience...”

He noticed that Moonlight disappeared.

“Where did he go, that fucking idiot?!” said Sunny. “Don’t tell me that he...No...he didn’t...”

She ran and saw Moonlight fighting Grogar. This one was using the two katanas to deflect Grogar’s desperate attacks. When she ran in his direction, a magic trap ejected her backward. She was joined by the others and warned them of the trap.

“Moonlight!!!” shouted Sunny. “What are you doing?! We’re supposed to fight him all together!!”

“He’s mine!!!” shouted Moonlight with a voice that wasn’t his “I waited 3000 years for this opportunity...And my patience is finally paying off!! For his crimes, for what he did, he will die...By my hand...”

“Hello, Darling...” said Grogar, mockingly. “Nice to hear your voice again...”

Moonlight was fighting his mother’s overwhelming presence. He threw the katanas away, out of reach.

“Moonlight...my dear boy...why are you fighting me? Don’t you want to avenge me?” said her mother.

“All i want is to keep Sunny safe, protect her from harm...Killing Grogar is what YOU desire...not me...” said Moonlight. “Sure, the bastard did a lot of evil, and he deserve to be punished for his crimes...But i refuse to be the instrument of your vengeance...”

Grogar smiled and casted a spell on Moonlight. A couple seconds later, a woman emerged from Moonlight’s body. This one recognized the person standing right next to him: His mother.

“My body...i have a body again...But how? What have you done?!” she asked to Grogar.

“I simply dissociated you and him from each other.” he answered. “The fact you gained a physical body is beyond me...”

“Magical substantiation” answered Moonlight. “A direct effect of soul dissociation...You of all people should know that kind of stuff, old man. Man, my mind feel so clear all of a sudden”

Moonlight’s mother grabbed the anti-magic swords and ran toward Grogar afterward. Chrysalis knocked them out of her hands with magic projectiles, leaving the woman shocked.

“Did she used magic on me?” she asked. “But how? I thought those swords nullified magic!!!”

“Their anti-magic properties have no effect on us, Changelings” answered Chrysalis. “Normal, since that material is native of the Changeling Kingdom...my kingdom. Can’t have powerful foes using their magic against me. You decide what to do with her, Moonlight!!”

Before he could answer, Grogar pierced the woman’s heart with a magic projectile, killing her on the spot, under everyone’s shocked looks. To make sure Moonlight couldn’t bring her back by reversing time, he opened a portal to a dimension only he knew the existence of in which she fell. He then closed the portal and laughed maniacally.

“This time, she won’t come back!!” said Grogar.

Without a second thought, Moonlight pulled the katanas toward him. With the first one, he stabbed Grogar in the heart. With the other katana, he sliced his head off. Grogar’s head rolled to Moonlight’s feet and this one kicked it away in a portal to an unknown dimension, along with the body. He shut down the portal and planted his swords in the ground. Sunny and the others were shocked by such coldness and were silent.

“It’s over.” said Moonlight. “Why are you looking at me like that? That bastard killed our mother right in front of my eyes...He deserved it...”

He grabbed the Bewitching Bell.

“Eris, bring me Discord and Cosmos.” he asked.

Eris opened a portal and dropped Discord and Cosmos in front of him. Moonlight zapped them with the bell and gave them back their magic.

“Now, fix everything and make sure no one except us remember what transpired.” he said.

“That was cold, even for you” said Discord.

Moonlight shoved the Bell in a pocket dimension and turned back without saying a word. Sunny walked toward him, ready to hug him.

“No” he said. “I need some time alone.”

He disappeared through a portal. Sunny and Sunset looked at each other, worried.

“If you want my opinion, i’d say he’s in shock” said Cosmos. “Seeing his own mother die would traumatize anyone. He’ll need all the support he can get...”

This is on this cloudy day that Equestria’s biggest crisis was avoided...The heroes had defeated Grogar, putting an end to his plans of conquest and each of them were wondering what to do now.

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