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Chapter 7: Weirdmageddon, part 2

The battle between Bill Cipher and the heroes was continuing. Sunny and Flare had teamed up, combining their magic together. Flare’s ability to boost elemental attacks was super useful to Sunny, who could unleash devastating attack after devastating attacks. Razor was throwing giant blades at Bill and Shredder was making holes in his body. But no matter how much damages the heroes did to the demon, this one would regenerate instantly. Worst, Bill was starting to take the fight seriously, trying to kill his opponents with blue flames and lasers. Stygian and Ragna had been turned into toys earlier on, but instead to demoralize the heroes, it bolstered them to do better.

“That’s it!!” said Bill. “Weird Gang!! Get your asses down and assist me!!!”

”I’m sorry, Bill” said Discord by telepathy. ”I’m afraid your friends won’t be able to help you...You’re on your own!!”

The truth is, they were partying in Discord’s dimension. This one was the host.

“Your party is awesome, dude!!” shouted 8-Ball. “You sure it’s okay for us to ditch our boss like that?”

“All you want is to party and get weird, right?” asked Discord. “You can do it whenever you want in here!! No one is going to stop you. You want fun and i want cool friends to hang out with!!”

“You really think we’re cool?” asked 8-Ball. “No one ever told us that before.”

Pyronica floated next to Discord.

“Has anyone ever told you how weird you were?” she asked. “Cause you look really weird, and i like weird!!”

“Well, thank you!!” said Discord, embarrassed by her flirting. “You look really weird yourself!!”

“Oh, you!!” said Pyronica, blushing.

“Stop flirting with him, Pyronica!!” said Keyhole. “You can see he’s not interested in you, you whore!!”

“Mind your own business, asshole!!” she said with rage.

“Slut!!” said Keyhole

“Asshole!!” said Pyronica.

Discord tried to defuse the situation.

“Enough, you two!!” he shouted. “Keyhole, Apologize to Pyronica for calling her a slut. And Pyronica, apologize to Keyhole for calling him an asshole.”

“I’m not...” said Keyhole.

“Me neither!!” said Pyronica.

“Then, no party for both of you!!” said Discord. “Until you apologize to each other!!”

“What?!!” shouted Pyronica. “That’s not fair!!”

“You can’t do that!!” said Keyhole.

“My dimension, my rules!” said Discord.

The two demons grunted and left.

“Those 2, i swear...” said Kryptos. “Got any more fruit punch?”

Discord smiled and made a huge pool full of punch appear.

“Sweet!!” said the pyramid.

“More snacks, please!!” said Zanthar.

Discord made a mountain of junk food appear. Meanwhile, the battle against Bill was going downhill for the heroes. Shredder, Razor and Kleaver had been defeated and turned into toys. Sunny and Flare were in serious trouble, prompting Moonlight to work faster. As for Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Silva, they were Bill’s main targets. Twilight was doing her best to help Moonlight and Rarity, to protect Silva.

“He’s too strong!!” said Flare. “What was Father thinking about summoning that monster!!?”

“Brother, you still haven’t came up with a solution yet?” asked Sunny.

“I’m trying my best, okay!!?” answered Moonlight, nervous. “The only type of magic i could see countering his are the Elements of Harmony’s magic and Chaos magic...But using those type of magic would mean certain death for me.”

“Right...” said Sunny. “Well, in that case, just try to find a way to de-petrify our friends, okay?”

Moonlight looked in his grimoire.

“Let’s see...” he said. “Petrification, petrification...Ha, there it is!! How to undo a petrification spell!!”

Moonlight teleported next to the dazzlings statues and casted a spell on them. The girls returned back to normal, confused. Seeing the spell work, he did the same for Stygian, Shira, Ragna, Shredder and Razor.

“Thank you!” said Ragna. “Grogar was not lying when he said that you were on another level.”

“Oh, come on!!” said Bill. “Now, that’s just lazy writting!! Fine!! I’ll just burn you to ashes, then!!”

Bill turned red and grew to insane proportions. He was as big as a mountain and looking like an demonic eldritch entity with his 3 mouths and sharp teeths.

“All behind me!!!” shouted Moonlight.

Everyone obeyed as he casted a magic barrier to protect them.

“Where’s Sunset!!?” asked Sunny. “Where’s my daughter!!!?”

She left the group and took off in the air. Moonlight decided to take a gamble and took off as well. He was flying in Bill’s direction. Drawing upon his power, Moonlight duplicated himself and started firing magic projectiles at the demon.

“I know the old man want you alive!!” said Bill, with his bloodcurling voice. “But i’m gonna kill you, you insignificant little bug!! You think i can’t see the real you?! I’m the all-seeing eye!!”

Bill grabbed Moonlight and the clones disappeared. This one sliced Bill’s hand to pieces and flew away.

“Well, time for a different approach!!” he said.

He froze Bill in time with his magic. At his surprise, Bill was not affected by the spell.

“Time freeze?” asked Bill. “Good try, but i’m immune to that shit, you fool.”

Moonlight cancelled the spell.

“Of course, you would be immune...” he said. “Well, what about this?”

He casted a black hole behind Bill. This one devoured it like it was an apple. Moonlight grunted and he casted different sort of spells, each one being countered.

“Are you done?” asked Bill, who turned yellow.

Moonlight looked at the Harmony crystal on his necklace.

“I think so...” answered Moonlight.

“In that case, time to die!!” said Bill.

Bill was blasted by a beam. Twilight was standing in the air, powered-up.

“Ouch, that hurt!!” said Bill. “Why you little...”

He turned into his eldritch form and fired at Twilight. Meanwhile, Sunset had retrieved the villain trio and was trying to persuade them to help her.

“No way we’re fighting that monster!!” said Chrysalis. “This ain’t our fight!!”

“He will get you sooner or later!!” said Sunset. “Bill Cipher will spare nobody!!”

“Fighting him is a death sentence!!!” said Sombra.

“Maybe” said Sunset. “But my friends still went against him!!”

“You’re just stupid!!” said Tirek. “Stupid for throwing away your lives for the sake of loyalty, love and friendship!! I value my life over anything else!! I won’t die for someone else, especially not for you and your friends, nor Grogar.”

“Well, if that’s the case” said Sunset. “I’ll deliver you to Princess Twilight immediately and she’ll send you 3 straight to Tartarus. You’ll definitively be safe from Bill. Unless you don’t value your life as much as you pretend to do...”

Tirek stayed silent. Sure, he wanted to stay alive, but not at the cost of his freedom.

“You can kiss your dreams of conquest, revenge or freedom goodbye, if this monster get his way.” said Sunset. “Or if Twilight decide to banish you in Tartarus...You have two choices: Would you rather fight to the bitter end for the sake of your dream? Or would you rather spend eternity in hell, filled with shame and regret for not fighting for your dreams...?”

“Fine!!” said Sombra. “I’ll lend you my help taking this monser down...”

“I’ll help you fight him too” said Chrysalis. “If i die, then be it...”

They looked at Tirek. This one turned his head, then sighed.

“I’m in too, i guess” he said. “If i have to die, i’d rather it be as a free man...”

Sunset smiled. Back to our heroes, those ones were watching Twilight and Moonlight give it their all against Bill.

“You humans never give up, don’t you?!” shouted Bill, mad.

“Never giving up is what characterize us, mortals.” said Twilight. “We might be weak, but we make up for it through our sheer will to survive and see a better tomorrow!!”

“But i don’t see how an all-powerful demonic entity bent on destruction and misery like you could understand that concept...” said Moonlight.

Bill knocked them both away and they crashed on the ground.

“Let us help, Moonlight!” said Ragna. “Don’t be selfish and trust your friends!!”

“I’m not letting any of you go to your death!!” said Moonlight. “Beside, there is one thing i haven’t tried yet...Girls, share your magic with me...If it transformed Sunset and Twilight into magic powerhouses, it might do the same for me!!”

The girls looked at each other and ponied-up. Their aura started leaking out of their body, which penetrated in Moonlight’s crystal. He was covered by a magic veil and started transforming. The magic dissipated, revealing Moonlight.

“But, you haven’t transformed?!” asked Twilight. “Did it failed?”

“No” answered Moonlight. “It did something...I think it broke the last contraint preventing me to get complete mastery over my ability. You must remember when i told you i could use any type of magic, but that those that can only be wielded by a specific race of creature had bad side effects on my body, do you?”

“Yes” answered Rainbow Dash.

“Well, if i’m right, i don’t have that setback anymore!!” said Moonlight. “That mean i can use any type of magic, now, regardless of if it’s unique to a race...But how would it be possible?”

“My guess is, your magical nature would change in function of the type of magic you want to use” answered Pinkie Pie. ”For example, if you wanted to use Chaos magic, your magical nature would change to be one of a draconequus...”

“Every magical beings possesses a different magic aura proper to their race” said Moonlight. “Me and Sunny are able to sense them...If your guess is right, Pinkie Pie, Sunny should be able to confirm it”

He turned toward her. Moonlight used umbrum magic to create a black crystal in his hand.

“Did my aura changed?” he asked to Sunny.

“Yes...” she answered. “Your aura changed from one of a Unicorn to one of an Umbrum”

“So, your guess was spot on, Pinkie...” said Moonlight. “My aura changes to attune itself to the type of magic i’m using...I understand why Grogar wanted me so badly...He must want me even more, now that my latent potential has been unlocked...”

He looked at Bill and flew toward him. Moonlight made blue fire appear in his right hand. Bill saw the same fire burning in his eyes and was shocked.

“So, Bill?” asked Moonlight. “Wanna make a deal?”

“How dare you?!!” shouted Bill. “How does a lowly human like you dare copying me!!? A puny mortal like you isn’t worthy to wield my magic!!”

“It seem my taunt worked perfectly” thought Moonlight. “He’s furious, now!”

He made a middle finger to Bill before dodging a beam shot at him by the demon. When Sunset, Sunny and the trio of villain came back, they were joined by the rest of the group.

“Moonlight drew Bill Cipher’s attention on himself.” said Silva. “He’s so brave...”

“He what?!” shouted Sunny. “He’s gonna get himself killed! Why did you let him do this!?”

She was about to take off and join him, but Twilight held her back.

“He’s counting on us to come up with a plan to stop Bill!! Can’t you see?!” she said. “He’s drawing Bill’s attention on himself so he doesn’t kill us before we can come up with a plan to defeat him. He’s literally playing the role of bait...”

“Oh, Moonlight...” said Sunny, worried.

Tirek put his hand on her shoulder.

“We can’t let him hog all the spotlight, right?” he said. “What do you say we give him a hand!!?”

Sunny smiled.

“Well, all on board!!” she said.

Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra got on her back as soon as she transformed. She flew toward Bill and quickly joined him. Tirek, Sombra and Chrysalis fired a beam that they combined to make a big one.

“More insects?!!” said Bill.

“Sunny!! Get out of here!!” shouted Moonlight.

“No way!!” she answered. “I’m not letting you do this alone!!”

Ragna, Shira, Stygian, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Shredder, Razor, Flare, Hearts, Rarity, Twilight, Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all joined Moonlight.

“But...The plan!!” said Moonlight.

“Screw your plan!!” said Sunset. “We’ll fight all together!! Weither you want it or not!!”

Moonlight smiled.

“In that case...”said Moonlight...”I’m gonna try to prevent you from having your bodies altered by his magic.”

Sunset and her friends ganged up on Bill. Soon, the demon found himself overwhelmed by the attacks coming from every side. He tried turning them to stone or inanimate objects, but Moonlight’s magic was protecting the heroes.

“That’s what human can do when they work together!!” shouted Sunset. “I recommend you to take us seriously, unless you were already trying seriously...”

Bill teleported away and two seconds later, reappeared in space. He had grown to the size of a planet and was looking down on humanity.

“You want me to take this seriously?!!” shouted Bill. “I’m gonna break your pathetic little planet to pieces”

“I knew it was a bad idea to summon him...” said Grogar to himself. ”Bill!! Stop this right now or i’m sending you back to your dimension!!”

He sent that message via telepathy.

“You think you can threaten me!?” shouted Bill. “YOU THINK YOU CAN THREATEN A GOD?!! You think you can boss me around?! I’m gonna destroy this world, then rebuild it into my personal playground, with you in it!! Time to die, humans!!”

“It’s over...” said Sunny. “He’s gonna blow us to kingdom come...”

Bill’s attack was stopped by a magical barrier.

“Who?!” he shouted.

Discord, Cosmos and Eris appeared in front of the heroes.

“I know we said we wouldn’t jump in” said Discord. “But Bill is way more than you can handle...We’ll handle this!!”

“No! Let us deal with him!!” said Sunset. “I have a plan to take him down!!”

“What are you saying, Sunset?!” said Twilight. “We should let them handle him!!”

“No” answered Sunset. “This is our fight...But if you could contain his power to make him easier for us to fight, it would make my plan a lot easier to execute.”

Bill reappeared in front of the group. He was back to his normal size and was looking at the group with shock. He tried to size up, but hit himself to a dome.

“Well, i guess that fight just go more interesting” he said, looking at the draconequuses. “Is this barrier made of unicorn hairs?! How can you possibly know about it’s existence, and how to make one?!”

“I have eyes and ears everywhere, Bill” said Discord.

“This barrier should contain his powers within the limits of the city” said Cosmos. “Good luck with your plan!!”

The 3 draconequuses disappeared. Sunset looked at Bill with a determined expression.

“The end is coming for you, Bill” she said. “You will regret to have underestimated us and the power of Friendship”

“Then come at me!!” he said. “I will all leave you terrorized!!”