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Chapter 4: The Elites of Darkness appear!!

The girls were relaxing for the time being.

“What is Grogar going to do next, i wonder?” asked Twilight.

“Send in more of his monsters, perhaps?” answered Rarity.

“I feel 8 powerful magic auras coming our way...” said Sunset. “We got company, girls.”

“I recognize that foul, evil smell” said Sunny. “The Elite of Darkness.”

“The what?” asked Applejack.

“Grogar’s elite force.” answered Sunny. “Composed of 10 very powerful unicorns he rallied to his cause.”

“But i only feel 8” said Sunset.

“That’s because me and Moonlight are...or rather, were part of that group” answered Sunny.

“That’s right, Traitor!!” shouted Hearts, who had appeared. “I’m Hearts, Queen of the Animal Kingdom”

“I’m Shredder, the Destroyer.” said Shredder.

“I’m Kleaver!! The Purifier!!” said Kleaver.

“I’m Ragna!! The Bomber!!” said Ragna.

The rest arrived shortly after. Far away, Moonlight felt their presence and stopped.

“Silva...” he said. “No, focus!! Now is not the time to get distracted...”

He continued his research for Nightmare. Silva also felt Moonlight’s presence and became nervous.

“Moonlight...” she said. “He’s here, in this city...I must see him! Anyway, i am Silva, the Master of Gravity!”

“It’s overwhelming...” said Hearts. “That hatred, that grudge he has for our master. I never felt so much rage in anyone before.”

“You mean, he still hold a grudge against Grogar even after 3000 years?” asked Razor. “That’s hardcore...By the way, I’m Razor, the Butcher!”

“I can see why he betrayed us...” said Flare. “He was probably never on our side to begin with...Anyway, I’m Flare, leader of the Elites and Master of the Elements!!”

“I feel something coming from her too” said Hearts, pointing at Sunny. “An overwhelming flow of love, the kind a mother would have after finding her long lost child...She’s radiating determination, fierceness”

“You mean, she has a child?” asked Shira. “How is it possible, Grogar made sure we couldn’t reproduce...Anyway, my name is Shira, Sniper Queen”

“Let’s say his spell was not flawless” answered Sunny. “I got impregnated by a stallion named Cum Buckets. His Cutie Mark was a spermatozoid, i think. Apparently, he could impregnate anything he had sex with...”

“Okay, that’s enough details!!” said Shira. “In formation, everyone!!”

Grogar used his magic to transport the Elites of Darkness with their respective target to a special room giving each of the villains an advantage over the heroes. Shira and Twilight were in a room with tons of small towers. Razor and Applejack were inside a room filled with spikes, blades and sawblades coming from the floor. Hearts and Fluttershy were inside a room filled with many deadly animals. Silva and Rainbow Dash were in a large room with hundred of small plateforms. Ragnarok and Pinkie Pie were in room filled with cannons. Shredder and Rarity were in a normal room with no particular characteristics. Kleaver, Stygian and the Sirens were also inside a regular room. Finally, Sunset Shimmer and Flare were transported in a room that looked normal. Sunny looked around and saw she was the only one left. She saw Tirek, Sombra and Chrysalis approaching her.

“We were in a disadvantage against those pesky heroes earlier...” said Chrysalis.

“...But now that you’re all alone, that’s gonna be a piece of cake beating you” said Tirek.

“Ain’t no way you can beat the 3 of us by yourself.” said Sombra.

Grogar was smiling. He contacted Nightmare with his magic.

“Change of plans, Nightmare” He said. “Show yourself to Moonlight. I want you to keep him distracted.”

“You sure?” he asked. “As you wish...”

Grogar put an end to the communication. Nightmare left his hideout and headed toward Moonlight.

“Oh no!! Sunny is in danger, i can feel it!” he said.

“Not so fast” said Nightmare Glow.

Moonlight saw a girl standing in front of him. She was looking similar to Cozy Glow for some reason.

“So, look like you found yourself an host” he said to her. “And a little girl at that, you coward...I guess Sunny can hold on for 5 more minutes, the time i get rid of you...”

“Someone’s feeling cocky today...” said Nightmare Glow. “You wouldn’t dare hurt my host...So how do you expect to win?”

”I could use my Harmony Crystal to get him out of Cozy Glow and reform him” thought Moonlight. ”But using that ace right now would mean revealing it to Grogar. He might come after me right away and try to steal it, and if he succeed, give him even more power to use against my sister and her friends. He would have a counter against the Rainbow Laser and i can’t let that happen.”

Nightmare blasted Moonlight with magic, which he dodged.

”I have no choice...” thought Moonlight. ”I must trust Sunny and those girls to beat their opponents. I’ll just have to hold Nightmare off until they get back and blast him with a Rainbow Laser.”

Meanwhile, Applejack and Razor were facing off in a duel. None of them had started fighting and instead, were gauging the opponent.

”Even if i have the edge in this fight, i must remain careful...” thought Razor. ”One punch from her and it’s over for me. If one of my blades touch her, she’s done for. They’re coated with a powerful paralyzing poison.”

”I suspect that his blades are laced with a dangerous poison” thought Applejack. ”If that’s the case, i must not let him land a single blow on me. I must absolutely end the fight in one hit...”

The tension was high between them. Finally, Razor was the one who attacked first. He threw a flurry of blades at Applejack, who deflected them with a handclap. Razor threw more blades at her, but she kept deflecting them.

“Let’s see if you can stop that!!” shouted Razor. “It’s over for you!!”

He made hundreds of kunais, knifes, shuriken, sawblades and needles appear all around Applejack from every direction.

“Death Row!!” said Razor.

The blades flew at Applejack all at once. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was struggling against her opponent’s gravity powers. She was at the complete mercy of Silva.

“The sooner i get rid of you, the sooner i can go meet my dear Moonlight!” said Silva. “So, be a darling and stop resisting!!”

”She seem to be obsessed by Moonlight...” thought Rainbow Dash. ”I can probably use it to my advantage...”

Silva continued to throw Rainbow Dash around.

“We’re you that close, him and you?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“We were best friends since we were young” answered Silva. “Then, that friendship blossomed into love when we became older. Him and i we’re two peas in a pod, two sides of a coin. Then one day, he became cold and distant toward me, and grew much closer with his sister over the years...”

“You want to know why his attitude toward you changed all of a sudden?” asked Rainbow. “I can tell you the truth about his motives, if you spare me...”

Silva hesitated a moment. She released Rainbow from her gravity spell.

“Spill the beans” said Silva. “I want to know everything...”

“Grogar massacred his family and hometown when he was just a baby.” said Rainbow. “His mother, before dying, locked the memories of that day in his subconscient, along with her last will, which were to protect Sunny at all cost and avenge their death by killing Grogar. They were programmed to awaken on the day of his 18...”

“It was on his 18th birthday that he suddenly changed attitude toward me...” said Silva.

“Those two wishes from his mother became his obsession, his life purpose.” said Rainbow Dash. “He started hating Grogar with a passion, hatred that would spread to those loyal to him. That included you and the Elite of Darkness...From what he said, The 10 Elites were all rescued by Grogar at a young age, and by rescued, i mean kidnapped...”

“Grogar told me that he found me in the middle of a devastated town” she said. “Apparently, i was the one who destroyed it and he told me that he could help me control that power. Having nowhere else to go, i followed him and when i met Moonlight, i found my anchor. He is the reason i kept up with Grogar’s evil teachings and grueling training. So, when he stopped talking to me all of a sudden and look at me with cold eyes, as if i was nothing to him, it broke me. Each time i asked him why he didn’t want to be with me anymore, he’d never tell me why. I finally stopped trying to talk to him and wait for him to do so. That day never came, and a couple years later, i was arrested, trialed and casted to the limbos by the first King of Equestria. And believe my surprise when i learnt that he and Sunny betrayed Grogar...”

Rainbow Dash could see that her opponent was being sincere and changed strategy.

“Join us” asked Rainbow. “Fight with us, with him. I can tell your feelings toward Moonlight are stronger than your loyalty toward Grogar. Prove it and fight with us!!”

Silva was touched by Rainbow’s words.

“I might have a plan for both of us to get out of there.” said Silva. “Do you trust me?”

“I do...” answered Dashie.

In another room, Twilight was being mercilessly targeted by Shira.

”She’s playing with me!!” said Sci-Twi to herself. ”She could easily hit me with her magic if she wanted...Well, i’m not gonna wait for her to get serious...Time to power-up!!”

Twilight turned into Midnight, then used her magic to locate Shira.

“Found you...” said Sci-Twi.

She blasted the tower Shira was hiding in to pieces. This one was able to get away just in time and fired magic bullets at Twilight. The bullets did nothing to Sci-twi as she laughed at her.

“Should have killed me right from the start” said Twilight. “Because now, you’re gonna die...”

Twilight started blasting down all the towers one by one. With nowhere to hide and her magic bullets having no effect on her enemy, Shira raised her arms. Twilight was surprised.

“I give up, you win” she said. “If you spare me, i’ll join you...”

Twilight was not convinced by her words.

“We both know only one of us can leave this place alive.” she said. “And it won’t be you...”

“Well, worth a try...” said Shira. “Let me tell you my backstory, before you kill me...Grant this girl her last request...”

“Fine, i’ll hear you out, but don’t make it long...” said Twilight.

“It’s a tragic one” said Shira. “As a baby, my mother threw me in a river and left me to die. By chance, i was rescued by a monster hunter and raised by him. He taught me everything there was to know about monster hunting. One day, when i was 12, the old stallion was killed by a pack of Timberwolves. The trauma caused by his death awakened my latent magic power and i effortlessly slayed them all. A couple days later, as i was hunting down Timberwolves one by one, Grogar presented himself to me. He was holding a mare captive with chains. He told me that he followed me for quite some time and was impressed by my magic potential. As for the mare that he was holding, he told me she was my mother, the one that abandonned me. He offered to take me under his wing, make me an unstoppable killing machine and that mare was a gift from him. I gave her to the Timberwolves and watched them tear her to pieces. After that, i joined Grogar and trained under his supervision. I honed my skills to become his Elite sniper...Then, a few years later, i was caught by the King of Equestria and sentenced to the Limbos forever for my crimes...What crimes you might wonder? Mass murder, mass regicide...the list goes on...And that’s my story...”

“Well, now i know i can kill you without feeling bad” said Twilight. “Say goodbye...”

“You’re the one who’s gonna say goodbye!!” shouted Shira. “I’m taking you with me! Aftermath!!”

Twilight realized what Shira was doing and immediately casted a barrier to contain the explosion. Shira finally blew herself up and the flash of the explosion forced Twilight to close her eyes. When she opened them again, she was relieved to see that her barrier contained the explosion. She turned back to her regular form and fell on the floor, exhausted. Her surprise was even greater when she saw Shira still standing. The two stared at each other for a short while, then laughed.

“I know what you’re thinking, sweetheart” said Shira. “How can i be alive after blowing myself up? Well, i didn’t blow up, but rather, expanded all my magical energy at once...I thought it would kill you, but it didn’t. Now, i don’t have any magic energy left to fight you.”

“Join us” said Twilight. “You don’t have any use to Grogar, anymore, but we could use your hunting expertise if he sent back his monsters at us.”

“You...want me to join you?” asked Shira. “Well, why not? Beats being sent back to the Limbos. But let me be clear, once the old man is no more, i’m out!”

“Only if you promise to put your magic to good use afterward” said Twilight. “Or else, Moonlight will hunt you down.”

“Fair enough...” said Shira. “But first, we have to get out of here...”

Meanwhile, Razor was smiling. Applejack was dead, or that’s what he thought. His smile disappeared when he saw Applejack still standing, with no scratches on her.

“No way!!” he shouted. “There’s no way you could have dodged that!!!”

“You’re right about that...” said A.J. “I couldn’t dodge them, so instead, i just destroyed them before they hit me...”

“Say what?!!” shouted Razor. “That’s impossible...To destroy that many blades all in the span of a second, you’d have to be punching faster than lightning!!”

“Good thing i’m able to punch that fast...” said Applejack. “Not only my punches hit like a truck, they strike faster than lightning...”

Applejack rushed toward Razor, who instinctively covered himself with sharp blades.

“That’s useless!!!” said Applejack.

She broke through his blade armor with a flurry of punches. Razor was overwhelmed by the sheer power of his opponent. Applejack finished the villain with a direct to the jaw. Razor was projected away and crashed into a wall. His eyes turned white as he laid unconscious on the floor. He was out for the count. The room disappeared to make place to a city background. She was surprised to see Rainbow Dash and Twilight next to their respective enemies

“Good to see you, girls...” said Applejack. “But why are your opponents standing right next to you?”

“We’re on your side” answered Silva. “Or rather, i’m on Moonlight’s side...”

“As for me” said Shira “I’d rather be on the winner’s side, which is Moonlight’s. Hey, Razor’s waking up!”

Applejack looked at Razor, who already regained consciousness.

“Listen, punk!” she said to him. “I’m offering you a choice. You can join us and fight Grogar or our friend Moonlight can cast you back to the Limbos...What will it be?”

“I choose...Neither of them!!” shouted Razor. “Unlike Shira, Moonlight and Silva, me and the rest of the troupe are extremely loyal to Father...I’d rather die than betray him!!”

“You know it’s not true!!” said Shira. “Grogar couldn’t care less about us, we’re disposable tools to him. If he truly cared about us, he would have kept us around.”

“Unlike you, i’m an absolute, irredeemable piece of shit” said Razor. “I was born a killer, i murdered so many folk that i lost count of them. Grogar saved me from being executed for my crimes and told me that i could kill as much as i wanted under his wing, without facing judgement. The only think i care about is killing, and i’m gonna kill all of...!!”

Applejack punched him in the face, knocking him down.

“Oh, shut up!” she said.

They saw Sunny crashing right in front of them. She looked at Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

“Oh, you’re back?! Good!!” she said, smiling. “Because i might need help fighting those 3...”

Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra showed up. The girls took a battle stance.

“Well, you take care of them, girls!!” said Shira. “I’ll cheer you up from a safe distance!!”

As for Silva, she was nowhere to be seen. As for Grogar, he was keeping an eye on the other girls’ fights, not bothered at all by Silva and Shira’s betrayal.

“At this rate, i’ll have no choice but to face them myself...” he said. “Unless...I summon him...It’s risky, but i’m willing to do everything to achieve my goals...If he’s as powerful as those journals claim to be, then it’s gonna be a piece of cake...”

Author's Note:

Silva: Gravity Magic
Hearts: Beast Magic
Ragnarok or Ragna: Explosion magic
Shredder: Destruction Magic
Razor: Blade Magic
Shira: Sniping Magic
Kleaver: Defensive Magic.
Flare: Elemental Magic