• Published 19th Jul 2023
  • 681 Views, 22 Comments

My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 - Musiclover435

A baby Discord is found by two Alicorns. He sees Luna as his mother until she is banished one day. Fear of judgment, he conceals his true form from ponies. This goes on for 1000 years until he meets a kind Pegasus.

  • ...

Boast Busters

Discord entered Ponyville after spending most of the morning in a secret part of the Everfree forest. What was he doing? Using his chaos magic in his Draconequus form. He would normally use it when he was with his Aunt or mom, but now, he needed a private place to use it whenever he wanted or in his case, needed. He can stay in his pony form for weeks or longer but he had to return to his normal form and cast chaos magic. He did, of course, he returned his secret spot to normal in case somepony found it.

He was shocked to see Rarity running past him crying her eyes out. To his surprise, her hair was green and it looked awful. "What kind of chaos magic did that? I must investigate." Discord walked to the crowd of ponies and then Twilight ran past him, her eyes filled with nervousness and fear. He walked up to Spike and asked, "What is going on, Spike? What happened to Twilight and Rarity?"

"Her." Spike pointed to a blue unicorn with a purple starry cape on stage.

"Once again, the great and powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the amazing unicorn in all of Equestria."

With that comment, Discord started to laugh hard. 'This is hilarious.'

Trixie looked at him annoyed. "Do you think you can beat The Great and Powerful Trixie?"

"You are just a show-boasting pony who thinks she's better than everypony. I barely need to lift a hoof to beat you."

Everypony gasped but Trixie looked at him in anger, but she shrugged it off. "Ha! I'd like to see you try."

Discord smirked. "Certainly." He walked up on stage with a confident smile. "Rainbow Dash, could you please grab a cloud for us?" Rainbow Dash nodded, she was a bit confused along with everypony else but went along with it. Anything to get Trixie to shut up. Spike was excited, he hardly ever got to see Discord in action. He did use his magic but never told him or Twilight what he could do.

Rainbow returned with the cloud, it was the perfect size that he needed. "Perfect, now I just need you to give half of it to me and the other half to Trixie." She did just as she told him. "Observe." Discord grabbed the cloud with his magic and in the blink of an eye, the cloud turned pink.

It was now Trixie's turn to laugh. "A pink cloud? Pff. Anypony with a basic magic lesson could do that." Discord's smile grew.

"I'm not done." He ripped a piece off and levitated it to Spike. "Here, taste it. It's safe, Spike."

Spike took the cloud and ate it. "Whoa! It's cotton candy!"


Discord levitated several more pieces to the crowd and when they ate it, they were shocked to taste cotton candy. "There is more." He got a bucket and set it under the cloud. Soon, a brown liquid came pouring down.

Spike was the first to come up and drink it. "WOW! Chocolate milk!" The entire crowd cheered, somepony was able to beat Trixie at her own game.

"Now, you say you're a powerful unicorn, let's see you try."

Trixie ground her teeth. "Nice going, Your Highness!" Applejack shouted.

"Your Highness as in a prince of Equestria?"

Discord nodded at the show-boasting unicorn. "You said you were the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria. I wanted to see if you were more powerful than a royal pony." Discord hated flaunting his royal status. He asked many ponies to address him by his name, many did, and some didn't but that was okay with him. He was only doing this now to get Trixie to stop bragging.

"A cloud into cotton candy? Please. I beat an Ursa Major! Beat that!" Now this was intriguing.

"An ursa major? You beat one?" Discord asked in disbelief, he had never seen one for himself but even he knew they were impossible to defeat.

"Of course. Besides, you were unfair. You're a royal pony, you studied magic your entire life and learned spells that are forbidden to pony kind. I bet this is your first time leaving your castle without your guards."

He could get angry at her and show her his true potential but right now, he had more important matters so he left. "I have better things to do than argue with a show-boasting pony like you."

"That's right. Leave! Once again, The Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the amazing unicorn in all of Equestria."

Spike ran after Discord wanting to talk with him. "That was AWESOME, Discord! You showed her the what for. I had no idea there was a spell to turn clouds into cotton candy or make them rain chocolate milk. Think Twilight could learn it?"

Discord shook his head. "No. The spell is... complicated. Not even my mom or Aunt could learn it."

"Wow, a spell that not even the princesses can learn, that's amazing. I wish Twilight was able to show off her magic. She learned 25 new spells today."

"Wow. For a unicorn, that is impressive. Most unicorns only get spells for their cutie mark, I wonder if Twilight's talent is magic."

Spike nodded. "That's what she was saying too. I wonder where she went."

"Probably back to the library. Speaking of, why didn't she show off her magic?"

Spike shrugged. "I don't know. It doesn't make sense, she is just as powerful, if not more so than Trixie. Maybe she's just as powerful as you."

Discord chucked a bit. "I'm not so sure about that. I just turned a cloud into cotton candy. That's one of the easier spells that I can do."

Spike smiled and with stars in his eyes, asked, "What else can you do? Where did you learn to do it? Can anypony learn?!"

"It's a long list that would take a while to explain and as for where I was born with it." That was as honest as he was willing to go with his magic. He could do whatever he wanted with his magic. 'I can turn Equestria into my personal playground if I wanted to but I know better than to do that.' Discord thought to himself. "Sadly, nopony can learn how to cast my magic. As I said previously, it's... complicated. I don't want to explain it. Not now, anyway."

Spike nodded. "Okay, but you gotta show me and Twilight sometime. I'm sure she would love to see you cast that cotton candy cloud spell." Discord chuckled. "Fair enough."

Spike and Discord continued to walk through town discussing how they could convince Twilight to beat Trixie since she wouldn't accept defeat from Discord. Spike soon noticed Snips and Snails walking backward in a bowed position. "What are you two doing?" Spike asked the two ponies.

"Just bring the G&PT a..."

"The what?" Discord asked them.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie." Discord and Spike rolled their eyes in disbelief, they couldn't believe they believed Trixie's lies. "Just bringing her a smoothie."

"How can you fall for her lameness? She couldn't even beat Discord. She said she was the most powerful unicorn so is she more powerful than a royal unicorn?" Spike asked them.

"My royal status means nothing. Trixie is a show-off. She is a one-trick pony unlike Twilight, who..."

Snips interrupted Discord and said, "The Great and Powerful Trixie vanquished an Ursa Major. Can your Twilight claim that? Can Discord claim that?"

"Oh really? Were you guys actually there?" Spike asked them.

"Well, uh, uh... no, but..."

"But nothing. The proof is in the pudding."

Snails smiled at the thought of pudding. "I like pudding."

Discord rolled his eyes. "Look, the point is this. I didn't see it, Spike didn't see it, and you two didn't see it. There is no proof that Trixie defeated a Ursa Major. Unless one comes down the street and defeats it, we will not believe a word Trixie says. Neither should you, you would be wise to know who you can trust with their words."

Snips didn't listen to that part, instead, he got an idea. "An Ursa walking up the street, eh? Snails, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Why is it they call it a flea market when they don't really sell fleas?" Snails asked, not listening to a word they said.

"Yeah! Uh..." Snips stopped for a moment then had Snails follow him.

Spike and Discord returned to the library where Twilight was deep into a book. "Twilight, would you put down that book and just listen to me?" Spike asked her, hoping she would listen to reason.

"Didn't you see how they hated Trixie's bragging, Spike? If I go out there and show off my magic, I run the risk of losing them as friends."

"Twilight, I went up there and used my magic but not to show off. It was to get Trixie to stop. Twilight, there's a difference between showing off and defending your friends."

"Discord's right. You would be standing up for your friends."

"No, Discord and Spike. It's exactly the same," Twilight told them, confident in her words.

"Come on, Twilight. Any one of these tricks, even the teeniest, would be enough to show up Trixie. Discord went up there, turned a cloud into cotton candy, and made it rain chocolate milk. That didn't get Trixie to stop since he's a royal unicorn who knows all kinds of magic. It has to be you."

"Discord is Discord, he can go up there and do what he wants."

This comment offended Discord. "Hey."

Twilight didn't acknowledge him. "I don't want to be seen as a bragger like Trixie." Twilight summoned two doors and slammed them in front of Discord and Spike.

They opened the doors and continued to try and convince Twilight. "Come on, Twilight. Please, for our sake. You are very talented at magic, my Aunt wouldn't have taken you in as a student otherwise. You are the best unicorn I have seen in centuries."

"Ugh! Please, Spike! Please, Discord! I said NO."

Spike sighed. "If that's the way you want to be then fine." Spike slammed the door Twilight had summoned once he realized it, he left the library.

Twilight looked at Discord and the two had a staring contest until Discord gave in. "Fine, my dear. I will leave you alone for now. Twilight, think about what we said, okay? I can do a lot with my magic but you can too. Magic is part of who you are as a unicorn, just like me." Discord went to his room, leaving Twilight with her thoughts.

'Spike mentioned that Discord turned a cloud into cotton candy and made it rain chocolate milk.' It was a question she needed an answer to but right now, she was reading something else.

After taking a nap, Discord joined Twilight in the main area of the library, reading a book on animals for no reason. Until Spike came barging in screaming. "TWILIGHT!! DISCORD!!! You gotta come quick!"

"Spike, I tried convincing her but she won't listen to reason." Discord told him without looking up from his book.

"No, that's not it! It's..." A loud roar shocked all three of them.

"Uh, is that what I think it is?"


With that Spike, Discord, and Twilight rushed into town, past the scared ponies running for their lives. They ran to Snips and Snails who were watching the chaos happen. 'I am one for chaos but this is a bit much,' Discord thought to himself.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked the young colts.

"We brought an Ursa to town," Snips said with confidence.

"YOU WHAT?!" Twilight and Discord exclaimed.

"Don't worry. The Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it." Snails said with confidence.

'Time to let the cat out of the bag," Trixie thought to herself. "I can't." She said defeated.

"WHAT?!" Snips and Snails were shocked. Trixie had lied to them.

"I can't. I never have. No one can vanquish an Ursa Major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better."


From behind them, the Ursa Major came stomping with anger in its eyes. Everypony in town was scared, no one could do anything to stop it. Twilight looked at Discord with pleading eyes, hoping he could stop it. He shook his head. 'My magic is powerful but I can't just teleport this just anywhere, I need to have a destination in mind, someone for it to go to or be near.'

Spike elbowed Twilight, trying to get her to do it. She gulped nervously. 'I researched this. I can do this. Hopefully...'

She walked up to the angry Ursa and used her magic to start a gust. From a distance, music started to play. Once it reached the Ursa's ears, it started to coo softly. The music seemed to relax it.

"Nice use of number 16," Spike commented.

Discord nodded in agreement. 'Whatever she is doing, it's working.'

Twilight's horn grew brighter as she lifted a large water barrel and dumped it of its contents. She took it through a barn and filled it with milk. "That's new."

Twilight covered the barrel and before the Ursa fell on Trixie, she used her magic to lift it. She gave it the milk and it drank it like a baby bottle. With a strain, she used her magic to take the Ursa out of town and back to its cave.

Once she felt it, she released her magic. To her surprise, she heard cheering.


"That was amazing!"

"Heavens to betsy! We knew you had ability, but not that much," Applejack commented and Rainbow nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me."

"Hate you?!" Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash said, a bit shocked their friend would say that.

"Why, whatever do you mean, darling?"

"Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought..."

Rainbow stopped Twilight's speech. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth."

"Most unpleasant."

"All hat and no cattle."

"So... you don't mind my magic tricks?" Twilight asked. "Your magic is part of who you are, Sugar Cube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend," Applejack told her.

"And after whipping that Ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder," Rainbow Dash told her with confidence.

"You are?" The girls nodded in agreement.

Discord walked by her and told her, "See? Like we were trying to tell you, there's a difference between showing off and standing up." Twilight smiled, she was glad that her friends were still her friends and didn't care about her magic.

"Wow, Twilight! How'd you know what to do with that Ursa Major?" Spike asked, impressed she defeated it.

"That's what I was doing when you and Discord came looking for me. I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that was compelled to do a little reading up on them."

"So, it is possible to vanquish an Ursa Major all by yourself?"

"That wasn't an Ursa Major. It was a baby, an Ursa Minor," Twilight told them.

"That was just a baby?" Trixie asked shocked.

"And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because someone woke it up." She looked at Snips and Snails who smiled nervously.

"Hang on, since it wasn't an Ursa Major then what does it look like?" Discord asked her.

She smiled as she remembered the details from her book. It was five times as large, purple, and with teeth harder than diamonds. "You don't want to know."

Trixie walked up to Twilight with confidence and said, "HA! You may have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but you will never have the amazing, showstopping ability of The Great and Powerful TRIXIE!" She released a smoke bomb and after it dissipated, she was seen fleeing town.

"Why, that little..." Rainbow Dash was about to fly after her but she was stopped.

"Just let her go. Maybe someday she'll learn her lesson."

"Twilight is right. Someponies are willing to go to any lengths to prove or disprove a lie. Trixie was shown to be a liar here, once it spreads, no pony will believe her anymore," Dsicord told her.

Snips and Snails tried to leave discreetly but Twilight stopped them. "Now, about you two."

They looked at her nervously. Snips chucked nervously "Uh, we're sorry that we woke up the Ursa Minor."

"We just wanted to see some awesome magic," Snails told her.

"Yeah! And the way you vanquished that Ursa Minor was awesome!"

It was clear by Twilight's look that no compliments the Colts gave were going to work. They went to their bellies and Snails said, "We deserve whatever punishment you give us."

"For starters, you can clean up this mess. And... what do you think, Spike? Should I give them number 25?" The colts looked at each other and Spike knew exactly what she meant.

"Oh, 25? Yes. And I think I deserve it, too."


"I think you're right." Spike joined the colts who closed their eyes in fear and in the blink of an eye, mustaches appeared on their muzzles.

"Sweet!" The next day, Twilight wrote her letter to the princess.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned a very valuable
lesson about friendship.
I was so afraid of being thought
of as a show-off that I was hiding
a part of who I am. My friends
helped me realize that it's okay
to be proud of your talents and
there are times when it's
appropriate to show them off,
especially when you're
standing up for your friends.

"Good job, Twilight. My aunt would be proud." She smiled at him.

"So, you finally admit that you're the most talented unicorn in all of Ponyville?" Spike asked.

"Well... yeah. But it's nothing to brag about. I mean, Discord turned a cloud into cotton candy and made it rain chocolate milk."

He smiled at that, wanting to change the subject, he asked, "So, how did it go with Rarity?"

"Eh, she didn't go for the mustache."

Twilight smiled as she walked up to her dragon friend. "You know, Spike, that mustache has nothing to do with who you really are. Maybe you should just try being yourself."

"Or... maybe the mustache wasn't enough. Maybe if I had a mustache and a beard." Spike smiled with confidence.

"Oh, not this again."

"Okay, imagine me with a nice long fu manchu-type beard or maybe a goatee. Oh, no... a soul patch..." Spike continued to spout off various beard ideas as he tried to convince Twilight and Discord to make him one. After seeing it wasn't going to happen, Spike gave up on his endeavor, and eventually Twilight removed the mustache from his face.

After a few hours, Twilight finally decided to ask Discord about his magic. "Discord, can you tell me more about your magic?"

Discord was a little hesitant but this was to be expected, he performed a spell that Twilight had never seen. "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"How did you turn a cloud into cotton candy? How did you make it rain chocolate milk? Can I learn this? Can anypony or is this unique to you?" Twilight spat all the questions out faster than he could process but he answered them with one simple answer.

"Well... it's complicated. My magic is unique to me. Sorry, my dear, but you can't learn it, nopony can, not even my aunt or mom."

Stars appeared in Twilight's eyes, "Really?!"

He nodded. "It's a... well... it's a long story." Twilight sat down and waited in anticipation with her scroll and quill. "Well, obviously, I mentioned that I was adopted by Princess Luna years before she became Nightmare Moon." Twilight nodded. "It seems that I am a different kind of unicorn, hence my blue horn and red eyes. We don't know the limitations to my magic, just that it's strong. That cloud was simple for me but in truth, I don't need it." Twilight looked up from her scroll shocked and confused. Discord's then used his magic and a pink cloud appeared out of thin air.

Twilight dropped her scroll and quill, shocked at the sight. "That's... that's not possible! You can't just make something out of nothing! That magic is impossible, only in magic tricks."

"Well... for me, it is. My magic is powerful, which is why I stayed with the princesses. When I was a colt, my magic was uncontrollable." Discord laughed. "I can still remember a few magical instances that got me in trouble. Aunt Celestia thinks I'm a different breed of unicorn. One whose magic is different from other unicorns." Discord worked on this lie for a few days. He worked out the details for hours and it helps that he sent a letter to his aunt about it.

"Wow! That is so amazing! Do you think your species of unicorn is written down somewhere? Or have you met another Unicorn like yourself?"

Discord chuckled a bit at her enthusiasm. "Honestly, I don't know. But Twilight, can you not tell the others? Only my aunt and mom know about this and we kept this to ourselves. I asked Aunt Celestia if I could tell you and she said yes. Please, keep this to yourself for now."

Twilight nodded. "Of course, Discord. What are friends for?"

He smiled. "Thank you."