• Published 7th Sep 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 7 are brought into a magical land with talking stuffed animals and a young boy who goes missing.

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Part 1: Into a Magical Forest

The rays from the brilliant sun shown down on the waking town of Ponyville. It was rather peaceful morning that day despite the busy streets of ponies going about their day. This day we look over to the ominous forest that was not far from the town's northwestern border. Infamously known as the Everfree Forest, ponies didn't even dare step foot into it's treeline without a good reason. However, we see a familiar, yellow pegasus walking out from dark woods with some dark green herbs in her saddlebag. Fluttershy had gone into the woods earlier to meet with Zecora, a zebra shaman who lived within the Everfree forest. She was a good friend of Fluttershy's and with the rest of her other friends.

On this day, Fluttershy closes animal companion, Angel Bunny, had caught some kind of flu virus. The butter-yellow, pegasus had gone over to Zecora's for a special type of herb. Allegedly, it was used in medicines used for the virus and other similar sicknesses. After hearing about Fluttershy's predicament Zecora was more than happy to provide some of the herbs.

Fluttershy had quickly gotten out of the Everfree Forest as soon as she got what she needed. She looked back at the pathway that led into the woods and grimaced a little. She never enjoyed venturing into the Everfree, even for something important like this. The Everfree was a dangerous place; filled with many dangerous creatures like timberwolves, Ursas, and even that cockatrice that almost turned her into stone. Though, the relieving thing about the forest was that all the dangers it held stayed within the dark woods. That was why, despite living on the edge of the Everfree, Fluttershy never had any of the dangerous creatures venture out near her cottage. That and it also allowed her animals friends to be around her as often as possible.

Fluttershy made her way over to her home. She felt the sun spread it's warmth over her bright coat. She sighed and relaxed It was the start of a new day, no point thinking about something as dark and sinister as the Everfree. Fluttershy opened the door to her cottage, where she was greeted by some of her animal friends.

"Hello, Hummingway." She said to the hummingbird buzzing around her. "Would you happen to know where Angel is?"

The hummingbird pointed its beak over at a blanketed basket sitting adjacent to a flight of stairs.

"Thank you." The yellow pegasus said sincerely.

She made her way over to the basket. Fluttershy could see a small, shivering lump underneath the blanket.

"Angel, I'm back." She said softly, looking down at the shaking covers. "How are you feeling?"

A white bunny peered out from the covers, still shivering. under normal circumstances, he would happily greet Fluttershy when she would arrive home, but, today he did not have the strength to even walk over to her.

"Don't worry, Angel. I got the herbs from Zecora. hopefully it should do the trick." Fluttershy reassured.

Angel merely looked at her with expectant eyes. As if to say...

"Well, are you going to do it?"

Fluttershy chuckled a little before making her way over to the kitchen.

"Don't worry, Angel. Once I got the medicine ready, you should start feeling better soon." Without another word, Fluttershy got to work on the medicine.

Within the center of Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was trotting through the streets. She had ran out of ink back at her castle, so she was heading to the quill and ink shop to purchase some more. Whilst on her way there, she was thinking about their last friendship mission through the multiverse.

It had been about three weeks since their mission with Cloud and after that Twilight had gotten this tinge of worry in the back of her head. With their adventure with Cloud, they had to go up against an evil gang, cure an alien disease, fight some eldritch horror, and battle the hateful, demi-god that was Sephiroth. Even back with Dusty and his world, he and Rainbow Dash nearly perished in the middle of a stormy ocean.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized just how dangerous these friendship missions in other worlds really were. Twilight was not against the idea of travelling to different worlds to solve problems, she did it before the Cutie Map thing. But, she realized that they needed to be extra cautious when off on these multiverse missions, as she now decided to call them.

The young princess could still remember Sephiroth's sword slicing into Spike's cheek and her friends getting pummeled into the dirt by the One-winged angel. The thought made her blood boil, the experience left Spike with a scar on his cheek. She swore, from that point on, that she would never let anything bad happen to Spike ever again. Her other friends all agreed to be more cautious about those missions

Twilight decided it was best to just stop thinking about such memories. It was a light day for her after all. There was not much paperwork she had to do today and Starlight was off at the Crystal Empire helping out Sunburst. Today was a day for her to relax and take it easy.

"Maybe I can help Fluttershy out after I'm done." Twilight said to herself.

When Fluttershy told her about Angel's sudden illness, she felt bad for the little guy even if Twilight never really connected with him. Regardless, she had told Fluttershy about the special herbs that could help with the treatment and poised the thought that Zecora could supply her with some.

As her thoughts came to an end, Twilight was met with the shop she was looking for. She made the purchase and was soon on her way back to the Castle of Friendship with a saddlebag full of fresh, bottled ink. She arrived back at the castle and unloaded the ink. Spike met up with her at the entryway of the castle.

"Hey, Twilight. Glad you're back." Spike greeted.

"Thank you, Spike." Twilight gave the baby dragon a hug. "Would mind putting the ink away?"

"No problem, Twilight." Spike said, grabbing the bottles and heading to the workroom.

Twilight sighed in content, today was going pretty smoothly, she even thought she would have time to hangout with her friends. At least, thought she was planning to do, but fate had other plans. Twilight started to feel a familiar sensation throughout her body. She looked over to her sides to see her cutie marks were glowing, which meant only one thing.

"Another friendship mission?" She wondered to herself.

She admitted to herself that it had been a while since she and her friends had been on one, but then again, the last mission they went on had them fighting magic-wielding gang members. Still, a friendship mission was a friendship mission. It was their duty to keep harmony and show the power of friendship, in this world or otherwise. Spike came from around the corner with his spines all glowing.

"Wow, talk about perfect timing. Good thing you came back when you did." Spike said.

"Yeah, I guess so." Twilight admitted. "I reckon the girls are probably being summoned here, too."

"Maybe. We'll have to see." The little dragon shrugged.

Twilight and Spike made their way over to the map room. Again, that feeling of worry came over Twilight. She was still getting over the bad experiences from the last mission and the last thing she needed was another one that was just as perilous and dangerous. She looked over to Spike, her eyes falling on the scar on his left cheek, she didn't want to see Spike get hurt anymore than he already has. She couldn't, she wouldn't, she would never see her friends get hurt. The purple alicorn shook herself back to reality.

"You're being too paranoid, Twilight. Just stay calm and take it slow. Not every world is going to be dark and cruel like Cloud's" She thought to herself.

She shook the bad thoughts out of her head and continued to make her way over to the map room. Once there, Twilight opened the door and she and Spike went over to the Cutie Map, which was completely glowing.

"That means were going to another world, again?" Spike guessed.

"Yup." Twilight answered.

Just then, the rest of the Main 7 filed into the room, too.

"Hey, girls." Twilight greeted.

"Hey, there, Twi. Guess we're all bein summoned to another world, again." Applejack assumed.

"It would seem so." Twilight said.

"Well I do hope it won't be cruel or dangerous like last time." Rarity said fervently.

"I agree with Rarity. I don't want to go through that again." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Same here." Twilight agreed. "Oh, by the way, Fluttershy. Did Zecora have the herbs for you?"

"She did and she lend some. I already gave Angel the medicine."

"That's good. I'm glad it worked out for you." Twilight said

"C'mon, girls. We've been through worse." Rainbow said pompously. "Besides it was fun, wasn't it?"

"Didn't you get thrown around like a ragdoll by Sephiroth at one point?" Spike pointed out.

"Yeah...well...let's just get to the mission." Rainbow said grumbled.

Twilight chuckled and readied the portal spell. concentrating her magic, she let it flow onto the Cutie Map. almost instantly, a portal began to form over the table, enveloping it, and dropping to the floor.

"Yippee, we get to meet knew friends!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Just remember, girls. Try to be careful. We don't know what this world has in store for us." Twilight warned.

The other mares and dragon nodded. Instead of going in one at a time this time, they all collectively jumped into the portal. The Main 7 flew through the portal like before, giving them time to get ready.

"Do you think this world will be dangerous, too?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"There's always a possibility, but, I'm not going to assume the worst. Not every world is dangerous after all." Twilight said.

Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, maybe we'll have the bestest fun ever!" Pinkie said, completely estatic.

"Pinkie, bestest is not a word." Twilight pointed out.

"I know, that shows how much fun we'll have." Pinkie said.

The friendship princess sighed and decided to not to argue. Another mission was upon them and she was going to be ready, just like her friends. The end of the portal came into their sights.

"Here we go, everypony." Twilight said.

In a spilt second, the Main 7 came out of the portal. Once out, They were greeted with lush grass and few sporadic trees. The sky was blue and full of clouds. It reminded the other of the Everfree Forest, except it was more open and lively and it didn't have an ominous feel to it.

"This place looks absolutely gorgeous." Rarity said, with sparkling eyes.

"Ah'll say. Reminds of our orchids at Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack agreed.

"But, where are we exactly?" Rainbow wondered.

"Something tells me we're about to find out." Twilight said whimsically.

Unknown to the Main 7, their grandest and most extraordinary of all their adventures was about to begin.

To be continued