• Published 7th Sep 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 7 are brought into a magical land with talking stuffed animals and a young boy who goes missing.

  • ...

Part 9: Everything is Right

Twilight, Spike, and Pooh may have found some unexpected self-actualization in the cavern, but the others were not really having the same positivity. Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, and the Main 5 all arduously hoisted Eeyore up to the opening using the vine from earlier.

"How ya holdin' up down there, Eeyore?" Applejack checked up on the donkey.

"Well, I've had better days. Not that they were good, that is." Eeyore replied in dismay.

The team heaved and struggled to lift the dangling donkey up to them. The vine almost slipped out of there grasp causing Eeyore to fall just a little bit. With one last, mighty heave, they raised Eeyore to the top. Tigger caught him in the air but slipped and fell on top of the others in a dogpile.

"At least we got him up here." Piglet said.

"This could not get any worse." Rarity grumbled bitterly.

That's when loud footsteps echoed across the cave. The others looked and saw a large, monstrous shadow looming against the cave floor and walls. They got the there feet, some with fear in their hearts, others with righteous fury and vengeance.

"There it is! That monster that took our friends!" Rainbow shouted. "I've been waiting for this moment."

"This is for Twilight. And for Spike and Pooh!" Applejack readied herself.

"You'll pay for terrorizing us and killing our friends." Rarity bellowed angrily.

"Woohoo, got get'em, girls." Pinkie waved a flag with the three ponies cutie marks on it. Fluttershy stayed behind her, too fear-stricken to move.

"This is it." Rabbit trembled. "It's...It's...It's..."

The shadow then formed into something more recognizable. Walking out from an entrance stood...

"Christopher Robin?" Piglet said in disbelief.

The boy spotted the group and smiled. The negative emotions the group had all melted away as they realized they had finally found one of their friends. They came up to the boy with joy and excitement.

"You made it." Tigger bounced around excitedly.

"How clever of you." Rabbit shook Christopher Robin's hand.

"Oh, we're so very glad to see you." Piglet jumped in for hug, which Christopher Robin accepted.

"You're alive! And you're okay!" Rarity said joyfully.

"Yay! Happy ending." Pinkie hopped alongside Tigger.

"Hello." Eeyore greeted.

"Where have you been?" The boy asked as he sat down on a rock. "I've been searching everywhere for you."

"Searching for us?" Rainbow asked.

"We've been searching for you." Piglet said. "But on the way I found something else. That I'm brave enough."

"That you did, Piglet." Applejack said passionately.

"Feast your eyes on this." Tigger as he began to bounce. "I'm strong enough."


Tigger's head smashed through the cave wall. He dangled there in a daze.

"That's gonna leave a mark." Rainbow winced.

"Ahem." Rabbit tugged on Christopher Robin's sleeve. "I found I'm smart enough. Pretty smart, eh?"

"And ah thought Rainbow was the boastful one." Applejack teased.

"Hey!" The speedy pegasus shouted, offended.

"Didn't have to come clear out here to find it." Eeyore said. "Had it inside all along."

"Now there's the positivity you've been needing." Pinkie locked Eeyore in a celebratory hug. "I knew you could do it."

Eeyore just sighed.

"Of course you did. It's just like I told..." Christopher Robin did a double-take. "Wait! Searching for me?"

"Yeah. We've been tryin' to find ya for the longest time." Applejack explained.

"Why, certainly." Tigger struggled to pull his head out from the ceiling. "To save you from Skull."

"Skull? Oh, no." The boy chuckled. "I was at school."

"...What?" The Rainbow asked, her tone conveyed both disbelief and anger.

"You got to be kidding me." Rarity growled.

"School?" Tigger popped his head out and fell to the ground.

"That Owl! I knew skull had another "y" in it." Rabbit grunted just as Tigger landed right on top of him.

"I'm gonna kill that bird when we get back." The multicolored pegasus hissed fiercely.

"Ditto that." Applejack added.

"But you said to worry about you c-c-c-ause you were going far away." Piglet pulled out the honey-covered note.

"Yeah, and you needed help." Tigger added.

"That is what the note said. Right?" Fluttershy said cautiously.

"No, no, no." Christopher Robin said. He pulled away some of the honey and re-read the note. "Don't worry about me. I'm not going far away. Just to school. Be back this afternoon. Help yourself to this honey." And it looks like Pooh did."

The groups' heads lowered. Christopher Robin looked around and only then came to realize something was wrong.

"Where is Pooh?" He asked.

"Oh, Christopher Robin. The Skullasaurus gobbled him up." Piglet whimpered.

"And Twilight and Spike, too." Pinkie's mane deflated.

"The what?" The boy asked incredulity.

Just then, the all too familiar growling echoed throughout the entire cave system.

"Where is that monster? It has a date with more back-hooves." Rainbow hovered in the air.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity all stood there ground. The others, however went into a full-blown panic. Christopher Robin watched in confusion as they ran around, flailing and screaming in fear. They ducked behind the rock he was sitting on while Piglet leapt into his arms.

"That's no Skullasaurus." The young boy chuckled. Piglet looked up at him. "There's only one thing that makes like that. The rumbly tumbly of hungry for honey...Pooh Bear."

Rabbit, Tigger, Eeyore, Pinkie, and Fluttershy peered at from behind the rock in bewilderment.

"Wait. What!?" Rainbow asked in shocked.

"Are ya meanin' to tell us that thing don't exist and that we got riled up over nothin'?" Applejack asked irately.

"I suppose so." Christopher Robin replied cautiously.

The three pony seethed.

"It's official. That owl is toast." Rainbow said with gritted teeth.

"We went on this perilous journey and nearly got ourselves killed. And for what? The one we were trying to rescue was in school the entire time!" Rarity shriek in fury.

"Umm. Girls." Fluttershy tried to say.

"That good for nothin'...Ah hope his affairs are in order." Applejack growled.

"I swear I'm gonna defeather that guy!" Rainbow yelled.

"Um, excuse me." Christopher Robin said. The three ponies turned to him. "I think your friend is trying to say something."

With deep breaths, The three calmed down.

"Yes, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

"Um, it's just that...if the growling is coming from Pooh's belly, then there was no Skullasaurus to begin with. That would mean he's still alive. Right?" Fluttershy hypothesized.

The others gave it some thought. She had a point.

"yer right, Flutters. He must be around here somewhere if that's the case." The country mare said.

"But, that would also mean Twilight and Spike are still alive, too." Fluttershy added.

There was a pause. Then the realization hit like a ton of bricks.

"They're still alive...They're still alive!" Rarity squealed joyfully.

Our friends are alive!" Rainbow cheered. "We got worked up over nothing."

"But how will we find them?" Rabbit wondered. "This cave system is huge."

"Don't worry. I know just how to get them." Christopher Robin said.

Pooh dipped his hand in the honeypot. He pulled it out, now with honey drizzling down his arm. He was about to eat it when he stopped himself.

"Now, Christopher Robin, I was saving this honey for you. But since we're together, if I munched a small smackerel you'd have half, would you not?" Pooh asked.

"Why not save some for us?" Spike suggested.

"To be fair, honey won't really help us still alive down here much longer." Twilight pulled Spike closer to her. "Honey doesn't have any protein which we kinda need to survive. Still, it would be nice to have something in my stomach."

"Although, to be fair to us all, I should munch twice as much." Pooh dipped his hand back into the jar.

"That doesn't sound fair to me." Twilight said. "If anything the honey would only last..."

"But then this would only last...half as long." Pooh moaned. "Oh, it's a bothersome thing eating for two and sharing with two others."

"What did you expect? It's a tiny jar being shared amongst the three of us." Spike commented.

To make things more problematic, the three heard growling echoing in the distance. They quickly stood up and began walking backward.

"Sounds like we've got another guest." Spike said fearfully.

"When there's company of three..." Pooh then bumped into something.

The three turned around to see a large honeypot sitting there with a rope attached to it.

"When did this get here?" Twilight wondered.

"Oh! Look what someone has left." Pooh said.

He dipped his entire upper-body into the massive pot and began to feast on the honey. The rope tightened and began to lift Pooh and the jar into the air. Thinking quickly, Twilight and Spike grabbed to the sides of the honeypot. They were raised higher and higher until finally they were lifted onto a ledge.

"Well, that gets us out of there." Spike said.

The pony and dragon let go of the jar.

"Thanks for helping us..." Twilight stopped herself when she was face-to-face with their savior. "Christopher Robin?"

"Twilight! Spike!" A voice cried out.

The two turned to see the rest of their friends standing there with happy smiles. The Main 7 were reunited. The ponies and dragon all hugged each other, tears forming in their eyes.

"We thought we lost you two." Rarity sniffled.

"We thought the Skullasaurus got you." Fluttershy cried.

"I was scared you wouldn't be able to find us." Spike wept.

"Oh, Spike. We would never abandon you two. Never." Applejack spoke softly.

"It's okay. We're together again." Twilight said between sobs of joy.

"Oh, Twilight. Your wing." The yellow pegasus said sorrowfully.

"It's just a sprain. I'll be alright." The alicorn replied confidently.

"Welcome to the club." Rainbow said.

Twilight then looked up and saw Christopher Robin.

“You’re okay, too!” She said joyfully.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” The boy questioned.

“Uhh, yeah…’bout that, Twi.” Applejack went on the explain Owl’s egregious spelling error and Christopher Robin’s whereabouts.

The purple alicorn stood slack-jawed.

“Are you kidding!? We endangered our lives for nothing!?” She said angrily.

“Well, we learned some things.” Rabbit pointed out sheepishly.

“Some self-confidence, yes. But, that doesn’t matter now. We’re all just glad you three are safe.” Rarity soothed.

Twilights anger dissipated. She smiled warmly.

“Thanks, girls.” She said happily.

Meanwhile, Pooh was still happily munching on his honey. Christopher Robin knocked on the jar to get Pooh's attention.

"Hm?" He muffled with a honey-covered hand in his mouth.

Using his hind legs, he began to pull himself from the pot. He struggled a bit and his feet slipped, but, finally he popped out and tumbled to the ground. Pooh's eyes fell on Christopher Robin, who smiled down at him. Pooh was surprised, but overjoyed as well. They young boy pulled him in for a hug.

"Oh!" The bear said happily.

"Silly old bear." Christopher Robin teased.

"Well, that completes our mission I guess." Twilight said. "Now let's get out of here."

"Best thing I've heard all day." Rabbit replied in relief.

Christopher Robin peaked out from the eye of the cave. It was bright out and the fog had long since dissipated. He began to climb down the side.

"And we looked and looked." Pooh chuckled joyfully. "But every place we looked was one of those places you weren't."

Christopher Robin helped Pooh down to the ground while Tigger bounced out after them. Fluttershy followed suit, carrying Spike on her back.

"So glad we're out of that nightmare." Spike sighed.

"And by the time we thought to look where you were, well...well, you...Um..." Pooh's words halted as he got a good look at the cave again. "Exc...Excuse me, Christopher Robin, but wasn't that a bit...um...bigger?"

"Yeah. And a whole lot scarier?" Tigger agreed.

"Now it just looks like any regular cave." The baby dragon said.

The others began filing out of the cave.

"Well, things can seem that way when we're alone and afraid. Or so I'm told." The young boy explained.

"I understand. That happens to me a lot." Fluttershy said.

"But now there's nothing to be afraid of." Rabbit chuckled, right before he slipped and tumbled down the cave side and into a bush.

"Watch your step there." Rainbow peered from over the edge.

"Nothing to be afraid of at all." Piglet said cheerfully.

"Finally. Some fresh air." Rarity sighed.

The day was slowly coming to an end. The sun began to set giving the sky a brilliant, golden glow. Pooh, Christopher Robin, and the Main 7 were all walking over to the large tree that sat on the hill. pooh soon got distracted by a butterfly.

"I still am not certain why you went to this school, Christopher Robin." Pooh was so hooked on the butterfly that he didn't realize he walked right on top of the boy's head.

"Well, I went there to learn things." Christopher Robin said.

"That's the whole purpose of a school." Twilight added.

"We learn things here." Pooh replied.

"I mean things like...where the sun goes at night. And how words are spelled. And how they're not." Christopher explained.

"Oh, Rabbit will be so proud." Pooh hoisted himself onto a branch, stilling chasing after the butterfly.

"It's rather fun really, in a different sort of way." Christopher Robin climbed up the tree.

"Wait. What about us?" Rainbow asked.

"Maybe this should be just between those two." Twilight consoled. “Besides, I need to talk you, Rarity, and Applejack about earlier.”

“He had it coming, Twi.” Rainbow said.


“Please! I’m sorry! It was a honest mistake!” Owl pleaded while being chased by three angry ponies.

“I’ll show you mistake! Get back here.” Rainbow shouted furiously.

“I’ll show you the wrath of the Apple family!” Applejack said angrily.

“I shall personally see to all of your feathers get pulled off and BURNED!” Rarity screamed with righteous fury. “Consider this punishment for putting us on this pointless adventure and endangering me and my friends. Especially poor Spike-Wikey.”

“Help!” Owl cried out.

End of flashback

"It was scary at first. But then...I remembered how brave Piglet can be. And that helped." The branch holding up Christopher Robin almost snapped apart, leaving the boy swaying in the autumn breeze. "And sometimes I didn't think I'd have the strength to go on."

Christopher Robin's grip began to loosen from the branch. He slipped, but grabbed onto Pooh's leg while the bear held onto another branch.

"Then I thought of Tigger." He continued. "And once I found myself feeling very much alone."

"What did you do then?" Pooh asked. He slipped from the branch and the two fell from the tree.

The Main 7 gasped. Thinking quickly, Twilight caught the boy and bear with magic and laid them down gently onto the grass.

"I...thought of you, Pooh." The young boy answered softly.

"It's what I would have done." Pooh chuckled.

"We would have done something similar, too." Rainbow added.

As Pooh brushed himself off, Christopher Robin walked over to the edge of the slope.

"Pooh Bear. I'm told that tomorrow I'll be going again." He said sadly.

"Again?" Pooh asked in surprise. "Shall I find you again?"

"No. I'm going to school." Christopher Robin laughed.

Pooh walked up alongside his best friend.

"I'll be back,...as long as you're here." The boy sat down on the ledge. "Promise me you'll be here. Always. Even when I'm 100."

Pooh tapped his hand to his head, thinking really hard.

"How old shall I be then?" He asked.

"Ninety-nine." Christopher Robin said simply.

"I promise." Pooh replied whole-heartedly.

"For ever and ever?" Christopher pressed on.

"Yes, Christopher Robin. For ever and ever." Pooh answered back.

The Main 7 came up to them.

"Wanna make that a Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie said brightly.

"I don't have a pinkie." Pooh looked at his hands.

"Don't worry. I know Pooh will always keep a promise." Christopher Robin said.

"I just glad we're all okay." Twilight then felt the familiar sensation on her body. She looked to her cutie mark and saw it was glowing. "Looks like are mission is done, girls."

The rest of the Main 7 saw that their cutie marks were glowing, too.

"You're right. Though I don't know why this had to happen on such a heartwarmin' moment." Applejack said.

"Why? What does it mean?" Christopher Robin asked.

"It means that our mission is over and that it's time to head home." Twilight said.

The portal formed in-front of the Main 7, ready to send them back home.

"You're all leaving, too?" Pooh asked sadly.

"Unfortunately, yes. And we probably won't return tomorrow or anytime soon." Twilight said. "But, we might return someday and, like with Christopher Robin, with be with you, even in spirit."

"Let's just hope we don't have to go on another dangerous journey next time." Rarity said.

"Well, you're certainly no fun." Rainbow said dully.

"I just want to be safe." Rarity argued.

"And you don't have to look for us either. We'll be alright." Spike solaced.

"This is goodbye I guess. We hope to see you again." Christopher Robin said.

"I hope so, too." Fluttershy said.

They all came in for a large group hug.

"Tell, Piglet, Rabbit, Tigger, and Eeyore we said goodbye to them, too." Twilight said.

"Don't worry we will." The young boy said.

"Oh, I promise we'll remember you guys, too." Pooh said.

"Thank you." Twilight said. "Goodbye."

With that the Main 7 walked through the portal while Christopher Robin and Pooh waving goodbye to them. Once the portal disappeared, the two held each other in a side-hug, staring off into the autumn sky.

And so it is here we shall leave them. And here we shall find them again. For the boy and the bear and the Main 7 will always be together in this remarkable place called the Hundred Acre Wood.

It had been a few days since Twilight and her friends had gotten back from there latest adventure with Pooh and his friends. Twilight was currently on a train heading for Canterlot. Earlier in the had she had Spike send a letter to Princess Celestia asking her for a private meeting.

Ever since Spike and her we left stranded in the cavern, Twilight felt as if the inter-dimensional mission was not a good idea. Over the course of there three adventures, she and her friends we forced into life-threatening situations. They were forced to fight a gang, Rainbow had fly through a stormy ocean, and they all were hung precariously over to gorge to save someone. Granted, they did most of these things to save or help someone, but it didn't make Twilight any less scared for her friends safety. Her thoughts were interrupted when the train began to slow to a stop. When it halted at the station, Twilight stepped out of the passenger car and made her way to the castle.

Celestia had agreed to meet in one of her private reading rooms. Twilight knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice said from the other side.

The purple alicorn opened the door where Celestia was sitting at a table with a cup of tea.

"Twilight. Glad you could make it." The solar princess greeted. "How was the trip?"

"It was fine. I was too busy thinking of things to take in the scenery." Twilight said.

"What kind of things?" Celestia asked.

"Well, that's the reason why I asked for this meeting." The friendship princess responded.

Twilight took a seat adjacent to her mentor.

"Tea?" Celestia levitated a cup of freshly brewed tea to her student.

"Yes, please." Twilight took the cup in her magic.

"So what is it that you wish to discuss?" Celestia asked softly.

Twilight drew in a large breath.

"You know how me and my friends have been sent off on these friendship missions to other worlds, right?" She started.

"Yes. You have written quite a few letters to me detailing your adventures." Celestia said.

"Well, it's just that...I..." Twilight struggled through the next few words.

"Take your time, Twilight. We have all day to get through..."

"I'm scared." Twilight finally said.

The white alicorn stared at her and smiled.

"Well that's perfectly normal. I can imagine being in different worlds can be quite jarring." Celestia said.

"It's not the new worlds that worry me. It's what happens in those worlds." Twilight clarified. "We've only done three of these missions and already we've been through a lot of perilous things; Rainbow almost drowning in an ocean, Forced to fight an evil gang and a deranged demi-god with a sword. My friends fell into a gorge, for your name's sake.

At this point, Twilight began tearing up.

"I thought I lost them for good if it wasn't for the marsh at the bottom." The purple pony sobbed. "And Spike. He means so much to me. I love like he was my own son. if something were to happen to him...*sob* I could never forgive myself. These missions are becoming too dangerous. I don't to risk my friends lives any longer. And what will this mean when I become the new ruler of Equestria? I don't want think of what could happen to any of those ponies out if I can't do anything to save them. All I'm proving to myself is that I'll become a horrible ruler.

Tears streamed down Twilight face as she sobbed to herself. Then she felt a body press up against her. It was Princess Celestia.

"Twilight, you're not going to be a horrible leader. I chose you to be my student and as a princess because I saw to great potential within to be a even better leader than me." Celestia consoled. "You won't be able to control every situation that happens. That's something even I had to learn. But, you can't let that discourage you from showing others the magic of friendship even in other worlds."

"But, how can I keep my friends safe if I have no control over a situation?" Twilight sniffled.

"You keep them safe anyways. Not only that but they can look after themselves, too." Celestia explained. "Twilight, you are stronger, braver, and smarter than you realize and you've shown better leadership than most other ponies. You may feel as if your failing your role, but you're not. And don't let those bad situations discourage you from carrying out friendship missions to other worlds. If anything, they give you the opportunity to become better at leading and protecting. Remember you and your friends are the Elements of Harmony, your duty is to protect and show the power of friendship.

"Stronger, braver, and smarter. Just like Tigger, Piglet, and Rabbit." Twilight thought to herself.

She was better than she thought she was and Celestia knew that. Her faith and words of comfort made her feel better. Yes, missions were always going to have some amount of danger, but as long as she did what she was destined to do, then there was nothing to be afraid of. She would protect her friends, she would protect her son no matter what.

"Thank you, Celestia." Twilight finally returned to hug.

"You're welcome, my faithful student." Celestia said softly.

Twilight felt a great sense of relief wash over her. She felt more capable than she ever felt. She was braver than she believed, stronger than she seemed, and smarter than she thought.

Tara Strong - Twilight Sparkle

Cathy Weseluck - Spike

Ashleigh Ball - Applejack & Rainbow Dash

Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity

Andrea Libman - Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy

Nicole Oliver - Princess Celestia

Jim Cummings - Winnie the Pooh

John Fiedler - Piglet

Ken Sansom - Rabbit

Paul Winchell - Tigger

Peter Cullen - Eeyore

Brady Bluhm - Christopher Robin

Andre Stojka - Owl

David Warner - The Narrator

Comments ( 9 )

What world are they're heading next?

I hope they come back to Pooh's world someday cause I love it.

Another adventure completed and another story finished!
The adventures continue!

That was sweet. I liked in the end how not only did Pooh and the gang learned they were more than what they thought, but Twilight did too. Plus, she's exploring more on her realtionship with Spike.

"To be fair, honey won't really help us still alive down here much longer." Twilight pulled Spike closer to her. "Honey doesn't have any protein which we kinda need to survive. Still, it would be nice to have something in my stomach."

Actually, honey does have protein. In fact, it's the only known food that meets 100% of a human's nutritional needs. That means, that an adult person could theoretically eat nothing but honey for the rest of their lives and not result in major malnutrition. It's basically a wonder-food.


"I thought I lost them for good if it wasn't for the marsh at the bottom." The purple pony sobbed. "And Spike. He means so much to me. I love like he was my own son. if something were to happen to him...*sob* I could never forgive myself. These missions are becoming too dangerous. I don't to risk my friends lives any longer. And what will this mean when I become the new ruler of Equestria? I don't want think of what could happen to any of those ponies out if I can't do anything to save them. All I'm proving to myself is that I'll become a horrible ruler.


This series takes place after season 5, before Twilight was assigned as the next ruler.
Celestia announced Twilight as the next ruler of Equestria in...season 8?


Oh right right. Start of season 9.

Half expected for this to happen.
Applejack: Actually Twi? Can we do something really quick?
Twi: Sure, what is it?
RD: Just need to speak to someone, that's all.
Rarity: We only want a few words.
Twi: Sure.
<Few minutes later, Rarity, RD and AJ Are chasing Owl all over the forest in anger>
Owl: SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice resolution, although I can definitely see why everyone would be sort of PO'd. Like I said, Pooh ventures always have that simpler solution just in sight, but we usually learn something all the same.

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