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Season 3: Episode 12 - Devious Trap Part 2 (Dark Warning)

Pre A/N: This will be the only chapter that includes dark imagery. Since this will be the only time dark imargery is being mentioned, the story will not change rating or have a dark warning added to it since; like I said; this is the ONLY dark chapter.

Previously, a rock had trapped the foals, Miss Cheerilee, Sparkle, and Penelope in the Ponyville Elementary School. But the worst part, is that Slade had seemingly returned; tying up Filthy Rich and bounding Spoiled Rich to the ground.

"Don't even think your child is going to get here soon either Ms. Spoiled Rich. I already took precautions to ensure she wouldn't catch me in the act." Slade said.

"Wh-what do you mean? Did you kill her?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"No. She's alive. She's not my target. You are. My contract specifically is to kill you." Slade said. "Want to know how I've gotten away with murder? I'll tell you: It's called a loophole in the law. One Equestria has as well."

"Wh-what kind of loophole are you talking about?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"See the way it works is that I sell my services as a contract killer. Then, I kill the target in the same way I do every single time. And because I do it under the pretense as a contract killer, it means I get treated as the murder weapon, not the murderer." Slade said.

"That sounds way too much like an assassin." Spoiled Rich pointed out.

"Except there's one key difference: I actually have my clients sign a contract upon initial payment. So, thanks to that contract, I get obsolved of being the actual murder, as those contracts make it clear to the client, that they are agreeing to being the murderer and not the person they are hiring, all in exchange for for anonmity on my end. In other words, I am agreeing to protect their identity even upon the threat of death. It's the perfect trap that makes it so, I can never be tried for any murder." Slade explained. "Quite the devious trap, wouldn't you agree?"

"W-who hired you?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Slade asked. "I protect my client's identity, even if doing so means I die in their place. And with 500 Trillion Bits on the line as the full payment this time, that's something I'm going to hold to the letter for real."

Suddenly a blur tackled Slade from behind and the MLP:FiM opening played.

When the scene returns to the Rich Household, it's revealed that Slade was tackled by Filthy Rich who, had broken free of his boundage. "Gah, I thought I made sure those bindings couldn't be broken by an Earth Pony's strength." Slade said.

"Yeah well, you obviously didn't realize that people can get super strong from adenaline. And you, are a threat to my household." Filithy Rich said as the two began to tussle with each other.

The tussle lasted for quite some time, though the tussle itself was hidden by a dust cloud brawl. However, it was during this, that Filthy Rich managed to smack away one of Slade's Swords, which then, cut off Spoiled Rich's hoof off. After this, Slade managed to get Filthy Rich off him.

"...You...you really...really made a mess..." Slade said, his voice dark and heavy as he then went over and picked up his other sword. "It seems, I'm going to have to kill you both now."

Filthy Rich tried to get to his hooves, but before he could, Slade suddenly was knocked out of the house through the wall by Deca.

"What the...what's with the robot?!" Slade exclaimed.

"Hello Slade." The male jackal from earlier said, holding some sort of energy sword. "Long time no see."

"...Rob Snowden. It takes a lot to go off my radar for six whole years." Slade growled.

"It took that long for Veronica to convince Alternate Earth to abolish it's statue of limitations." Rob said. "And trust me, that was worth the wait."

"Wait...no...th-that means you-you can..." Slade was panicking; his usual demoner replaced by one of panic & fear.

"That's right Slade. On behalf of Alternate Earth; I am going to capture you so you can stand trail for the crime of killing your own parents." Rob said.

"No! This can't be happening! I won't let it be happening!" Slade said before he and Rob began to sword dual, and midway through, Rob then pulled out a second more physical sword. "Is-isn't that the...the Derikama?!" Slade exclaimed.

"I've been saving this just for this occasion." Rob said.

"Rob, I have successfully contacted the hospital; they will be here shortly to treat Ms. Spoiled Rich." Deca said.

"Good. Now I can really focus." Rob said before he and Slade went back at it; though Slade was forced into defense as he and Rob sword dualed.

It didn't take long for all of the main six, the entire class of Miss Cheerilee, the hamsters who were inside of the school, the rest of the ham-hams, and some of the royal guards too.

"This...this isn't over. You hear me! I'll drown this entire universe into despair before you arrest the likes of me!" Slade said before he suddenly used his dark magic to teleport away.

"I calculate a one hundred percent probability that Slade has teleported away." Deca announced.

"It doesn't matter; he has a zero percent chance of getting away forever. He's now officially in checkmate." Rob said.

The perimedics came and took Spoiled Rich straight to the hospital.

At the hospital, the doctors were able to stop the bleeding, however, they quickly revealed that Spoiled Rich will have to have a prostetic hoof moving forward as the hoof was cut off at the joint; making it impossible to re-attach without further damage or risk to Spoiled.

In light of this, and to make sure all the foals recovered from this incident, school was given an emergency week off.

As Diamond Tiara went into her room, she discovered a letter in her own room.

Dear Diamond Tiara

You only saw me briefly, but Deca informed me of what Slade was trying to promise you. Well, allow me to fulfill that promise of his my own way. He wasn't lying in what he said there, when he said there was a way to become a hamster. Included with this letter is something I was gifted by a power you would not believe. It's called the Wish Maker Bracelet. Simply think of what you want most, and wear it. Knowing what you want most right now, is to become a hamster, it will transform you into such a thing. Don't worry, it's not permanent. After a week when you first put it on, you can use its magic to turn back. And then after that, it can be used at will. Since the school is out for a week, now would be the perfect time to use it's magic, and fulfill your wish. I don't need this object anymore, but I have a feeling you do. But the power that gave this to me would never forgive me if I didn't give you the same warning it gave me: Don't you dare abuse this power.

-Rob Snowden

She noticed the strange bracelet included with the letter, and with but a smile on her face, she put it on without delay.

Author's Note:

While this is the end of the two parter, there is one more scene to go that I'll be uploading shortly too. So, the happy fun ending song will have to wait until after that.

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