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Season 3: Episode 13 - Spike at Your Service AU

Author's Note:

Hoo boy, it's Monday time. Time to brighten up your monday with some Hamster fun. And with this first episode from the original timeline...I think it's time for a complete AU. Not the typical style AU that I do where I just make some adjustments to the general plot, but one where I replace the plot altogether. I'm not doing this because I hate the original plot, I'm doing this because there's a much better excuse to have Spike be obsessed with helping some pony besides Twilgiht for a change. Or I guess in this case, that would be some hamster~

The day was still young on the first day of the weeklong break for the foals. And all seems well in Ponyville today...

Twilight is currently in the Golden Oak Library, hoping to come across a book explaining what kind of creature Slade was, with no luck so far. And Twilight is currently on her fifth book.

...Or I guess more accurately, she was on her fifth book.

"No such luck here either." Twilight said, putting the book on the stack of books next to her before taking one off a different stack.

"What are you looking for in those books anyways?" Maxwell asked.

"Trying to figure out what species Slade is." Twilight said as she put the book onto her desk.

"Oh, if that's what you want to know, then you should know that Slade is a--" Maxwell was saying before he was interrupted by a strange cracking noise.

This noise was then followed up by Twilight's Desk coming apart and crashing right onto the floor. "MY DESK!" Twilight yelled out.

"Oof, I don't know what I'm more surprised by: The fact that Twilight's Desk broke, or the fact it didn't last long before it did break?" Spike said, having come from upstairs.

"Do you think it can be fixed Spike?" Twilight asked.

"I-I don't know. This job is a little above my head." Spike said.

"Yeah that's what I was afraid you'd say..." Twilight mentioned.

"...HEY PANDA; WE NEED SOME HELP IN HERE!" Maxwell shouted as loud as he could.

"Wh-what are you calling Panda for?" Twilgiht asked.

"Did somebody call for me?" Panda asked, suddenly popping out from under a bookshelf.

"What the...how did you get in here?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I've actually been here since yesterday morning doing some repairs so the bookshelves wouldn't come falling down." Panda said. "You should be thanking me, they were about to come apart."

"Panda's a wiz when it comes to fixing things." Maxwell said.

"Speaking of fixing, oh boy. That is one broken desk." Panda said. "But, it won't take me long to get it fixed up."

And then Panda proceeded to start fixing Twilight's desk, and his repair job was soon obscured by a dust cloud, though many noises could be heard coming from inside of it.

Soon, Panda was all done, and it was like the desk never came apart in the first place.

"Wh-WHAT?!" Twilight was shocked to say the least.

"I told you: Panda's practically the go-to fix it ham." Maxwell asked.

"Dang. I would love to learn how to do something like that." Spike said.

"It'll take a bit to learn, so I have to ask: Are you sure you want to learn?" Panda asked.

"Well, if it can help me become able to help Twilight, then I'll be willing to do anything." Spike said.

"That's the spirit." Panda said.

"MONTAGE TIME!" Pinkie Pie said, coming out of a nearby drawer.

"PINKIE!" Everyone else in the library shouted.

cue one montage of Panda & Spike working on various projects, with Spike at first only making things worse, but by the end of the montage, Spike is doing just as well as Panda

"Phew, you did great. I think I can say you've successfully learnt everything I have to teach you about fixing things." Panda said.

"Thanks so much for the teachings, Panda." Spike said.

"Now I just hope that I don't have to call on you the next time something around here breaks." Twilight said.

"By the way, I was trying mentioning earlier that Slade is a--" Maxwell was once again interuptted when a loud crash came from upstairs in the library. This time, it was Twilgiht's bed that fell apart.

"MY BED!" Twilight yelled.

"...Guess it's time to put what you learned today into practice Spike." Panda said.

"Indeed." Spike said.

And so ends the episode with Spike & Panda fixing Twilight's bed.

Meanwhile, a brand-new hamster could be spotted coming out of the Rich residence.

Post A/N: Yes, I know this chapter is half length, but the episode would've run for the full usual length television wise with the montage. Describing out the full montage is not something I feel like doing, nor do I think it's entirely nessacary. So just use your imagination for that based on what I've provided.

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