• Published 23rd Jun 2024
  • 480 Views, 15 Comments

Across The Multiverse - Battwell

It’s been one year since The Exiled’s defeat. Things have changed since then. Twilight is now a Princess, and there’s a new Legion loose in the Multiverse in search of something. It’s time for the Guardians to reunite once more.

  • ...

Prologue: The Legion of Doom

Earth 2010



Another day, another tally mark.

This was routine for Lord Tirek as he spent his days cooped up in his cage, put on display for all of Tartarus to see. He hated being caged, being put on display like some circus freak, but there wasn't a thing that he could do to change it. Not now at least.

He missed his strong build, the taste of magic dancing on his tongue, if he had any magic at all he would be able to break out of here no problem. But alas, he was a shell of his former self. Now he was simply a lanky centaur, or minotaur if you wanted to be technical. His lower body was comprised of four legs with hooves on each of them, a white tail on his rear, with grey coloration to match. His upper body was black, with his arms and face a faded shade of red, and a silver collar around his neck. His ears and the majority of his head was covered in black fur, which also managed to cover his tiny, stubby horns. He had a white beard, white, bushy eyebrows, a silver septum piercing in his nose, and his eyes were pitch black save for his irises, which were yellow in color.

He looked around at his surroundings, the grey and black that made up his prison, his permanent residence for a very long time. Tartarus was the embodiment of death, no escape, no hope of seeing the outside ever again. The worst of the worst ended up here, caged away for all eternity.

His placement was special, with a set of stone stairs that winded up to his platform, where his cage sat forever.

But despite all of that he wasn't alone.

After all, who could forget his gatekeeper, the raging three headed mutt that constantly checked up on him.

Speaking of...

A large, three headed, black bulldog walked up the stairs and eyed Tirek carefully, growling beastly as he leaned down and got right into the minotaur's face.

Cerberus snarled, his rank breath causing the imprisoned overlord to scrunch up his face in disgust. Tirek had escaped once due to Cerberus leaving his post, he wasn't letting him out of his sight again. He was a good boy. He would stay! And receive belly rubs if he was good enough.

That made his tail wag slightly.

Despite the massive bulldog currently snarling at him, Tirek wasn't intimidated in the slightest, quite the contrary. He was annoyed at the mutt, this was routine after all. Tirek would make a tally mark in his cage, Cerberus would come up to check on him, would snarl and try to intimidate him, and then leave.

It was becoming tiresome at this point.

"Would you cease you incessant attempts at intimidation?" Tirek groaned to the dog, having had his fill of it for the day. "I don't understand what you think I am doing up here besides wallowing in my own failure." He walked away from the bars and placed his hands behind his back. "I had my chance to finally claim what was lost to me. I had everything in place, all of those filthy ponies were trembling before their one, true master. Their magic empowering me like never before. I just don't understand how that fourth alicorn had managed to gather more magic to power her and her allies." He mused, stroking his beard in thought.

In truth, he had thought a lot about the pony that had bested him.

The fourth alicorn princess of Equestria.

Princess Twilight.

The revelation of her existence had put a damper on his plans, it had pushed back his timeline but didn't change much. In the end he had absorbed all of the alicorn magic in Equestria, she had given it up willingly, and who could blame her? He had put her in a rough spot, after all.

It was either the magic or the lives of her friends.

There was no choice.

He had thought about that day constantly and he believed he found where everything had gone wrong. He had cut Discord loose too soon. He no doubt played a role in Princess Twilight gathering whatever magic she had found to defeat him. In truth he should have finished that draconequues off when he had the chance.

When he got out of here, that mistake would not be repeated.

A sigh escaped him, who was he kidding?

He wouldn't be escaping here anytime soon, but that wasn't a bad thing. No, it gave him time to plan, to strategize against those ponies and find a way to claim his throne.

He just needed to wait, and then he could claim his vengeance.

A growl from Cerberus caused his to snarl in anger.

He whipped around and marched up to the bars, grasping them with his hands, and glared up at the bulldog, "Will you be silent?! I cannot stand listening to you any longer! What do you expect me to do anyway?! I'm not going anywhere!"

A streak of red lightning zoomed through the bars and grabbed Tirek mid rant, phasing him through the bars and rushing right out of Tartarus in the blink of an eye.

Cerberus tilted all three of his heads in confusion.

He definitely wasn't getting any belly rubs any time soon.

Just outside the Gates of Tartarus

Tirek stumbled forward before falling onto the dirt, his weak and frail body crying out at the sudden pain. He groaned loudly as he planted his hands against the ground and raised his body off of the ground, getting up onto his hooves and dusting himself off.

But his movements slowed as his eyes slowly widened.



He could feel it all.

The grey, disgusting looking sky caught his eye, the swarm of flies that invaded his personal space, the hot, humid air that warmed his skin. To confirm his suspicions he turned around and saw the Gates of Tartarus off in the distance, still closed, keeping everything locked within.

This all but confirmed it.

He was outside of Tartarus.

He took a step back in disbelief, looking around frantically for an explanation. "How is this possible?"

"Lord Tirek."

He turned his body around at the sound of the deep, distorted voice. What he saw was a yellow figure, his body vibrating constantly, and his glowing, red eyes piercing through the vibrations.

Had this been the one to free him from his prison?

Looking at him carefully, the minotaur cautiously asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The figure repeated before chuckling, "Well, allow me to introduce myself." With that, his body ceased vibrating, revealing a man wearing a yellow suit. His mask had red lightning bolts on both sides of his head, matching the same red lightning bolt that he wore on his chest, striking through the black background of his emblem. Red lightning bolts circled around his forearms and his knees, two red bolts were also embedded on the black around his waistline.

The Reverse-Flash tapped the side of his mask with his fingers, and it dematerialized, revealing the smirking blonde man underneath it. "My name is Eobard. Eobard Thawne." He introduced himself with a tiny bow, his smirk never leaving his face. He straightened himself as Tirek eyed him carefully, he didn't blame him for being wary, he had that effect on people. "And I have come to make you a proposition."

"I don't understand." Tirek backtracked. "Are you the one who freed me?"

"I am."

"How?" Tirek asked seriously, wanting to know how he did it. "How did you accomplish this?"

Thawne simply wagged his index finger condescendingly before running literal circles around the centaur, red lightning following him wherever he went. He ran around the centaur a few hundred times, Tirek's eyes struggling to keep up with the man, before stopping in front of the centaur once again.

Tirek was flabbergasted, never before had he seen a creature with speed such as him. He didn't believe it to be possible for anything to be that fast. This Eobard Thawne was a force to be reckoned with indeed.

"You're fast." Tirek stated simply, unable to find the words.

"So I've heard." Thawne replied.

"How did you break through the gates?" Tirek asked, "Only the princess' magic is able to unlock the Gates to Tartarus."

Eobard chuckled, this centaur was full of questions, wasn't he? "I vibrated my molecules at the same density as the walls surrounding your prison, and phased right through them to retrieve you." He demonstrated by raising his left hand and moved it so fast that it began to vibrate. Tirek looked on in bewilderment before Thawne waved his hand, dispelling the effect.

Tirek nodded slowly, accepting that answer. Now back to the matter at hand, "You said you had a proposition for me. Explain."

"A few months ago you escaped Tartarus and drained all of Equestria of its magic." Thawne summarized as he began walking around Tirek, the centaur following him with his eyes as he did so. "You were felled by Princess Twilight and her friends and sent back to Tartarus."

"I know, I was there."

"What you don't know is that you would end up escaping again, but not by your own means." Thawne revealed, shutting Tirek up instantly. "I've just happened to accelerate those events so that they happened a little earlier."

"How do you know this?" Tirek dared to ask.

"I'm from the future." Eobard answered casually. "Did I not mention that?"

"You did not." Tirek replied, a hint of skepticism in his voice. That was a bold claim to make, if he were to believe him, he was going to need some proof. "How far--"

"One hundred and thirty six years from now." Thawne cut him off, already anticipating the question. "But you don't care about that, no, what you care about is how your story ends."

Despite being so rudely cut off, Tirek did have to admit that the man was right. "Go on. How does my story end exactly?"

"You're sealed in stone forever." Thawne revealed with little to no tact. "Forever a statue for the ponies of Equestria to admire."

To say that Tirek didn't believe him would be underselling it. "YOU LIE!" He roared, stomping his hoof on the ground, kicking up dust.

Thawne stopped walking and turned to face the centaur, arms held behind his back. "Lie? What reason would I have to lie? No. It is true, because I am from the future and I know this because it has already happened. And trust me, it will happen." To further prove his point, Eobard opened the palm of his hand and displayed a news paper article from two years in the future. "Observe, if you will, the future."

Tirek took a few hesitant steps forward, eyes wide as he read the article. It showed an image of him, a changeling, and a little pegasus pony sealed in stone within the Canterlot Gardens. He read the article, reading about his defeat, how the creatures of Equestria and beyond came together to thwart him and these two lesser creatures.

He shook his head in disbelief, "No, no, no, no, no, no." He muttered over and over until Eobard closed his hand, turning off the hologram. "This... This cannot be." He held his head in his hands as his breaths became ragged and unhinged. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, he refused to believe it.

"And that is your legacy." Eobard hammered in the final nail in the coffin.

"NO!" Tirek denied, shaking his head. He was supposed to be ruler of Equestria, he was supposed to prove to his father that he was worth a damn, he was supposed to claim vengeance against his traitorous brother. Not end up as a lawn ornament for those vile creatures to gawk at.

"It's your destiny to lose, Tirek. To be beaten by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, time has already deemed it so." Thawne continued as he walked towards the traumatized centaur. He could see him shaking with rage and confusion. His mind was obviously racing. And that's what he wanted. "But what if I told you it didn't have to be that way."

Tirek stopped shaking and slowly looked up at the villainous speedster. "H-How?"

"Ah, ah, ah." Thawne wagged his finger.


"I know that rage. It's the same rage I feel almost every single day. Time has deemed it that you're destined to lose, but together we can change that." He extended his hand towards Tirek. "I'm giving you a chance to change your destiny, to change the game that you were destined to lose." He smirked at the centaur, "Don't you want that chance?"

Tirek contemplated to himself, he had two choices here. He could either continue on his predestined path that would lead to his defeat at the hooves of those ponies, or he could stray off of this path and take whatever it was Eobard was offering and change his destiny.

How the tables had turned.

He was now the one in a rough spot.

But it really was a no brainer.

He took Eobard's hand and shook it. "I do."

Thawne's smile grew, showing his teeth. "Then we'd better get started." His eyes glowed red and his voice became deep and distorted. "But first, to recruit the others."

Before Tirek could ask what he had meant, Eobard had already begun running, dragging him along for the ride. An interdimensional breach opened up in front of the two and Thawne had rushed the two of them into it, leaving Equestria entirely.

And with that, Tartarus was down one prisoner.

Across The Multiverse

Written by: Battwell

Earth 1991


Eggman's Lab

Dr. Eggman was fast asleep, though not of his own volition.

No this was due to another failed plan, what else was new, and was forced to suffer endless slumber until one of his lackey bots arrived and woke him up. It had been one year since he attempted to take control of the Foundation of all Dimensions, and what a year it was.

When he disappeared through that Rift back on Foundation Prime, Eggman had been drifting through the tunnel until he was finally spat back out into his own dimension, albeit a few months after the final battle. While he was livid at the loss of an artefact so powerful, he didn't let that deter him from his dreams of global domination.

Speaking of dreams...

He had learnt of The Reverie, an ancient relic with the capability to translate dreams into reality. His plan hinged on using it to make his dreams of global takeover a reality, the only downside was the Dreamweaver wouldn't allow him access to its power. He knew the moment that Sonic and his do-gooder friends got involved it would all go downhill from there.

The sleeping doctor wore a red and black jumpsuit with yellow buttons on each side of his chest, with white straps beneath them. He had a long moustache, wore blue glasses and a set of goggles on the top of his head. On his hands were white gloves with yellow cufflinks on his wrists.

Eggman continued to snore, trapped in an endless sleep he could not awaken from, unable to notice the streak of red that had entered his lab.

Reverse-Flash let go of Tirek and stopped vibrating as the centaur dusted himself off while grumbling, "A little warning next time would be appreciated." Tirek looked around at their surroundings, noticing that they were no longer outside the Gates of Tartarus. "Where in Equestria are we?"

"Not in Equestria." Thawne informed the centaur, dematerializing his mask before folding his arms over his chest. "Welcome to Earth 1991."

"What does that mean?"

"I have taken us to a different world that exists outside of your own." Eobard chuckled at Tirek's bewildered expression. "What? You didn't think you were alone in the Multiverse, did you?"

Tirek made a mental note to learn more of this Multiverse whenever he got the chance. "That does not explain why we are here."

"Simple." Thawne said, walking forward and pointing down at the sleeping form of Dr. Eggman. "We're here for him."

The minotaur looked down at Robotnik for a moment before turning to Thawne with an unimpressed look on his face, "You must be joking." He gestured down to the villain with his hands and exasperatedly said, "Him?"

"Believe it or not, this man is a genius." Thawne explained, walking over to the console behind Eggman. "Well, a genius by this century's standards anyway."

"I don't know if you've noticed but he appears to be taking a nap." Tirek pointed out in a deadpanned voice. "What good could he do to whatever it is that you have planned?"

Eobard turned his head to Tirek, "This man nearly managed to take over the Multiverse a year ago." He looked back at the console, not noticing Tirek's surprised expression. "He's not to be underestimated. And as for your previous statement, allow me to remedy that." He began vibrating his hand and slowly lowered it to the console, phasing right through it and destroying it from the inside.

The result was instantaneous.

The sleeping human awoke with a gasp and shot to his feet, looking around frantically for that blasted hedgehog and his friends. "Where is he?! What happened?! What's-" He stopped asking questions when he noticed the two individuals standing in his lab. He eyed them menacingly and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing in my lab?"

"Dr. Ivo Robotnik." Thawne greeted with a smile, "We haven't met, I'm Eobard Thawne," He gestured to the centaur standing beside him, "This is Lord Tirek."

"The pleasure is yours." Tirek grumbled in greeting.

"And we've come to you to ask you a question." Eobard continued. "Do you believe in second chances?"

Eggman studied the speedster before him cautiously, "Depends." He answered hesitantly, still unaware what it was these two wanted. He looked to Tirek for a moment before asking, "What manner of creature are you? A minotaur?"

"Technically a centaur." Tirek answered, having had to answer that question a few times before, much to his chagrin. "But more to the point at hand, we've come to you to offer you a second chance."

"At what?"

"World domination." Thawne answered, knowing that that would get his attention.

Eggman gave the speedster a cautious side eye, "Go on."

"I'm offering to you what I've offered to Tirek here." Thawne continued explaining.

"Vengeance on Princess Twilight." Tirek added.

Eggman stopped and stared at the centaur, "Twilight? I know that name. She was one of those blasted Guardians that foiled my plans for Multiversal domination!"

Now that Tirek didn't know.

"We're getting sidetracked." Eobard said, getting back on track. "Our point is, would you like to see your fortune similarly reversed?"

Dr. Eggman could only smile, now they had his attention.

Earth 1983

Bowser's Kingdom

It was safe to say that Bowser hated lava.

He sat on his throne with his head rested on his hand, letting out a deep exhale as he watched his skin heal before his eyes. It was a painful experience but he had grown used to it by now, he had taken many dunks into lava beforehand.

And how had this happened exactly?

Bowser had once again travelled to the Mushroom Kingdom to declare his love for Peach, and to ask for her hand in marriage so that they could rule together, a kingdom in fire and brimstone. Bowser considered it to be quite romantic.

But of course that third wheel had to get involved.

Mario had shown up, again, and foiled his plans, again, and sent him falling into lava, again.

The King of the Koopas was yellow, with a green face to match his green shell. Speaking of his shell, it was covered in spikes, which coincidentally matched up with the two horns protruding from his head. His hair and eyebrows were red, as were his eyes. His maw was large and filled with sharp teeth, sharper than the spiked bracelets on his arms, and neck.

Bowser sighed again, closing his eyes in deep thought, pondering how everything had gone so wrong. He did everything exactly right, how had that plumber come out on top again? Why wasn't he sitting on top of the throne right now?

Why didn't Peach love him?

He was startled by the appearance of a red streak entering his throne room, followed by the appearance of one familiar face and two unfamiliar ones.

Bowser was about to ask what was going on but Thawne held up a finger to silence him, "Just give us a moment." The speedster turned around to see Eggman dry heaving and holding his stomach, looking quite nauseous. "Are you done?"

The doctor slapped his face a few times before straightening himself, "Travelling at superspeed.... Not a fan. I don't know how that hedgehog manages to keep his lunch down."

"What the heck is going on here?" Bowser demanded to know, rising from his throne and glaring down at the interlopers before focusing on Eggman, "And what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your own dimension causing trouble for that blue pest?"

Robotnik folded his arms, "Not going into detail about that." He grumbled.

"That doesn't matter at the moment," Eobard cut in, stepping forward to Bowser. "I am Eobard Thawne, and I am from the future."

"You didn't mention that." Eggman commented.

"Wasn't relevant at the time." Was Thawne's response before continuing to address Bowser, "We're here to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Opportunity for what?" Bowser asked, arching his eyebrow in confusion.

"Changing your fate." Was Thawne's response. "What if I told you that you could have everything you ever wanted, everything you've dreamed for decades could finally be yours, I can make your dreams a reality."

"And how are you going to do that?" Bowser asked with a laugh, "With time travel?"

Thawne chuckled, shaking his head in denial of Bowser's assumption. "No. No, what I am offering is something far better." He began listing things off as he walked up the stairs leading to Bowser's throne, "Think about it, I can give you your throne on top of the Mushroom Kingdom, I can make it so that Mario will never get in your way ever again, and most of all, I can give you your princess."

Hook. Line. And sinker.

Bowser's eyes showed curiosity and intrigue before hardening, a grim smile etching across his face, "Go on."

Earth 616

S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier

Now how had Loki gotten in this situation again?

Ah! That's right.

His latest endeavor to conquer Midgard involved turning the entirety of New York City into his own frozen kingdom, not a bad plan if he said so. He had broken into Odin's vault and acquired the Casket of Ancient Winters and unleashed the frozen tundra on all of New York.

He was seated on his own throne, but that didn't last long as those accursed Avengers had found a way to reverse its effects and once more denied him his rightful place as king. How he loathed them, especially his brother: Thor.

After they had bested him, S.H.I.E.L.D. had taken him into custody, where he was to be transported to The Vault, a secret supermax prison where S.H.I.E.L.D. held the worst of the worst. And it was where the God of Mischief was to spend the rest of his days.

Speaking of which, Loki was adorned in a black and gold Asgardian royal suit, with a gold and black coat over that, where his green cape hung behind him. He had long, black, hair, emerald green eyes, and a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. And on his head was a golden helmet, with two horns protruding upwards in a curved angle.

Loki was currently standing behind the glass separating his cell and the outside world, hands folded behind his back as he stood face to face with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director.

Nick Fury.

He was a tall, dark skinned man, bald headed with a goatee and an eyepatch over his left eye. He was currently wearing a dark blue suit, with white boots, gloves, a white belt, and holsters around his shoulders. And on his shoulders, the S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem was stitched on, showing his rank and allegiance.

The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked to his left briefly to see two S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents leaving the room with the Casket of Ancient Winters, taking it to the vault in the Helicarrier. "Make sure that thing stays locked away." He said to the agents as they left the room. He refocused his attention on Loki and said, "In case it's unclear," He started, walking away from the cell and approaching a small console towards the left of the room. "You try to escape, you so much as scratch that glass," He pressed a few buttons and the floor beneath Loki's cell split apart, revealing the sky below. "Thirty thousand feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?" He tapped the console again and closed the floor.

Loki simply chuckled, "You believe me threatened? You expect me to cower in fear of your mortal means of execution?" He asked as Fury walked and stood in front of the cell once more. "When I get out of here, and believe me, I will get out. I will slaughter every last one of you."

Nick smiled cruelly and said, "Big talk from the guy in a cell." With that, he turned around and left the room. "Good luck with that." The door closed behind him, leaving Loki and two S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, who were posted to keep watch of him in case he tried anything.

Loki simply smirked at the two guards, eyeing them carefully with a sly look on his face, pondering on just how to mess with them. He was going to be here for a while, and in The Vault for an even longer duration, so he had to keep himself entertained somehow.

"Just a quick question," Loki started, gaining their attention. His smile turned sinister when he asked, "When I get out of here, what's your preference on how you'd like to die?"

They didn't get to answer as a red streak zoomed past the both of them, snapping their necks as it moved. As the two guards fell to the floor, dead as doornails, The Reverse-Flash appeared standing in front of the cell with Tirek, Bowser, and Eggman standing next to him.

As Bowser snickered at Robotnik struggling to hold in his lunch, Thawne approached the cell, ceasing his vibration effect and removing his mask. "Loki Laufeyson, I presume?"

The God of Mischief recovered from his surprised state and eyed the speedster carefully, "Who's asking?"

"Eobard Thawne. A pleasure, I'm sure." He introduced smugly, much to the God's annoyance. As the other villains rolled their eyes at Thawne's smugness, the man from the future continued, "Let me ask you a question. Do you believe in destiny?"

Loki looked at the speedster as if he were a simpleton. "I am destined to be the ruler of Asgard, mortal. It is my destiny as the 'son'," He said, making quotation marks with his fingers, "of the King of Asgard."

"Then you would know that that destiny is not for you."

Loki gritted his teeth and stomped closer to the glass, looking Eobard in the eyes with a look that would kill.

But Thawne continued, "Let me make it simpler for you to understand, since you're too stupid to comprehend it." He chuckled at Loki's growl. "Thor is destined to take the throne of Asgard, stop Ragnarök from turning Asgard into a barren wasteland, and you, well, you end up being consumed by the All-Dark." Eobard relishes the stunned look on Loki's face as he walks closer to the imprisoned God. "And before you ask, I'm from the future, that's how I know your destiny." He raises his finger to silence Loki, a feat not many claim. "But I can help you change that."

Loki looked at him with skepticism, "And how would a mortal like you do that?"

"If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I am anything but mortal." Thawne replied. "And trust me when I say that you do not want to miss out on an opportunity like this. I am giving you the chance to claim what is rightfully yours, the throne, Asgard, anything your heart desires. Besides, what have you got to lose? You see, there's only two choices here. One, you come with us, change your destiny forever and become the king you believe yourself to be. Or two, you remain here, and the only throne you have any chance to sit on is of the percaline variety." Lightning flickered in his eyes as his smirk grew dark, "Your choice."

Loki considered his options carefully, if what this mortal was speaking was true, then he truly was destined to perish and never claim the throne. But what if he spoke false truths? As the God of Mischief, he was an expert when it came to manipulating others, and it seemed that this Eobard Thawne was as well.

But he was right, what other choice did he have?

"Even if I was to be interested, there appears to be one problem." Loki tapped the glass separating him and Thawne. "How do you intend on getting me out of here?"

Loki became a little unnerved when Thawne began to vibrate, his eyes glowing a menacing red, before he shot right into the cell, vibrating through the glass, and pulling Loki out of it. The Asgardian looked around for a moment in disbelief before turning to his left to see Thawne with a smug look on his face.

"Does that answer your question?"

Loki huffed and looked away, summoning his scepter in his hand. "I must admit that was impressive." Suddenly the door leading into the room opened, and they were surrounded by twelve S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, with Nick Fury walking in, gun in hand, leading the team to prevent Loki's escape. "It appears we are surrounded."

As the agents took aim, Reverse-Flash suddenly took off, moving from agent to agent, snapping their necks at super speed, before returning to where he stood, an evil smile on his face.

Nick could only look on in horror as each agent fell to the ground dead.

He barely had any time to react when Loki sent a blast of magic from his scepter, the blast striking him in the chest and sending him flying out of the room.

"Woah." Bowser commented while Eggman and Tirek smiled at the carnage displayed.

Loki twirled his scepter around in his hand, "Quite a display of power, Mr. Thawne, but I believe it is time to leave."

Eobard wagged his finger, tutting as he said, "Just need one more thing." He quickly zoomed off, running through the Helicarrier at impossible speeds, before suddenly returning to the group with a small amulet in hand. "Now we can go."

Fury slowly positioned himself onto his elbows, watching in pain as The Reverse-Flash flashed him an evil smile before vibrating his form, rushing the group out of the Helicarrier and this dimension. Nick tried getting back up but couldn't muster the strength and simply fell back to the ground unconscious.

With the pieces now falling into place, it was time for the Multiverse to change.

And the Legion of Doom was going to bring about that change, no matter how many people they had to kill to do it.

Author's Note:

It is time for The Legion of Doom to have their time in the spotlight! Boy this came quicker than I thought, kind of ironic since the main villain is a speedster. I hope you're all ready for this, cause this one will be a little darker than the previous story, as you can probably tell by the death toll with the agents this chapter.

And while there will be noticeably less worlds than the previous story, we will be visiting some fun ones, but we'll also be spending quite a bit of time the Guardians, and we may be adapting an episode of MLP Season 6 in the beginning of this adventure, so get ready for that.

With that, I welcome all of you to Across the Multiverse

Let me tell you right now, you are not ready for what's going to happen.

See you all soon.

Reverse-Flash - Asthonx1

Dr. Eggman - Noe0123

Bowser -TotallyNotIncina

Comments ( 15 )

Let's recap:

It has been about a year since the defeat of The Exilied, while, in Equestria, only a few months have passed since the defeat of the villainous Lord Tirek at the hands of Twilight Sparkle.

While Tirek tortures himself with his current situation, he is freed by the villain Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse Flash), who reveals to Tirek his future (that of Season 9 of MLP) and he proposes an alliance with two objectives: change fate... and take revenge.

In the end, the two villains travel through the Multiverse, recruiting more villains to their cause: Eggman, Bowser, and Loki.

Prepare yourself, Multiverse, for the Legion of Multiversal Doom... it has arrived.

Have I forgotten something?

And what do you think of the name I gave the group of villains?

Oh no. A new league of villains to fight and who knows what new challenges await!

I haven't even started reading it yet but seeing one of the tags being "death"... ohh, boy...

A Great evil has come.

He answered hesitantly, still unaware what it was these two wanted. He looked to Tirek for a moment before asking, "What manner of creature are you? A centaur?"

"Technically a minotaur." Tirek answered, having had to answer that question a few times before, much to his chagrin.

It's the other way around

Damn the sequel really arrived quicker than I thought and already it’s making use of the death tag and the Reverse-Flash has assembled his own Legion of Doom(I still don’t know how MLP or Hasbro got away from a DC Lawsuit from that).

Huh so you’re placing this point of time around season 6 of MLP huh, I thought at least it would be about right after Twilight ascended to Alicornhood and right before or after Equestria Girls (and I was really hoping Sunset would be a part of this sequel too :fluttercry:).
But then again by what the sequel description said about Starlight Glimmer and since Reverse-Flash is the main villain and knowing the latter I can see where this would go between the two and honestly speaking it’s a karma Starlight should’ve gotten when she was still petty bitch.

Since the reverse flash and Loki are involved in this, are the guardians going to recruit thor and the flash?

Ooooooooooh boy! Here we go again! :twilightoops:

On a side note, I'm super excited (and scared) for this sequel you did an amazing job with the previous one! :pinkiehappy:

Reverse-Flash is the mastermind this time around, eh? I'm curious to see how Sonic faced off against him.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next chapter! :twilightsmile:

Fun fact: Reverse-Flash was supposed to be the final boss a la Thanos of the DCEU.

Unfortunately our Blue Boi would get curbstomped, after all this is the guy who races against the Flash constantly and we all know the Fastest Man Alive is 10x faster than the Fastest Thing Alive.

You are not wrong, I mean, take Wally West vs. Archie Sonic, Archie Sonic couldn’t beat Wally because DC and the Speed Force are fucking broken as all hell. Flash curbstomps Sonic, heck, so can Barry and the other Flashes, and worse, Eobard and the evil Flashes

Hello Battwell,

I just read the first chapter and the set-up looks promising, but I wonder if Thawne is going to stick to known enemies of the Guardians or if he will "branch out" to new realities to find unusual allies to give the Guardians trouble. I think bringing Sephiroth into the group would be absolutely devistating to the Guardians.

However, given the set-up of this universe, I do have a couple of questions.
1) Since Twilight already knew about humans, how did this change her actions when confronting Sunset Shimmer in EQG?
2) I wonder how the other Guardians will react to a "reformed" Discord?
3) I wonder if, during the episode "Power Ponies, Twilight (or the others) noticed a stricking similarity between the Power Ponies and the Justice League (expecially Fili-Second vs Flash, Radiance vs Green Lantern, and Mistress Mare-velous vs Wonder Woman)?

If you are still open to a couple of ideas for universes to include, I would suggest Disney's Gargoyles, as pre-reform Xanatos or Demona would be amazing foils for the Guardians. Alternatively, I would put forward having the Guardians show up in the Star Trek universe and interact with Q in some fashion. That could be an interesting challenge for Twilight to solve the Q / Discord question.

To answer your questions:

1) It played out the same way, except she knew what humans were, how to properly act in the school given how she’s best friends with a human, and didn’t act as naive as she did in the movie. So virtually the same outcome, but took different steps to get there.

2) You’ll just have to wait and see.

3) Yes they did, Twilight even brought it up at one of the Guardians’ meetings, to the curiosity of Batman and Iron Man.

1. Already? That was quick

2. I was furious when Cozy Glow got petrified. She should’ve been reformed

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