• Member Since 27th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


“Had a dream I was king. I woke up, still king.” - Eminem


This story is a sequel to Through The Multiverse

One year. It has been one year since the defeat of The Exiled and the restoration of the Foundation of all Dimensions. In that time things have drastically changed for one Twilight Sparkle. She ascended to Princesshood, gained a new castle and a new student on top of that in the form of Starlight Glimmer.

Things couldn’t be more perfect for her.

But when the evil speedster known only as The Reverse-Flash assembles a team of villains to scour the Multiverse in search of a weapon capable of changing the very fabric of reality, The Guardians of the Multiverse must reunite once again to stop this Legion of Doom from changing their very existence.

Can Twilight and the other Guardians stop the Legion from changing reality, as well as help Starlight Glimmer find her place in the grand scheme of things?

Or will the Multiverse be forever changed?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Let's recap:

It has been about a year since the defeat of The Exilied, while, in Equestria, only a few months have passed since the defeat of the villainous Lord Tirek at the hands of Twilight Sparkle.

While Tirek tortures himself with his current situation, he is freed by the villain Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse Flash), who reveals to Tirek his future (that of Season 9 of MLP) and he proposes an alliance with two objectives: change fate... and take revenge.

In the end, the two villains travel through the Multiverse, recruiting more villains to their cause: Eggman, Bowser, and Loki.

Prepare yourself, Multiverse, for the Legion of Multiversal Doom... it has arrived.

Have I forgotten something?

And what do you think of the name I gave the group of villains?

Oh no. A new league of villains to fight and who knows what new challenges await!

I haven't even started reading it yet but seeing one of the tags being "death"... ohh, boy...

He answered hesitantly, still unaware what it was these two wanted. He looked to Tirek for a moment before asking, "What manner of creature are you? A centaur?"

"Technically a minotaur." Tirek answered, having had to answer that question a few times before, much to his chagrin.

It's the other way around

Damn the sequel really arrived quicker than I thought and already it’s making use of the death tag and the Reverse-Flash has assembled his own Legion of Doom(I still don’t know how MLP or Hasbro got away from a DC Lawsuit from that).

Huh so you’re placing this point of time around season 6 of MLP huh, I thought at least it would be about right after Twilight ascended to Alicornhood and right before or after Equestria Girls (and I was really hoping Sunset would be a part of this sequel too :fluttercry:).
But then again by what the sequel description said about Starlight Glimmer and since Reverse-Flash is the main villain and knowing the latter I can see where this would go between the two and honestly speaking it’s a karma Starlight should’ve gotten when she was still petty bitch.

Since the reverse flash and Loki are involved in this, are the guardians going to recruit thor and the flash?

Ooooooooooh boy! Here we go again! :twilightoops:

On a side note, I'm super excited (and scared) for this sequel you did an amazing job with the previous one! :pinkiehappy:

Reverse-Flash is the mastermind this time around, eh? I'm curious to see how Sonic faced off against him.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next chapter! :twilightsmile:

Fun fact: Reverse-Flash was supposed to be the final boss a la Thanos of the DCEU.

Unfortunately our Blue Boi would get curbstomped, after all this is the guy who races against the Flash constantly and we all know the Fastest Man Alive is 10x faster than the Fastest Thing Alive.

You are not wrong, I mean, take Wally West vs. Archie Sonic, Archie Sonic couldn’t beat Wally because DC and the Speed Force are fucking broken as all hell. Flash curbstomps Sonic, heck, so can Barry and the other Flashes, and worse, Eobard and the evil Flashes

Hello Battwell,

I just read the first chapter and the set-up looks promising, but I wonder if Thawne is going to stick to known enemies of the Guardians or if he will "branch out" to new realities to find unusual allies to give the Guardians trouble. I think bringing Sephiroth into the group would be absolutely devistating to the Guardians.

However, given the set-up of this universe, I do have a couple of questions.
1) Since Twilight already knew about humans, how did this change her actions when confronting Sunset Shimmer in EQG?
2) I wonder how the other Guardians will react to a "reformed" Discord?
3) I wonder if, during the episode "Power Ponies, Twilight (or the others) noticed a stricking similarity between the Power Ponies and the Justice League (expecially Fili-Second vs Flash, Radiance vs Green Lantern, and Mistress Mare-velous vs Wonder Woman)?

If you are still open to a couple of ideas for universes to include, I would suggest Disney's Gargoyles, as pre-reform Xanatos or Demona would be amazing foils for the Guardians. Alternatively, I would put forward having the Guardians show up in the Star Trek universe and interact with Q in some fashion. That could be an interesting challenge for Twilight to solve the Q / Discord question.

To answer your questions:

1) It played out the same way, except she knew what humans were, how to properly act in the school given how she’s best friends with a human, and didn’t act as naive as she did in the movie. So virtually the same outcome, but took different steps to get there.

2) You’ll just have to wait and see.

3) Yes they did, Twilight even brought it up at one of the Guardians’ meetings, to the curiosity of Batman and Iron Man.

1. Already? That was quick

2. I was furious when Cozy Glow got petrified. She should’ve been reformed

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