• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,095 Views, 102 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

15 Meet The Crew

The first night spent with Onyx was a whirlwind of pleasure and joy. While he, wrapped in my wings, emitted soft snores, I remained awake, focusing on my pegasus form. Onyx seemed so peaceful in his sleep, and every beat of his heart resonated in harmony with mine.

I closed my eyes with a serene smile on my face.

"The prince should wake up," whispered a familiar voice, instantly triggering my awareness. I recognized Onyx who had awakened, but I decided not to react immediately, savoring the moment and waiting for the opportune time.

Eventually, I gracefully unfolded my wings, enveloping Onyx in a gentle embrace. My eyes opened, meeting his in a glow of tenderness. "Good morning, my prince charming," I murmured, letting my hooves slide delicately through his mane.

He closed his eyes, seemingly enjoying my attention, bringing his lips closer to find mine in a light kiss. He lightly ran his hoof over my dark circles with a smile. "Coffee?"

I chuckled slightly. "In your company? No sugar then." I released him from my embrace, feeling the sweet complicity that already united us.

We went down together, me half enveloping him with my right wing, to the kitchen where Onyx carefully prepared the coffee. The intoxicating aroma filled the room, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere.

While the coffee brewed, I lounged slightly with Onyx half-lying on his couch. "Sorry for having to leave so soon; if I had known, I wouldn't have accepted this contract."

He looked at me with a hint of sadness. "I know." He levitated the cups with telekinesis. "But promise me you'll come back."

I looked at him, grabbing my cup in my hooves. "I don't see how I could do without you anyway," I admitted, a tender smile forming on my lips.

Minutes passed in a soothing tranquility, savoring each sip of coffee while exchanging complicit glances. Words were not necessary; our emotions expressed themselves through every small gesture and every contact.

Onyx smiled. "When you return, I'll introduce you to my family..." he laid his head on my legs. "By the way, you've never told me about yours." His eyes looked into mine.

I grimaced slightly, not wanting to talk about it or lie to him. "Let's make a deal," I attempted to smile. "I promise to tell you everything upon my return. I don't want to spoil the mood." best i can do for now is buy time.

Onyx nodded, understanding my reluctance. "Okay, Thunder. No pressure. I'm just happy to spend these moments with you."

I gently stroked his mane. "And I am too, Onyx. These moments with you are priceless."

I eventually pulled away from Onyx's hooves after a final kiss, quickly grabbing my belongings from the hotel before heading towards Brasserie Griff.

Brasserie Griff stood majestically at the street corner, its green facade exhaling a warm and inviting ambiance. A carved wooden sign hung above the door, proudly displaying the establishment's name in letters intricately marked with a slight scratch.

As I pushed the door of Brasserie Griff, a wave of warmth and malty aromas instantly enveloped me. The interior was bathed in an amber glow, brick walls showcasing elements of the establishment's brewing history.

Griff was sitting at a table, surprisingly without a cigar. I approached, and he gestured for me to sit in one of the four available chairs. "You've arrived early."

I smiled. "Always." I settled in, wincing slightly in pain. "So, who are the people you want to introduce me to?"

He raised a claw. "Before that, I'm giving you a directive. My daughter is part of this team, and I want to see her again without a scratch."

I nodded slightly. "Understood."

"Her maidenhood intact as well," he added in a serious and intimidating tone.

I smiled slightly, sitting up in the chair. "Don't worry; that's not my style."

"I see. The others shouldn't be long in arriving."

I waited patiently for the arrival of the two other team members while sipping on a peculiar drink with the old Griff.

"And then I told him, it seems even ghosts get thirsty, my friend!" I laughed heartily as he lightly tapped the table, chuckling while smoking a cigar.

The door open, revealing a brown unicorn and a white-feathered griffon. I turned to see that the griffon had moved the ashtray in front of me, with his cigar still lit.

The griffon seemed to squint. "Dad, you're not smoking again, are you?"

I shot a knowing glance at Griff. "No, it's mine." I had never smoked a cigar, but I put it in my mouth and pretended to puff.

He gave me a wry smile. "Thunder, let me introduce you to Iaso, my daughter."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you, Iaso."

The brown unicorn introduced herself with a hoof gesture. "You can call me Bulky. Pleasure to meet you, Thunder."

I saw her take a seat around the table before turning my attention back to Griff, who cleared his throat. "As you know, you need to find new clients for me in the Crystal Empire, but given the risks, I've decided to hire Thunder, the adventurer."

The brown unicorn looked me up and down while Iaso glanced at her claws. I smiled slightly. "I'll do everything in my power to ensure your safety."

The brown unicorn smiled at me. "I'm sure an adventurer like you must have some stories to tell." I shook my head slightly.

"I suppose I'll have time during the journey." She ran a hoof through her mane, flipping it back after my response.

"If my father deems you trustworthy, it works for me, but please avoid smoking." I blew a cloud of smoke into the air.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you." Griff theatrically produced three first-class train tickets and placed them on the table, along with a list that he handed directly to me.

"Now that introductions are done, your train leaves in two hours; the samples are already loaded. Thunder, I'm counting on you to also check the cargo during the trip." I looked at the list, which included several types of alcohol and their quantities.

"I'll verify everything before departure, Griff" and I guess I'll need to buy some warm clothes too...

I quickly visited a few stores, finding a gray coat and a black Ushanka, giving me a slight communist vibe before heading to the train station.

I boarded the rear cars, checking that the cargo was in place before departure. The journey was going to be long, but at least I would have pleasant company...

Author's Note:

The next chapter will contain a lot of discussion.:raritywink: