• Published 19th Oct 2023
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My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

6 Ponyville and Honest work

I moved away from Canterlot, out of sight, before resuming my true form. Strangely, my knowledge of pony habits was helpful up to a certain point, but on the subjects that concerned me now, I realized I was far from being an expert.

I settled on a rock, contemplating what I needed to do. I should find a way to make money and quickly invest in exploration equipment, or at least something to keep from sleeping under the stars.

I probably could have found good opportunities in Canterlot, but the presence of last night told me it was better to distance myself, and my mother has probably already noticed my absence. If she sends spies to look for me, I'll be in big trouble...

I decided to follow one of the many railways leaving from the city

As I heard the train approaching, I quickly transformed into the creature I had chosen to embody. I decided to settle on the roof of one of the cars, hoping for a more comfortable journey.

The sensation was much more pleasant than I had imagined, even though the persistent pain from my damaged ribs made itself known. At least the travel would be swift. "I don't know where I'm going, but at least I'm getting there fast," I joked to myself, watching the natural landscape pass by.

The wind whipped through my fur, carrying with it the remnants of my past life. I was free, free to choose my own destiny and forge my own path. Every beat of my wings, every heartbeat, carried me a little further into the unknown. And for the first time in a long while, I was eager to discover what the future held for me.

A small, colorful town began to appear in the distance, with a quaint and welcoming appearance. Its buildings were constructed in a rustic style, in harmony with the surrounding nature.

The roofs of the houses were adorned with colorful tiles, and the walls sported soft and warm hues. The gardens that surrounded the houses were lush and filled with flowers of all kinds, creating a true festival of colors. Rows of trees formed shaded alleys in some streets, bringing a sense of freshness and tranquility.

A large building with a red roof stood in the middle of the small town. It stood out due to its imposing size, undoubtedly a place of power and thus my next destination.

I jumped off the train before it reached the station, letting myself glide to the ground. A wince of pain crossed my face as I touched down, just before I made my way through a market.

The market was bustling with activity, stalls overflowing with fresh and colorful produce. The townsfolk went about their business, greeting passersby with friendly smiles. Ponies of all races strolled through the streets, adding to the lively and multicultural atmosphere of the town.

I made my way slowly towards the central building, taking the time to observe the town. Ponies went about their tasks, chatting cheerfully, shopping in quaint stores, or sharing stories on public benches.

The hall was vast and bright, though currently empty. I was about to leave when I heard a door open a little higher up.

That's when a gray-maned, pale-amber-coated earth pony emerged from a room.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I began, "my name is Thunder, and I'm looking for someone in charge." I took flight to cover the distance between us.

The mare quickly turned her head towards me, a friendly smile lighting up her face. "I am Mayor Mare, and welcome to Ponyville, how may I assist you, Thunder?"

"Pleased to meet you, Mayor Mare," I replied with a slight smile, touched by the warm welcome.

She inclined her head slightly. "The pleasure is shared, Thunder. How may I help you?"

"I'm passing through, and unfortunately, I've encountered some troubles that have cost me most of my equipment," I lied with regret, knowing that sometimes, it was necessary to bend the truth. "That's why I was wondering if you might have a job for me, or perhaps a lead to get back on my hoof ?"

Her eyes lingered for a moment on my stature, likely more imposing than most Pegasus. With a slightly raised eyebrow, she seemed surprised by my presence.

"You seem to be... sturdy, Mr. Thunder," she commented, her voice tinged with curiosity. "I suppose your skills could be useful in certain tasks."

"I'm just looking to earn an honest living." I said with a friendly smile.

The rest of the day was spent moving crates and various construction materials between the train and the town. I was paid a few bits for my intense efforts and learned that it was best to steer clear of the forest at the edge of the town.

As hunger gnawed at me more and more, I perused the stalls that were closing one by one. Once the ponies were asleep, I would have the opportunity to feed. That's when a vivid-red earth pony with a orange mane caught my eye. He towered over me and seemed particularly strong. His features were marked by a natural robustness, and his cutie mark was a green apple cut in half. An elderly green-coated mare seemed to call out to him, allowing me to put the name "Big Mac" to this pony.

I found myself observing him a bit longer than the other ponies I had encountered in this town, taking my time before continuing on my way.

I continued to wander among the stalls, seeking something to satisfy my growing appetite, all while discreetly observing the other inhabitants of Ponyville going about their business. Gradually, the buzz of the market gave way to the calm of the approaching evening, and the stalls were gradually emptying.

The moment had unfortunately come to replenish my energy. The streets were now empty, plunged into the darkness of the night. Disguised as a butterfly, I silently fluttered towards a slightly ajar window of a modest house, peering inside cautiously.

There, in the room, lay a mare with cherry-red mane and a fur of dazzling gold. She slept peacefully, unaware of my presence. With caution, I landed near her bed, returning to my original form. My heart was racing; I had to control my hunger so as not to harm her.

Opening my mouth with the gentleness of a night breeze, I indulged in the love I so desperately needed, all the while striving to preserve my host's tranquility. To my surprise, my energy intake was less significant than anticipated, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

The mare shifted slightly in her sleep, murmured softly, but she did not wake up. As I transformed back into a butterfly, I hoped my presence hadn't disturbed her dreams too much.

I settled on a strangely solid and comfortable cloud to sleep as a Pegasus, closing my eyes and seeking to find rest.

Dawn was breaking on the horizon, painting the sky with a palette of soft colors. I stretched, feeling my muscles loosen after a restorative night. The need to feed was momentarily appeased.

Taking flight, I left the welcoming embrace of the fluffy cloud. The wind caressed my coat, carrying with it the scents of the surrounding nature. It was soothing.

As the day progressed, I found myself busy near the place where I had worked the day before, taking on the same tasks of loading and unloading.

Over the days, I gradually settled into town. I made some acquaintances among the merchants and residents. Each had their own story to tell, and I listened with interest, discreetly blending into this diverse community.

It was surprising to encounter the six ponies I had glimpsed in Canterlot. I had the chance to get to know Twilight Sparkle, though I got along better with Spike, who knew how the books were organized... The unicorn was incredibly intelligent, perhaps a bit too much for my taste. With time, she might uncover my true nature.

A pink pony, one Pinkie Pie, often tried to approach me and organize a party. I politely declined each time, claiming I was afraid of crowds. It wasn't entirely a lie. Being surrounded by partying ponies would require an extraordinary level of self-control ...

In reality, I spent a large part of my free time at the Ponyville library. It was a treasure trove of valuable information that allowed me to prepare for my upcoming journeys. I contemplated getting closer to Doge City to explore the Badlands, a challenge I believed to be within my reach to start. Each page I turned was a new revelation, each map a new horizon to explore.

I saved my bits carefully every day, ensuring not to waste even the smallest resource. In just a few days, I had managed to gather enough to acquire the bare essentials I needed.

As evening fell, I settled near the place where I had worked, enjoying the emerging calm to review my mental checklist. The tent I had purchased was modest but sturdy, offering a safe shelter for the night. My sleeping bag, on the other hand, promised to keep me warm even on the coldest nights.

Each item I now possessed was imbued with particular significance. They represented a step forward in my quest for independence, a new stage towards freedom. I had learned to value every little progress, every victory, no matter how small.

The stars began to twinkle in the sky, and I settled into my newly improvised abode. Sheltered from the wind and cold, I felt strangely at peace. I gazed at the night sky, losing myself in the constellations that shone above me.

Tomorrow would be the day of my departure, the beginning of my real exploration of the world.