• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,094 Views, 102 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

20 Rain in my Heart

The train began to slow down, and I looked out the window, once again observing Canterlot in all its splendor. It was a beautiful day in the capital, but as I followed Isao and Bulky towards the train exit, a part of me thought that going back to fight against manticores would have been easier.

Hesitating for a moment, I let out a long sigh and descended as well, joining our small group heading towards the old Griff's brewery.

As we walked, I broke the silence. "By the way, did you inform them of our return?"

Isao gave a slight smile. "I'm not worried about that. By now, Dad must be checking the vats."

We finally arrived at the old Griff's brewery, where the air was filled with the characteristic aromas of brewing. The familiar atmosphere made me smile as we entered.

Inside, the old Griff, busy overseeing operations, looked up upon seeing us. His wrinkled face lit up with a warm smile. "Well, if it isn't my favorite adventurers back home! You look in good shape." It was probably the first time I saw him without a cigar in his beak.

Isao nodded with a smile. "Yes, we're back with good news." She began pulling out the various contracts she had managed to secure.

Bulky added enthusiastically, "We've made contacts with several bars, and they are interested in trying something new."

The old Griff clapped his claws together. "That's what I like to hear! Did you encounter any problems on the road?"

I smiled slightly. "Nothing I couldn't handle."

Isao sighed lightly at my remark. "Our adventurer had to fight against a manticore."

Bulky couldn't help but chuckle, adding, "And a needle."

I saw Griff chuckle slightly. "I'm sure you'll tell us all the details at the Last Round."

The conversation continued on a less formal tone as they reviewed the contracts before giving me a signal to leave. I nodded to the girls as I headed towards the exit.

I'm sorry, Onyx, I..." The words hung in the air, laden with a hesitation I tried in vain to conceal. A slight shiver of apprehension ran through my mane as I struggled to find the courage to continue.

"Onyx, it's time we have a serious conversation. I come from another world, and there are things you need to know." My voice resonated in the hotel room, but something within me still betrayed a certain uncertainty.

Pacing the room back and forth, hastily reserved for this conversation, I sought the right tone. "Sweetheart, I haven't told you everything. There are aspects of my life I've kept secret, but now is the time to share these truths with you."

However, this approach seemed too dramatic, almost cliché. I needed to be more direct, more authentic. "Onyx, there's something you have to know about me, something I've never shared with anyone before."

I paused, feeling the weight of the words in the air. "You are someone important in my life, and I want you to understand where I come from, even if it's hard to believe."

For a moment, I imagined is reaction, trying to anticipate her questions and concerns. My hooves seemed to be pacing in circles on the floor, a gesture reflecting the inner turmoil.

"You know, Onyx, it's true we've never talked in detail about my past, but..." I stopped, grabbing a pillow between my hooves, as if this object could provide the comfort I needed.

The edge of fear grew within me, a tangible apprehension as I continued to avoid the inevitable moment. My gaze wandered to the ceiling, as if the answers I sought could be found somewhere in the shadows of the hotel room.

I opened the shutters, spreading my wings, soaring into the Canterlot sky.

I stood in front of Onyx's house, a ball of anxiety in my stomach, my hoof trembling slightly as I knocked on the door. Every passing second felt like an eternity, and my thoughts swirled in my head, anticipating Onyx's reaction.

I heard the lock unlocking, giving me time to take a deep breath to try to calm the rapid beats of my heart. The door opened slowly, revealing Onyx's smiling face.

Is smile widened upon seeing me, and before I could say a word, is almost jumped on me in joy at seeing me again. "Thunder! I missed you so much! Come in!"

Is pulled me inside with contagious energy, closing the door behind us. The warmth of is kindness somewhat eased my nervousness, but the tension remained.

Onyx looked at me, is eyes sparkling with excitement. "You look a bit... anxious. Is everything okay?"

I led im with me to the couch, sitting down as is nestled under my wing, her eyes reflecting growing concern. "Onyx... I..."

I took a deep breath. "I will keep my promise," I said while tightening my wing around him, "but I think I need a drink."

His mouth remained closed, his horn glowing slightly as it summoned two glasses and a bottle I didn't recognize. The labels bore foreign inscriptions, a find from my travels across worlds. I grabbed a bottle, pouring the amber liquid into the glasses, all the while trying to find the right words.

I took a sip; the alcohol had a sweet taste but left an intense warmth in my throat. "I... I'm not from here," avoiding eye contact with Onyx.

"From Equestria? That's not so bad," his voice was gentle but slightly concerned.

"No, from this world," I said, my words hanging in the air, charged with the uncertainty that lingered between us. The room seemed to grow slightly heavier.

Onyx remained silent for a moment, slowly taking in my words. His expression shifted from curiosity to gradual understanding. He took a sip from his glass, delicately placing it on the coffee table, then took my hoof in his.

"From... another world?" he whispered, seeking my eyes. Surprise and confusion veiled his gaze, but he tried to mask his shock under a layer of compassion. "Thunder, are you serious?"

I nodded, ready to reveal my past, yes, "Where I come from, things are different, more violent, sadder, and especially, I was in a bad shape." I sighed slowly, ready to say more, his hoof warming mine while my wing was slightly tense around him.

Onyx looked at me with an expression mixing compassion and surprise, his gaze trying to understand the whirlwind of emotions that must be within me. He tightened his grip on my hoof, a comforting gesture that encouraged me to continue.

"I'm sorry, Thunder... I can't imagine what you must have gone through there," he murmured, his voice full of sincerity.

My memories surfaced, and I took a long sip to soothe the bitterness rising within me. "In my original world," I continued, feeling tears streaming down my face, "my father, I never knew him, but my mother..." A lump formed in my throat as painful memories resurfaced. "She did everything to raise me."

Onyx kept silent, allowing me time to gather my thoughts. My memories returned to her. "She was a strong, compassionate woman... she worked endless hours to make sure I had everything." I looked at the bottle. "But she started drinking to cope."

A heavy silence settled in the room, only interrupted by the sound of my uneven breathing. I could feel Onyx's gaze on me. "She started getting sick... her health deteriorated, and she died in the hospital shortly after my eighteenth birthday."

Onyx was left speechless, absorbing my words with an expression of sadness and incomprehension. I knew that ponies supported each other, and something like this happening in this world was almost unthinkable.

I emptied my glass in one go, trying to hold back the surge of emotions coursing through me. "I tried to continue living during the years that followed," I poured myself another glass, "only to eventually succumb myself."

The sadness in my voice echoed in the room, and each word seemed to carry the weight of long-suppressed pain. I took another sip of alcohol, hoping to calm the whirlwind of emotions overwhelming me.

Onyx surrounded me with his hooves, a warm embrace attempting to contain my distress. My shoulders began to shake, and I felt the crushing weight of loneliness, loss, and grief. Tears flowed freely, carrying with them years of buried sadness.

"Onyx..." I murmured between sobs, "I didn't want to burden you with this. I thought I could leave all of this behind, but..."

He held me a bit tighter, trying to understand the extent of my sorrow. I felt tears also streaming down his cheeks, testifying to the depth of his empathy.

I couldn't see Onyx's face as I held him in my wings, but he must have been horrified by this revelation. It was as if a heavy secret had escaped from my soul, leaving behind a vulnerability I had never shared before.

Onyx remained silent for a moment, letting the impact of my words resonate between us. Then, gently, he spoke. "Thunder, I... I don't know what to say."

I lifted my head to meet his gaze, and despite the horror he must be feeling, there was also sincere determination in his eyes. It was as if he wanted to erase years of pain with a single compassionate gesture.

I felt his muzzle move closer to mine, an attempt at comfort that I knew to appreciate, but I still had things to tell him. Slowly, I tried to push him back slightly, not wanting him to get too close until I had revealed everything.

"Onyx, there's still something you need to know," I whispered, seeking his eyes in an almost pleading manner. I gently freed myself from his otherwise comforting hooves, taking another sip of alcohol to calm my nerves and give me a final boost of courage.

His breath seemed to catch for a moment as his eyes searched my tormented face, seeking answers. I felt the weight of the revelation bearing down on my shoulders, ready to shake his perception of me.

"Thunder, what's going on?" he asked, his voice filled with growing concern.

I closed my eyes, gathering the courage to share the rest of my truth. "When I woke up in this world, I was in an egg filled with green liquid."

Green light enveloped me as I surrendered to my transformation, revealing my true changeling nature. My chitinous carapace replaced my equine form, and my membranous wings stretched delicately. It was as if a part of me had been set free, but at the same time, I was aware of the growing distance between Onyx and me.

When I opened my eyes again, I was met with Onyx's stunned and terrified gaze. His expression shifted from incomprehension to a kind of horrified shock. I could feel his surprise and fear, mixed with a hint of incomprehension.

I looked at the ground in front of me, waiting anxiously for Onyx to speak. The weight of silence hung heavily on my shoulders, and each passing second felt like an eternity. I could feel the tension in the air, fearing his reaction, whether it be an explosion of anger, shouts, or perhaps worse, a silent rejection.

Staring at the ground, I dared not lift my eyes to him. Uncertainty and fear mingled in my mind, creating a whirlwind of emotions. My wings trembled slightly, betraying my inner anxiety.

I heard a soft breath escape Onyx's lips. He seemed unable to find words, as if still in shock from my revelation. Then, an almost inaudible whisper escaped his trembling lips. "Thunder... Is it really you?"

His voice was barely audible, filled with palpable uncertainty. I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his gaze, seeking answers in his eyes filled with confusion and terror.

My lips trembled slightly. "Yes."

"I... I don't know what to say," he finally articulated, his trembling voice betraying his tumultuous state of mind. "I... I can't believe that you're... that you're a..."

Onyx swallowed, seeming to search for words amid the turmoil of his thoughts. His gaze wandered over my changeling form, and an expression of perplexity mixed with terror lingered on his face. Finally, he took a deep breath.

"Thunder, why... why is your chitin blue?" he asked in a barely audible voice.

I looked at my hooves in surprise; my chitin was slightly navy blue in some places. "I... I don't really know," I finally replied, my voice tinged with sadness.

Onyx seemed to be searching for words, his eyes roaming my body with a newfound intensity. I could feel his confusion, his fear, but also a hint of understanding making its way through the tumult of his emotions.

"Thunder, I... I don't know what to think," he finally admitted, his gaze locked with mine.

I approached slightly, reverting to my Pegasus appearance in a green glow. "I... I'll come back tomorrow." I took a deep breath. "If you want to alert the guard..." I let a final tear fall. "I'll understand."

He stepped aside as I headed for the door, spreading my wings. "I truly love you, Onyx."

"Thunder, wait..." his voice was hesitant and filled with a pain that I could feel to my core.

I turned my head towards Onyx; he was looking at me, his eyes filled with an array of unreadable emotions. I could see the struggle in his gaze, the conflict between fear and love, understanding and rejection.

"I... I don't know what all this means for us," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "But I know that... I know that I want to understand. I want to understand who you really are, Thunder."

A shiver ran through my wings at his words, mixing hope with fear in my tormented mind. I turned slowly to face Onyx, meeting his gaze filled with newfound determination.

"I love you, Thunder," he said sincerely, his voice filled with renewed resolution. "And we'll find a way to overcome this together, whatever happens."

A shy smile formed on my lips, partially lifting the weight of uncertainty that hung over my shoulders. With a sigh of relief, I nodded, feeling a ray of hope piercing through the darkness surrounding me.

"I love you too, Onyx," I whispered.

Author's Note:

Next/Final chapter: I'm Sorry, Brother... And sorry for the emotional damage.:raritycry: