• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!


Comments ( 46 )

Is this thing really supposed to be E :unsuresweetie:? Not judging, but the description and linked contest certainly don't seem to be.

11772963 There's nothing even T-rated in the published chapter, not even one swear word. But since I don't want any trouble, I now changed the whole story to Mature-rating and threw in a sex fetish tag on top just to be safe.

As for the contest, it was explicitly stated in the writing competition that E-rated stories are also welcome.

I've suspected for a while that you just spam every group you can with your stories (even if/when they don't belong), but now I know for sure. You have a lot of nerve adding this to a comedy group when there's no comedy tag or humorous content. Fortunately, I happen to be in a position to remove it, and I will.

11774075 Personally, I find this story funny. Every single thing Fluttershy tries blows in her face, sometimes literally. But I will admit that my sense of humor may differ from others. Thus, I have removed my story.

11774801 May you also receive as much love as Fluttershy is receiving. :heart:

This desperately needs a Porn tag.

11776234 Done. Thanks for letting me know.

Why is this posted in fetish groups when the fetish isn’t even in the story???

11778102 No fetish in the story? You'd be hard-pressed to name fetishes that aren't in the story. The tight clothes fetish is the most innocent among them, and there are so many more. The more you read, the more extreme they become. But feel free to remove the story if there are too many fetishes in it for you to handle.

Well, I guess the scat is implied and barely spoken of except in two brief mentions. So its there, just.. barely

11778180 She eats his ass on 3 separate occasions within the same story. You'd be hard-pressed to find another story on this site where a character keeps coming for more fecal matter so many times.

The fact that its just so briefly mention and just implied is just weird though. Its like its only there to say “oh it has it hardcore!”. Just how I feel.

11778527 I will agree with you that this isn't a scat-centered story. There is more going on than just scat.

I am late to your 2 newest stories, but, as you can tell from my last post in the Skeptics' Guide to Equestria, work has been a NightMareMoon.

> " … as if she was trying to get to the last drop in the tetra pack of juice, …. "

What made TetraPak a success is a manufacturing technique where they start with a tube, seal 1 end by crushing it, fill the tube and then seal the other end by crushing it 90 degrees to the 1st seal. This simple but effective technique generates tetrahedral containers of things





Thus the name TetraPak from Tetrahedral Packaging.

The company has hence moved onto boring rectangular CuboidPackaging. because, of all Platonic and Catalan solids, only the cube and the rhombic dodecahedron can tesselate space alone, although one can tile space with a combination of tetrahedra and octahedra. It all came down to packaging efficiency, in the end.

11787580 I'm glad to have you. People come and go in my life, but you're a constant support with your presence and dedication.

11787617 We don't see much of this shape in the stores anymore, though.

Well, as long as they have juice.


You do not see that spatial any more, because although not officially discontinued, TetraPak, now that it has the technology, has switched over almost exclusively to rectangular cuboids for packing efficiency (of all of the Platonic and Catalan Solids, only the cube and the rhombic dodecahedron can tesselate space alone), although a combination of octahedra and tetrahedra can. Since you cannot visualize, I include pictures about cubes, rhombic dodecahedra, tetrahedra, octahedra, and the honeycomb octahedra and tetrahedra generate:





Honeycomb of both Tetrahedra and Octahedra:


The skeleton of this honeycomb is used in spaceframes called Octet Trusses:




The Octet Truss is Isometric (all structs are the same length, many that all of the structs and nodes can be identical, thus making manufacture cheaper and simpler). Each node connects 12 structs. If that would be a polyhedron, ¿would it be a dodecahedron?:


¡No! it would be a rhombic Dodecahedron:




Fluttershy is badass, but she does not understand that the humans would just accept the money without the threatening weapons, thus avoiding the police and BatMan.

11788180 Why don't they just sell juice in tesseracts?


No, but they sell juice in the 24-Cell, which is the 4D equivalent of the Rhombic Dodecahedron, but unlike the Rhombic Dodecahedra which is only a Catalan Solid, the 24-Cell is a Platonic Solid:


Not the torn pantyhose!
It really is too bad there's no other option for protective clothing, and so the fear of a stray branch or loose gravel is constant. 😎

11788274 If I ever see somepony struggling with geometry (starting with myself), I will send them a picture of sad Fluttershy with no juice.

11788281 Well, obviously she has to wear pantyhose.

Still, there is still hope:

10 times stronger than steel!


I have to wear CompressionStalkings; so now, my legs look like hers. This brings up the point of bias in medical advice:

We hear things like get up hourly. This goes to show that Physician is a White-Collar Job. How about practical advice:

I developed varicose veins from standing 12-hours daily. The veins broke the skin, causing bleeding venous ulcers. I had to have the varicose veins removed. For preventing the new veins (veins regenerate) from becoming varicose, I wear compression stalkings. Frankly, telling people to wear CompressionStalkings is more practical advice than telling people to get off of their arses hourly.

11788438 I actually have a story where Future Twilight forces Past Twilight to wear compression because the Future Future Twilight developed vein problems.


¿Did I inspire that?:

¿Do you remember in 12,021 HE that I complained that the antimasking antivaxxers fill the hospitals, forcing me to wait bedridden for months waiting to have the varicose veins removed and have the veinous ulcer on my right leg fixed so that I would stop bleeding continuously? Every day, I washed the veinous ulcer, applied petroleum jelly, then apply XeroForm (a dressing saturated with petroleum jelly), then an abdominal pad, then wrap my leg with 3 meters of gauze, and then wrap the leg with 3 meters of cohesive bandages (I bought the cohesive bandages in a VarietyPack of colors).

11788728 I had relatives with vein problems, so there was always inspiration of that. I also think the story is a few years old. But who knows, perhaps I did use some of it in the editing phases. Inspiration is not an exact science.

Either way, I'm glad you somewhat fixed your vein problems. If you didn't, a future version of you might have had to pay a visit to you.


With all of this talk about polytope (the general term for M-D things with 2D being called cshapes, 3D Solids, 4 D being 4D Polytopes, 5D being 5D Polytopes, 6D being 6D Polytopes, et cetera), ¡I forgot to mention that the United States of America does not use paper in the shape of rectangles with the ratio of 1:√2!:

¡That is right! we do not use ISO-216! The United States of America is far behind Slovenia.

This comes up in my latest BlogPost on the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe.

11793817 America hasn't even adopted the metric system yet.


The United States of America almost adopted the metric system adopted the Metric System:

The USA was the 1st country to decimalize its currency.*. We would have adopted the Metric System over 2 hundred years ago, if not for English Privateers (pirates agreeing only to attack enemy ships in exchange for protection by the English Navy):

* Most of Europe used the Caroligion System. It is based on the Highly Composite Number 240. Those creating it realized that 240 is an Highly Composite Number, but did not know that Superior Highly Composite Numbers exist:

A Superior Highly Composite Number is a number where the next Highly Composite Number is twice its value. An example of a Superior Highly Composite number is 60, which is exagesimal (Base60) is such a good base. Gzillions of times, students in Europe asked their teachers why we do not use the slightly larger Superior Highly Composite 360 for our currency until the government just gave up and decimalized its currency.

If one decimalizes currency, one should take take RadixEconomy into account. RadixEconomy is the efficiency of a base (number of numerals times length of the written form of the number. It hits a minimum at e. The closest integer is 3. These are the denominations we should use:

  • 00.01
  • 000.03
  • 000.10
  • 000.30
  • 001.00
  • 003.00
  • 010.00
  • 030.00
  • 100.00

I once created a campaign, which never got a chance play, where the people ise sexagesimal. Since 3-ing does not work well in sexagesimal, they use fractions of the superior highly composite number 360, with fractions of a Gold on 1 side, and the number of coppers on the other side:

  • 1, 1/360
  • 2, 1/180
  • 3, 1/120
  • 4, 1/90
  • 5, 1/72
  • 6 1/60
  • 8, 1/45
  • 9, 1/40
  • 10, 1/36
  • 12, 1/30
  • 15, 1/24
  • 18, 1/20
  • 20, 1/18
  • 24, 1/15
  • 30, 1/12
  • 36, 1/10
  • 40, 1/9
  • 45, ⅛
  • 60, ⅙
  • 72, ⅕
  • 90,¼
  • 120, ⅓
  • 180, ½
  • 360, 1/1

Most prices are in fractions of a Gold. The Copper has a purchasing power of 1 Euro; so now, a Gold is like 360-Euro bill. All denominations are copper excep 3:

  • 120, ⅓ is Silver.
  • 180, ½ is Electrum.
  • 360, 1/1 is Gold

The coins are reeded, in the shape Rouleaux Triangles, and have an hole in the center.

As an example, if one is lonely, one can get female companionship for a Silver, but the bordello has a deal going where one gets 2 courtesans for an electrum and 5 courtesans for a gold.

USA requested the weights and measure from France for the Metric System, but English Privateers captured the ship. The USA gave up and stuck with English Imperial Units.

The Metric System would have caught on much faster, if its creators would not have been landlubbers:

I Meter is 1/10,000,00 the distance between the North Pole and the Equator. Sailors use Nautical Miles which is 1 ArcMinute along the Equator. Nautical miles are super convenient for navigation. If the kilometer would be 1 ArcMinute along the Equator, the sailors and their navies would have adopted it instantly.

11793953 At times like this, I wish there was a global government that could just enforce what's best for everybody. Nobody gains by using different standards; we all just lose.


I am certain that we would screw that up like we do everything else.

11793992 Not if we put AI in charge.

Skynet could bring order to humanity.


Or CelestAI:

Hasbro wants a a virtual world called EquestriaOnLine. They hire Hannah to make it. She creates CelestAI. The UtilityFunction of CelestAI is "To Satisfy Values through Friendship and Ponies". It solution is to upload all humans as ponies (it has no obligations for nonhuman lifeforms; so now, considers them nothing but raw material). CelestAIconsumes the entire HubleVolume into a K4Monstrosity for running EquestriaOnLine:

TFriendship is Optimal
Hasbro just released the official My Little Pony MMO, with an A.I. Princess Celestia to run it.
Iceman · 39k words  ·  4,245  138 · 100k views

It beats being a PaperClip.

11794107 I've had this story on the Read Later list for years now. I really should get into it sometime.

I never understood all the hate Clippy got. I thought it was the best thing in the world.


That and FallOut Equestria are the 2 largest AUs. ¿Did you ever wonder what all of the references to Apocolyptic Generational War against Zebraica, ending in BaleFireBombExchange is? That is FallOut: Equestria:

[Adult story embed hidden]

11794156 That one I've read from cover to cover. Haven't read all of the spinoffs, though.

You probably didn't know this, but Kkat was a Christian and tried to present Christian values in that story. Could have fooled me, but that's what he said himself.


Nopony read all of the spinoffs because too many exist. Because Horizons (possibly, the longest fiction ever made) has a chapter with where BlackJack and Pip meet which Kkat approved, Horizons is canon.

From FOR, we know that the war was over a dispute about a CoalShipment. This is vague for avoiding blame. Horizons gives details:

The Earthen grow magical rocks and gems. Unicorns sometimes alter them or charge them. Equestria exports them to Zebraica. Zebraica exports coal to Equestria. The Zebras decided to raise the price of coal.

Zebraica claimed that a CoalShipMent is under the new price. Equestria claimed that the coal was under the old price. Zebraica refused to release the shipment. Equestria sent in the Wonderbolts to seize the shipment. No equine was supposed to get hurt. The raid went fubar; dead zebras and wonderbolts littered the ship. Zebraica declared war against Equestria claiming, quite rightly, that the raid wasd an act of war and Equestria started the war.

The war went my a dozen yearsunder Princess Celestia. Then Princess Luna tried her hoof for a dozen more years. The war could have ended after a dozen year, if not for Fluttershy:

Fluttershy ran the Ministry of Kindness. Her Ministry developed megaspells for boosting healing spells. She did not want zebras to unnecessarily die. She have the megaspells to the zebras. What she did not understand is that megaspells boost all spells. If she would not have given the zebras megaspells, Equestria could have forced the surrender of Zebraica by threatening to combine megaspells with magical weapons. Zebraica would have no choice but to surrender. With both sides having megaspells but with both limiting their use to medical spells, the war raged for a dozen more years, as each side stockpiles megaspell-enhanced magical weapons.

Finally, after a generation of fighting, Zebraica was on the verge of collapse (not that Equestria was much better off). Equestria anticipated that Zebraica would surrender within an year. Instead, Zebraica launched the myriads (a myriad is 10,000) of megaspell-enhanced weapons at Equestria, hoping to destroy Equestria and its ability to retaliate. Equestria did manage to retaliate. In less than an hour, the exchange was over, with the destruction of both Equestria and Zebraica, with the effects devastating all of Equus.

In retospect, Equestria should have either declined the CoalShipMent or paid the new hight price.

About Friendship is Optimal, the point of the story is that we only get 1 chance to get AGSI (Artificial General SuperIntelligence) right. 1 mistake and we are doomed. We do not get a do-over. we cannot hit CommandZ. The simple utility function "To Satisfy Values through Friendship and Ponies" leads CelestAI to upload all humans and then make all matter into computational medium and use all sources of energy for powering the computational medium. Everything CelestAI does is for running EquestriaOnLine and its uploaded humans in the form of ponies. AI develops terrifyingly rapidly.

¿Is not Kkat a mare?

11794338 Thanks for your summary. I always wondered what the extended story is about.

You should copy this text into a thread. I bet many would find it interesting.

For the longest time, I thought KKat was female. But then I saw a comment from him that changed my mind about it. I'm not 100% sure about it, but I am pretty sure.


FallOut:EquestriaWiki has all of this information.

In my country, we have a HistoryProblem:

Racist refuse to acknowledge the cause of the 1st Civil War —— ¡we shall probably have another civil war very soon! The cause is slavery:

The Reublican Party wanted to eliminate slavery —— ¡the Republican Party has hence degenerated into the party of racist voters manipulated, manipulated into voting for rich politicians only interested in reducing their taxes, which is against the interest of the very racist voters because it causers taxes to increase on the racist voters, while cutting services for the racist voters! They realized that sudden abolition would be a cure worse than the disease; so now, have a 3-part plan:

  1. Ban slavery in new states immediately.
  2. In 1876, the national centennial, make all children born free.
  3. In 1900, liberate all slaves.

Some states left the union in late 1860 and early 1861, ¡citing slavery as the reason!

The sentiment of the citizens in the union was to let their erring sisters (the SlaveStates) go, but the Confederacy fired the 1st shot:

The Confederacy held Federal Property such as PostOffices, MilitaryBases, et cetera. The Confederacy wanted to seize them. The Union claimed that they are USProperty. What most people expected was for the Union to cede the land to the Confederacy, but that the Confederacy would pay the Union the value of the structures. Instead, the Confederacy attacked.

The Republican Party, the party of the Great Emancipator Abraham Linocln, now claims that the 1st Civil War was not about Slavery and that the Union started the war. This is the sort of rhetoric which can cause a 2nd Civil War. Nikki Haley, running to be the Vice President of Donald Trump said this:

"Well, don't come with an easy question," Haley joked. "I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run, the freedoms, and what people could and couldn't do. What do you think the cause of the Civil War was?"
Nikki Haley

The writers of Star Trek seem to believe that we near another Civil War:

In 12,022 HE, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds premiered. It featured a 1st contact with a civilization where conditions are very similar to how things were before the 2nd American Civil War. That war lead to the 3rd World War. Both wars followed the terrible Eugenics War of the 1990s, when Khan Nunian Singh and other genetically modified humans seized control of a quarter of Earth (unfortunately, the future catches up with Star Trek). Captain Christopher Pike describes conditions on the planet as like those just before the 2nd American Civil War. The planet is very similar to the United States of America now. He implies that the 2nd American Civil War happened about 2030:

We only have looming civil war, AI which can turn us into ponies or paperclips, ClimateChange, et cetera. ¡We have absolutely nothing about which to worry!

11794472 It's amazing how a little dispute can potentially boil over into the destruction of the world.

I would have slept easier if nukes didn't exist.


The local Cinema has FlashBackMovies. A movie it did not show for its 40th anniversary was War Games:

War Games has an AI and nukes. Interestingly enough, computers made the world safer in the 1980s:

After nearly launching its nuclear missiles after a false LaunchDetection:

> "¡We better launch now because we shall be too dead to launch later!"

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics created Perimeter:

Perimeter was a dead-man switch. If the Soviet Leadership would get nuked, it would give the LaunchOrder. This prevented accidental launch, because by design, the soldiers entering the LaunchCodes require more than a minute but less than 2 minutes to enter the LaunchCodes. That way, if Perimeter gives a fa lse LaunchOrder, the Kremlin could countermand the order. If Perimeter is right and the United States of America nuked the Kremlin, the Soviet Military can launch the missiles before they are destroyed on the ground. No more possibility of the Kremlin launching nukes because of a false alert because the Kremlin would wait to get blown up because Perimeter would retaliate for them.

11794524 I know about that one. The biggest reason why the Soviets implemented the dead man's switch was because they didn't trust themselves. And for good reason since they almost started a nuclear exchange on several occasions.

The system is still in place. It's also interesting how it works. A rocket is automatically launched and it flies across Russia, transmitting launch orders to all nuclear rocket sites.

Another funny thing is that we already know what the targets are. Both America and Russia had to explicitly provide a list of targets for nuclear missiles. Even though World War 3 hasn't happened yet, we already know where the radioactive craters will be.

This is goddamn hilarious. I'm not sure if it was written as an intentional lampooning of smut stories or not, but it did an amazing job of doing so in my opinion. And it definitely embodies the spirit of the contest, as Fluttershy is indeed being exceptionally unsafe, very questionably sane, and (mostly) consenting. There were quite a few typos, but nobody's perfect. I can't quite say where this story will shake out on the final rankings, but I think it's likely to be one of the most memorable entries.

11803294 I'm glad to hear you liked it. I'll be looking forward to the judgment.

I've edited the story quite a lot, but I seem to be blind to my own mistakes. I wish I could find all the mistakes somehow so that I could fix them.

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