• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 442 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Ranger: Ninja Steel - Chacorn

A team of power rangers regain their powers In order to save another world together with...Ponies?

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Chapter 10: How the Cowboy Came to Equestria

After the Ranger managed to defeat Dreadwolf, they left the Megazord and went towards the others. "That Was Awesome" Said Rainbow Dash in full fan mode.

"Yeehaw, that was a Megazord in my style" Applejack said. "Nice to meet a fan" Levi said, making a motion as if lifting his hat. "Alright, Power Down" Brody said and all the rangers went back to their normal selves.

"Okay, I think it's time for some introductions," Twilight said. "Good point Twilight" Brody said, turning to his brother. "Levi. These are our new friends here in Equestria" Brody said, turning to the Main 6. "Girls, This is my older brother and The Gold Ranger, Levi"

The Main 6 walked up to Levi with smiles on their faces. "It's nice to meet you Levi. My name is Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie" she said and the others greeted Levi kindly.

"Nice to meet you too, My name is Levi Weston" he said, lifting his hat. When everyone said hello, Sarah stepped forward and said "So Levi, when did you get here?" Levi turned to her and said "A few days ago, It was really weird."

"Would you be able to tell us what happened? and it's not a problem" Twilight asked. "It's no problem" Levi said and then he began to tell what had happened to him.

A couple of days earlier

Levi had just arrived at his and Brody's dad's house. It had planned to walk from there to where it would set up camp. Levi had expected Brody and his dad to be there already. But when Levi arrives at the house, he only sees his father Dane Romero outside with a camping backpack on his back.

"Hey Dad" Levi said as he got out of the car. He took his backpack out the back hatch and walked towards his father.

"Hey Levi" Said his dad, hugging his son. "Hey do you know when Brody is coming" he asked but Levi just shook his head and said "No, I thought he was already here".

"He was probably just a little late, He'll probably be here soon" Levi's dad said and Levi agreed so it was waiting for Brody to arrive.

One hour later

"Okay, Now it's been a whole hour and no Brody" Levi said worriedly. "I'll call him" He said and took out his cell phone and started calling Brody.

But when he put it down again Levi said "No answer". When he heard that, Levi's dad took out his own cell phone and said "Here, let me try" and then he tried to call Brody but got no answer either.

"Okay, Now I'm worried. Brody usually answers when you call, could something have happened?" Levi said. But before he could worry too much, Levi's Ninjacom went off.

Levi picked up the com and said "Hello?". Then Levi heard Redbot's Voice on the other side saying "Levi, are you there?"

"Redbot, You seem worried." said levi and then Redbot let out a sigh of relief. "Oh dear motherboard, I haven't been able to contact the others. I thought everyone had disappeared" Redbot said and that made Levi stop.

"Wait, can't you contact the other one?" Levi asked and Radbot replied "yeah, maybe you should come back here". Levi thought for a moment. It seemed like the only choice right now.

"Okay, I'm on my way" Levi said and hung up. "Sorry dad. But the camping will probably have to wait" he said and started to walk towards the car but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Wait, I'll come with you" Levi's dad said and Levi paused.

"Looks like Brody and the others are gone. you and Radbot are going to need all the help you can get" He said and Levi thought for a moment. He was right. With the other rangers missing and Mick all the way in the Lion Galaxy, they need help. "Alright then we'll go" Levi said and then they both jumped into the car.

Some time later

"And that's when I contacted you" Redbot said, just finished explaining everything about how Brody was attacked by the Kudabots and how the others got their power stars from the Prism before disappearing.

"So where do you think the others are?" Levi asked but Redbot had no answer. But it didn't take long for the sensors to go off and catch Redbot's attention.

"But what now" Redbot said, walking towards the computer. "What is it?" Levi's dad asked and when Redbot saw what it was he said "Something or someone is being teleported right into the base".

When he said that, lightning started and then someone appeared. When the teleportation was complete it turned out to be the ranger's close friend Mick Kanic.
(ps, Yes that's his name, that's how it is)

"Mick" Levi said and went to hug Mick. "Hi there" Mick said, hugging Levi back. "It's good to be back. Where is everyone?" Mick asked but Levi just looked down.

"What, did something happen" asked Mick and Levi looked up and said "well..."

Another explanation later

"So, Brody and the other rangers just disappeared after getting their Power Stars back" Mick said when he had heard the whole story and the three nodded.

Mick understood the gravity of the situation and began to panic a bit saying "W-We have to find them". "But we don't know where they are," said Levi's father and then the sensors went off again. "But what now" Said Redbot, looking at what it was.

"There's something outside" he said and everyone went out. When it came out, they saw the Ninja Nexus Prism floating. "The prism? what does this do" Levi asked. "It came here before and gave Preston, Calvin, Hayley and Shara their stars before they disappeared" Redbot said.

Levi turned to Redbot and said "Then I will disappear too, Why would the prism do that?" Before Redbot could answer Mick said "I have a theory" and then everyone turned to him.

"I think the Nexus Prism senses some kind of evil in another world and it sent the other there to fight it" said Mick And the other began to think. It seemed logical enough. But what kind of evil could it be.

Before he could think any further, the Prism began to spin. "Wow" Mick called out and backed away. After a second, Levi's Power Star flew out of the prism and Levi caught it. When Prisman stopped spinning, the same vision showed again.

"It's the same vision that was shown when the others got their stars" Redbot said as he saw the same vision again. "But what kind of crystals are these?" Levi's Dad asked. As Mick looked at the crystals, he remembered something he had heard.

"I think it's the element of harmony" he said but the other looked at him with confused looks. "I've only heard rumors and stories but the elements of harmony are six powerful crystals that exist in another dimension called Equestria. They are said to be powerful and used for good" Mick explained and the prism flew away.

"Do you think Brody and the others have ended up in Equestria?" asked Levi and Mick said "If the prism showed the element of harmony then it must be so".

But when Mick said that, a light appeared from the sky and surrounded Levi. "What" Levi said. "This is what happened to the others" Redbot said, starting to panic. "Listen Levi. If the prism sends you to Equestria, it's to defeat an evil. Once you've done that the prism will send you back" Mick said and Levi nodded before the light swallowed him whole.

When Levi could see again, he was out in the wilderness. it didn't look like another dimension at first but then he saw a pegasus flying by.

Back to the present

"So that's how you came to Equestria" Brody said after hearing Levi's story. "Yeah, I tried to find you guys but without my Zord I had to travel by foot" Levi said scratching the back of his head.

"Why didn't you take a train?" Rainbow asked and Levi replied "I had no idea who I could trust in this world so until I found Brody and the others I decided to lay low."

"I guess that makes sense" Twilight said. "Coming to a world full of ponies can be quite an unusual experience" she said and Levi said "You can say that again".

"Anyway, when I was near town I saw a bunch of Kudabots attacking so I decided to help" Levi said and the Main 6 were impressed.

After a while, everypony came out and watched the rangers. "AJ" Braeburn called, rushing up to them. "Are you all okay?" he asked and Applejack replied "Yeah, we're okay. Thanks to our mysterious cowboy friend here" raising her hoof to Levi.

With that Braeburn walked up to Levi and said "It's nice to finally meet our town's hero face to face. The name is Braeburn". Levi stepped forward and held out his hand and said "Howdy, name's Levi. Nice to meet you" and they shook hands/hooves.

"On behalf of all of Appleloosa I want to thank you for saving us during the last attacks" Braeburn said but Levi said "It was no problem, helping others is what I do".

Braeburn smiled happily and said "anyway, me and the town want to throw a party for the Power Rangers for saving us". When Pinkie heard the word party, she got excited and said "PARTY, I LOVE THE PARTY" and jumped all over town.

Levi looked at her with confusion and said "Umm, Does she do that often?" but then Brody stepped forward and said "You'll get used to it". Then Brody turned to Braeburn and said "We would be honored to come" and the other agreed.

"I guess after a tough battle it's worth a party" Twilight said and everyone cheered. Later, the town had a big party with all the residents. Pinkie Pie had help with the decorations so everything was set up quickly. Everyone had help with tables, music, food and everything else. When it had gotten late, the Rangers and the Main 6 had boarded the train heading for Ponyville.