• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 442 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Ranger: Ninja Steel - Chacorn

A team of power rangers regain their powers In order to save another world together with...Ponies?

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Chapter 8: A Great and Powerful Duo

"And then, when Tommy caught the last Mega Arrow with the Ninja Falconzord, we fired all our blasters and then Tommy sent the Mega Arrow right at Lord Draven and we defeated him" Brody Said to Twilight. Over the past few days, she has been grilling all five rangers about their powers and past adventures. It has been a couple of attacks with small squads of bots here and there. But when it happens, one or more rangers and ponies stick around and deal with it.

"Wow, that sounds incredible. So many different ranger teams with unique powers. It's nothing more than amazing." Twilight said with more curiosity.

"So how many rangers are on each team?" Twilight asked. "It's different for every team. Some have five, some have six like us and some have more," Brody said. Twilight was more excited but then she got confused and said "Wait, six? But you're only five".

Brody understood why she was confused and said "There's only five here but there's one more Ninja Steel ranger". Twilight checked and her curiosity grew stronger. "Who is it?" She asked in an impatient voice.

Brody chuckled at Twilight's curiosity and said "That's my older brother Levi. The Gold Ranger, he's very skilled and a good musician". Twilight looked at Brody and was surprised that his brother was the sixth ranger.

"Really, what kind of music does he play?" she asked and Brody said "Country music".

"Oh that's Applejack's favorite music, she would probably enjoy hearing his music" Twilight said. "Yeah, I think Levi will enjoy meeting a fan" Brody said with a smile.

Outside of Twilight Castle, Preston and Trixie had been hooking up with each other over their passion for magic tricks over the past few days and had even planned a magic show tonight.

"Okay Trixie, should we go through the routine again?" Preston asked nervously. It was his first magic performance in Equestria and he wants to do a good job. "Don't worry Preston. You've got what it takes. there's no reason to be nervous" Trixie said in a soothing tone.

"I appreciate the thought Trixie. but what if something goes wrong." Preston said. "Take it easy, with the experience of the Great and Powerful Trixie and the incredible Presto Change-O everything will be fine" Trixie said with a confident tone in her voice.

Preston exhaled slowly. Trixie was right, it will be fine. It was just stage nerves. "Thanks Trixie. I needed to hear that" he said and Trixie just smiled. "It was nothing, that's what friends do," she said.

"So. shall we go through routine" she asked and preston nodded. but before he started, Preston's Ninjacom went off. When Preston answered, Brody's voice was heard on the other end.

"Preston. We have an attack in town. hurry up" Brody said. "On my way Brody" Preston replied and hung up. Trixie looked at Preston and asked "Do you need help?" Preston looked at Trixie and said "Yeah, I might need it, come on" and then the two magicians ran towards town.

The two rushed into town and Preston took out his power star and Morpher and placed the star in the Morpher saying "Ninja Spin" as it ran and morphed into his Ranger form.

When it arrived they saw the other rangers, Main 6 and Starlight were in the middle of a battle with bots and a monster with dark green skin, Red eyes, Wings and a staff with a circle on top with a mirror in the middle.

(Monster idea: Shockatron from Lightspeed Rescue)

"Give it up you goblin" Said Rainbow with a slightly teasing tone. But when the monster heard it, he shouted "GOBLIN?! The name is Magilection, and your power stars are coming with me".

"Please. You monsters need new material" Preston said and then he and Trixie jumped into battle. "Yeah, try something original," Sarah said, knocking down a Kudabot.

They continued to beat down the bots and then Calvin charged towards Magilection with his Ninja Battle Morpher in claw mode. "Time to claw" he said and raised the morph to attack.

"There won't be anything sticky here" Magilection said and raised his staff and said "Time to reflect a little" and then he fired a shot from the staff and hit Calvin and then he was caught in a small mirror.

When the others saw it, they were shocked. "Calvin, where are you?" Hayley said but then she heard backing from the mirror. When she looked a little closer, Calvin wa stuck.

"Help, I can't get out" he said and then Hayley and Rainbow Dash rushed forward. "What have you done to him" Rainbow said, rushing straight ahead. "Don't worry, you will join her" said Magilection and fired several shots at them catching both of them.

The heroes looked in shock at their trapped friends. "You will pay for that" Applejack said and then they all rushed towards Magilection and tried to attack her.

But Magilection managed to fight them back and unleashed a large amount of shots that managed to catch everyone except Brody, Preston, Twilight, Starlight and Trixie.

"Hey, it's cramped in here" Pinkie said but no one laughed. "This is no time for jokes Pinkie" Hayley said trying to get free.

"Take this ugly" Trixie said and shot a magic beam to knock the monster down but it had no effect.

"Ha Ha Ha, Was that what you call an attack, it was pathetic" Magilection said laughing as he raised his staff. "This is an attack" he said and fired a shot that knocked Trixie to the ground.

"Trixie" Preston said, running to her to make sure she's okay.

"Hey, no one's laughing at my friend" Starlight said to Magilection. "Starlight, Brody. let's combine our powers" Twilight said and they nodded.

The two ponies lined up so Brody was in the middle and it was all aimed at Magilection. Brody placed his Power Star in his sword as the ponies charged up magical beams with their horns.

"Ready" Starlight said, "Aim" Twilight said, "NOW, Ninja Star Morph" Brody called out and began to spin at high speed as Twilight and Starlight fired their magic at the Magilection.

"Take this, Reflecto Shield" Magilection shouted and then he created a shield that reflected the Magis Rays and knocked back the Star Morph.

"WHAT" Brody said in the air before Magillection shot him and trapped him in a mirror and Twilight and Starlight were trapped right after.

"HA, Four Stars done, just one to go" he said looking around for the last one. "Wait, where did he go?" he said when he noticed no one was there. Behind a building, Preston and Trixie had taken cover.

"Are you okay Trixie?" Preston asked but Trixie just nodded in response. "We have to somehow defeat him. that should make everyone go back to normal" he said but Trixie just looked at him and said "We? There's nothing I can do. go without me".

Preston looked at Trixie in surprise and said "What do you mean? I need your help". but Trixie just said "I'm not strong enough to stop that monster. I can't do it" and then she kept her head down.

Preston looked at Trixie and took off his helmet. "Trixie, you're an incredible pony and you've done so many incredible things" he said placing his hand on Trixie's shoulder making Trixie look up. "Listen, I was worried about the show before. but you said with our experience and our skills we can do anything" he said with a smile.

Trixie looked at her new friend and smiled. "Thanks Preston, Even the Great and Powerful Trixie needs some words of encouragement" she said and Preston smiled. "Now, I have an idea of how we can defeat this freak, but I need the Great and Powerful Trixie's help" he said, putting his helmet on.

Magillection looked around for the last ranger. "Come on blue, Where are you, Don't you want to come with your friends" he said, pointing to the mirrors with all the Rangers and ponies.

With that, Preston appeared behind him and said "Hey, mirror dork" and Magillection turned around. "If you want magic, you'll get magic," Preston said, taking out his dragon wand. "So, you want a magic duel, so be it" Magillection said getting ready.

"Take this, Dragonzyer full of fire" Preston said and held out his hand and then a blue energy dragon formed around the wrist of the hand and spewed blue fire straight at Magillection. "Ha, seems you forgot, Reflecto Shield" he said, shielding himself from the fire. "Time to end this" he said and fired a shot with his staff.

But Preston surrounded his wand with blue magic and waved once and teleported away. "What" Magillection said as Preston disappeared in front of him. "Where did he g..." he said but was interrupted by an attack from behind. When he turned around he saw Preston standing there with his wand in one hand and his Ninja Blaster in the other.

"Why you" he said and continued to try to catch Preston but he kept teleporting away and shot him when he wasn't looking. "You can't go on forever," Magillection said. "Oh yeah, take this then. Ninja Blaster, Power Up." Preston said placing his power star into the blaster.

"It will never work" said Magillection, ready to protect again. But before he could set up the shield, Trixie rushed forward and tackled Magillection from the side. It was so strong that Magillection fell to the ground. "Ha, That's how it goes when you mess with the Great and Powerful Trixie" She said proudly and then she levitated his staff and ran away before he could get up.

"Come back, you..." Magillection said but then Preston yelled "Ninja Blaster Whiplash" And then a blue energy whip came out of the blaster and it knocked Magillection back a little bit.

Trixie used her magic and slammed the staff into the ground causing the mirror in it to shatter. When that happened, all the mirrors lit up and everyone was free and cheering for Preston and Trixie.

"Time to end this, Power Star, Lock In" Ha said and placed his star in his sword and held out the wand. "No, I can't go out like this," Magillection said angrily. "Sorry, but it's time for the final act" Trixie said and Preston prepared his magic.

"Magic Dragon Super Slash" he said and spun the star. "Final attack" he said and ran forward and used his magic and was engulfed in blue fire and sprayed fire at Magillection and then Preston finished it off with a final slash.

"You shattered me" Magillection screamed before exploding. The other rushed to his friends and cheered for their victory. "That was Epic," Brody said. "Yeah, when did you learn teleportation magic?" Hayley asked. Preston scratched the back of his head and said "It was Trixie. She taught me so the plan could work"

Trixie was a little shy at the comment and said "It's just what friends do". Everyone laughed at Trixie's response. But on a nearby roof, Ripcon stood angry that the Magillection failed. "Time for a magic trick of my own" He said, taking out his Gigantifier and aiming it at where the Magillection was destroyed. "Abra Kadabra, Giantify!" He said and fired a shot. It caused the ground to shake and Magillection to grow.

"My performance is not finished yet" he said and everyone turned to him. "Looks like it's not over yet" Brody said and All the rangers took out their Zord Stars. "Zord Stars, Lock In!" All the rangers said placing their stars in their swords. "Activate" everyone said and pressed the yellow button. "Ninja Spin!" Everyone shouted and their Zords came rushing in.

"Ninja Steel Zords, Out of the Shadows" Brody said and raised his sword. "Ninja Steel Megazord, combine! Ninja Spin!" he said, spinning the star and the Zords formed the Megazord.

When it entered the Cockpit they activated their Super Ninja Steel Mode. "Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!" Brody said and now everyone was ready.

"Good luck hurting me. I haven't spread my wings yet" Magillection said and he spread his wings and flew up and the rangers looked up at Magillection.

"Time for some wing action." Magillection said and flew straight at the rangers and stabbed them a few times with his wings.

The rangers had taken some injuries and so Calvin said "How do we catch him?". Preston thought for a moment and son he said "I know. Let's try the Dragon formation" and gave Brody the blue Zord Star.

"Smart thought Presto" he said and held out the star. "Zord Stars, Lock In!" He said placing the star in the Ninja Master Blade. "Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation, Combine" he said, spinning the star and the Megazord went through another transformation.

The Robo Red Zord jumped out of the center and transformed into a left arm. And the Dragon Zord jumped into the middle and then the wings and the tail separated and it became new wings and a tail. Finally, a large blue star came and was placed on the dragon's head. With that, the Megazord had taken its Dragon Formation and looked like a dragon.

"Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation, Ready" Brody said and with that the rangers had entered the new cockpit. It didn't wait a second and flew after Magillection.

"Wait, since when can that one fly" Magillection said in a panic. He tried to fly away but the rangers quickly caught up. "Take this, Dragon Wing Whip" Preston said and then the Megazord spun around Magillection and slashed him with its wings. Magillection was so injured that he fell to the ground.

"Quick, Let's finish it" Sarah said ready to finish him off. Brody turned to Preston and said "Hey Presto, You get the honor" and gave Preston the Ninja Master Blade. "Really, thanks Brody" he said, turning forward.

"Begin Final Attack, Ninja Spin!" Preston said and spun the star and got the Ninja Super Steel Blaster. "Ninja Super Steel Blaster, Energize!" he said, pointing it straight ahead. "Ninja Steel Megazord, Dragon Ligthtning, Final Attack" everyone said and then Preston fired the blaster and the other high diagonally with their swords. At the same time, the Megazord shot blue lightning at Magillection. "Abra Kada Boom" he said before exploding.

"That Was Magical" Preston said and everyone cheered. "Show over, Ninjas win" Brody said and then everyone jumped out of the Megazord.

It was evening now and everyone had gathered in town for Preston and Trixie's show. Behind the scenes, both prepared. "Nervous?" Trixie asked but Preston just shook his head and said "I have a Great and Powerful friend here. I should ask you if you're nervous". "phew, I'm the Great and Powerful Trixie. I don't get nervous" she said and that made Preston giggle.

Both got up and were ready to start. That gave the signal for Starlight to introduce them and she walked onto the stage. "My Lady Mares and Gentalcolt, It is my honor to introduce a duo that reaches across worlds. Allow me to introduce The Great and Powerful Trixie and The incredible Presto Change-O" She said and then opened the curtain and then all their friends cheered.

Over in Appleloosa

The residents enjoyed a quiet evening but when it seemed calm, a squad of Kudabots appeared and began to attack the town. Some tried to fight back but were outnumbered and were defeated quickly.

The Kudabots were ready to finish off the one who tried to fight but before he did he heard a voice behind them.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Partner" said the voice with a country accent. "This town isn't big enough for you, so scram" he said but the Kudabots turned on him and tried to attack but were quickly shot down by the stranger.

The ponies watching saw the mysterious stranger. "Don't worry Partners, I will protect you when needed" he said, lifting his cowboy hat and walking away. Leave all the ponies in confusion.