• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 436 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Ranger: Ninja Steel - Chacorn

A team of power rangers regain their powers In order to save another world together with...Ponies?

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Chapter 12: Bones of the Shadows and the Lion's Flame

It was a calm day with a clear sky. Perfect for Applejack had a lot of chores to do. She always thought it was better to do work when the weather was wonderful.

"Ahh, nothing beats a day's work with a clear sky" Applejack said, looking up at the sky. After all the attacks and monsters, she thought it was a good idea to do something familiar.

"Hello there Element of Honesty" She heard a voice behind her say. But before she could turn around, she was blinded by a dark purple light.

Fluttershy was in her cottage outside of town. She had many animals to take care of but she didn't care if it was hard. But then she noticed that it started to behave oddly. The small animals got scared while the more aggressive ones got scared and looked behind her.

When Flutteshy turned around, she saw what it was and was terrified. "Say goodbye to your animals, Element of Kindness" said whoever was behind her and then Fluttershy was blinded by a dark purple light.

When Pinkie had met a new pony, she planned all the parties that were to come. And it made no difference when that pony was a human. When Mick had arrived, she showed that she would plan many parties for him.

Fortunately, her party cave was the perfect place to plan the party. But just then her pinkie sense kicked in and she quickly turned around.

"You have planned your last party, Element of Laughter" said a voice, catching Pinkie in the dark purple light. "Aww, Fun killer" Pinkie said in a condescending tone.

Rarity had a talent for designing clothes, especially when it was for friends. Mick was nice but had no fashion sense. When she saw his clothes, she felt compelled to make new clothes for him. He told her it wasn't necessary but Rarity wouldn't take no for an answer.

She felt satisfied with the clothes she had made but she was missing just one detail so she went into another room to get it. but when she opened the door, she screamed.

"Your designer days are over, Element of Generosity" the voice said, trapping her in the same dark purple light.

If there was one thing that Rainbow and Sarah had in common, it was that they liked things to go fast. So when Mick had brought a Mega Morph Cycle with him, they were meant to race.

Sarah did her best but Rainbow managed to win. "Ha, said so. No one is faster than me" she said boastfully. "Come on, rematch" Sarah demanded and it got ready for another race.

"Your race is over, Element of Loyalty and Pink Ranger" said the voice and when they turned they saw who it was. "Ripcon" Sarah called out. "What do you want?" Rainbow shouted angrily.

"You'll soon see," Ripcon said and fired the Light again and they both disappeared.

Preston was with Starlight and Twilight who had agreed to teach him some more advanced Equestria magic. Since Twilight didn't know how Preston's magic worked, they went to a meadow to be safe.

But when it came down to it, Ripcon teleported behind them and said "It's your turn now, Element of Magic and Blue Ranger" and hit all three with the same light he used on the other.

When it noticed the attack, it was too late and they disappeared. When it regained its sight, they saw that it was in a cage, but it was made of bones.

"Twilight" Applejack called. When the three turned they saw the other five and Sarah. "Girls, are you okay?" Twilight said, walking towards them. "Other than being in this dreadful cage, we're fine" Rarity said but then Ripcon walked over to the cage.

"You won't feel that for a long time," Ripcon said, drawing one of his swords along the bars. "You can't keep us here forever Ripcon" Preston said, stepping forward. "Oh I can, this cage is specially made to keep your magic from coming out and to keep you two from morphing" Ripcon explained with an evil grin on his face.

"When the others come you will regret it" Rainbow said trying to calm Fluttershy down. "I wouldn't count on that. Soon you will have three more guests to keep you company." Ripcon said and started walking away.

"It will never…" Starlight stood up and listened to Ripcon's words again and said "Wait, Tre?". With that Ripcon turned around and said "That's right. I'll deal with you guys later. But Rat Bait has lived a day too long". And with that, Ripcon teleported away.

"He's after Brody, we need to warn the other" Sarah said, trying to contact the other but her Ninjacom was getting nowhere. There was nothing they could do but wait.

Later in Ponyville

Brody just arrived at the gates of Twilight Castle. Calvin, Hayley, Levi and Mick were already there and all had worried looks on their faces. "Any luck?" Brody asked but everyone shook their heads.

"Sorry but I have no clue." Mick said and everyone got worried. "I don't understand, What can they be?" Calvin asked, referencing the Main 6, Starlight and Shara and Preston.

"Could something have happened?" Hayley asked and then Levi turned to her and said "Something must have happened. Otherwise Shara and Preston would have answered on their Ninjacoms". Something had clearly happened to their friends. But the problem was they didn't know what it was.

Before he could think any further, several Basherbots appeared and stood in battle formation. The rangers got ready to fight and brought out their stars. Mick decided to go in so he wasn't out of the way.

"Looks like we now know who happened to the others" Calvin said and the other agreed. "Let's get this over with quickly so we can find the other one" Brody said, pulling out his Morpher.

"It's Morphin' Time! Power Star" Brody said, holding out their Star. "Lock In!" All four said, locking their stars into their Morphers. "Ready! Ninja Spin!" everyone said, morphing into their ranger forms.

The Rangers were already starting to rush forward and Mick was watching inside the castle. When Spike heard the sound he came running. "Mick, what's going on" Spike asked and Mick said "Basherbots, outside. The rangers are handling it".

They both started to look up to see the battle so they didn't notice a certain monster had teleported behind them. "I told you you'd regret it shape shifter" Said Ripcon and it made them both jump and turn.

"R...Ripcon" Mick screamed, trembling. Ripcon wasted no time but caught both of them in the same dark purple light and then they disappeared. When both were gone Ripcon teleported outside and locked his sights on both Calvin and Hayley.

"They just keep coming" Calvin said and proceeded to attack all the Basherbots. "Why are they all so stubborn" Hayley said, kicking down three bots.

"Your luck is over yellow and white" Ripcon said charging up an attack. As Calvin and Hayley turned around, Ripcon shouted "Double Sword Doom Strike" and then he did his signature move. Calvin and Hayley didn't have time to dodge or block so were hit by the attacks. The hit was so strong that they demorphed.

When both hit the ground, Ripcon charged up the same light again. When the attack hit, Brody and Levi's Attention turned to their friends and Ripcon. When the light hit the two non-morph rangers, they both disappeared.

"Calvin, Hayley" Brody called as his friends disappeared. "Hey, what have you done with them" Levi shouted and then ran towards him. Brody tried to run towards Ripcon as well but all the Basherbots surrounded him.

"Don't worry Gold boy, you will join them soon" Ripcon said and started to attack Levi. They both attacked with quick sword slashes while Brody was busy with all the Basherbots.

After a few more hits Levi jumped away saying "Rockstorm Blast" and fired several shots but Ripcon managed to block them all. "Come on gold, you can do better." Ripcon said in a mocking tone.

"If you ask for it, you shall have it," Levi said, taking out his power star. "Power Star, Lock In" he said, placing the star into the Rockstorm Guitar. "Ninja Spin" he said, spinning the star. "That's right, Time to get serious" Ripcon said, charging energy into his swords.

"Ninja Star Morph" Levi shouted and morphed into a larger version of his star and spun towards Ripcon who Raised the swords above his head. "Double Sword Doom Cross" Ripcon shouted and slashed with his sword in an X and aimed it straight at Levi.

When the two attacks met, it was so powerful that Levi was knocked back. And when Levi hit the marks he was so injured he had to demorph. When Ripcon had put the swords back in their saya he walked towards him.

Brody had managed to defeat all the Basherbots and was exhausted. But he rushed as fast as he could to his brother but Ripcon grabbed Levi by the collar of his shirt. "Leave him alone" Brody threatened but Ripcon didn't care.

"If you want your brother and your friends back then do as I say Rat Bait" Ripcon said and Brody had no choice but to listen. "Meet me in the quarry north of here. Defeat me and your friends can go. If you don't come, I'll finish them all off" Ripcon said before teleporting himself and Levi away.

Brody demorphed and fell to his knees. But there was no time to rest. He needed to hurry. "I must hurry" he said and took out the Mega Morph Cycle Star.

"Mega Morph Cycle Star, Rev Up!" he shouted and then the star transformed into the Mega Morph Cycle. Brody jumped on it and started driving north towards the quarry.

Later in the cage

The Main 6, Starlight, Spike, Mick and the four rangers tried different ways to get out of the cage but so far nothing had worked. When Ripcon teleported in, all eyes turned to Levi.

"Levi" Hayley called out. When Ripcon had dragged Levi to the cage he dragged him to the ground and hit him with the same light and put him in the cage.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked, helping Levi up. "Urgh, I'm fine" Levi said standing up. "It won't be like that much longer," Ripcon said, teleporting the entire cage away.

When the heroes could see where they were, they saw that it was at the top of a quarry. "You should count yourselves lucky rangers" Ripcon said walking towards them. "You will get front row seats to the annihilation of your leader" he said with an evil grin.

"You can't beat Brody by yourself" Calvin said but Ripcon just grinned more. "Unfortunately for you, I've got myself some new tricks that Rat Bait can't handle," he said, looking down to the opening of the quarry. "And if you look at that, it's starting" Ripcon said as he saw Brody walking.

"Brody" all his friends called out. Brody looked up at them and then at Ripcon in anger. "Time to end this Ripcon" Brody said, drawing his sword. "You took the words out of my mouth, Rat Bait" Ripcon said and he jumped down to Brody.

They stared at each other and didn't move. Ripcon pulled out his swords while Brody pulled out his Morpher with his Power Star in it. They waited for a moment without taking their eyes off each other. Then they rushed towards each other and as they ran Brody shouted "Ninja Spin!" and morphed into his ranger mode.

They started attacking with their swords. It started with both being equal in strength. And after a couple hits with the swords, Ripcon said "You're powerful Rat Bait, I can give you that" and took out his Gigantifier.

"But now it's time to get serious" Ripcon said, pressing the red button. The others had been watching the fight from the cage and saw what Ripcon was doing. "Will he use Skullgators now?" Twilight said but then Mick said "If I may, I think Ripcon has something else in store" and then all eyes turned towards Mick and towards the battle.

Brody has the glaring lock straight at Ripcon and braced himself for what was going to happen thinking "What is he going to do?". Ripcon eyed Brody and was ready to reveal his new power. "Time for some Skull Power" Ripcon said, pointing the Gigantifier at his chest and firing it.

The blast sent a mass of energy into Ripcon's body and he was surrounded by dark purple energy. It continued to surround him and formed into a form of armor. His arms were made of bone plates, his hands now had sharp claws, over his chest was a shield that looked like a Skullgator's head and on his back was a large Skullgator Sword.

"Alright Rat Bait. Let's see if you can handle all this" He said and he raised the sword. Brody and Ripcon ran towards each other and started fighting again.

But this time, Ripcon was unaffected by Brody's attack. Brody slashed Ripcon several times but it just bounced off the armor and Ripcon just laughed. When it was Ripcon's turn to attack, he clawed at Brody with his new claws, causing Brody to be knocked back.

Brody was shocked at the power Ripcon now had. He decided to try and keep his distance so he brought out his Ninja Battle Morpher. "Ninja Battle Morpher, Bow Mode" he shouted and placed his power star inside.

Hyper Arrow Blast” he shouted and fired several arrows. Ripcon saw it and shouted "Pathetic, Shadow bone Blast" And raised the sword sending out several dark purple bones spinning at high speed. The bones flew and knocked down all the arrows and hit Brody who tried to block as many as possible.

"This is too much fun, you really entertain me Rat Bait" Ripcon said laughing and Brody glared at him. Ripcon then charged energy into the sword and raised it. As it started to glow dark purple, Ripcon said "When you're all gone, I'll have the honor of rubbing it into Galvanax's face". When Brody heard where Ripcon said he gasped "Galvanax?!"

Ripcon looked at Brody and said "You don't have to worry about it any more. Because your Ranger life is over" and began a final attack. "Shadowbone, Dark Strike" Ripcon shouted, swinging the sword diagonally. When he did, he sent a large dark purple energy wave straight at Brody. He tried to block the attacks with his Element Star's earth attack, but it only weakened the hit a bit and Brody was still hit.

The attack left a mass of smoke and dust where Brody stood. When it clanged up, Brody was on one knee with his helmet knocked off his head and split open. When Ripcon saw that Brody made it, he became angry and said "Looks like you're tougher than I give you credit for, Rat Bait. But you're still doomed".

Brody struggled to stand up. He was injured and Ripcon's powers are stronger than ever. "What am I going to do, Can I even win? '' though Brody, starting to lose hope of winning.

"Brody, Don't give up" Twilight shouted and Brody looked at his friends. Everyone cheered him on and told him not to give up. "Of course, I have all my friends here" he thought and stood up.

"You should just give up Rat Bait. You can't win on your own" Ripcon said. "No, I'm not alone," Brody said, pointing to the cage. "All my friends, Both new and old, have my back. With their support I can't lose" Brody said confidently and his friends cheered at what he said.

"If you really believe that, you're going to be very disappointed" Ripcon said, driving the Skullgator Sword into the ground and drawing out his usual katanas. "Time to end this with a classic" he said charging up an attack. Brody raised his sword and prepared for what was to come.

"IT'S OVER, DOUBLE SWORD DOOM STRIKE" Ripcon shouted and did his signature attack. "I will not back down, I will not give up, I will fight to the end" Brody said and raised his sword. As the attack came close Brody swung his sword but as he did it started to glow red. Brody used all the strength he had and managed to interrupt the attacks and it made Ripcon gasp.

"What" Ripcon said, frowning. Brody looked down and noticed something on his left arm. Looking closer, he saw that it was the Lion Fire Morpher.

When Brody saw it he smiled and turned to Ripcon and said "Sorry Ripcon. But it's time to take my powers to the next level" and then he placed a finger on the star.

"Lion Fire! Ninja Spin!" Brody said, spinning the star and it started to shine and sparkle. With it came blazing-hot flames and it formed a red and golden armor. Then his sword flew into a storage slot on his back and finally Brody's help arrived but with a silver lion on top that roared.

"Out Of The Fire And Into The Fight, Lion Fire Red!" Brody shouted and the transformation was complete. "NO" Ripcon shouted when he saw the armor but the other rangers and Mick cheered when Brody was armor up.

"What the hay is that" Rainbow Dash shouted in a cheery voice. "That's the Lion Fire Armor. An armor from the Lion Galaxy. When Brody wears it he gets a huge power boost" Mick explained and all the ponies looked at Brody with excited looks.

"Time for you to feel the Lion Fire" Brody said confidently and Ripcon looked at him with hatred. "Lion Fire Sprint" Brody said, rushing towards Ripcon and punching him. Ripcon was caught off guard by the force of the blow.

Brody continued to deliver several blows and Ripcon tried to attack with his swords but Brody managed to dodge each slash. After a while Ripcon jumped away and made his way to the Skullgator Sword saying "Enough of this, Time to destroy you" and raised the sword. "Shadow bone Blast" he shouted and fired several bones.

"That move won't work twice," Brody said, putting his hand on the star. "Lion Fire Rapid Blast" Shouted and sent out a storm of fireballs at the bones. When the fireballs and the bones collided, they all exploded.

"No, this can't happen," Ripcon said when he realized he might lose a customer. "I won't lose now" He yelled angrily and charged up the sword for one last attack.

"Time to end this, Ripcon" Brody said, drawing his sword. "Lion Fire Armor Star, lock in!" he said, taking the star from his arm and placing it in the sword. "Ninja Spin!" he said, spinning the star.

"Lion Fire Flame Strike" Brody shouted and then his sword grew much longer and was covered in fire. "Shadowbone, Dark Strike" Ripcon shouted and sent out a new energy wave.

"Final Attack" Brody shouted and raised his sword and slashed straight down. When Brody's sword hit the wave it split in two and it hit Ripcon hard creating an explosion.

When it cleared up, Ripcon was on his knees and back to his usual self. Except his horn was broken. "NO, My Horn!" He shouted as he noticed his horn.

"You're going to regret that, Rat Bait" Ripcon said furiously, taking out the Gigantifier and pressing the blue button. "Time for one last chance. GIANTIFY" he said and shot himself in the arm and began to grow into a giant. "Let's get this over with" Ripcon said, fully grown.

Brody looked up at Ripcon but then he saw the prism flying in and ending up in front of him. It began to spin at full speed and ejected the Lion Fire Zord Star before flying off again.

"Okay Ripcon" Brody shouted, glaring at Ripcon. "You want to end this. Then let's end it" He shouted. "Lion Fire Zord Star, Lock In" he said, placing the star into the sword. "Ninja Spin!" he said, spinning the star.

"Lion Fire Zord, out of the shadows!" Brody shouted and with that came a flying spaceship in the shape of a red and gold lion roaring.

"Wow, Awesome" Rainbow shouted as she saw the Lion Fire Zord. "I have to agree with you on that Rainbow" Applejack said and everyone agreed.

Brody placed his finger on the star and said "Lion Fire Megazord, energize! Ninja Spin!" and spun the star. With that, the Zord began a transformation. It started by standing up on its hind legs and turning its arms so it was horizontal. Then the lion's head moved to the chest and then there was a more disturbing version of the Zord star on top. Finally the lion opened its mouth and showed Brody sitting in the middle.

"Lion Fire Megazord, ready!" he shouted and the formation was complete and the Megazord held two large stars.

The Megazord and Ripcon went at each other and began exchanging blows. After a while Brody managed to push Ripcon back and that made Ripcon furious. "I will never lose to you, Rat Bait" Ripcon said, raising his swords above his head.

Levi looked at Ripcon and remembered how he used the same attack before. "Brody, be careful" Levi thought. "Double Sword Doom Cross" He shouted and slashed a cross. "Lion Fire Spin Strike" Brody shouted and then the Megazord combined the two stars into a large shuriken and chucked it straight at Ripcon.

When the attacks hit each other the cross shattered and Ripcon was hit hard and stumbled back. "What" Ripcon called out when his attack did nothing. "Time for you to say goodbye" Brody said and then the Megazord returned to its Zord form and Brody stood on top of it.

When the Zord charged up energy, it became dark and gloomy. "Wow what's going on" Pinkie asked as it got dark. "Looks like the Zord is drawing energy from the atmosphere for one last strike" Twilight said as she observed her surroundings. "You're right and just wait until the attacks are unleashed." Sarah said.

Brody charged up the Zord's energy in his sword and then the Zord drove straight at Ripcon "Lion Fire Slash, Final Attack" Brody shouted and did a horizontal slash and the Zord transformed into the Megazord again.

"No, NO. Not Again" Ripcon yelled and fell forward and Exploded. When Ripcon exploded the cage started to glow and then it disappeared and everyone was now free and cheering for Brody. "Show over, Ninjas win" Brody said and the Megazord struck a pose.

Meanwhile in evil lair

Galvanax looked at his monitor and saw Ripcon's destruction. "I told you you would regret your choice, traitor" he said and turned to see a large stone of sparkling metal alloy on a lab table.

"It is time to get my long awaited vengeance on you Red Ranger" Han said and began melting the metal into a new form.