• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 830 Views, 49 Comments

Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls - Chacorn

If the lines between two worlds are broken. Then there is only one thing left to do. Let it, Rip!

  • ...

11. Promise Made! First Semi-Final!

Twilight had made her way back to the others. She had her head down and said "Sorry. I said I was going to win. But then I let you down" and then she started to tear up a little.

Sunset walked over to Twilight and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Twi. You were incredible" Sunset said, lifting Twilight's chin. "I promise we'll win against them in the next match" she said and Twilight gave a small smile.

But then Amelia raised her hand a little and said "Umm, don't want to dampen the mood. But we don't know who you'll face next" They all started to think about it but then the speakers started.

"Alright all you Beyfans. It's finally time to reveal the pairings for the semi-final matches." said the announcer and the screen flashed the text "Semifinals" and below that there were four images of Sunset, Robin, Aria and Adagio.

"Ready, let the shuffle begin" the announcer said and the pictures started flying around. After a while, the text was in the middle with two pictures above and below with VS between the pictures.

"And it's settled" said the announcer and the crowd started cheering. "The first match is between Aria Blaze and Sunset Shimmer" the announcer said and Sunset's expression grew more serious. "So it's Aria" she thought as Aria said "Sunset. Talk about winning the lottery"

"Next up is the showdown between Adagio Dazzle and Robin Kings" said the announcer and then Robin said "Looks like it's time for my rematch" At the same time Adagio said "Finally I get to crush his dream"

"Rivals will clash and challenge each other's drive and skill in these semi-finals. I will practically burst with excitement," said the announcer.

It was evening and The Rainbooms were training to get Sunset ready for her match. She had just defeated Applejack and then Sunset said "Dash. You're up"

"Sunset" Twilight said and then she turned to her. "I'm just wondering why we don't train with Robin. His Drago is an attack type like Bass Siren. Wouldn't he be a good training partner?" Twilight said.

Sunset scowled and said "He has his own match to train for. I don't want to hold him back" But then Rainbow said "Do you really think Robin would think that?"

Sunset glared at the others and said "I just think it's better if we both focus on our individual matches" But then footsteps were heard coming closer. They all turned to see Robin and Amelia walking towards them.

"Hey Girls" Amelia said happily. "What are you doing here?" asked Sunset and then Robin said "What do you think? Practicing of course" With that he walked over to the stadium and then Sunset said "But shouldn't you be practicing for your match?"

"That's why I want to train against you" Robin said and Sunset shook her head. "Melody Siren is a balance type. Just like your Phoenix. You are the best training partner I could have" Robin said with a big smile.

Sunset was taken aback by what Robin said. "Listen Sunset" he said looking at her. "I'll be up front. I want to face you in the finals. I want the two of us to decide who faces Xander" Robin said.

Sunset took a while to take in what Robin was saying. He wanted to win, but he also wanted the final match to be between the two of them. Funnily enough, Sunset wanted the same thing.

She let out a weak laugh and said "Okay. Then you defeat Adagio. I defeat Aria and then we meet in the finals" Robin smiled and said "That's a promise. Then let's do this" and they both got ready.

Twilight smiled and said "Ready, Set" and raised her hand. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both of them shouted.

"I hope all you Beyfans are as excited as I am. Because this title match has been off the charts," said the on-air announcer. The main 9 were all in the lobby of their hotel watching the title match that was on.

But while they were watching, a voice was heard behind them. "Well, what's going on here?" said the voice and the nine recognized it as Adagios. They turned and saw the three walking towards them.

"Urg, you're here too" Rainbow said and they answered Aria "Hey, it's not like we like to be at the same hotel more than you guys" The three walked up to them and then Adagio said in a sly voice "Well what are you watching?"

They all looked at her a bit irritated but then Robin answered "It's a Title Match for the world title" Adagio seemed interested in it and then she said "We can't miss this then" and with that the three started watching the match .

"Hey, who said you could…" Rainbow started but then Sunset put her hand out and said "ignore them Rainbow. Let's watch" and with that the twelve of them started watching the match.

"For all of you watching the screens, we are broadcasting live from the title match between the world champion Valt Aoi and the challenger Boa Alcazaba. The score is currently 2 to 1 with Boa in the lead" said the announcer and then the crowd cheered.

"Hmm, Looks like it's time to win against you, Valt" Boa said. Boa was about the same size as Valt and had spiky light brown hair, green eyes and a scar across his nose. He was wearing a dark blue poncho, a black sweater, dark green khakis and a red belt.

"Sorry Boa. But I won't lose on my home field" Valt said confidently. "Hmm, looks like you're going to have to face the truth. Granted of Balkesh" Boa said, holding out his defense type Beyblade: Arc Balkesh.

"Looks like the so-called champion will be crushed by a little boy" Adagio said. "Talk about pathetic" Aria said but then Robin said "Wow. You really know nothing"

That comment made the three of them turn on him. "Look carefully newbies. The only one cornered here is Boa" he said and then Sunset said "It's true. Valt still has more power left"

They turned to the screen when they heard the ref say "Third battle" Both Valt and Boa got ready and then the ref said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and both Beys got off. But as soon as that happened, Adagio noticed something unusual about Balkesh. It rotated counter-clockwise.

"Wait, how can it rotate to the left?" Adagio asked in shock. "What, You didn't think you were the only one with a counterclockwise spinning Bey" Robin said with a grin. The others giggled a little during the match, so Balkesh had made his way to the center.

"Go for it, Rush Launch" Valt called and Valtryek began attacking Balkesh again and again at full speed. "Oh My. Valtryek's unstoppable attackers come without warning but Balkesh endures them all" said the announcer.

Balkesh took the attacks and at the same time it came closer to bursting. It started clicking twice but after three clicks it formed into a circle.

Valtryek went in for another attack but then Boa shouted "Do it. Go wild Balkesh" and with that he reasoned with his Bey. At that moment, Balkesh's avatar appeared. It was a purple dragon-like creature. Its armor was dark purple and glowed pink. It had two silver horns and had six insect-like wings that glowed green.

With that, Balkesh was surrounded by a translucent red dome. "It's time, Final Guard" Boa called and then all of Valtryek's attacks were blocked. "Amazing. Balkesh's defense is bulletproof. Even Valtryek will have trouble getting through" the announcer said.

"Time to give up Valt" Boa said, smiling. "Never, It's not over" said Valt. "Let's Go, Valtryek" Valt shouted and reasoned with his Bey and with that the Valtryek avatar appeared.

Valtryek began diving towards Balkesh. "It won't work" Boa said but then Valtryek slipped past Balkesh and went against the wall. "What" Boa said and with that Valtryek crouched against the wall and began gathering energy.

"Now, Ultimate Wing V" Valt called and punched forward. With that, Valtryek flew forward and was left with a blue wind behind it. With that Valtryek hooked right into Balkesh and shattered the dome and Balkesh burst.

Boa gasped and the ref said "It's Ultimate Valkyrie with a Burst Finish, with a score of 3-2 Valt Aoi is the winner" The crowd cheered and the announcer said "Unbelievable, Not even Balkesh's incredible defense is strong enough to stop the power of Valt and Valtryek, Bravo"

"Well. looks like the champion actually has some skills" said Adagio and then Aria said "Phew, I could win against him with my eyes closed"

"Sorry Aria. But if anyone was going to be champion it's me" Adagio said with a grin. "Hurm, don't you two forget one thing" Robin said, making the two of them turn to face him.

"Before you plan to take on Valt, you have matches against me and Sunset. Remember?" he said but then Adagio gave a sly smile and said "have you already forgotten. I had already mopped the floor with you"

Robin clenched his fist and said "It won't end the same as last time" but then Adagio waved and the three started walking. Robin stared intently at Adagio thinking "I won't lose"

They were now all in the arena and the announcer said "Okay boys and girls. Hope you are ready for the first exciting semi final match. You better take your seats because this match is about to start"

Sunset was heading towards the stadium but when she got close she saw Robin there. "hey Robin. What are you doing here?" she asked. Robin looked at her seriously and said "I won't be watching the match"

Sunset was a little shocked by what Robin said. "I don't feel ready for my match yet. I want to train as much as I can" he said and Sunset let out a sigh.

After a second she said "Okay, I see" Robin gave Sunset a smile and said "Hey don't worry. I'll still be rooting for you. I just want to make sure I can face you in the finals."

Sunset looked at him and smiled. "Just focus on defeating Aria. I'll take care of Adagio and we'll meet in the finals" he said, holding out his Bey. "Yes, you got it" Sunset said, holding out her Bey.

"Get out there and give them Phoenix power" Robin said and Sunset replied "Sure, All Out" and with that they clinched their beys with each other and Sunset walked towards the Stadium.

On the other side, the three dazzlings were at the door that led to the Stadium. Aria said "Okay, here I go" and then Sonata said "Good luck Ari" and then Adagio said "If you're scared I can take your place"

Aria smiled slyly and said "Please. Like I need luck or get scared. I'll crush Sunset and her little winning streak" With that Aria walked through the doors and Adagio said "Let's hope so"

"I hope you are all ready, boys and girls. It's time to kick off the first semi-final match of The Sword Flame Cup. Are you ready?" the announcer said and with that the crowd cheered wildly.

Then the red doors opened and then the announcer said "In The Red Corner. It's The Scarlet Flame, Sunset Shimmer" With that the crowd cheered and the others cheered Sunset loudly.

After that the blue doors opened and the announcer said "And in the Blue Corner. It's The Fast Attacker, Aria Blaze" With that the crowd cheered with Sonata cheering extra loud.

Robin was just in another part of the arena and had just entered a room. "Is that?" he said as he saw something he hadn't seen before. It was a Bey stadium but there was a Bey in the middle. It just stood straight up but Robin had seen pictures of it to know that it was an Infinity Stadium.

Robin walked up to the stadium and saw a control on the wall. He took it and saw that it had two buttons with darts. He pressed the Left pill and the Bey started spinning to the left.

"Perfect, this is exactly what I need," Robin said, speeding up. He took out his Launcher and his Bey and looked at the Infinity Bey. He started imagining it as Melody Siren and said "No matter what, I'll win and face Sunset in the finals''

At the same time, Rainbow asked "Hey, Where's Robin?" The others started looking around but didn't see him. "Don't worry. He said he was going to train" Amelia said but then Applejack said "Now, But Sunset is about to start"

"He said he wanted to be ready for his match. Plus he said Sunset will win for sure" Amelia said and then Twilight said "I guess that seems logical"

"First Battle" the announcer said and both got ready. "Don't worry Robin. I'll keep my promise" Sunset thought while Aria thought "This is it. I'll crush Sunset and give her some misery"

At the same time, Robin got ready to train and thought "I don't care how strong you are" with all three then thought "I will win" at the same time. "Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" The three shouted and Drago went in for an attack on the Infinity Bey. At the same time, both Phoenix and Siren went in for an attack. "Attack Siren" shouted Aria and Sunset shouted "Flare Launch"

Both beys went in and attacked with everything they had. "Looks like Siren and Phoenix are even in strength. This one can swing either way" the announcer said.

After a while, both went up the slope. "Now Siren" Aria shouted and Sunset shouted "Show them Phoenix" and with that both of their Beys glowed and their avatars came out.

With that they dived at each other and Sunset shouted "Flare Whip" while Aria shouted "Bass Strike" and both attacks hit at the same time. Sparks started flying around but after a while both Beys flew into the walls.

Phoenix bounced off the wall but began to slow down as Siren began to charge up energy and was thrown off the wall. "Swirling Bass. End this" Aria yelled and Siren swirled and hit Phoenix with such force that it flew out of the stadium.

"Bass Siren with a Ring out finish, Point standings 1-0" said the ref and the crowd started cheering. "Amazing. Aria has managed to take the lead and is really pushing Sunset to the limit" the exclaimer said and the others started to worry.

"Oh no" Fluttershy said but then Twilight said "Don't worry. Sunset is only one point behind. She can still take the lead" They all looked at Sunset.

Sunset picked up her Bey and tried to come up with a plan. "Siren's power is incredible. If I go in for a force clash I'll just get knocked out" she thought but then she turned to Aria.

Robin had continued training but then he turned on the TV in the room and saw that Sunset was one behind. "Come on Sunset. You can take this" he said clenching his fist.

"Jeez, talk about pathetic. I know the farm girl was weak but I expected more from you" Aria said arrogantly. "Oh Doggy, Looks like Aria is not only bad mouthing Sunset but also her first opponent Applejack" said the announcer.

"What did she say?" Applejack said angrily and Rainbow and Amelia tried to hold her in place. Sunset got angry and was about to say something but then she thought of something.

This is the same thing Robin was put through with that Dvayin guy she thought. She started thinking back to when Robin got angry when Dvayin talked about the others and made Robin angry.

"She wants to make me mad so I'll screw up" thought Sunset. She began to breathe deeply and thought back to yesterday. "Me and Robin promised to meet in the final. I can do this" she thought and then the ref said "Second battle"

Both got ready and Sunset unlocked the blades. "She's using defense mode" Twilight said and the others looked intently at Sunset as the ref said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and Siren went for an attack while Phoenix went towards the center. "And they're gone. Phoenix seems to be about to take center stage." said the announcer.

When Phoenix was closer to the center, Siren swooped in for an attack. "Siren swings. And misses and the center has been claimed" said the announcer as Phoenix held down the center.

"Now Phoenix. Flare Guard" Sunset called and Phoenix was surrounded by its fire. Siren attacked several times but Phoenix fire stopped all attacks.

"Unbelievable. Phoenix's defense is like a wall of fire that burns anything that comes close" the announcer said and the others started cheering more on Sunset. "Come on. You can do it Aria" Sonata called.

Adagio looked at Sunset's determination with interest and thought "Seems like her motivation has gotten stronger. This just got a lot more interesting"

Aria was getting a little impatient and said “Don't mock me. I will never lose to someone like you" Sunset smiled and said "Okay. Show me what you got"

With that, Aria shouted "Siren, finish them" and then she reasoned with Siren and its avatar appeared. At the same time, Sunset called out "We can do this. Phoenix" and reasoned with her Bey that Phoenix's avatar appeared.

With that, Siren climbed up the slope and dove straight towards Phoenix. "Take them down with Bass Strike" Aria shouted and Siren slammed into Phoenix. The collision was so strong that Siren flew into the wall while Phoenix was forced out of the center and the small blades were retracted.

When Siren hit the wall, its purple swirl came out and Siren was shot at Phoenix while Phoenix went in for its counter attack. "Swirling Bass" Aria called out as Sunset called out "Flare Counter" snapping her fingers.

Both attacks created sparks but after a while Siren burst and Aria gasped. "Flare Phoenix with a Burst Finish, Sunset Shimmer wins with a final score of 2-1" said the ref and everyone except Sonata and Adagio.

"Awesome, Sunset Shimmer managed to land an incredible comeback and has made it to the finals" the announcer said and Sunset cheered and the others cheered loudly.

Robin looked at the screen and said "Awesomely done Sunset" With that the announcer said "With Sunset already taking a seat the question is who will come after her. Is it The Singing Queen Adagio, Or The Crimson Dragon Robin"

"It will be me. It's already decided" Adagio said and started to walk away from her seat. Robin looked intently at the screen and said "Sunset has kept her part of the promise. Now it's my turn" But just then Robin heard a loud laugh behind him. "Looks like someone threw in some extra training" the root said and Robin turned and gasped when he saw it was Xander.

Author's Note:

By the way. Happy Beyblade Day everyone!