• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 831 Views, 49 Comments

Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls - Chacorn

If the lines between two worlds are broken. Then there is only one thing left to do. Let it, Rip!

  • ...

9. Enemies Against Enemies! Friend against Friend!

Applejack ran down the road and turned into a park nearby. There at the benches everyone else was sitting and already starting to practice. As Applejack stood she said "Sorry for being late"

Rarity walked up to her and said "That's fine dear" placing a hand on her shoulder. "We know how much you do on the farm. So we understand" she said and Applejack gave a smile in response.

After a while, Twilight got a message on her tablet and she checked it out. "Hey everyone, come quick" she called and everyone moved towards her.

"What is it Twi?" asked Sunset and Twilight replied "They have revealed the next matches" Everyone turned their attention to Twilight and she showed them all the screen.

Three matches were shown on the screen. It showed Fluttershy, Pinkie and Robin against Aria, Adagio and Sonata respectively. Fluttershy swallowed and said "I'm against Aria"

Pinkie jumped forward and said "Lucky you, I'm up against Adagio" Robin looked seriously at the tablet and said "I'm up against Sonata"

Rainbow scratched her head and said "Why are you sulking?" Fluttershy and Pinkie looked up and Robin said "She's right, We can't sulk now." They both turned to Robin with confusion and he said "If the three of us win we can take out the sirens in one move"

The two started smiling and Pinkie said "You're right. We win against them right away" and Fluttershy let out a weak "Yay" The others smiled but then Applejack asked "Hey, Who's my opponent?"

"Let me check" Twilight said checking her tablet but after a second she gasped. "What's wrong darling?" Rarity asked and Twilight let out a sigh and showed the tablet.

They all gasped as it appeared that Applejack's next opponent was Rarity. "I'm against Rarity" Applejack said turning to Rarity. Applejack started to lower her head and Rarity asked "Are you okay dear?"

Applejack turned around and said "It's nothing to worry about" She then turned to Robin and asked "Hey Robin, Want some help with training?"

Robin looked at her and said "Yes that would be good. Thank you AJ" and then Rarity asked "Amelia dear. Do you want to help me with my training? please"

Amelia looked at her and then at Robin who gave a small nod. "Okay. But maybe we should talk about your worries" she said and the others were a little confused by that.

"We should too" Robin said and Applejack looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked and Robin turned to everyone else.

"Listen. It's clear you're both nervous about your match" he said and Applejack and Rarity were surprised that he knew.

"But no matter how the match goes, you'll still be friends. Right?" Amelia said and they both replied "Of course"

The two looked at each other in astonishment. "Then, Then you can agree to give it your all" Robin said and the two smiled at each other. "Alright Rarity. Let's promise to give it our all" Applejack said and Rarity said "Of course Applejack"

They hugged each other for a while and then Applejack turned to Robin and said "So, are we going to practice or?" Robin smiled and said "Okay then let's start" and they raced towards a stadium.

"Come on Rarity. we can't let them get ahead" Amelia said and Rarity replied "Of course darling" and they went to another stadium.

"Alright boys and girls. It's time for the final matches of the pre-round of The Sword Flame Cup" the announcer called and everyone started cheering.

"We have sixteen contestants left but only eight will move on. So let's get started and see who moves on" said the announcer and then the battles began.

First it was Sunset who used a Burst. "Oh My. Sunset really wastes no time and moves on with no problems" the announcer said and the crowd cheered.

Next was Rainbow who also won her match with a burst. "Looks like Rainbow Dash won't let Sunset outclass her. With a Burst, Rainbow has moved on as well" the announcer said and Rainbow smiled proudly.

"Now folks we have the fast attacker Aria Blaze vs the calm spinner Fluttershy" the announcer said and they both walked towards the stadium.

Aria looked at Fluttershy and huffed. "I don't understand how you could come this far" she said and Fluttershy didn't answer. "It doesn't matter. Your luck is running out now" Aria said making Fluttershy nervous.

"Come on Fluttershy. You can beat her" Fluttershy heard Rainbow call and Fluttershy calmed down. "It's okay. I can win this" she thought.

"First battle" the ref said and both got ready. "Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and Siren went straight for the attack while Jackalope went towards the center.

"Both have taken off and Jackalope has claimed center stage" said the announcer and they said Fluttershy "Now, Flutter Spin" and Jackalope's circle appeared.

Siren tried to attack but it was blocked at first. "Oh my, Jackalope managed to block all the attacks from Siren" said the announcer but then Aria smiled and said "That won't work" and then Jackalope started to get more affected by the attacks.

"Oh hold the phone, Siren's attack is starting to do some damage" the announcer said and Rainbow asked "How can she upset Flutter Spin so easily?"

"Jackalope's defenses can hold up for a while. But if the attacks are this constant and fast then Fluttershy is in trouble" Twilight said and they all became unconcerned

But then Rainbow shouted "Come on Fluttershy. You can win this" Then Fluttershy started thinking "I can win. I can win" and just then she was surrounded by yellow energy.

"Finish them Siren" Aria shouted and was surrounded by her purple energy and Siren's avatar appeared. "Jackalope" yelled Fluttershy and reasoned with her bey so its avatar also appeared.

With that, Siren dove straight towards Jackalope. "Bass Strike" Aria shouted and Siren hit Jackalope and sent it flying up the slope while Siren climbed up the slope on the other side.

"Flutter Break" Fluttershy called and both Beys dove towards each other. When it collided, sparks started flying but after a while Jackalope flew towards the wall and burst.

Fluttershy gasped as the ref said "Bass Siren with a Burst Finish, Aria Blaze wins by a score of 2-0"

"Impressive, Aria Blaze has managed to defeat Fluttershy with an impressive attack." the announcer said and Fluttershy took her Bey and turned to Aria.

"Great match" she said and then went backstage. Aria was a little confused that Fluttershy said something nice but then turned and went backstage as well.

"Alright folks. Let's move on to the next match" the announcer said and out came Pinkie and Adagio. "The next match is between The Singing Queen Adagio Dazzle and The Party Blader Pinkie Pie" said the announcer and everyone cheered.

"This is going to be too easy" Adagio said but Pinkie replied "You will be amazed at what I have planned" in a jubilant voice.

"First battle" the ref said and both got ready. "Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and Joker moved towards the middle. "Typical of a stamina type" Adagio thought and Siren went in for an attack.

Just then Pinkie called out "Full Speed. Party Joker" resonating with her bey so its avatar appeared. With that, Joker circled the center at full speed and a pink light.

"NOW, Party Dash" Pinkei called and Joker slammed into Siren causing it to be pushed away. Adagio gasped as the others were surprised by Pinkie's new trick.

"Hmm, this just got interesting" Adagio said and Siren flew towards the road and crashed into it. But with that, it changed course and flew towards Joker. When it hooked, Joker flew towards the center and stayed.

"Now Joker, Party Zone" Pinkie called and Joker summoned his pink wind. "Go, Siren" Adagio said and her bey gave off its yellow energy and its avatar emerged.

With that, Siren dived straight at Joker and Adagio shouted "Melody Whip" and Siren hit Joker with its blade and Joker burst. Pinkie sighed as the ref said "Melody Siren with a Burst Finish, Adagio Dazzle wins by a score of 2-0"

"Unbelievable. Adagio Dazzle takes a landslide victory over Pinkie Pie. Congratulations." the announcer said and Pinkie left the stage and went to the others.

"Are you okay Pinkie?" Rainbow asked but Pinkie smiled and said "I'm fine Silly. I'll just do better next time" The others smiled and the battling continued.

Twilight was next in line and managed to win with two Ring Out Finishes. And after that, Amelia won with a Burst. After that the announcer said "Okay, it's time for the seventh game for today."

With that, Robin and Sonata walked forward. "It's The Crimson Dragon Robin King vs The Spontaneous Girl Sonata Dusk" said the announcer.

"Hope you're ready for Drago's power" Robin said holding out his Bey. "Sorry, But my sisters have already moved on. So I have to go with them" Sonata said.

"First battle" the ref said and both got ready. "Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" Both shouted and Drago went in for another attack but Siren dodged it.

"Now Drago, Crash Launch" Robin shouted as Sonata shouted "Go Encore Launch" and both Beys moved but didn't make contact.

"Oh my. Drago's dashing attack is completely dodged by Encore Siren" said the Announcer and the main 7 and Amelia started to get more worried.

After a while, Drago had climbed up the slope while Siren was heading towards the middle. "This is it" Robin said and with that the Drago dove straight towards Siren as it leaned forward.

"Crash Breaker" Robin shouted and Drago smacked right on top of Siren. "Oh my gosh. Drago lands a powerful attack right at Siren" the announcer said.

But then Sonata smiled and said "Now Siren, Push them out" and Siren's tip was pushed from the stadium and Drago was sent up and out of the stadium.

"Encore Siren with a Ring out finish, Point standings 1-0" said the ref and then the announcer said "Impressive. Siren shook off the attack like it was nothing"

Robin picked up his Bey and thought "Okay, Looks like attacking from the front won't work no matter if it's from above or below"

Robin thought for a moment but then he thought "From the front. What if I come in behind her" and with that Robin gave a smile. "Wait, why is he smiling?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, he's not doing so well right now" Twilight said but then Amelia said "Robin has figured something out" and this made the others curious. "Second Battle" said the Ref and both got ready and then the ref said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both of them shouted and their beys moved in the same way. "Aww I was hoping for something new" Sonata said but then Robin replied "Oh then you won't be disappointed"

It continued for a while but after a while Drago was up the slope while Siren was just on her way up the other side. Just then Drago dove and Robin shouted "NOW, Drago" and reasoned with Drago so its avatar appeared.

"Alright, Go Siren" Sonata said, resonating with her Bey so its avatar appeared. Drago was heading straight for Siren as Siren began to dive. "Now, Encore Swing" she called and Siren tried to slam into Drago but it got away.

And with that Drago dove down after Siren and as Siren leaned forward Robin shouted "Crash Upper" and with that Drago attacked Siren from behind. The siren was simultaneously pushed forward and then it was thrown into the air and burst.

Sonata and the other two gasped and the ref said "Crash Drago with a Burst Finish, Robin Kings wins with a final score of 2-1"

"Amazing. Robin pulls off an incredible comeback and takes the win" said the announcer. Sonata picked up the parts of her Bey and bowed tear up a bit.

But then Robin walked up to her and said "Hey, You did great" Sonata was surprised and said "Huh, I lost" Robin smiled and said "Maybe. But you're really strong. And I had fun" and held out his hand .

Sonata waited a second and then took it and they shook hands. "Yeah that's what I call true sportsmanship. Bravo" said the announcer and everyone started applauding.

After a while, Robio went to the back room and saw Rarity and Applejack sitting there. "Hey sugarcube. Congratulations" Applejack said and Robin said "Thanks. Now it's your turn"

Rarity stood up and said "That's right" With that Applejack stood up and said "Hope you're watching. Because we're going to give it our all"

"I'm always ready to watch a good battle" Robin said and with that the two girls walked towards the stadium. "It's been an exciting run of games so far. But it's finally come down to the last one." said the announcer.

With them, the two went towards the stadium. "It's The Tough Cowgirl Applejack vs The Elegant Crystal Rarity" said the announcer and everyone in the audience cheered.

"First battle" the ref said and both got ready. "Alright Bull. Let's do this" Applejack said as Rarity said "Now Unicorn. Spread some beauty"

"Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and both Bull and Unicorn were heading towards the centre. "Now Bull. Take the center" Applejack shouted as Rarity shouted "Don't let them get ahead of you Unicorn"

Bull managed to get yours first and Applejack shouted "Now, Give them your Bull Block" and its brown rope appeared. Unicorn bounced off the rope and Rarity shouted "Come on Unicorn. Continue attacking" and Unicorn continued attacking several times.

"But check this out. Bull’s defense is tough as can be but the Unicorns' attacks aren't letting up" shouted the announcer.

After a while Unicorn appeared towards Bull and Rarity shouted "Go now Unicorn" and she and her bey gave off a purple energy and Unicorn's avatar appeared.

"Now, Gem Horn" Rarity called and the Unicorn landed its counter attack, forcing Bull out of center. As Bull went up the slope Applejack shouted "GO Bull" and she and Bull were surrounded by their orange energy and Bull's avatar appeared.

Unicorn and Bull Dove towards each other and Applejack yelled "Bull Counter" while Rarity yelled "Gem Horn" and both Beys collided with each other. After a second, both beys flew over the walls and landed at the same time.

"Simultaneous Ring Out Finish, It's a draw" said the ref and the announcer said "unbelievable, this clash of defense types has led to a draw"

Both of them picked up their Beys and gave each other a smile. "You really are strong Rarity" Applejack said and Rarity replied "Same goes for you dear"

"But I'm not going to lose this" Applejack said confidently and Rarity said "Sorry to say, I'll be victorious" and then the ref said "Second Battle" and they both got ready.

"Ready, Set" said the ref. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and Unicorn made it to the center first. "Okay, Gem Defense" Rarity called out and her three gems formed and blocked Bull's attacks.

"Oh my, Oh my. Gem Unicorn has gone on the defensive while Farm Bull delivers several attacks. This is the exact opposite of how the first match started" the announcer shouted and the other seven cheered on their friends.

After a while, Bull started coming up the slope and Applejack shouted "Bull" and resonated with her Bey so its avars appeared. With that Rarity called out "Unicorn" and did the same with her Bey making Unicorn's avatar appear.

Bull dived at the Unicorn and Applejack yelled "Do it. Bull Whip" and Rarity yelled "Gem Horn" and then their horns collided and sparks flew around.

After a while, both flew into the air and burst almost simultaneously. They both gasped as their Beys flew towards the stadium and the ref took a moment and held out a hand.

"Farm Bull with a Burst Finish, Applejack wins with a final score of 2-0" said the ref and the announcer said "Unbelievable. Applejack managed to take the win in this nail-biting match and moves on. congratulations"

Rarity looked down at the ground and picked up the parts of her Bey. "Are you okay?" Applejack asked walking over to Rarity. "I'll be fine" she said and gave a smile.

"Congratulations darling" Rarity said, holding out her hand and Applejack took it and shook it. "Thank you, I had fun" she said when they heard their friends cheering for them.

The two smiled at each other and walked towards their friends. With that, the announcer stepped forward.

"And then it was decided" shouted the announcer and everyone's attention was directed to the screen. "We now have our eight contestants who will be battling for the chance to face Xander" said the announcer.

With that, the screen split into eight parts and showed all those who passed on one at a time. "We have Sunset Shimmer" the announcer said and Sunset smiled. "Rainbow Dash" and Rainbow smiled cockily.

"Aria Blaze and Adagio Dazzle" Adagio and Aria smiled and the main 9 looked at them angrily. "We also have Twilight Sparkle" the announcer said and Twilight smiled widely.

"So is Amelia and Robin Kings" and the siblings fist bumped each other. "And last but not least, Applejack" the announcer finally said and Applejack smiled.

"But the question is, Who of the eight will take home the win. Stay and find out" Said the announcer.

Sunset and the others were heading to Pinkie's house to celebrate that it had moved on. But when it was about to go, Amelia noticed that someone was missing.

"Hey where's Robin" she asked and the others looked around. But Robin was nowhere to be found. Robin was actually in another room. There was only one stadium in there and in front of him stood The Dazzlings.

"So, what did you want?" Robin asked suspiciously. Adagio just smiled and said "I just wanted to say I was impressed with your skill. So that's why" and then she raised her Bey towards Robin.

"I want to have a little battle with you" she said. Robin didn't expect that. "Why now. We will face each other in the tournament," he said.

Adagio smiled slyly and said "I just want to see if you can really be one of the ones to move on" Robin thought for a moment then said "Alright. you're on"

They both took their positions but before it started Adagio made some adjustments with her Bey. With that Aria said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" shouted both with Siren on the way and took the center. Robin was a bit surprised by that but then he shouted "Go Drago, Crash Launch" and Drago attacked Siren again and again.

It seemed like Robin had the upper hand but Adagio just smiled every time Drago and Siren made contact. After a while Drago seemed to slow down while Siren sped up.

"Wait, is this" Robin thought and then he noticed something. When Drago hit Siren it landed on rubber which caught the energy making Siren spin faster.

"Siren steals my Spin's speed. It's just like Fafnir" Thought Robin. With that, Adagio smiled and said "Well, what do you think of my Melody Spin"

Drago bounced off Siren and went up the slope and then dove towards Siren. "Crash Breaker" Robin shouted hitting Siren but it bounced off it and landed an attack and Drago burst.

Robin gasped and Aria said "Melody Siren with a Burst Finish, Adagio wins" Sonata rushed over to Adagio and said "Amazing"

With that Adagio glared at Robin and said "You see. You're not strong enough. You'll never be strong enough. You should just give up." But then Robin stared straight at Adagio intensely.

"Listen here. I said I'm going to win the tournament. And that's exactly what I'm going to do." he said, picking up his Bey and headed for the door. "And one more thing. I will never give up a fight. Never" he said and walked out.

The three Sirens stood there surprised that he didn't begin to wither. "Looks like he's going to give us some mean fun before we crush him" Adagio thought and smiled.