• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 831 Views, 49 Comments

Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls - Chacorn

If the lines between two worlds are broken. Then there is only one thing left to do. Let it, Rip!

  • ...

15. Test of Flame! Conquer Xcalius!

It was soon time for Sunset's match against Xander and everyone took their seats. Bell, Ranzo and Hanna had come with them to watch the match. Sunset was in front of the stadium doors, waiting for them to open. She held Phoenix close to her chest and said "I'm ready. The others are counting on me. I will win"

"It's finally time. It's the beginning of the incredible battle between these two powerhouses and they are entering the stadium" said the announcer and then smoke came and then the red doors opened.

"First up is the Inferno Flame. The Scarlet Fire that never stops burning. Give it up to Sunset Shimmer" the announcer said and Sunset walked towards the stadium. "GO SUNNY" Pinkie shouted and the others cheered her on.

"Go for it girl" Ranzo said and Hanna said "Good luck" But then Bell said "If you lose you will have a lot of explaining to do. The dark prince does not allow losing"

"And now" said the announcer and the blue doors opened. "You recognize him as one of the strongest power bladers around. It's The Laughing Giant, Xander Shakadera" the announcer said and the crowd cheered.

On one side of the stadium sat the Dazzlings with irritation on their faces. "It should be me down there. If she didn't get in the way" Aria said glaring at Sunset. "Next time they won't be so lucky" thought Adagio.

Both Sunset and Xander made it to the stadium and looked at each other. "I'm looking forward to this" Xander said smiling and then Sunset said "Then you have to be ready to lose"

"What in the world! Look who has come to watch this match" the announcer said in shock and then the spotlights were pointed at the same room Xander was watching the tournament and in there were two well known people.

"It's Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai. It looked like they couldn't stay away" the announcer said and everyone was surprised "Wait. Valt and Shu are here?" Ranzo said and everyone else was surprised. "The Legends Valt and Shu. They really are here" thought Robin

"Good luck to you both and give it everything you've got" Valt said and then Shu said "Show us everything that you can" Sunset smiled and became more determined. Both then looked at each other and the ref said "The rules are simple. First blader to 3 points wins the match"

"The tension in here is explosive. And soon those two will ignite their fighting spirits" the announcer said and then Xander began to think about something that had happened a couple of weeks earlier.


Xander was in his family dojo talking on the phone. He had received a call from Valt who had recently spoken to Shu after his visit to Sunset and the others' world.

"So, Shu has already met some promising bladers over there" Xander said and Valt replied "Yeah, And he thinks we might see them in official tournaments soon" in an overjoyed voice.

"Xander laughed and said "Yeah you seem really excited" Valt just smiled and said "Of course. They come more strong bladers. By the way, have you talked to Wakiya yet?”

Xander replied "Yeah. he's preparing for a tournament where the winner gets to face me" Valt smiled and said "Oh I can't wait. Wonder who's going to win?"

Xander smiled and replied "It doesn't matter. No one can beat me and Xcalius" But then Valt said "Hey now. Now don't forget that I have beaten you several times"

Xander laughed and said "Hey. I beat you a couple of times too" Valt laughed but then said "Yeah but I gotta go. Got practice. See you later dude"

Xander said "Sure dude" and then hung up. He began to think about what bladers Shu had faced and then looked at his Bey. Right then he had not undergone an evolution and his current Bey was Surge Xcalius.

After a few seconds he said "It's time. Time for me to create a new saber" and with that he began to evolve his Bey.

(End of Flashback)

Xander now stood there looking at his Bey. "I evolved to show both worlds the power of Xcalius. And now it's finally time" he thought and then the ref said "First battle"

Both got ready and Valt said to Shu "I finally get to see Sunset Shimmer up close. You really seemed sure she could form a strong bond with her Bey" Shu looked at Valt and said "I felt it the first time we fought. But now I want to see how far she has come" With that both friends looked at the stadium as the ref said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both of them shouted and then Phoenix went towards the center while Xcalius moved around and started to get faster. "Watch this. Phoenix takes the center while Xcalius builds momentum" the announcer said.

"Now, Flare Guard" Sunset called and fire formed around the Phoenix. "Okay. Demolish them Xcalius" Xander shouted and Xcalius hit the Phoenix hard knocking it out of the center. "Unbelievable, Phoenix got beat" said the announcer but then Sunset shouted "Phoenix, Hold on"

With that, Phoenix tip grabbed hold of the stadium and quickly returned to the stadium. "Amazing, Phoenix doesn't give up the center so easily" Xander smiled and said "Go on. Go wild Xcalius" and with that Xcalius continued to attack the Phoenix so it flew out of the center but each time it came back.

"Unbelievable. The Phoenix has managed to survive so many direct attacks from Xcalius" the announcer said and Valt watched in awe. "Wow. I can't believe she's going toe to toe with Xander. She's really good" he said and Shu nodded and said "But still. If she keeps taking so many direct attacks she'll lose stamina fast"

They both watched and then Xander said "This has been fun but it's time to end this" and with that Xcalius walked up the slope and then appeared. "Check it out. Xcalius is making a rapid descent" the announcer said.

With that, Xander shouted "Dual Xiphoid Saber" and met the landing attack so sparks flew everywhere. Xander smiled but then Sunset shouted "Flare Recoil"

With that, Phoenix's small blades were drawn in and formed a circle of fire around it. With that, the Xcalius was knocked backwards and collided with the wall, flipping it over and landing on the ground. With that the ref said "Flare Phoenix with a Ring out finish, Point standings 1-0"

The crowd cheered and the announcer said "And Sunset Shimmer managed to get the first point. It seems bad to underestimate her" The others cheered and Twilight said "Yes, She managed to get the first point"

"That Flare Recoil seems really strong" Applejack said and then Robin said "Yeah. By pulling in the little blade precisely when she's attacked she can slingshot anyone who's close. With that she can counter any attack"

"I could probably do the same" Bell said but most of them ignored him. Over with The Dazzlings it was in shock. "Impossible. she actually took the first point" Adagio said. "How can a giant like him lose points" Aria said and Sonata said "Incredible"

With Valt and Shu Valt said "Awesome. She really can Blade" Shu smiled and said "Yeah she's really gotten stronger. Wonder how Xander will handle it"

Down by the stadium, Zander picked up his Bey and smiled. "Well Well Well. I didn't expect this kind of power" he said then picked up his launcher.

"I didn't want to use this so soon but you're giving me no choice. Get ready" he said and put the winder in the power slot. "Because You Are Doomed Sunset Shimmer"

Xander began to give off a strong energy. Sunset could really feel it. "WOW, You can actually feel the forces being emitted from Xander" said the announcer and after a few seconds of starting the ref said "Second battle"

"Let's do the same as before" Sunset thought and both got ready. "Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand. "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and they moved in the same way. But this time the wind swirled around Xcalius and it sped much faster and Phoenix made it to the center again.

"Again now, Flare Guard" Sunset called and the Phoenix put up its defenses again. "And Sunset's defenses are up again. Can Xander counter" said the announcer but just then Xcalius went up the slope and quickly dived.

Xander started to roar and he shouted "NOW DEMOLISH THEM IN ONE SINGLE STRIKE, DUAL XIPHOID SABER" and then Xcalius landed a direct hit and sparks and wind flew everywhere. In an instant then, Phoenix had burst and its parts flew up into the air.

Sunset stood in shock and the ref said "Xiphoid Xcalius with a Burst Finish, Point standings 2-1" Everyone there was in complete shock. "Unbelievable. Xander's power took a massive rise. Can you even defend against that?" the announcer said and Sunset was speechless.

"Wow scary" Sonata said and Aria then said "How can someone have that much raw strength" Adagio watched intently thinking "So this is the power of a so-called legend. Sunset doesn't stand a chance" and then she smiled.

"Where did he get that power from?" Rainbow said and Twilight tried to figure it out. "Xander's launcher. It seems to have two modes" She said and everyone turned to face her. "Looks like that was some kind of Power mode. That's the source of that power" she said and everyone was surprised.

"she can still win. Right?" Fluttershy said worriedly. "Of course she can. This is Sunset we're talking about" Rainbow said and then she stood up and shouted "Come on Sunset. Win this"

Robin looked at Rainbow and said "You're right" And with that he stood up and shouted "Go for it Sunset" With that everyone stood up and several people in the audience cheered on Sunset.

Sunset looked around and saw so many people cheering her on and she smiled. "Okay focus. I have to put more power into my launch. But how" she thought and started to think. Just then a picture came up about how Robin fought against Adagio and how in the third battle his launch still changed.

She gasped and thought "Wait that's it" and then the ref said "Third battle" Both got ready and everyone was dead quiet. Sunset put Phoenix in attack mode and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion until the ref said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1..." They both shouted but just then Sunset started to spin counter-clockwise a full turn. Robin, Valt, and Shu noticed and they both shouted "Let it, Rip!" and then Sunset swung her launcher forward and her Bey blasted away at the same speed as Xcalius.

"Oh My, Sunset changed her launch style at the last minute. And Phoenix gets incredible speed" the announcer said as both Beys went for an attack. "Don't hold back, Attack Phoenix" Sunset shouted as Xander shouted "Attack, no mercy"

They continued to attack each other until Phoenix went against the rim and accelerated. "Enough of the games. We'll end this now" Xander shouted and Xcalius went up the slope and then dove while Phoenix braked and went straight towards Xcalius.

"Dual Xiphoid Saber" Xander called out and then Sunset called out "Now, Ultra Flare Whip" and then both attacks landed. It created a blinding light and after a few seconds a Bey flew from the light.

As it got closer Xander saw it was Xcalius and his eyes widened. Xcalius landed outside the stadium and the ref said "Flare Phoenix with a Ring out finish, Point standings 2-2"

Sunset smiled and said "Yes" and the crowd cheered. "This is absolutely incredible. Sunse's shimmer has managed to even the score and catch up with Xander" the announcer said.

"She did it" Pinkie shouted and the spirits cheered. "Incredible. But why did she change her launch style" Twilight asked and then Amelia replied "Because it's important to be completely relaxed to release a strong launch. She must have remembered how Robin changed his launch style in his match against Adagio so she used that idea"

Twilight and the others were impressed and Robin thought "Awesome Sunset. Keep it up" Valt and Shu were impressed and Valt said "Great. She managed to figure out how to even the match"

Suh smiled and said "There was a chance for her to panic but it didn't happen. It was thanks to her friends that she stayed calm" Shu smiled but then he sensed something bad nearby.

He looked around and Valt asked him "What's wrong?" Shu looked at Valt and said "I just have a feeling something bad is near" Inside the shadow arena someone was standing there watching the match.

The only thing that was visible was a man in black clothes and something metallic on his head. He smiled and said "So, that's Sunset Shimmer" in a sly tone.

"Fourth Battle" said the ref and both got ready. "You've done well but now it's over" Xander said but Sunset replied "The only one it's over for is you" and then the ref said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted but just then Sunset felt a sharp sensation in her right shoulder. With that both Beys went in for an attack and then the person in the shadows smiled.

"Yes, this is what I was looking for" he said in a sly voice. The two Beys went for an attack and Sunset shouted "Ultra Flare Whip" and with that Xander shouted "Now, Show them who reigns supreme. Dual Xiphoid Saber"

Both Beys collided and sparks flew everywhere. After a while, both Beys flew up in the lift and burst at the same time. "Simultaneous Burst Finish, Draw" said the ref.

"After four incredible rounds, both are tied at 2-2. Nobody's guess where it's going to go" said the announcer and Sunset bent down to pick up her Bey but she just froze. "What is she doing?" asked Rainbow and Twilight asked "Is she hurt?" and they all looked at her. "Why can't I move" she thought and tried to take her Bey but couldn't.

"Oops folks: I don't know what it is but Sunset seems to be in trouble" the announcer said. Robin stood up and shouted "Sunset. call a timeout. You need a break" But Sunset just kept trying to pick up her Bey and yelled "I can keep going. I'm not stopping" She kept trying until Xander said "Hey ref. I'm calling timeout"

Sunset looked at Xander in confusion and the ref said "That's Timeout" Xander walked over to Sunset and she stood up and stood back up.

Xander bent down and picked up parts of Phoenix saying "Fighting an injured opponent is no fun at all" With that he stood up and gave Sunset her Bey saying "Come back when you are better"

Sunset took her Bey and headed for the doors. "Sunset Shimmer is returning to attend to an injury" the announcer said and Robin, Twilight and Rainbow stood up and went to check on Sunset.

Sunset walked out the doors that led to the main hallway. She put her hand on her shoulder and said "Geez that really hurts" The three rushed over to Sunset and Robin asked "Sunset. Are you okay?"

Sunset tried to give a reassuring answer but she was in so much pain she said "Not gonna lie. It really hurts" Twilight got really worried and said "You can't go back out like that. You could hurt your shoulder a lot worse."

"Hey. Are you telling her to give up" Rainbow said angrily but Twilight replied "I don't like it but if Sunset doesn't rest she might get so hurt she can never blade again"

Sunset looked down anxiously until she heard a voice beside them. "How is it?" the voice said and everyone looked to see it was Xander. "Gah. Where did you come from?" Rainbow asked in confusion that he got there so quickly without making a sound.

"Let me see" Xander said walking towards Sunset but Rainbow stood in front of him saying "What are you going to do? Hurt her more?" Xandet looked at Rainbow and laughed "Hey. I would never dream of it. I just want to help"

They looked at Xander in confusion and Sunset walked past Rainbow and asked "Why?" Xander gave her a wink and said "I just want an honest match. So hold still" With that he put his hand on her shoulder and began applying pressure.

It went on for a couple of seconds and then he grabbed hold and a feeling flew through Sunset's arm. "Okay all done" Xander said, removing his hand. "What just happened?" Sunset asked and Xander replied "Touching that pressure point takes the pain away for a while. I learned all about traditional medicine from my grandpa. Hold it for one more launch and you'll get through the battle."

Sunset felt it and said "That's unbelievable" Xander's expression changed to a serious one and he said "remember. This is only temporary. I'll have to check more closely later"

"Thanks Xander" Sunset said and then he said "Okay gotta hurry. There's a whole crowd waiting for us" and then he went back to the stadium. Sunset looked at her arm for a moment and Robin said "Hey. What are you waiting for"

Sunset looked at him and he smiled and said "You have a battle to win" Sunset smiled and then rushed towards the stadium. The three smiled and went to their seats. But what it didn't show was that the man in the shadows was watching them.

"And they're back. It's time for the fifth battle" the announcer said and the three came back for the second. "Well, will Sunset be able to continue?" Applejack asked.

Robin sat down and said "She'll be fine. Thanks to Xander" Twilight then said "Yeah, He used traditional medicine and said as long as Sunset just launches one more time she'll be fine"

The others let out a sigh and then looked at the stadium. "Fifth Battle" said the ref and Sunset started to focus. "Okay. You and me Phoenix" she thought and put Phoenix in defense mode. "Concentrate" she thought and gave off a scarlet energy.

"Finally. It's time I see her at full power" Xander thought and put the winder in the power slot. With that the ref raised one arm and said "Ready and Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and Phoenix came to the center quickly. "Flare Guard" Sunset shouted and her Bey was surrounded by fire. Xander laughed and said "Now Xcalius. Attack them and show your power" and so Xcalius attacked several times but Phoenix managed to get back to the center quickly.

"Xcalius delivers an onslaught of serious hits while Phoenix can only hang on," the announcer said. "What power" Twilight said, staring in shock. "What is she waiting for. Hurry up and finish this now" Bell said impatiently as Robin thought "Come on Sunset. You can do this"

Away with The Dazzlings, Adagio said "Looks like this is it. It's over for Sunset" and then she closed her eyes. Xander gave a cocky grin and said "Is that really all. I thought you were The champion of The Sword Flame Cup. But this is child's play"

Sunset looked seriously at her Bey and thought "Not yet. Phoenix still has a few tricks" With that Xcalius hit Phoenix and then Phoenix swung back and counter attacked and so they continued.

After a while Xander began to roar and he gave off a red energy and his eyes glowed white. "NOW, FINISH THEM XCALIUS" he roared and then he resonated with his Bey so Xcalius' avatar appeared.

With that, Sunset began to give off a scarlet aura and her hair began to sway. "You can do it Phoenix" she called and then she resonated with the Phoenix so its avatar came forward.

Xcalius then passed Phoenix and collided straight into the wall between two spike zones. With that it went full speed towards Phoenix and Xander yelled "DEMOLISH THEM NOW WITH DUAL XIPHOID SABER" and with that Xcalius then made a slash with it's sword straight down and hit Phoenix so hard it flew right into the wall.

Xander smiled but just as Phoenix hit the wall the small blades pulled in and a fiery eruption shot Phoenix straight at Xcalius. "Flare Recoil" she shouted and then the Phoenix avatar flew towards Xcalius completely enveloped in fire.

When it collided, sparks were created and fire flew everywhere. After a few seconds both Beys flew up in the air but then Xcalius burst and Xander gasped in shock. "Flare Phoenix with a Burst Finish, Sunset Shimmer wins with a final score of 4-2" said the ref and the whole stadium fell silent.

"I won" Sunset said in disbelief. "I actually beat Xander Shakadera" she said and then she smiled and cheered. With that, the entire arena erupted in cheers.

"It's done. Sunset Shimmer has done something incredible here today. She has managed to conquer The Laughing Giant, Xander Shakadera. Can you believe it" said the announcer. "You're the best Sunny" Pinkie shouted and the others cheered.

"She really did it" said Amelia and Robin said "Yeah, She's really amazing" With the Dazzlings they were speechless. "H-How could she do that" Aria said and Sonata said "not real"

Adagio looked at Sunset and said "You may be strong Sunset shimmer, but soon I will surpass you" Xander was still surprised that he lost. "I really lost," he said and then smiled.

Xander walked up to Sunset and said "Hey Shimmer" Sunset looked at Xander and he said "I have to hand it to you. You really have skills" and then he laughed.

Sunset smiled at the compliment and then held out her hand. Xander saw that and said "But next time I'll win" and then he took her hand and shook it. Everyone applauded and Valt and Shu smiled and were impressed.

Xander was almost done taking a closer look at Sunset's injury. Fortunately it was only because she fought too hard during her launch but he softened it and now it's done.

"Okay. all done" Xander said and then Sunset spun her shoulder around. "Wow. It feels new" she said and Xander smiled. Just then Robin came into the room and asked "Hey, how's Sunset?"

Sunset gave him a thumbs up and said "No worries. I'm good as new" Robin smiled and said "Good. Me and the others were worried" With that Xander said "Alright now that you both are here I have someone I want you to meet"

They both looked at Xander and then the door opened and in came a young man with blue eyes and blonde spiky hair in a ponytail and a red headband. Finally, he wore a white long-sleeved shirt and a dark purple vest.

"So, we finally met" said the man and entered the room. "Sunset Shimmer and Robin Kings. I've heard a lot about you" he said and Sunset recognized him. He had been one of the key people in creating trust between the two worlds.

Robin thought for a moment and then said "Wait. I know who you are. You're Wakiya Murasaki" Wakiya gave a cocky grin and said "Seems like someone's been paying attention. I've seen you two battle and I can tell you have a little talent"

Sunset turned her head and said "Thanks I guess" With that Wakiya said "But now, For the reason I'm here. Right now I'm preparing to hold a Tag Team tournament that will take place all over the world"

"A Tag Team Tournament?" Sunset said and then Wakiya said "Yup and it's going to be an exciting adventure" Robin's eyes sparkled at the idea and asked "How is that going to happen?"

Wakiya smiled and said "Simple. Six Tag Teams will be part of the tournament. They will face numerous challenges and battles. And the best will be that the two bladers from the winning team will get an incredible opportunity"

Sunset got excited and asked "What is this for opportunity?" But Wakiya just smiled and said "It wouldn't be such a big surprise if I said it now. Anyway, The teams will be made up of members of the eight participants of The Sword Flame Cup, Plus an extra team and they will choose themselves who it will be paired with"

Both Robin and Sunset were excited about this tournament and so Xander walked up. "And if you want, I have a suggestion," he said and that caught their attention. "For the tournament. How about you pair up?" he said and Sunset and Robin were surprised.

"That sounds like a good idea to me" Wakiya said and they turned to face him and he said "The Champion of The Sword Flame Cup and The Runner up are teaming up in a Tag team tournament. That would be really exciting"

Robin thought about it for a second then said "Well Sunset" She turned to him and Robin asked "You want to team up?" Sunset was a little surprised that he asked that and then asked "Don't you want to team up with Amelia?"

Robin replied "I thought so. But if we do, we won't be able to face each other in an unofficial tournament. I'm sure she'll understand" Sunset thought about it and then said "Guess we'll have to win the tournament" Robin smiled and then the two did a fist bump and Xander and Wakiya smiled.

The man from the shadows walked through a dark corridor and said to himself "Finally. I have found the one who can darken the world of Beyblade. Time to make all the preparations"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone.

I have a message I want to say. I will be taking a break with the next chapter of Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls. I love that you guys like my fanfic but I feel like the current schedule isn't working that well for me. So I will take a break and then I will write the next chapter and then I will tell you the next schedule to publish them. I hope you all understand.

And please no messages and questions about progress or when the next chapter is coming out. It just makes it stressful.

Signed- Chacorn

Comments ( 7 )

hey. do you need any new faces for this story??

no but appreciate the thought

ok. just thought i'd ask.

Just do what you need to do with your break, I will be looking forward to the next chapter in the future.

I have two things to say:

1) I respect your decision to take a break and will wait as long as it takes.

2) Any clue as to who the villain is that has become interested in Sunset after her battle with Xander? Is he an OC or a character from EG or Beyblade who has returned for revenge?

I know, but I have a feeling that we will be facing the EG version of Sombra, and maybe he has a Beyblade that has a it’s own DB burst prevention system, like Prime Apocalypse.

Its a issue in the show on how the girls always left Spike out like that though.
Having him be part with them actually helps out.
Its not flipping rude for me to say it.

I am sorry if you all don't like it when I speak up about Spike, but I just can't bottle it up.

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