• Published 30th Apr 2024
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The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

  • ...

17: Grove Underground

Spike felt himself waking up again after suddenly passing out again, he doesn't know why the Chronicler summons them at such bad times, because it could put them in pretty big trouble. But Spike just has to deal with it then. Spike groaned as he finally was waking up, he saw what looked like the rocks from a cavern of sorts.
"Where are we?" Spike asked tiredly while he was standing up, he looked next to him and saw Spyro was waking up too, how they got here is anyone's guess.
"Spike? What happened?" Spyro asked while Spike helped him up.
"We passed out again.. but how did we get here?" Spike asked while they looked around the place.

It looked like they ended near a cavern of sorts somehow, maybe it was the pirates who took them there, or maybe the Chronicler did somehow, but this place was massive, easily had a ton of other spots for enemy's by now. But just behind them was a familiar dragon waiting for them to wake up.
"Your finally awake, you two alright?" Cynder asked which got they're attention, they both turned around and saw Cynder was waiting for them to wake up.
"We're.. we're fine Cynder, sorry about that.. we don't know why it keeps happening." Spyro said regretfully while Spike looked at himself, he felt the powers of Fear in him now, the powers Cynder had really were strong, he just wishes that they'd come at a better time.
"Weird thing is, I feel stronger somehow after that, I.. think I awakened another power mom.." Spike said a bit unsure which interested her.
"Really? What power is it now?" Cynder asked while coming up to him.

Spike took a deep breath and harnessed his power of Fear, his claws glowed red and he was able to form the power into a weapon like all his others, and this time, it was a whip, Spike twirled it around before he cracked it just ahead of them, and that made a loud Siren screech as a result which shook the ground below them. Cynder was really surprised with that move he just did, and wondered how he's unlocking them like this.
"That's my power of Fear, you really are taking after me.." Cynder said a bit proud of him for being able to use her powers like this.
"I really am.. but at least this means I have more to relate to you right?" Spike asked which she chuckled at.
"Of course son, but for how you got here. After you passed out, I had to carry you both down here after we ran into those pirates, I don't know why they're here, but they may be searching for something. I was glad I was able to carry you both, even if your just as big as me." Cynder explained which was good to know.
"Sorry for having to do that Cynder, but.. where is Sparx?" Spyro asked looking around for him.

Cynder sighed hearing that and knew he'd keep questioning it, and she suddenly began coughing up something.
"Cynder, are you ok.." Spike asked right before Cynder suddenly coughed out Sparx who was apparently in her stomach which disgusted them both, Sparx groaned in disgust and was shivering in fear from what happened.
"Sparx? What happened to you?" Spyro asked worried for him while he was getting up.
"Did you.. eat him?!" Spike asked really disgusted to see this.
"Me and Sparx had some disagreements after you passed out, and he needed to be taught a lesson, I was gonna let him out eventually, but he needed to see that calling me stuff like the Terror of the Sky's, will have consequences." Cynder said glaring at him who hid behind Spyro and Spike.

"Don't let her near me guys... I'm sorry for what I said.." Sparx said with fear while they both turned to her.
"Mom, I know you and Sparx don't exactly get along well, but you shouldn't do that to him, ever." Spike said upset with her possibly scarring him for this.
"He's right Cynder, you shouldn't just eat someone like that, if your trying to get over what's happened, this isn't one of them. But we'll have to talk about this later alright?" Spyro asked while Sparx cleaned himself off, Cynder sighed at that and knew they were right.
"Right, sorry about that, I just.. still need time to process all of this, I won't do it again.. unless Sparx is literally asking for it." Cynder assured while Sparx didn't even look at her.
"I won't say anything like that again I swear!" Sparx promised while Spike shook his head.
"Whatever's the case, it's best we get going, if those pirates are still around here, we need to get out of here before they're a big problem." Spike said seriously which they both agreed to.
"Right, come on guys ,we need to get out of here." Spyro said while he started moving ahead with Spike and Cynder following behind.

They started to make they're way through the cliffside they were on right now, they were just near a ledge that would have them fall into the poisonous waters if they're not careful. Just ahead of them was a river of it without any platforms to hop across, but with Spyro's new ice breath, he was able to shoot some blasts across it to freeze a platform for them. Cynder was really impressed with they're sudden recovery of elements, Spyro's gotten a hang of using Ice again, and Spike's just starting to get the hang on Fear.

As Spike looked around the place, he could see just how massive it all was, they could've gotten lost here if it wasn't for a path that was layed out for them, no matter where they go in this world, there's always something Spike's amazed to see from all of this.

As they kept walking through the underground caverns, Spike could see the Celestial Moons were even closer now ,each time Spike went to sleep, they got closer, and Spike was just afraid of what's gonna happen when they eclipse.

They kept moving through the place as well as they could, sure they had to fight an occasional monster here and there, but it wasn't anything that was worth going into full detail, but as they were nearing the end of the path, Spike, Cynder and Spyro all had a look of shock at what they saw next, there was a huge pirate base that had been built down here for who knows how long, a lot of the platforms were made of metal, and a few large ships could be seen just behind the wall.
"Yeah... I'll just stick here.." Sparx said nervously while he backed up a bit.
"Cynder, do you know about these guys?" Spyro asked who growled in response.
"I have, they're annoying pirates who often capture those to force them for entertainment, I had to take a few minutes to remember them, but they were a huge thorn in my side when I was still corrupted." Cynder said with irritation seeing them here.
"Well if that's the case, how about we show them who they're messing with?" Spike asked with a smirk while he summoned his scythe.
"I like the sound of that, come on guys!" Spyro encouraged while he charged at the pirates who sounded the alarm of them being here.

Spike twirled his weapon around before he jumped in the air and slashed his weapon down, this created a sharp shadow wave of darkness that went flying at a large group of them who were defeated in an instant because of it's power. Spike roared at them all and changed into his Fear powers and summoned his whip.

Spyro put his head down and charged directly at a few of the larger ones, he quickly ducked under a sword slash and then knocked them into the air with his horns, Cynder followed this up by jumping into the air, and she used her Fear powers to shoot a large Siren scream blast across the area, Spike followed that up by whipping up the largest one, and he then threw his whip back which sent the guy flying off the ledge and into the poisonous water where he drowned in it.

"Guys look out!" Spike warned as one of them blew a loud horn and one of the cannons on the ship took aim at them, it shot a large cannon ball at them and everyone screamed as it exploded near them.
"We gotta take down that cannon! Let's go guys!" Spyro said seriously while he tail whipped another one behind him. Spike turned to his Ice powers again and began using the new moves he learned to fight. He used his ice tail to freeze multiple pirates around him in an instant, and Spike finished them off by using his Shadow powers and he shattered them to pieces with his power.

Another group of them came up and started throwing more explosives at them, Cynder countered this by using her Poison powers and she shot multiple blasts at them all, the blasts landed on them all and they were starting to feel weak from it, Spike helped her out on this by charging at them again, he used his Scythe again and twirled it around like a pro before he jumped in the air, he made a loud battle cry before he slammed his weapon on the ground which created a shockwave of shadows on the ground.

They heard the horn again and saw the canon shot another ball at them once again, but this time Spike and Spyro used they're time ability to slow down it's movements, Spike used his whip and wrapped it around the ball before he used his strength and he threw the ball down to a blocked path which destroyed it, and left them open to attack. Time resumed like normal again and the pirates were shocked with what happened.
"Come on, they're open! We gotta take out that ship now!" Cynder shouted while she used her Wind and knocked more of them into the water around them.

The trio began running straight to the pirate ship while also dodging more canon blasts, there was a metal platform just ahead that was tall enough for them to climb up, Spike made a high jump and flipped his way to the platform while Cynder and Spyro flew in the air to help out.
"I'll draw they're fire! You finish them off!" Spike encouraged while he taunted the pirates on the ship. One of them raised they're swords at him and the canon turned to him to shoot another blast at him, Spike quickly ducked out to the way just before it hit him and he sighed in relief from it. Spike quickly ran across the platforms ahead of him while continuing to avoid more blasts. Spike flipped off the platforms with great skill before he jumped in the air and started gliding to the ship.

The pirates were about to fire once again, but Spyro and Cynder finally came in and took out the shooter, Spike used his Shadow powers to make quick work of the rest of the pirates on the ship, and once all was said in done, they all looked around and saw all the pirates were defeated.

Everyone sighed in relief from beating all these pirates, and felt proud for being able to take them all at once.
"Wow, we did really great there huh? We took out like.. 50 plus of them!" Spike said amazed with how many they took down.
"I've taken on way more groups then that before, but I gotta admit, it felt nice taking these pests down, they've caused enough trouble for what they've done." Cynder said with a scoff while she noticed a spare canon ball just next to her, she looked back at the canon and saw there was a path that they could blow down so they can keep moving.
"So, you know about these guys right? How come they're out and about now?" Spyro asked while she was pushing the ball into it.
"Well, it could be since I was no longer searching around the sky's, they must've saw this as an opportunity to stir up more trouble, people here have had to deal with them for as long as I know, I swear Ignitus would eat some of them if they got on his nerves." Cynder said with disgust while she loaded the thing in, Spike saw what she was doing and came up to help her.
"Guess us saving you had more of an impact then we thought huh? I can only image what else could be stirring up out there now that your free." Spike wondered while he lit up the rope that went to the cannon.

Everyone covered they're ears as it made a loud blast and fired directly at a large wall ahead of them, and they watched as it completely destroyed it and a new path was open for them to keep moving.
"It really did, if there's one thing I did like about being corrupted.. and believe me that's a really high statement to say, is that I was able to keep an eye on whatever's happening in the world, and if those pirates became a problem, I was able to deal with them before they tried taking down my bases. While there are fewer numbers, there's almost a few hundred of them left compared to the few thousand there were, all of which got wiped out from my army." Cynder explained while sounding a bit regretful for the many people that have died because of her.

"Hey, it's alright Cynder, they chose to harm others and be bad people, they were pretty much asking for it at this point, you don't have to feel remorse for them." Spyro assured which Spike agreed to.
"Yeah, don't worry about it mom, while it is a bad thing to.. kill other people, these guys I can already see are a problem, you were just doing what was told. You don't have to worry about it okay?" Spike asked while he rubbed her head again. She only sighed at that again as they glided back down through the rubble and they made they're way to the path.
"Thanks, I guess it's not that big a deal.. but still.." Cynder replied with some regret for it, they only looked worried from that before they decided to move on from that for now, and they just started making they're way through again.

After that large battle with the pirates, they kept making they're way through the cavern to try and find this tree Spike and Spyro saw in they're dreams. Spike could feel himself getting stronger the more they fought these monsters, it was like his strength was building up for something much more big, the only question he has is when it will unleash in him.

They only kept moving through the grove like usual, they had to take down some more of the swamp monsters that came in they're way, jump across more of the water with ice platforms, it wasn't much to write home about, but after that massive battle they just had with the pirates, this was a cakewalk to them.

But not too long after they made they're way through this, they saw the entrance to a large tree that looked to take them to the next area.
"I don't know about this guys, you sure we should keep going through here?" Sparx asked nervously of what could be in there.
"There isn't any other way right now, we need to keep moving, come on." Cynder insisted while she kept moving forward.
"I don't think it will be that bad anyway, come on, I'm sure we're almost through this place." Spike assured while he kept moving too.
"Oi.. we never get a break here.." Sparx said a bit annoyed still while he kept following them all.

But once they entered this large area, they had a look of shock as they saw these same jellyfish like creatures from the Convexity dimension, they were layed out in a path they could hop across to the exit, but it was still shocking to see them here.
"How come these guys are here? I thought we closed the portal right?" Spyro asked confused with them being here, they didn't want to waste more time here, and they were carefully hopping across them to keep moving.
"Some of them must've slipped through the portal when they were open, but it doesn't look like they'll cause too much harm if they're here." Cynder theorized while they hopped over all of them as carefully as they could.
"But why are they here of all places? You think these giant creatures could easily be spotted somewhere else right? Or maybe they could've even gone underwater?" Spike suggested while he tried figuring this out.

Cynder took a small moment to think about how this could be possible too, and soon came up with one idea that could work.
"I think it's due to the Eternal Night that's to come son, since there's a large threat coming, they may be here to hide from what destruction that will be coming." Cynder suggested while she looked afraid of the thought of it.
"Guess even creatures from Convexity have fears of something right? Especially if it's the Dark Master.." Spike said regretfully while they were nearing the exit by now.
"I guess so, let's just hope these guys won't do any harm once all is said and done." Spyro praised while they flew over the void and finally made it out of the place.

The more they made they're way through the forest, the more Spike could see why people stayed away from it, this forest was mainly a place with endless monsters and dark pits that could lead one to their deaths, it was worse then the Everfree forest, because this place feels so corrupted, and so evil, it's really sad to see that places in this world had turned out like this because of the Dark Master's harsh orders.

After they made they're way through that section, they soon finally made it back to the path they need to go through, they could keep walking now after all that hopping which was relieving to them, Spike just felt more uneasy the longer they were in the place, and he felt something inside him growing the more they go into it, and he hated the feeling of it. The only thing to note here was that there were a few more ships that were sunken into the water, possibly from the monsters of the forest.

But soon enough, the trio finally made they're way through all of this, and they could finally see the tree that they saw in they're visions, it was really massive and was resting in the waters below them, but something was wrong from just seeing it.
"Is that your guys's big dumb tree? It's beautiful, can we go now?" Sparx asked ready to go right now.
"This feels like the right place, but I'm not sure what we're supposed to do here.." Spyro replied unsure of what this means.
"Why would this Chronicler be all the way out here? I don't think he'd be directly here, but maybe.. this is only one of the steps we need to take to find him?" Spike suggested while he looked at the massive thing.
"Why would that be? You think he'd give you a better hint on what this is?" Cynder asked confused on what this means too.

Spyro just didn't know what to do here right now, so he decided to call out to anyone who could help them.
"Hello? We're here! Give us a sign or something?" Spyro asked looking over the large view with them. They soon did get a sign that could help them.. but not in the way they thought. The tree suddenly began shaking badly, and large growl was heard as the thing suddenly started to move.
"What in Celestia's name?" Spike asked with fear while they were all backing up from this. They could only watch with shock as the huge monster emerged from the water, and they saw it was a ginormous tree monster that looked menacing, it made a loud roar at them all and they had an idea on what this means now.
"Welp, it's my turn to pass out, your on your own guys." Sparx said right before he passed out from fear of seeing this thing.
"Oh brother.." Spyro said annoyed with this sight while the monster roared at them all.
"Bring it on.." Cynder said with a growl while they got ready to fight this thing.

The monster banged against it's chest before it raised it's large fist and tried to crush them, but they all rolled out of the way and looked at the opening.
"Spyro! Use your fire!" Spike encouraged while he summoned his weapon again and twirled it around.
"Got it!" Spyro replied before he took a deep breath and began shooting multiple blasts at the monsters face, the fire was really affective against the monster as it was made of wood, Spike assisted in this and ran across the arm and he could only jump in the air and directly at the monsters head, Spike made a loud scream of rage before he slashed against the monsters face and it roared with rage from this.
"Let's see how you like this!" Cynder hissed before she took a deep breath, and released a huge Siren Scream at the monster which forced it to back up.

Spyro got an idea on how they can defeat this monster, the more Spike and Cynder kept distracting it, the more Spyro shot fire blasts at each of the monster's body parts, from it's arms, to legs, chest, and head. The monster roared even more and it began twirling itself around and it threw the fireblasts off it.
"Look out!" Spike shouted while he flipped across the blasts and over some platforms.
"To that other ledge! Go!" Cynder instructed while she flew over most of the blats, Spyro quickly hopped over the ledges and avoided being crushed by the huge monster while it tried attacking them. Spike used his Shadow powers to quickly move through it's attacks and he safely made his way to the ledge ahead of them. Cynder flew across it's large arms and avoided it slashing at her.

They all avoided as many blasts as they could and made they're way to the ledge to keep fighting, the monster banged it's chest again like a gorilla and roared at them all once again. Spike felt his Fear powers building up to the point he needed to unleash them, and Spyro felt his Fire had reached it's limit once again.
"Spyro, you know what to do." Spike said turning to him who nodded in response.
"Got it, Cynder, get back." Spyro instructed which she gladly did.

Cynder went behind a rock and could only watch as they began floating in the air again, Spike's body glowed a bright red from all the power he was building up, Fire swelled around Spyro and they could feel so much power flowing through them, it's been a while since they've done this, but it felt just as great to use.
"Siren Screech!!" Spike shouted before he took a deep breath, and he made a huge Siren Scream which sent all his Fear powers directly to the monster, Spyro made a loud dragon roar and also shot a huge shockwave of fire at the monster which both hit the monster at once, the scream Spike made echoed throughout the entire Grove and some monsters were pretty afraid of what that sound was.

The monster tried to hold back they're power, but it was far too much for it to handle. The monster roared in pain and fell on it's knees before it sunk into the water, Spyro and Spike landed back down and took heavy breaths as they watched the monster sink into the water, whatever that monster was, it was gone now.
"You two okay?" Cynder asked while she and Sparx came up to them.
"We're fine, just catching our breaths." Spike replied while giving them a thumbs up.
"Yeah, we're fine.. thanks.." Spyro said gratefully as they took in this moment together.

Sparx took a moment to see the monster in the swamp, and they all saw it was dead.
"You guys came all this way so you could kill this thing?" Sparx asked a bit annoyed with how much trouble they went through here.
"How were we supposed to know that tree was a huge monster?" Spyro asked in defense.
"Yeah, give us a break, it's not like you know what that thing was either." Spike pointed out which he scoffed at.
"Yeah right, at least I wouldn't have wasted so much time here with this thing, can we just go now?" Sparx asked wanting to leave this place.
"He's right guys, this was honestly a waste of time, whatever the Chronicler wanted us to find, it isn't here, let's head back to Ignitus to see what else we can do." Cynder encouraged as they were about to leave.

But before they could leave the place, they were suddenly surrounded by all the pirates from before, and they could finally see the captain with the group.
"Well well, if it isn't the purple dragon who's been traveling across the grove, and the Terror of the Skies herself, you all have been a nuisance to us since you came here." The parrot greeted while also sounding annoyed with them.
"What's with the gurgling nitwit?" Sparx asked looking at the large pirate they were on that looked deranged.
"If i were you, I'd shut my mouth! I aint gonna say it again!" Another parrot warned which they scoffed at.
"You guys have any idea what that thing was?" Spike asked as they looked at the dead monster in the water.
"Yes we do, in fact we were searching for it this whole time! That was Arborick, he was gonna be the main attraction in our tournament, and now it's ruined!" The other parrot said annoyed with what they've done.
"I kinda feel bad about that.." Spyro said a bit regretful for that.
"Oh please, no need for remorse. In fact, all 3 of you will do just fine.." The parrot said smugly while all the pirates surrounded them, they saw they couldn't escape this, and sighed in defeat with what this means.
"Celestia damnit.." Spike said annoyed as they all were forced to come with them because of this mess..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! If there's one thing I have a problem with this game, it would be that this pirate stuff went on for far too long, it almost made us forget we were supposed to find the Chronicler, and I honestly do not like them, while the setting is really cool with fighting pirates, it honestly felt out of place from the main story, but this is where it's heading for a couple more chapters, so I hope you don't mind it, I just hope you liked it and look forward to more!