• Member Since 1st May, 2024
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Caine Alstart


[Note: This Story is best read in night mode, The reason being is Rarity's speech color]

Caine Alstart. Who is he? Well he's just your regular average high school student. As Caine fell asleep after watching Kamen Rider Gotchard vs Kamen Rider Legends he wook up in the woods with the Legends Driver beside him. You think that would shock him but the true shock is when they discovered they have hooves instead of hands. How will he be able to handle this? Where even is he? And why is he a horse? Only time will tell. No... a GORGEOUS TIME!!! can tell~

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

Am I can't understand what rarity is saying why because the words are in white color

Looks like this is gonna be funny with how much shenanigans Legend has.

Wonder what you planned for Spike in this too?

Since her coat is white? Cuz I think purple text is more fitting for Twilight

Emmmmmm…Kagaya Style. It’s interesting

I wonder……will Hotaro show up in the story ? :pinkiehappy:

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