• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 9,954 Views, 608 Comments

To Live Another Life - Brony2893

Why is this little box so limited? It can't even begin to hold the plot of this story, or any story

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

I had to admit, for being someone who preferred the great indoors as opposed to the other option, I found it quite enjoyable being out and about in Ponyville. I never noticed it until I was on my own, but there was an unmistakable air of community and calm everywhere I looked. Ponies were smiling, laughing, and generally just being genuinely happy.

The city I came from was more akin to a very large town, and it wasn't uncommon to go to a supermarket and see a couple people you knew. But in Ponyville, it seemed everypony knew everypony else.

The revelation gave me brief pause as I silently wondered how long it would be before more ponies than not would be wondering who I was. However, I returned to my original pace soon enough.

As I passed into and through the marketplace, I’d occasionally slow my trot and look at a stall. Most of them seemed to be stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, none of them I was a huge fan of. On my way out of what I deemed the section devoted only to food, I spied a stall with something that made me smile and my mouth water.

’There’s pineapple at that table.’

Pineapple, the fruit I loved most in the world. I strode over to the kiosk, making eye contact with the stallion tending it as I neared.

“Good afternoon, sir!” He greeted with a big grin, tipping his sunhat back. He was an Earth pony, that much was obvious. His coat I could best describe as the color of mud, with a simple jet-black mane and tail. I would have looked at the stallion’s Cutie Mark, but I’d have had to lean over the table for that and I didn’t want to seem invasive.

“Hello there,” I returned with a smile of my own.

“What can I do for you?”

“I’d just like a couple of your pineapples. How much?” I inquired, reaching over to open the pouch that contained all the coins.

“Four bits apiece, sir.” He replied, putting his hoof out to tap a small sign on his table I didn’t see, but couldn’t read either way.

“Oh, sorry, didn’t notice.” I lied, figuring it was better to look dumb than admit I can’t read.

’Four bits seems a bit steep for a single pineapple, but what do I know? Haven’t exactly gotten a feel for what’s worth what with pony-money’ I mused, making sure I had the required eight. With a fair bit of awkwardness which I did my best to hide, I set the gold coins on the table in a neat little stack.

“Thank you for your business!” He tipped his hat before sliding the money into a small lockbox. Similarly, I slid the delicious fruits into my bag, taking a moment to get them to settle comfortably and shutting the flap. “Excuse me,” The stallion said as I turned to leave.

“Is there a problem?” I looked back up to him, noting an almost uncomfortable expression on his face.

“No, just… I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why didn’t you use your magic?” He nodded to my horn. “I thought you unicorns used it for everything.”

“Oh, uh…” I bit my lip, trying to think of a quick excuse.

’It can’t be that big a deal not using my magic, right? Maybe he’s just a really curious sort.’

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I was just wonderin’,” He quickly said, looking a bit worried he’d offended.

“No it’s fine. I was just, uh…” I had an idea and hoped it would be good enough for him, as well as make sense. “I’m just out of magic for the day. Stressed myself too much this morning. Pineapples are just the fastest way to get energy back, short of sleeping And they just happen to taste good.” I forced a laugh.

“Huh. Ya don’t say,” The shopkeeper seemed to buy it, and that was all I needed. “Well, sorry to stall you. Have a good one, come again!”

“You too.” I nodded, turning to leave at a slightly faster pace than was probably necessary. That whole situation was too awkward for my tastes. It took maybe a minute for me to exit the market plaza. I kept heading in the direction I told Twilight I’d take; straight in the direction her door faced, so I kept on walking.

’At least I was able to pull a dumb answer out of my butt. I wonder if unicorns actually have a limit to their magic per day? I guess I’ll just add it to my mental list of questions for later.’

I looked back to double-check that my side-bag was properly closed.

’At least I have something delicious to eat later, and the bag covered up my lack of a Cutie Mark.’

I had no interest in finding out what he might have had to say about that.


It wasn’t long before I started reaching what seemed like the outer-ring of town, where the spaces between buildings were getting larger, and the homes quickly outnumbered the shops.

’With the peculiar architecture these ponies have, it’s hard to tell what’s what sometimes.’

A small park was down a ways, but it was off my intended path so I just logged it in the little mental map of the town I’d been working on. In the distance I could see all manner of ponies playing games, walking around or just sitting on benches and relaxing. A couple relaxing under a tree even gave each other some quick kisses.

’They’re so… human. I couldn’t possibly imagine ponies back home, just animals, acting like this before.’

“Come on, just leave me alone, you two!” Came a shriek in the distance, clearly a younger pony in distress.

’Speaking of acting like humans...’

It didn’t take me more than a minute to find where the distressing sounds of the young pony were coming from. Which as it were, took me to what looked like an old-timey schoolhouse. Outside were three smaller female ponies, which I remembered were called foals, having some sort of dispute.

’Jeez, you only see schoolhouses like this in movies anymore.’

I was around the other side of the building, very close, but decided to watch for a moment before doing anything; shoving Pinkie Pie off of Twilight and almost hitting her with my somewhat-sharp horn flashed in my mind, and I didn’t want to do anything stupid here, especially not in front of children.

Two foals, a pink one and a silver one had the third, a white one backed up against a wall. I wasn’t paying much attention to what was being said, but the two I deemed the bullies kept using the term ‘blank flank’ with the inclination it was some kind of hurtful slang.

After seeing these two foals weren’t going to stop bothering the third any time soon, I rounded the corner and cleared my throat.

“Is there a problem here?” I called as I drew closer. Immediately the two bullies jumped and looked at me with hesitation. It was then that I noticed the silver foal had a pair of thick glasses, and the pink one had some sort of cheap plastic tiara in her mane. The white one had a small horn, and a semi-curly mane with various shades of purple I could only describe as ‘adorable’.

“Come on, DT, let’s just go.” The snooty silver foal urged the pink one, starting out into a brisk trot, which the other quickly followed.

’Hmph, kids will be kids wherever you go I suppose.’ I rolled my eyes then turned to the white foal who’d been sitting on the ground up against the wall of the schoolhouse.

“You okay, kid?” I asked, offering a foreleg, which she hesitantly grabbed and pulled herself up with.

“I’m fine. Those two are always bugging me and my friends,” She huffed, dusting herself off and quickly patting down her mane like it was a normal thing. “Thanks for making them go away, mister.” She smiled, walking over to a nearby swing set that was only a dozen feet or so away and retrieving what I guessed was her school bag.

“It was nothing, I just don’t like bullies and it didn’t look like they were going to stop any time soon.” I explained. “What were they bugging you about anyways? Seems this is a regular thing for you, er?” I asked in a leading voice, hoping to get the young foal’s name.

“Sweetie Belle,” She perked up, jumping over and extending a hoof, which I gave a quick shake. “And those two, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, are always teasing me and my friends about not having our Cutie Marks.” Sweetie added with a shake of her head, indicating she did not in fact, have her Cutie Mark.

I blinked. Blank flank? Made sense, thinking on it for just a moment or so. Then, I smiled. That was something I could work with.

“Well, you don’t say…” I chuckled, turning slightly to reveal my side. “I don’t have mine yet either, believe it or not.”

“No way!” Sweetie Belle bounced over enthusiastically, to get a closer look. “That’s so… cool!” She squeaked, jumping up and down in place.

“Heh, I guess it is, isn’t it?”

“How come you don’t have yours yet? I thought everypony got them when they were younger?” Sweetie inquired, cocking her sead to the side. Clearly, the idea of an adult ‘blank flank’ was an alien concept to the foal, furthering the idea that hiding it earlier was a good idea.

“I just haven’t,” I shrugged. Technically I wasn’t lying, I was just stretching the truth to fit my needs. “I’m just a special case I suppose, not finding my talent and all that.” Again, not lying. I wanted to be as honest as possible without telling this small pony I wasn’t even one of her kind; that could only end badly.

“Huh. Well I better be getting home. I can’t wait to tell my friends!” Sweetie Belle started to run off down a road, but stopped and turned around. “Thanks again Mister... Uh…?” She trailed off.

“Edward. Just Edward.” I smiled, waiting for the confused look that would never come.

“Thanks Mr. Edward! Bye!” She waved then ran off down the road, leaving a small trail of dust in her wake. I turned to take my leave, continuing down the same path I had before the little ‘detour.’ I gave my hooves a quick little stretch then started to move.

’Well, I guess I’ll just keep walkin—’

“Hey wait!” A voice, distinctly female, called out from behind me, stopping me in my tracks. I turned towards the schoolhouse wall and looked up, seeing a magenta mare sticking her head out of a window just above me. Her mane, from what I could see, was varying shades of her coat’s color and fairly straight, but with the slightest of swirls on the tip.

“Oh, hello there.” I greeted, flashing a quick smile as my surprise subsided. “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing wrong at all,” She shook her head, mane bobbing slightly with her movements. “I actually wanted to thank you.” The mare smiled warmly.

“Thank me for what, exactly?” I tilted my head, curious.

“Getting those two to leave poor Sweetie Belle alone,” She thrust her head in the direction those two bullies ran off. “They’re always bothering their classmates. They were causing a ruckus earlier. I've been meaning to say something to them about it, but I guess you beat me to it.” The pony giggled slightly. “Oh, I never introduced myself, how rude of me. One moment!” And with that, she disappeared inside the building.

I went around to the front of the schoolhouse where I assumed I was going to meet her halfway. Right as I got to the steps the door swung open and the as-of-yet unnamed mare quickly trotted down the steps to my level. I caught a glimpse of her Cutie Mark, which looked to be a trio of smiling flowers.

“My name’s Cheerilee,” She huffed slightly before sticking out her hoof, a gesture I quickly returned, giving it a quick shake. “And I already know your name. I may have eavesdropped on you and Sweetie for a minute. Sorry about that.” The pony sheepishly grinned.

“It’s no problem.” I smiled, then paused. “So uh, do you work here?” I nodded to the school.

“Yes, I’m the teacher here.” Cheerilee confirmed along with a nod. “I was just staying after a few minutes to close up. I hope you don’t mind me saying, Mr. Edward, but you have a very peculiar accent.” She used one of her forehooves to rub the underside of her chin.

“I do?” I never really thought about it before, but she must’ve been right if she noticed right away.

“It’s not too obvious, but there’s a definite foreign tinge to some of your words. It’s a little sharp. It’s almost… northern in a way, but something about it is more interesting than that…” Cheerilee brought her hoof down, tapping the ground, and biting her lip in thought. After a long couple seconds of silence she broke out of her contemplative trance. “Oh, I’m sorry! I hope I didn’t offend!” She waved her forelegs in the air in-between us.

“Oh no, you’re fine. I’m a little surprised somebody noticed. But uh, yeah. I’m just staying in town for a while.”

“Heh, I don’t get out of Ponyville much, is all. New ponies really stick out to me. Even the way you said ‘somebody’ as opposed to ‘somepony’ was interesting,” Cheerilee stifled yet another giggle.

’You idiot! You need to keep an eye on that.’

“Well, I should get to the market before they close so I can pick up some dinner,” Cheerilee stuck out her hoof once more, which I gave a quick shake to. “I’ll see you around town!” She smiled then trotted off the way I came from, back to the market district.

’She seemed awfully nice. I really gotta pay more attention to what I say, though.’

I looked up to the sky, noticing that the sun hadn’t moved all that much, and I judged it to still be in the early stages of the afternoon. Plenty of time to explore some more before making my way back home.

’Home.’ The word echoed in my mind. ’I wonder how long I’m going to be calling this place that...’


It didn’t take long for me to reach what I could officially call the edge of town. Buildings were sparse and ponies few and far between. Although it was still quite beautiful, especially with the woods off in the distance. It still seemed relatively early, so I continued onwards down a cobblestone path that led in the general direction of the forest.

Not too far down the road was a small bridge overlooking a creek. As I stepped over the bridge I looked down to the water, admiring the incredible abundance of animals just... There. The local animal life seemed to have no fear whatsoever of ponies, not like humans at all. I left the critters alone and made my way across the remainder of the bridge.

A ways off in the distance was a dwelling of sorts, becoming more and more clear as I drew closer to the edge of the town’s boundary, and the forest's edge.

’Couldn’t hurt to take a look while I’m here and all.’

I had no desire whatsoever to go inside the forest, though. Something about it unnerved me when I stared at it. The dwelling looked like something out of, well, out of a magical book with enchanted forests. It was a home on the smaller side, but it looked very cozy. All around it were many well-maintained plants with birds and various insects flitting about. There was even another creek running right through the property, and a fittingly rustic brick bridge running over it.

And the animals? They were everywhere! Otters, turtles, rabbits, more birds than I could name, even a couple friendly-looking skunks milling about.

On the outer edge of the property was a plain stone wall roughly the height of my chest, and circling all around the property, with a simple wooden gate a few steps down the way, leading up to the house. I wanted to go on the other side and look around more of the amazing place, but I didn’t want to trespass. So instead I settled for walking along the outside of the wall, continuing to look at the animals and scenery.

After a while, the door to the home opened, revealing a white rabbit in-tow with a very familiar pegasus.

’Fluttershy? Huh, so this is where she lives.’

For a time I contently sat there, watching her skip all around outside, talking with animals here or there and just generally being happy and lively. I didn’t know the yellow pegasus very well, but it was strange nonetheless seeing her so animated. She was even singing a nice little tune to her furry friends.

’She really is different on her own. Then again, everyone is when you think about it.’

The fact she didn’t see me only a hundred or so feet away surprised me. At least until she turned and stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing me. Like a deer stuck in the headlights, neither of us moved for a few painfully long seconds.

“Oh, hi Fluttershy. I was just looking around Ponyville.” I gave my most convincing, normal smile I could muster under the awkward circumstances. I felt like I’d just walked in on someone in the shower, and very much wanted to leave. “I’m gonna be on my way—”

“Wait,” Fluttershy spoke. Had the animals not quieted down, I’d have never heard her quiet voice. “Wait…” She said a second time, gliding over to the stone wall, setting down and quickly tucking her wings to her sides. “I wanted to apologize.” Fluttershy spoke with an air of confidence.

“Apologize? What for?” I couldn’t fathom what she’d feel sorry for. It was I who was watching her and looking like a creep in the process.

“For being so quiet before, at Twilight’s last night and at lunch today.” She spoke, even making eye contact. Her white rabbit friend had finally caught up and jumped up onto her back, eyeing me with a critical gaze. “I’ve been trying to be more open, more sociable. I still get shy though. So, um…” She stalled, breaking eye contact and looking down to the ground. Her momentary confidence was gone, so I took that as my cue to speak up.

“It’s perfectly alright, Fluttershy. I understand being shy around new people,” I smiled, hoping that was decent enough to keep her from locking-up. A change in subject couldn’t hurt, either. “This is a beautiful place you have here.”

“Oh thank you!” She beamed, straightening up with renewed vigor. “I do my best to keep it looking nice, as well as a place for all my little friends…” She turned her head to give a quick nuzzle to the rabbit now playing with her mane.

“They all seem to really like you,” I remarked, giving a quick glance to a few songbirds that were now coming to settle on the wall nearest Fluttershy.

“My talent lets me communicate with animals of all kinds on a level no other ponies can,” Fluttershy smiled, putting one of her forelegs out and letting her rabbit friend get a closer look at me. “Angel Bunny, this is Edward. Go on, say ‘hello’.” She almost sang when she spoke to it.

Angel Bunny hesitantly crept out to the end of her hoof, giving the air between us a few long sniffs for good measure. It was surprising how much expression I could see on its face, showing me far more emotion than any rabbits back on Earth. Angel looked somewhat befuddled, looking back to Fluttershy with a quizzical expression.

’Maybe he knows something’s up with me. That I’m not a regular pony? Animals always were more sensitive than people to some things, so what about here I wonder...’

“Would you like to come in for a bit?” Fluttershy asked in a cheery tone.

“Really? I wouldn’t want to impose or make you uncomfortable.”

“I insist. I just got this new tea I’ve been eager to try, and I do feel bad for not talking very much before. I really am trying to get out there more,” Fluttershy stepped forward, opening the gate and stepping to the side to let me pass. “Besides, you must be tired from carrying that bag all day.”

’Forgot I was even carrying it, I got so distracted.’

“Some tea sounds fantastic. I am a little thirsty from my walk over here,” I chuckled, falling in step with Fluttershy and together we made for the house. Angel took a place atop the mare’s head, not taking his bewildered gaze off of me. “I’m not sure your friend likes me though,” I remarked with a quick glance to the creature.

“Oh, Angel Bunny? I think he likes you in fact.”

“What makes you think that?” I didn’t get the feeling he liked me, more that he wasn’t sure what to think of me.

“Normally he throws things.”


The interior of Fluttershy’s cottage was just as populated with critters as the outside; birds, squirrels and other small rodents were everywhere. There was even an entire wall devoted to bird houses. Were there any place this full of animals back home, you’d have the house condemned. But there… there it was, like something out of a children’s story. They looked like the happiest animals on the planet, running around and having fun.

There was a small table in the center of Fluttershy’s living room, which I was seated at, my bag looped around the back of the chair, while my host wandered into the kitchen. Angel kept a close eye on me from the kitchen’s threshold, looking like he was ready to bolt but equally determined to not let me out of his sight. I gave the critter my most convincing smile but his eyes just narrowed in response.

’I’m glad the rabbits I had as a kid weren’t like this. Probably would’ve been scared to turn my back on them.’

“Tea’s ready,” Fluttershy practically sang as she came into the main room, balancing a small tray on an outstretched wing. She carefully slid the tray onto the table with graceful, expert precision. “I thought you might still be hungry from lunch, so I grabbed some biscuits too.” Fluttershy pointed out as she took her place across from me. Angel took a spot on the floor next to her.

“That was really thoughtful of you. Thank you.” I smiled as my eyes looked over the two oversized mugs of steaming tea, and a small arrangement of biscuits in a spiral pattern in the middle. The tea looked like it could use a few minutes to cool off, so I grabbed a small biscuit as best I could and popped it into my mouth; the hooves were making things difficult once more.

“How is it?” Fluttershy expectantly asked.

“It’s quite possibly the most delicious miniature pastry I’ve ever eaten.” This made her beam with happiness. “If the biscuit was that good, I can’t wait to see what the tea’s like.” I complimented, reaching for another pastry.

“I’m glad you like them. I don’t have guests that often, so I try to take care of the few I get as best I can.” Fluttershy stated as she reached for her own tea. I grasped at mine and gently cupped it between my hooves, careful not to spill any. As I brought it closer to my face I smelled its sweet aroma, but couldn’t quite place the scent. Tentatively, I took a small sip and my taste buds were assaulted by a myriad of flavors.

I must’ve looked like an idiot, silently trying to figure out the tea as I took another test drink.

“Fluttershy?” I asked to get her attention. “What’s in this tea? It tastes absolutely amazing, but I can’t place that flavor.” I put the mug down and reached for another biscuit to nibble on.

“It’s a special blend I made myself. It’s pumpkin and spearmint, with just a hint of nutmeg for a little something extra.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and smelled the steam coming off of her mug, filling her lungs with the unique combination of smells.

“Well I’ve certainly never had tea like this before. How did you come up with this concoction?” This seemed to break my host out of her momentary trance.

“I have a lot of free time on my hooves…” Fluttershy slouched in her seat and looked off to the side. “So when I get bored, sometimes I get whatever I can from my garden out back, and see what flavors go together.”

“I see…” I said, stalling for a conversation topic to pop up in my head. I took another drink of the tea to help wash down another pastry. “So, do you live all alone here?”

“Yes and no.” Fluttershy shrugged slightly. “It’s just me, Angel Bunny here—” She paused to give the rabbit a pet. “—and my other animal friends. I like the quiet for the most part.”

“That reminds me, how did you end up meeting all the other ponies from today? I don’t want to offend or anything, but you really seemed like the odd one out of the group.”

Fluttershy’s ears flattened and she averted eye contact. “I was just having a really shy moment, was all. I’ve been getting better about it lately.” She quickly composed herself and gave me a warm smile. “It’s funny you mention that actually…”

“How so?”

“Well, my first friend out of the ponies you’ve met was actually Rainbow Dash, believe it or not,” Fluttershy giggled a little to herself.

“Really?” I couldn’t see a quiet pony such as Fluttershy being longtime friends with a pony as rough and outspoken as Rainbow Dash. “That sounds like quite the story right there.”

“Oh it is!” Fluttershy nearly jumped out of her seat with excitement, then quickly settled back down. “I can tell you if you want, but it’s a bit of a long one.”

I looked over to a window in the living room and judged it to still be early in the afternoon. It couldn’t hurt to kill a bit of time, right?

“Twilight’s not expecting me back for at least two or three more hours. I’ve got time.” I said as I got more comfortable in the chair and held my mug once more. Fluttershy grinned and cleared her throat to start the recollection of how she met Rainbow.

“It all started when we were just little fillies in flight camp. I didn’t even have my Cutie Mark yet…”

Comments ( 55 )

Yes yes, I know you could have made a child between this update and the last one. I know ;_:

It's great to see that his story is now updated. It is sad that it take so much time between each chapter. I hope to see more soon.

Update? UPDATE! Best way to start the week^^

Not a blatant self-insert

*Notes that avatar image and cover image are remarkably similar* Hmmmmmmm. Mmhmm. Hmhmhmmm.
Not a self insert you say?
Seems mighty suspicious...
Not that it makes any diff really, I'll still read it

short of sleeping And

short of sleeping. And
short of sleeping, and

Thanks Mr. Edward!

This has probably been noted before, but.... Mr Ed. Hehehehe...

“Normally he throws things.”

Hey Edward... ever have rabbit pie as a human?

So he'll know how those two met... I'd be interested in your take on the others. Meeting Pinkie should be fun....

6659166 At least you're still writing. I gave up.

“Would you like to come in for a bit?” Fluttershy asked in a cheery tone.
“Really? I wouldn’t want to impose or make you uncomfortable.”

“I insist. I just got this new tea I’ve been eager to try, and I do feel bad for not talking very much before. I really am trying to get out there more,” Fluttershy stepped forward, opening the gate and stepping to the side to let me pass. “Besides, you must be tired from carrying that bag all day.”

’Forgot I was even carrying it, I got so distracted.’

“Tea’s ready,” Fluttershy practically sang as she came into the main room, balancing a small tray on an outstretched wing.

“I’m glad you like them. I don’t have guests that often, so I try to take care of the few I get as best I can.” Fluttershy stated as she reached for her own tea.
I grasped at mine and gently cupped it between my hooves, careful not to spill any. As I brought it closer to my face I smelled its sweet aroma, but couldn’t quite place the scent.

Totally didn't sound like a beginning to some horror/dark/sex tag fic.
I haven't read one before, aside from that one example from the Wiki :X

The first man on Earth who gave birth...

>.> next chapter wont be half a year from now will it?

Well, what do you know, an update. A nice little chapter. Well done.

Here's to hoping it won't take as long the next time. Happy writing.

Pineapple, the fruit I loved most in the world.

Okay, the foreshadowing over the main character being the villain is getting a little heavy.

I don't get it >.>

6663764 It is a well known fact that pineapples, the most unpleasant non-variety of apple are abominations unto the lord and anyone who likes them is actually demonically possessed.

That would explain the scary voice I get sometimes.

Still waiting the update.

Inb4 4 bits for a pineapple is a massive ripoff.

It's good to see this still updating. Also I quite like pineapples by the way.

Fluttershy leaned back in her seat balancing her cup close under her chin, taking in the fragrance but mindful not to drink. She watched intently as Ed took a few tentative sips, and then, expressing his satisfaction, began to drink in earnest.

"I'm so glad you like my tea." She began, "From this point on I'm sure we'll be spending... a lot of time together."

... I'm sure there are more than one that start the same way. Maybe even one that's all three of those.

You like fluttered- Flutter-ed... Flutter Ed? :yay:?

Go sit in the Shame Corner™ and think about what you've done.

I was asking what you were trying to say with your comment.


Just hug it out already you two ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh, it's was just a passing comment that I think there are likely to be other stories that follow that exact formula of Fluttershy drugging a pony and locking them in her basement.
Also I kind of wanted to share that little snippet I came up with

... very well. *hugs Zanec*

Not if you are looking with that face O_O.
Squirms a bit.*

*lets go*


*goes back to the Shame Corner™*

Shame Corner?
Dude, WTF!
Why did you Torture Mark(TM) it D:???

Hey, it wasn't my idea!

Brony TM'ed it. D:

Even if it wasn't your idea its still your fault...
Sort of...
Cuz, know, you brought it up n' stuff!
Wanna join? I mean, if it really was you(TM), we are all up for bondage...

6796707 6796177
... I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with this.

Oh, you don't have to be, we'll make you!
If you know what 'we' mean ;)

Every time I see a face like that I want to say:

That your evil laugh?

Also I think we should leave brony in peace. I don't think he's up for a threesome, and I think we've spammed his story enough.

Hm... *does not get it*

i can't wait intill he talk about

NASA, and how human on live on earth, the invent of engine then nuclear fusion and power, internet, phone, compute, jet engine, rocket engine, Artificial intelligence machines,nuclear fusion navy ship.

that will break twilight or maybe kill with that history.

6886735 ditto I wonder if knowing about atoms, quarks, gluons and photons will effect magic.

Gluons are considered a force much like electromagnetism is a force they are what stick the quarks together to form protons and the like but they also keep the atom together, if they did not exists atoms would not form like we know them as an atom core is multiple protons and neutrons and the laws of electromagnetism state that it would repeal itself much like sticking the north ends of a magnet together.

>730 thumbs-up
>Over 1,000 favorites
...Huh. And here I thought nobody liked this schlock >_>

Maybe I should write something.

what are your plans for this storuy as it hasnt ben updated in three years

There aren't really any, sorry.

guess it can't be helped

Very nice so far and curious where it'll go.

That's a real shame, you had something really nice going here. Best of luck in the future and thank you for the pleasant story you did manage to write.

Why do all the good stories die early?

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