• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 9,954 Views, 608 Comments

To Live Another Life - Brony2893

Why is this little box so limited? It can't even begin to hold the plot of this story, or any story

  • ...

Chapter Eight

I was swimming in a sea of hellish fear, and quickly losing the battle between my quickly diminishing stamina and the endless power of nature. Through my blurred vision of tears and seawater, I thought I saw something through the flashes of lightning. Another flash and I saw a faint silhouette in the distance, it was something looming just enough over the horizon for me to see a lightning bolt not quite hit the water.

With my mind numb from exhaustion and heart-wrenching terror, I lazily paddled to the only thing not comprised of violent waves. Another large flash of lightning, closer this time, illuminated the large object. It was land. With the first refuge in what seemed days of tiring, painful swimming I felt energized and hopeful as I paddled with renewed vigor.

I wasn't sure if it was inhospitable or not, but I didn't care as long as it wasn't water. I was so close; I saw the shape of a tree in the distance as nature’s fury pounded the sea with electricity. The edge of the island slowly came closer and closer, I was almost near enough to stand on the sea bottom. I felt a familiar, yet stronger presence push me under the water as a wave submerged my tired body. I didn’t have time to hold my breath as I went under the surface, and something wracked my leg with pain indescribable beneath the ocean.

It seemed every morning would start the same way back then. I would wake up in a heavy sweat with my heart pounding away as I looked at my surroundings, trying to remember where I was. It frustrated me to no end how I couldn’t remember much after ending up in the ocean. It was maddening. Like trying to find something on a shelf or in a case that simply wasn’t there, yet I kept going back and trying to find it.

It was useless lying there, lost in my thoughts when they alone wouldn’t solve anything. With a sigh, I rolled out of bed and tackle the day. My first day in Ponyville.

My body cracked and popped like bubble-wrap as I stretched my limbs. With a yawn, I made my way up the basement stairs and made my way into the main room.

“Good morning, Edward!” The cheery voice of Twilight Sparkle greeted me. I noticed her reading over at a table on the main floor as I exited the basement. The book floated in front of her in a magical aura. What caught my eye was the odd symbols on the cover of the book, but dismissed it as their odd language.

“Morning to you too,” I yawned back to her, flashing a tired smile. I thought something looked different about Twilight, but shrugged it off as likely being tired. I glanced out a nearby window and noted how bright it was, which made me curious.

“Hey Twilight, what time is it?” I asked, looking around for a clock. Finding none, I looked back to her.

“Well...” Twilight closed her book and trotted to the same window I looked out. She barely had to look to know. “It’s already almost noon, actually.”

I missed breakfast... great.

“Wait...” I looked down to the floor as the previous night’s events played themselves over, until I remembered what was nagging me. “Aren’t we meeting your friends for lunch?”

“Yes.” Twilight went back over to her table and floated the book she was reading back to a nearby bookcase. “We’re meeting the girls for lunch, and you’ll meet Rainbow Dash and Rarity too. Spike might also be there.”

“Then why didn’t you wake me up earlier if we’re leaving soon?” I asked, perplexed as Twilight made sure the book she shelved was set ever so perfectly.

“Well, you see...” Twilight bit her lip in thought before continuing. “I thought you could use a bit of extra rest.” She looked down for a moment, not meeting my curious gaze across the room.

“What for? You seemed more tired than I did last night.” I noted, remembering Twilight’s stressed mood before she went to sleep.

“Actually, I opened your door this morning to get you up for breakfast, but you were tossing and turning in your bed a lot,” Twilight looked to me, genuine concern in her violet eyes. “You were sweating and even talking in your sleep, but I couldn’t make any of it out. Edward, were you having nightmares last night?”

I felt my ears flatten slightly as I recalled the unpleasant memories. I lightly bit my lip, trying to push the terrifying visions back.

“Yeah, Twilight, I’ve actually been having them since I came here...” I sighed, examining one of my hooves. It’d been a few days, but they still felt strange.

“Nightmares? What about?” Twilight took a step towards me, her expression stuck between curious and caring. I met her eyes but all I saw was the memory of the lightning flashes. I squinted and looked off to the side.

“I don’t want to talk about it, not yet anyways...” I shuffled on my hooves awkwardly. “I’ll tell you about it later, promise.” I gave her a weak smile, hoping she’d take the hint I didn’t want to share those memories quite yet. Twilight looked me up and down for a few moments, making me wonder what was on her mind.

“Alright, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable after all.” She smiled to me.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” I said almost on reflex. I opened my mouth to say something, but was promptly interrupted by my empty stomach choosing that moment to make itself known. “Heh, I think it’s time we get going to that restaurant.” I turned to the front door and took a few steps before I felt something tug me from behind. I looked around me to see my tail enveloped in Twilight’s magic, which faded as I gave her a questioning glare.

“Sorry, Edward, but you need to clean up before we go out.” Twilight nodded to the stairs leading to the upper part of the treehouse. “There’s a shower in the bathroom up there. I suggest you take one before we leave.”

I was going to voice my opposition to further delays for food, but I stopped to think about how long it had been since I bathed. The hospital had a restroom for me during my stay, but was never given the luxury of cleaning myself, or even a mirror for that matter. My mane and tail were likely a poofy, terrible mess compared to its normal semi-curly state.

“That’s probably a good idea.” I nodded and broke into a quick step as I made it to the stairs. I made it a couple steps up before turning back to Twilight, who’d started writing in a notebook. “Twilight? How exactly do showers work here in Equestria?”

Twilight looked at me like I’d just sprouted a second head.

“There’s two knobs...” Twilight slowly answered, taking care with each syllable. “One for cold water and one for—”

“I got it.” I interrupted just loud enough to be heard. “Sorry, I just thought... nevermind.” I could feel my face redden in embarrassment. I was honestly expecting something to do with magic.

“Right...” Twilight gave me an odd look. “There are towels already in there for you. I’m sure the girls won’t mind if we’re a few minutes late, but you better get going.” She motioned with her hoof.

“Alright, I’ll be down as soon as I—”

“Wait.” Twilight stopped me mid-step on the stairs. I looked down to her with silent bewilderment. “Why did you shove Pinkie Pie off me last night?” She slightly cocked her head to the side. I looked down for a moment, pondering my actions last evening.

“Well, she broke your door down and barged in,” I started to recall. “I thought she was going to hurt you, so I pushed her off you.” I answered to her at the bottom of the stairs.

“I appreciate the thought, but...” Twilight stopped to find her words. “Just be careful of your horn. It’d be too easy to accidently hurt somepony since you’re not used to it.” She told me with a serious face.

“Don’t worry, I’d rather not put somebody in the hospital when I’m supposed to be laying low.”

“Good.” Twilight nodded, seeming to be satisfied with my answer. “Now go on and get showered, we have lunch soon.”


I walked through Ponyville with a smile and a bounce in my step Having bathed and gotten my mane and tail all sorted out, I was ready for the day. Twilight was quiet for the most part as she led me to whatever restaurant it was we were headed. The town was rather lively with ponies of all sorts going this way and that. The majority seemed to be earth ponies, but I wasn’t so sure.

Every minute or so one of them would wave to the both of us, no doubt wondering who the new stallion in town was, where he was headed with Twilight Sparkle, why I didn’t have a Cutie Mark... and kept looking down at my own hooves. Overall, I guess there were quite a few reasons for ponies to stare. At least they were polite about it.

“How are you feeling?” Twilight asked, breaking the silence.

“Pretty great actually.” I gave her a smile out of the corner of my eye. “So, what are Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike all like? I’d like to know what to expect this time.”

“I’m not sure if Spike will be there or not, he usually stays behind when the girls and I go out.”


“Is Spike like, your brother or something?” I turned to her, wondering if this was who she mentioned back when we first met in Canterlot. Twilight stopped and pondered my question for a few moments.

“I suppose you could say that. He was my assistant at first, but I guess he became a little brother to me.” She shrugged before resuming her walk. “Come on, we’re already late.” I went back to my spot at her side, only a step or two behind.

I wasn’t sure why, but I felt incredibly nervous walking with Twilight to meet her other friends. I wondered what they would think of me, if they weren’t as open minded as she was and would label me some sort of freak. Or if they wouldn’t believe her... or Pinkie was still mad over, whatever.

“How much longer till we get there?” I asked as we neared a sort of intersection separating what seemed like the market district from the rest of the town.

“The restaurant is right on the other side of this corner,” Twilight pointed a hoof off to the street on the right. I nodded and we continued on.

“So, you’re really going to tell them everything about me?” I asked, trying to hide my unease.

“Yes. I promised I would, and they’d figure it out eventually anyways.” She answered quickly as we rounded a corner.

“Well, can you really trust them though? Princess Celestia said to be careful who you told.”

“Of course I can. They’re my best friends,” Twilight proudly proclaimed with a smile that I caught the tail-end of. “I trust them with my life. Try not to worry about it.” She finished with a reassuring smile directed at me. I gave a short smile in return, noticing the street we were on seemed to stop up ahead, likely our destination.

“So, what do you think they’ll all think of me?” I asked.

“I’m not entirely sure...” Twilight thoughtfully hummed to herself before giving me a sidelong glance. “You seem like a nice enough pony, so they should like you. I haven’t seen any reason for them not to yet.”

“Except I’m not a pony,” I countered. “Well, not really.”

“Semantics.” She waved a hoof at me. I lightly rolled my eyes and looked back to where I was going.

In the distance I saw a building with green awnings spreading out from the sides. I could just make out a rapidly-moving pink pony under a table that had a parasol matching the awnings. There were other ponies there as well, from what I could tell at that distance.

“I’m guessing that’s the place?” I nodded to the establishment we were walking towards.

“Yep. Looks like your extended shower made us the last ones here,” Twilight gave me an odd look. I wasn’t sure if she was joking with me, or genuinely annoyed to be the last one.

“Heh, sorry.” I sheepishly grinned.

“It’s alright. Come on, let’s go,” Twilight said as she increased her pace.

I tried to keep up with her, but the slight increase in our pace was a bit much for my new pony body to handle, though I managed, but just barely.I was still nervous as we approached the restaurant patio across the street. I could make out the other ponies as we approached. I recognized the mares from last night; Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Pinkie was still wildly waving her foreleg at us as we drew nearer.

I had my attention briefly drawn to two I didn’t recognize, a white-coated unicorn mare with a styled indigo mane, and another mare with a blue and—of all things—a rainbow mane. The two new ponies exchanged odd glances as we approached. Pinkie Pie excitedly jumped up and down in her seat.

“Twilight! Twilight!” The bouncing, pink pony exclaimed as we got close enough. “You made it! We were worried because you were late and thought something terrible must’ve happened to you!” She shot out almost too fast to hear.

“Heh, sorry everypony.” Twilight apologized. I noticed there were only five seats, so we both remained standing. “Anyways, thank you all for coming, I—”

“What’s with the guy?” The blue, rainbow-maned mare interrupted and pointed a hoof at me from the other side of the table. Applejack scowled at the blue mare seated next to her and lightly smacked her upside the head.

“What did Ah say ‘bout not interrupting Twilight, Rainbow?” Applejack said, an unamused frown was on her face. The one I properly assumed to be Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and motioned she’d be quiet. “Sorry ‘bout that Twi, Ah guess some of us were a bit excited and couldn’t hold it.”

“It’s alright. Like I was saying... I’m not sure what the others may have told you two yet, but this is Edward,” Twilight glanced over to me. Rainbow Dash and the mare I supposed to be ‘Rarity’ exchanged glances once again, likely my name sounding strange, again. Applejack simply watched and Fluttershy had her face partially hidden behind her mane.

“Well, Edward, it’s very nice to meet another friend of Twilight’s.” The white mare stood and stepped forward, extending a hoof to me. “My name is Rarity, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She greeted and I shook her hoof in return. She gave me a big smile before slightly leaning her head off to the side. I couldn’t see what she was looking at.

“Put’er there!” Rainbow Dash bolted in front of me and shot a hoof in my face. As I shook her hoof too, I noticed wings at her side. And that her tail was rainbow-dyed as well. She must’ve noticed me glancing. “Before you ask, yes, it’s my natural color.” she said as I dropped her hoof. I guess she was used to being asked that.

There was a bit of an awkward silence as Rainbow returned to her seat, and Rarity slowly circled me, before returning to her seat as well, leaving Twilight and I standing.

“Well, now that everypony’s been introduced...” Twilight used her magic to pull two more chairs from unoccupied tables and set them down. “Let’s order something to eat while we talk,” She said as we both took our seats. I rested my forehooves on the table.

“Gee, I thought the stallion was supposed to get the seat for the mare,” Rainbow Dash snickered out before burying her face in her hooves to contain herself. I couldn’t help but feel my face flush as Applejack once more smacked Rainbow, and the other ponies gave me an expectant look, waiting for a reply.

“But we’re not together.” I corrected.

“It’s alright,” Twilight tapped me on my shoulder. “Rainbow just likes to joke around a lot.”

“Aww, it’s alright Dashie,” Pinkie Pie spoke up. “We can go pranking later.” She finished with a grin that seemed to defy physical limits. Rarity cleared her throat to speak.

“We took the liberty of ordering some drinks and sandwiches shortly before your arrival.” Rarity chirped. The thought of a sandwich was momentarily glorious, until I remembered it would likely be a salad on bread. I sighed internally and looked over to Fluttershy, who had yet to say a word.

“Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight said.

“So, while we’re uh waitin’ for the food, why don’t we discuss what’s really goin’ on here?” Applejack suggested, while Rainbow and Pinkie whispered back and forth between each other.

“Yes, let’s,” Rarity nodded in agreement. Everypony, even Fluttershy now looked expectantly between myself and Twilight. I decided to take the initiative on this one.

“I’m sure you may have guessed by now, but, I’m going to be living with Twilight for a while.” I said, eliciting a mob of confused looks.

“He’s right,” Twilight spoke up. “Now before you all start assuming things, this comes down from Princess Celestia herself.”

“So he’s why you couldn’t make the Wonderbolt’s show?” Rainbow asked, giving me an uncertain look.

“What’s a ‘Wonderbolt’?” I asked without thinking, falling back to my old habit. All the mares—bar Twilight—looked at me as if I were, well... an alien. Rainbow Dash gave me the strangest look of all.

“How do you not know who The Wonderbolts are!?” Rainbow asked loudly. “Like, everypony everywhere knows who they are!” She was leaning over the table at me.

“Ah think what he’s tryin’ to say—” Applejack nudged Rainbow with her foreleg back into her seat. “—is that he’s not exactly from ‘round here. Are ya, Edward?”

“No. Not quite.” I replied. I felt especially nervous when I could tell my ‘big reveal’ was happening soon. “I’m a real foreigner. I’m not familiar with Equestria at all, to put it bluntly.” I looked over to Twilight, who simply nodded me on, letting me handle it.

Rarity cleared her throat to speak. “I thought something was a bit amiss with you darling,” She said. “I noticed you don’t have your Cutie Mark yet. Quite bizarre for a stallion of your age.”

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie Pie vaulted out of her seat and came over to me, looking at my flank with a magnifying glass, which was a bit uncomfortable having her essentially examining my butt. Where she got the magnifying glass is still a mystery to me. “You’re totally right! He doesn’t have one yet!” She exclaimed before Twilight quietly shooed her away. Pinkie ended up bouncing back to her seat across the table.

“But, Ah thought everypony got their Cutie Marks when they were little?” Applejack scratched her mane, obviously confused.

“Just who is this pony, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked without skipping a beat. The other mares nodded with her, all eagerly awaiting an answer. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but hesitated.

“Well, he’s... He’s not. Edward is...” Twilight struggled to find her words. I watched her fidget with her hooves for a few silent moments. I sighed to myself and figured I’d take over for Twilight.

I took in a long breath and steeled myself.

“Well, I’m not exactly a pony, heh...” I managed to get out before I felt my throat close off. Everypony around the table exchanged odd glances, silently befuddled. Surprisingly, it was Fluttershy who spoke up, though I struggled to make it out.

“Is he... is he a changeling?” Fluttershy meekly asked.

“A what?” I asked.

“He’s a changeling in disguise!” Rainbow flared her wings and gave me an evil look.

“Rainbow Dash! Be quiet” Twilight nervously looked around for any patrons who might’ve overheard. “He’s not a—”

“He’s a spy!” Rainbow ignored her and jumped across the table at me. She knocked me back onto the ground, knocking all the air out of me. She had me pinned down, I couldn’t move. Rainbow flared her nostrils and pumped her wings, readying to hurt me in some way.

”Rainbow Dash!” Twilight Sparkle yelled. Rainbow was quickly surrounded by a magical field and ripped off of me. I got my breath and sat up to see Twilight reprimanding a floating Rainbow Dash, still frozen in her magic. “What did we tell you about attacking ponies you think are strange!?” Twilight glared at Rainbow, who struggled to get away, but quickly gave up.

“She does have a point, dear.” Rarity spoke up. “Just last week you kidnapped Hoity Toity when he came into town.”

“And Derpy too...” Fluttershy added.

Rainbow crossed her forelegs in frustration and gave me an odd look as I brushed myself off. “But he himself said he’s not a pony!” She pointed a blue foreleg at me.

“Yes he did, but you overreacted before we could explain,” Twilight shot back. “Do I need to keep holding you like this or can I trust you to sit down and listen?” She asked, reminding me of a mother scolding her child.

“Fine...” Rainbow Dash huffed and folded her wings. Twilight seemed satisfied enough by her answer, and promptly released her. Rainbow didn’t even bother to look at me as we both got back to our seats. She remained quiet, but still gave me dirty looks.

“Y’all ok?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, I’ll survive.” I shrugged, glad that Rainbow hadn’t beaten me into a pile of hamburger.

“Before you were so rudely interrupted...” Rarity paused to give Rainbow a disapproving look. “You were going to tell us exactly who or what you are?”

“Well, for starters...” I stopped to think of how I was gonna break it. I figured I’d get the biggest bits out first to get it over with. “I’m not exactly from Equestria, or even this planet.” I sounded sheepish as the words left my mouth. What happened next was just about the last thing I expected.

Pinkie Pie burst into laughter.

“That is so funny!” She was snickering and pounding on the table with her hooves. “Gee Twilight, you bagged a real comedian here!” Pinkie continued to laugh.

I looked over to Twilight, who had deadpanned and remained silent, letting Pinkie get it all out. The others exchanged various looks of confusion and general awkwardness.

“Wait, he was joking, right?” Pinkie asked after quieting down. “I mean, then he’d be some sort of weirdo alien from outer space!”

Twilight was unamused and simply stared at Pinkie with an irritated expression. She drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out to calm herself. “I know this sounds crazy, but it’s the truth.” She explained. “Princess Celestia wouldn’t lie to me about something like this.”

“Twilight, dear... is that really true?” Rarity asked. “Edward is not of this planet?” She looked at me with a mixture of emotions. Applejack simply watched while Fluttershy seemed genuinely interested in the conversation.

“Precisely,” Twilight nodded. “He’s—”

“This is crazy!” Rainbow half laughed, half stated. “There’s no such thing as ‘aliens’, everypony. They’re all sci-fi and made up!”

I smiled shyly and released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I felt like they wouldn’t believe me if i didn’t say anything. I dug deep for a little bit of extra courage, and was ready.

“Heh, I may just surprise you...”