• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 9,954 Views, 608 Comments

To Live Another Life - Brony2893

Why is this little box so limited? It can't even begin to hold the plot of this story, or any story

  • ...

Chapter Six

I quickly opened my eyes as my head jolted up in shock. In my surprised state I somehow managed to fall flat on my back as my surroundings slowly came back to me. I looked around and remembered where I was as I righted myself and slowly stood up. The train cabin was nearly as bright as it was before, the sun having only moved slightly while I slept.

It was that same strange memory-dream thing again, where I was stranded in the ocean. Nothing new happened this time, just another replay of the horrid memory.

I looked over to Twilight, still sleeping despite my crashing to the floor. My gaze moved over to the window and I took a quick glance outside before looking down at the window sill.

I must’ve just dozed off when I spaced out thinking about stuff… told myself I wouldn’t do that anymore.

I quietly chuckled to myself before deciding the bed would likely be more comfortable to sit on than the floor. I slowly slid onto the bottom bunk and lied on my back with the pillow resting in the perfect spot behind my head. I closed my eyes and let out a contented sigh.

Oh… oh this is so much better than that hospital bed— I opened my eyes once more as my recent dream crept to the front of my mind. I blankly stared up at the top bunk as my most recent chunk of memory came back. I tightly closed my eyes, trying to recall what happened next.

Why… can’t… I… remember!? I punctuated each silent syllable by lightly beating my hooves against my temples in frustration. I gave up trying to remember by self-abuse and dropped my limbs to my sides with a sigh. I rolled over to face the wall so I could be on my favorite side.

I hope my family got away from that storm… I hope they’re alright. But what if they’re not? Or what if they’re here in ‘Equestria’ and turned into ponies like me? What if—

I was interrupted from my thoughts by somebody snorting. I rolled over to see Twilight lightly turning in her bed before resuming her silent slumber. I briefly wondered if she was having a dream too, but quickly shrugged it off and returned to my musings. I traced the faint lines in the wood paneling with my hoof, continuing my barrage of questions. One however, stood out from the rest and would not leave.

What if I don’t get to go home? What will I do then…


“How long have you known the princesses?” I asked Twilight, whom had been awake for some time now and steadily writing in another notebook. I was lying on my back with my forelegs behind my head and resting on the pillow. My hind legs were crossed in a way that proved surprisingly comfortable.

“I’ve been Celestia’s personal student for most of my life,” Twilight answered after only a quick moment. After a pause I looked over to her out of the corner of my eye.

“What about Luna? How long have you known her?” I saw her writing halt for a second while she dashed her eyes up to me from across the room. She didn’t seem to be looking at me, just thinking.

“Almost four years now,” Twilight stated and returned to her writing. A few minutes of silence filled the cabin before I turned over and propped myself up on my foreleg.

“What’re you working on over there?” I asked, arching my head slightly higher. “It’s not still the theory about magic, is it?”

“No, it’s an idea I had since you proved sentient life exists on other planets,” Twilight looked up and beamed, reminding me of a kid on Christmas morning. “I might write a book about it, with your help of course.” I silently contemplated her proposal, the idea of co-writing a book piquing my interest momentarily.

“Well, what if it isn’t another planet?” I asked before returning to my lying down position, staring up at the bunk above me. “What if this is my planet, but just another dimension occupying the same space in some sort of alternate, underlying reality?” I looked over to Twilight after a few too many silent moments to see her giving me a look comprised of many emotions, too many for me to have figured out at the time.

“What? I was always the science geek through school and I guess it stuck with me.” I lightly shrugged.

“Sorry,” Twilight apologized and lightly shook herself. “Are all humans like you?”

“Like what?” I asked.

“So, well… intelligent.” I’m glad I was lying down and not looking at her considering I don’t get many compliments, and I may have blushed as red as a tomato. “Edward?” Twilight asked when I didn’t say anything.

“Sorry, and to answer your question…” I trailed off, mentally debating whether to lie, or tell the truth. I decided to take the ‘moderately-modest’ route. “I guess I’m smarter than the average human by a respectable degree, but I still have my… less than bright moments…” My voice trailed off, recalling the regretfully idiotic event that led me here in the first place. “But, there are still others who make me as dumb as a rock.” I quickly added.

“I see,” Twilight slightly grinned with an impressed hum.

“I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess you don’t get many intellectual conversations, huh?” I asked as I got up to look out the window, noting the occasional farmhouse pass by, the first thing besides fields for a few hours. The sun, which I still had a hard time believing was controlled by Celestia, was about to set, darkness not far away.

“No, not as often as I’d like,” Twilight’s disappointed voice answered me. I looked over from my position on the window to see her ears slightly fallen as to reflect her tone. “My friends are great and I wouldn’t give them up for anything, but they aren’t really interested in some of the things I do.”

“Yeah, I know what that’s like.” I offered with a comforting smile across the room. “You talk about your friends pretty often, what’re they like?”

“Oh where do I start?” Twilight laughed to herself. “Let’s see, well there’s Rari—“ She was cut off by a reverberating wave being sent through the train as it started to slow. “I’ll have time to tell you later, let’s get to the front of the car.” She said as she quickly packed what she had into her bags and making for the door.

I gave a final, quick look out the window and saw faint lights in the distance growing steadily closer. Before turning to leave, I remembered something I wanted to ask.

“Twilight? What did you mean originally when you said your business was your home?” I noticed she’d already left and my question would go unanswered. With a slight roll of my eyes, I quickly left the room to catch up with my host.


Exiting the train and the small station was fairly uneventful and we exchanged few words. The sun may have almost completely set, but I still got a nice look as we started our walk through Ponyville. Everything about it was different from Canterlot; most of the buildings had a rustic, simple design that seemed really homey. Even in the middle of the day, I doubted the crowds would be half as bad as my first introduction into pony society.

I didn’t see many other ponies around, though most I saw were earth ponies with the occasional unicorn, and seldom a pegasus on the ground. We passed a road and down in the middle of a small plaza was what looked like a house from a children’s book, the entire thing was covered in candy. I didn’t get to see much more as we continued walking, to where I still didn’t know.

“So what do you think of Ponyville so far?” Twilight broke the comfortable silence from beside me.

“I really like this place,” I turned to her and gave an impressed smile. “I feel a lot more comfortable here than in a big city, that’s for sure.”

“I’d show you around more, but it’s kinda late,” Twilight said with a glance at the sliver of the sun left on the horizon. “We can save the tour and introduce you to my friends tomorrow after you get all settled in, that sound alright with you?”

“Sounds fine to me,” I gave an approving nod before going back to my site-seeing. “Are there any princesses in Ponyville too?”

“No, just the mayor,” Twilight answered with a slight shake of her head. “How are you doing with the walking?” She asked with a glance down to my hooves.

“I’m getting used to walking on four legs, just don’t ask me to run or do an obstacle course quite yet.” I gave a short laugh before something caught my attention down a road off to my right. I looked closer but shrugged it off as probably just seeing things.

We continued walking for a few minutes through the town, seeing less and less ponies as they were likely all home preparing for the night. A few waved to Twilight and offered greetings as we passed. Some of them gave me curious looks, but never stared in wonderment like some of the ponies in Canterlot. I liked this place, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling that somebody, or something was watching us.

After another cautious glance over my shoulder I decided to ask Twilight something. “So, which house is yours? We can’t be that far away, we’ve been walking for a while now.”

“Actually, it’s right there.” She pointed a hoof to a large tree not much further down the road. I looked closer and couldn’t figure out if it was a tree and a home was built into it, or it was made to look like a tree. We got closer and I looked up to admire how large and unusual it was compared to the other buildings I’d seen so far.

“You live here?” I asked as we drew closer. I could see something pinned to the front door when I noticed the flowers out front in a small garden.

“Yeah, it’s really something, isn’t it?” Twilight smiled to herself. “There’s a whole library inside too.”

I stopped dead in my tracks and my shocked face quickly took on a look of sheer disappointment and unamusement.

Could the universe possibly be any more ironic!? I’m going to be living in a library, one of the best things to ever exist... and I can’t read anything!? Next thing you know I’ll be—

I was torn from my silent complaints by a pink blur in the corner of my eye. I quickly turned to track it down a short alleyway, but whatever it was proved too fast for my gaze. I felt my ears twitch as a faint sound was picked up, it almost sounded like hushed giggling.

“Hey, Twilight...” I said to get her attention as she halted a few steps ahead of me and turned around. “”Did you just see something?”

She raised an eyebrow at me before a quick glance around us, both of us noticing no other ponies on the street. “No? What did you see?”

“I thought I saw...” I unsurely started, suddenly wondering if I was just tired from everything that happened today I looked down to the ground before continuing. “...Nevermind.” I slightly sighed and felt my ears fall.

“Well, alright then,” Twilight cocked her head a bit off to the side before turning and continuing towards her tree-home. “Let’s get inside, some proper rest would do us both some justice.” She said as I caught up with her and saw the end of a short yawn on her face. We approached the door and Twilight wordlessly pulled a sealed note from the surface with her magic and began to read it aloud.

”Dear Twilight,

After leaving you and Edward at the hospital, I took the liberty of having some furniture sent ahead for him, so that he may be more comfortable during his stay. I remember you mentioning your basement was going unused. I hope you don’t mind I had a bed and some other necessities delivered ahead of time and should already be set up downstairs for him.

After you two are comfortably settled please send me a letter at your earliest convenience letting Luna and I know you both arrived safely. Your first sum of bits has also been delivered and was placed in the downstairs closet. Luna will be personally delivering the rest of the bits every other week to gauge yours and Edward’s progress, as well as give her a chance to get out and socialize some.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

P.S. Remember to be discreet and cautious who you tell about Edward, Twilight. Do not hesitate to send me a letter if a situation arises that is outside of your control.”

“Wow, they really went all-out, didn’t they?” I asked, momentarily wondering how they set everything up before we got here, but dismissing it as just more magic.

“I’ll say,” Twilight commented as she reread the letter. “Normally Celestia just gives me an assignment and says ‘do it’. For her to help this much, it’s made me wonder what I got myself into.” She said as the letter folded in her magic and fell into a pocket in her bags.

“I’m not that bad.” I said with a raised eyebrow. “I’m not going to make trouble for anybody. I just want to keep clean and wait until the princesses find me, and possibly the rest of my family a way home.”

“Sorry, that didn’t come out right,” Twilight sheepishly looked down. “Let’s just get inside, I can’t think straight when I’m hungry and tired.” She said while bringing a key out from her bag and quickly unlocking the door.

I followed behind and turned to shut the door, but not without one more quick glance around. I stood halfway through the door, facing the street for a few moments, trying to see or hear what it was I picked up earlier. After blinking a few times and not seeing anything, I slowly backed into the house and shut the door without taking my gaze off the street, that feeling of eyes watching me never leaving.

Well played, but I know you’re out there... whatever you are. I’m onto you.


Twilight’s house was like nothing I’d ever seen before. It alleviated any doubts I had about it just being a home made to look like a tree. More or less, it would take some time to get used to the idea of actually living in a tree.

Despite being a wonder in itself, it was quite a simple design inside. There was a large central room where the library was located and that branched out towards a kitchen, and a staircase that led to the bathroom and Twilight’s room.

“So, where’s my room?” I asked as we descended the stairs back into the main room, Twilight only a few steps behind.

“It’s the door next to the kitchen entrance,” Twilight pointed with a hoof once we reached the bottom of the staircase. I followed her hoof and saw the door; it was just a simple wooden door with nothing terribly remarkable about it.

“Oh, I thought that was a closet.”

“Most ponies do,” Twilight smiled and slightly rolled her eyes before walking off to the door. “The basement is actually the same size as the ground floor.” She said just as I followed her to the entrance to the aforementioned room. “I guess I could’ve shown you your room first before giving a tour, huh?” Twilight nervously laughed.

“I don’t mind.” I shrugged casually as I approached Twilight who’d grabbed the door with her magic, but waited for me to finish before opening it. “I wanted to say thanks for taking me in, I really appreciate it.” I gave her my best smile, genuinely thankful for everything she’d done.

“I’ll admit, I was a little hesitant at first,” Twilight started as she let go of the door with her magic and turned to face me. “But, after thinking about it some... this is too big of an opportunity to pass up! There is so much to learn from each other!” Twilight beamed, quite literally standing on the tips of her hooves and leaning towards me. After a moment of her silent, massive grin, I leaned back ever so slightly at the close proximity by the ecstatic mare.

“Yeah,” I sheepishly smiled. “It’s the chance of a lifetime.” I said as Twilight regained her composure but held her smile.

“Well, let’s see what the princesses did to my basem—I mean, your room,” Twilight corrected herself as her magic enveloped the handle once more. Just as the basement door began to open...

A loud knocking emanated from the front door.

“Was that you?” Twilight stopped and turned to ask me.

“Of course it wasn’t me.” I replied with a raised eyebrow. We both turned our attention to the front door.

Another series of knocks rang through the air, more rapid and forceful than last time.

“It’s probably just my friends seeing if I’m back yet,” Twilight shrugged and began to walk over to the door that was being made somebody’s punching bag. Just as she grabbed the door, it did the last thing I’d have expected.

The door literally exploded into confetti.

After a brief moment covering my eyes from the colorful papers, I looked up to see the door broken into splinters, and a pink pony standing on top of Twilight effectively pinning her to the floor. The intruder was the brightest pink I’d ever seen, which was reflected by her mane and tail, both of which were puffed beyond what seemed possible.

After Twilight shook her head to dispel the shock of the explosion and being pinned to the floor, the pink pony glared down and screamed something that would have been confusing if she wasn’t a little terrifying.

“Twilight! You broke a Pinkie Promise!”