• Published 21st May 2024
  • 330 Views, 2 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the Adventures of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well! - SkyeD63

Follow the adventures of Sunset Shimmer as she dawns the identity of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

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BLOOD COLORED BLUE - PART 1: A Typical Night for Sunset

Author's Note:

I'm still very new to writing, and this is a fic I not only want to continue, but definitely want to improve on overtime. So criticism is always welcomed just as much as praise!


The blood dripping down the corner of my mouth seeps through the fabric of the mask, and the leather of the gloves stick to the opening cuts on my knuckles. They surround me, five of them, all tired, bruised, bloodied, and pissed. Their stares are full of hatred as they carefully keep their distance from me. Ideally, I would be standing tall against them, unwavering and devoid of any fear or signs of strain. Like a relentless monster here to prey upon their sins and punish them for their corrupted deeds. But this isn’t an ideal world, and the grips of reality have caused this to be a less than ideal situation. I’m stuck in a corner, with one hand on the wall supporting my body, and the other pressed tightly against my abdomen, clutching what I assume are broken ribs. My fedora hangs low, and the purple tattered cape conceals my bloodied costume.

It had only been three weeks since I had dawned the persona of the mysterious Mare-Do-Well. A character that I had originally conceptualized as part of a plan to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson in arrogancy during her winning streak on the soccer team. But stopped when I realized that the last thing that I should do after the girls already hesitantly accepted me into their group, was meddle in their lives, even if it was with good intentions. Thankfully the other girls had a reasonable discussion with her and solved the issue in a normal manner. I guess I always had an itch for the theatrics, and now look where that has gotten me. Dressed up as some purple costumed crime fighter trying to help people as a way for what? To amend my past mistakes? To seek some sort of redemption or purpose within me? Or was it to stop my self-loathing and hatred for my past actions, and my realization that no matter how hard I tried to do good in the school and Canterlot Highs local community, no one would ever forget, let alone forgive.

But for the love of all things Celestia, how stupid could you be stupid Sunset Shimmer? Going around fighting criminals with the minimal karate experience and wits obtained back at Equestria is beyond foolish, yet here I am. Jumping into an abandoned building to fight five drug dealers. What a service to the community. Idiot.

The man to my furthest left wields a heavy, rusted chain. His body language indicates that he’s the most frightened out of the five. His footing is constantly shifting, and his eyes continually gaze from his partners to me. I can hear his breathing intensify, and see his tatted fingers clutch the metal links tightly. I keep my guard up, half expecting him to lunge at me out of some sort of misplaced desperation, like an animal attacking a predator out of fear. But my expectations are thwarted by the man in front of me. He charges at me with his bare knuckles, cocked back ready to explode. The pain in my ribs caused my reaction to be slow, and I barely managed to throw my arms up, blocking the full power of his fist.

The man with the chain takes this opportunity, and comes running towards me, spinning the end of the chain, preparing to swing it. A man with a metal baseball bat to my right comes charging at me as well. I want to attack both, but the pain in my body screams for my brain to shut down, and the guy in front of me won’t stop swinging. Without even thinking, I throw an uppercut at the gut of the one who’s in front me, a large trail of salvia and blood splashes on my arm. As he stumbles back in pain, I quickly attack the left thug with the chain. Noticing he was lunged a bit forward, a side kick was instinctively thrown, and the heel of my boot smashed against his nose. But the pain was so unbearable that I didn’t have time to react to the baseball bat wielding thug. I couldn’t turn around and attack him, and my burning ribs were preventing me from jumping away. So out of desperation, I raised my arm, bracing for the attack, and by Celestia it was an attack I was not prepared for.

He swung the bat and although my arm took a good portion of the attack, the tip of the bat landed on the side of my head, causing a loud smack to echo out into the room as the metal crashed against my skull. I tumbled away, as the pain in my head made the pain in my arm feel like nothing. My vision was starting to blur, and the world became dizzy. I couldn’t control my breathing, nor my footing. I could feel myself starting to black out. Amidst my daze, the thug next to him took the chance to charge at me. I could feel his giant mass pick me up off my feet, like a football player tackling me through the air. Before I knew it, I was chucked through the window, crashing through the glass. The cool breeze of the night could finally be felt, and through my blurred vision and aching head, I watched as the window grew smaller and smaller. The building was on a dock and thank Celestia that I fell into the Canterlot river. Being swept away by the ferocious current, my swing in and out of consciousness made the entire ordeal a hellish nightmare. The struggle to keep myself afloat took all of my remaining strength, for I knew that if I had let the water sink me, my body would surely have given up amidst the cold, desolate solitude of the river’s depth. Maybe that would have been the best outcome. The end of this silly childish game I have taken to playing. The world would have finally been rid of the she-demon Sunset Shimmer, and perhaps everyone would have celebrated that event. Maybe Pinkie would have thrown a party, cheering in the notion that they didn’t have to keep up the façade that Twilight had asked them to. Maybe the drug dealers of Canterlot could finally be rid of their minor annoyance.

But I think about that first night, and the little boy I had rescued from a collapsing house on fire. The pure joy in his eyes, and his never-ending gratefulness to be alive. It’s the only thought I need to use all my strength. My hand stretches out of the water, and through what could only have been described as a miracle, I grab onto the bars of a ladder. Once I’m on the dock, I take off the soaked fedora, lift my mask up halfway, and start puking out water. Breathless, I look up at the Canterlot skyline. The city is surrounded by a large land of suburbs. One that I choose to protect.

Wincing in pain, I slowly get off of my knees and onto my feet. Holding my side with one hand and clenching my fedora in the other.

“Way to go hero, you really showed them.”


Thankfully the hateful stares at me had stopped last week. Now I’m more of a ghost walking through the school than anything. Still, any interaction I have with a student is met with a tone of either annoyance, hesitancy, or disgust. As I walk through the hallway, my body is still in pain. The bruises on my arms are dark and cover my entire forearm. Thankfully the sleeves of my leather jacket cover it, but I’d honestly doubt anyone would even ask. Another large knot is on the side of my head where I got hit with the baseball bat, but my hair is so thick that you could hardly even notice it. The only noticeable injuries are the bandages wrapped around my hands to stop the bleeding from my gashed knuckles, and the purple bruise around the corner of my mouth, along with a black eye. Still, I try to keep myself calm and composed, and walk in a straight line to my locker, speaking of which.

The red painted words “She-Demon” are splattered over my locker. I look around the hallway at the other students, all of which are either averting their gazes, or giggling amongst their groups. Princess Twilight really showed them the “magic of friendship” I think to myself with an eye roll. But I stop myself from continuing with those thoughts. These students have every right to do this to me. I have to remind myself that I’m the bad guy, and they’re the victims. So, I just sigh to myself and open my locker, grabbing whatever it was I had come to get. That was when a charming voice with a distinctive country flair grabbed my attention.

“Aw shucks sugercube. They graffitied over your locker again? I had told vice principle Luna about it, but I reckon they just haven’t gotten around to catching them. I’ll stay with you after school to clean it off,” Applejack said from behind me. A slight smile escaped my mouth, followed by a sharp pain from the bruise. Applejack had such a way of showing kindness to people. She was the first of the girls to give me a chance. To show me the love and kindness that I had robbed from them a year ago. Even now, the other girls still haven’t entirely opened up to me, just her. My heart aches anytime she talks to me.

“Thanks Applejack, but it’s okay. Honestly, I’ll probably just keep it on this time,” I said closing my locker door and turning around to face her. Her smile dropped quickly when she saw my face, and was replaced with a look of concern.

“Oh my, sugarcube what happened?” she asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her before moving away.

“It’s nothing, just bumped into a wall is all." We started walking down the hallway to the music room where the other girls were.

“Just like last week? Listen, Sunset, I know you probably don’t think we care for you, but we do. Is someone hurting you? I know the bullying has slowed down, but still. Be honest with me.” I hate myself for getting annoyed. For getting irritated that this kind and caring person is trying so hard to be there for someone as horrible as me. I don’t deserve any of that. I honestly deserve to be in prison for what I did. Principal Celestia found it somewhere in her heart to take pity, and not press charges or get the authorities involved since no one was hurt, other than me of course. Princess Twilight decided to not involve Equestrian justice or Celestia after the fall formal. She had complete faith in her friends that they could reform me, and that I didn't deserve punishment, but rather a second chance. But honestly, I should really be dead in some alley.

“I’m being honest Applejack, everything is okay. Let’s just get to the music room to see whatever it is that Rainbow wanted to show us. That girl practically spammed our group chat about today,” I said while fake laughing, trying desperately to move on from the conversation. AJ just stared at me for a bit with concern, before changing the topic. Though I could still hear the worry in her voice.

“Well, I reckon that crazy girl has gotten herself into another ridiculous situation, and just wants to rope us into it,” Applejack exclaimed. I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. AJs and Dash’s banter was always fun to hear, because despite the constant back and forth, I knew just how much they cared for one another. I can’t believe I tried so hard to kill off such a special friendship. Suddenly the bruises feel worse, and I feel hollower. We eventually arrived at the music room. Even from behind the door, we can hear Pinkie’s rapid firing of utter nonsense. Me and AJ just smiled at each other. If Pinkie ever stopped talking, that would be a sign of something we should be concerned about. After giggling to ourselves like two little girls, we enter. Rainbow grins as she sees AJ, before rolling her eyes and hopping off the chair she was sitting in.

“Finally. Could you be any slower cowpoke?” Dash teases. AJ rolls her eyes before dropping her bag off in front another chair.

“My bad girls, Mr. Cranky kept us up for a bit after the bell. Trixie wouldn’t stop being annoying, and the whole class had to suffer because of it.” The other girls just groaned.

“I swear, that Trixie can be such troublesome for the rest of the school,” Rarity commented.

“Yer tellin me. I’m pretty sure she’s the one who graffitied your locker sugercube,” AJ said, giving me a look of such genuine concern that it would have melted anyone’s heart. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door. I still never felt fully comfortable being in the same room as the girls.

“Yeah, I already know it’s her,” I said. AJ just blinked at me blankly, no doubt puzzled as to why I haven’t done anything about it.

“How do you know that, Sunset? Why haven’t you done anything about it?” AJ asked, a bit of irritation was hinted in her voice. I just gave her a weak smile. Mainly because I was exhausted.

“Well, she’s not hurting anyone. And besides, I know I’m not too high on Principal Celestia's list of priorities. Trixie is a star student here, and well, I’m a monster.” The look on AJ’s face completely shifted. I could tell that she was not happy with what I just said. As I looked around the room, none of the girls bothered to object to my statement, which was not to my surprise really. In fact, most of them were just averting their gazes. I wasn’t stupid, I know no one wanted to talk to me about it, let alone talk to me period. If I’m being completely honest, I feel AJ is the only reason why the girls even bother to drag me around. From what I can tell, Rarity and Pinkie feel indifferent towards the entire situation. Though they’re slowly starting to engage with me on some small level. Mainly bouncing off of whatever me and AJ are talking about. Rainbow and Fluttershy I feel still have some level of resentment. I think Rainbow is just annoyed with my presence and Fluttershy I know still is completely distrustful of me. I know she doesn’t hate me, but she’s far from forgiving me. Which makes sense, I was utterly cruel towards her. Honestly, I think I bullied her most. Putting her down so harsh that…well…I think I killed her self esteem until Twilight reunited the friends once more. Not only did I treat everyone in this room like they were nothing more than dirt under my feet, but I also shattered their entire friendship. I played with these girls’ feelings. Put them down and pulled apart their entire worlds. A small part of me wishes the guys had killed me back on the docks.

So far AJ is the only one who is willing to talk to me, even without the other girls present. Whenever me and her talk about something, the rest of the girls just keep quiet. I usually just end up trying to brush off the conversation, not wanting to interrupt their friendship that I no doubt am hindering. Afterall, how are you to catch up on lost time with your best friends when the one who caused that lost time is in the same room as you.

But unlike most times, Rainbow was staring intently at me, and before AJ could respond to my statement of obvious self-deprecation, Dash made a comment.

“Whoa. Hey Shimmer, you, okay? Your face is looking pretty messed up.” There wasn’t much, but there was a small hint of concern present in her voice. I don’t know why I was so taken aback by this. Afterall these girls may feel some sort of resentment towards me, but they’re not monsters. They are still kind and caring people. Not degenerate scum like me or the filth that try to kill me every night. Am I really so full of self-loathing that I completely thought that no one would question the bruises on my face? I’m being careless with this.

“Hmm? Oh, it’s all good, don’t worry about me. Anyways, what was it that you wanted to tell AJ and the rest of the girls?” I tried so hard to move on from the subject, even attempting to cover up the less clean side of my face with my hair. I could feel AJ’s look of worry burning holes in the side of my head. I couldn’t bare to return the look. Pinkie and Rarity just looked at each other, neither of them looked to pleasant at the sight of me. Even Pinkie wasn’t smiling anymore. Fluttershy even slightly looked at me from behind her pink flock of hair, which is an act she solemnly ever does. Any time I see her, she will always avoids eye contact with me. The negativity inside of my own head just assumes they’re giving me looks of pity. I continue to give Rainbow a fake smile, waiting for her to get to her point.

After she looks at me for a while, she slowly speaks up, agreeing to move on from the topic. Still the concern in her eyes is fixated on me.

“Well, like I hinted in the group chat last night, what I wanted to tell you guys is that I decided I wanted to start a band. I even came up with the name, the Rainbooms!” Soon, Rainbow’s usual joy and enthusiasm returned to her voice as she went on and on about the ideas she had for her band. Though I could tell she was trying hard to avert her gaze towards me. I went ahead and made it easier for her and just sat down on the floor with my back still up against the door. Eventually, Pinkie and Rarity put their focus on Dash. But I could see AJ and surprisingly even Fluttershy give me worried looks every now and then. I decided to shut it out, as I let the girl’s conversation play in the background like a sort of soothing rhythm. Hearing them have fun while I sit in the background was always my preferred dynamic for this relationship. Sorry Twilight. Besides, I had to think about tonight.

After Friday night, I had spent the weekend trying to find those same five guys from the drug deal I had crashed and had gotten my own ass handed to me at. But that had proven to be more difficult than I had originally thought. Through further investigations, I had managed to find where one of those guys hung out frequently. In downtown Canterlot, there’s a bar on the outskirts where most of the low lives frequently visit. That’s where I find my guy. More specifically, the one that swung a baseball bat at me. I found out that he was the primary one that handles imports of drugs from outside of the United States. I believe that this is another operation of Spoiled Rich, the wife of filthy rich and abusive mother of Diamond Tiara. I was already trying to build a case against her, as I knew of her other illegal activities in Canterlot, much to the cluelessness of Filthy. I had wanted to get personal with Filthy to discuss where the other shares of his wealth go into, but the security of his penthouse is a little more difficult to penetrate than I had originally anticipated. Still, there were two names that I had frequently heard during my weekend investigation. I had learned that the guy I’m going after tonight answers directly to an individual named Prince Blueblood, which all but confirmed my theory of Spoiled Rich’s involvement. He was an aristocrat who had just graduated from Crystal Prep Academy. A playboy millionaire who was Canterlots prince charming. I knew about him from Rarity, as she was always going ga ga for him whenever she saw him in a magazine or out in public. But I had known he was working for Spoiled Rich in some illicit activities. Still, I don’t have enough to go after him personally. But hopefully I can put a dent into this drug ring to really hurt their wallets. But that leads me to the second name that I keep hearing of. A name that I don’t recognize. But from what I can tell, he is a powerful crime lord in the state of Washington.

The Kingpin known as Sombra… Looks like I’ll be busy tonight.