• Published 21st May 2024
  • 330 Views, 2 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the Adventures of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well! - SkyeD63

Follow the adventures of Sunset Shimmer as she dawns the identity of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

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BLOOD COLORED BLUE - FINALE: The Mare and the Prince


Canterlot city had an interesting layout, one that I’ve never seen back at Equestria, and from what I can tell, neither from this world. No other city seems to structure itself in any sort of similar way. You see, the city worked like levels. At the very bottom of the city’s foundation was the maze of alleys and cramped spaces that I’ve been in all night. But above it was where a majority of highways and roads were built, acting as a sort of divider. You could honestly say that this was the true first floor of downtown Canterlot. The city must have thought so too, since they built ramps that took you directly to this second floor, making the foundation of the city entirely avoidable. In fact, you’d have to go out of your way to get into the foundation, or what it’s more commonly referred to as, the slums. But the higher up the buildings you go, the more you realize that the rich and elite have nestled themselves into comfortable birds’ nests, overlooking the vast landscape of Canterlot. Honestly, I found up here to be a closer resemblance of Hell than down there. I had just emerged from the depths of the underworld, narrowly avoiding death at the hands of the juggernaut Iron Will. I hope the police have reached him by now, and I know they’re more upset at the fact they’ll be spending all night trying to remove him from the ruble rather than the damage our fight had caused. But their levels of frustration are nowhere near the same caliber as the frustration I’m feeling at this moment.

I’m tired, in pain and beyond pissed. I can’t tell from the dark colors meshing with the night sky, but I’m pretty sure my entire costume is stained with blood. The entire sleeve of my left arm was torn off, reveling my orange, bloodied skin. A torn part of the sleeve was sticking out of my glove. My mask was miraculously in one piece, though I knew for certain that the entire thing was stained in blood. I haven’t looked in a mirror yet, but I’m positive it looks awful. Though my fedora was thrown off my head before the ferocious battle within the smelting factory, it was thankfully still near the dumpster when I had exited the building, with minimal damage. The same couldn’t be said about my cape, however. All along it were tears and rips, yet it still blew in the breeze elegantly. Still, the outside of my appearance was nothing compared to the damage I had sustained. I’m pretty sure I had more than two fractured ribs, and every joint in my body screamed in bloody agony with each movement I took. I was dreading going home and looking in the mirror, but the softness of my bed was a pleasant thing to look forward to afterwards. However, as much as I wanted to go home and pass out, I had to make a quick stop.

It took a dislocated jaw, but eventually Gary spilled out the location of Prince Blueblood. I’ve been dying to confront him the entire weekend. To make sure he knew that things would change, that I would stop his operation. At least that’s what I tried to myself. But the crushing realization of how utterly insignificant I am to this entire thing was a hard pill to swallow. Prince Blueblood was evil, but powerful and well established within high society. He may be scum, but he was somebody. On the other hand, I’m scum and a nobody. Still, the stupidity in me told me to go through with this. Besides, like I said, I was beyond pissed.

I stood over the ledge of the roof, peering down to the city’s nightlife. From up here, I could see the outskirts of Canterlots residential suburbs. I never really realized how big Canterlot High was until I’ve been onto of a skyscraper to gauge it. Despite everything, and the world of shit I’m in, I’ve always found it peaceful up here. The cool breeze of the winds, and the glistening light of the moon and stars, accompanied by the melody of car horns echoing from the street always made the roofs of Canterlot a peaceful area. But what really brought the whole environment home was the isolation. No one was up here but me. I know it’s probably a morbid thought process and is most likely doing only harm to my already depleting mental health, but after the fall formal I’ve always believed that total isolation was what I deserved. I don’t like being with the girls because to me, it’s a sense of belonging. A sense of comfort amongst friends, and a distraction from the mess of your own thoughts. I don’t deserve to be in such a position. I don’t deserve to ever be at peace, or to be loved or cherished. No, isolation, pain and self-loathing are a fitting punishment, especially if I can’t face any real form of justice.

As if to add insult to injury, the heavy pouring of raindrops begins to crash down from the dark clouds, followed by the terrifying shocks of lighting. I should be terrified. I should be wanting to get off of this roof given the undesirable conditions. Especially when I’m standing on a ledge over a hundred feet in the air, ready to pass out from exhaustion. It would be so easy, especially with the wind speeds picking up, blowing my cape to my side like a flag hurling against mother nature’s powerful blows. I’m sure that followed by the occasional lighting strike must portray me as some sort of entity, watching over the city like a silent guardian. But in reality, I’m debating to myself if I should just allow death’s grips to take me and fall forward. But no, I don’t get to escape that easily. The memory of the boy I saved from the burning house flashes in my mind amidst the sparks of lighting, and I’m reminded of why I should be doing this in the first place. Not for my self-loathing, not for redemption or forgiveness, and certainly not for pursuit of deaths caress. But for him, and for people like him. For my fellow classmates that I terrorized, and the girls. For the innocent people of this city. I do it to keep them safe from anyone as evil as me. So, I step off the ledge and walk over to the high-rise window cleaner elevator to begin my descent down to Bluebloods floor. I really need to look into getting a grappling hook.

On the way down, passing by each floor of darkened windows, I stared at myself in the reflections of the passing glass. My fedora hangs low, as the pounding of rain droops it over my eyes, and the weathered cape behind me continues to blow rapidly as the storms power increases. The continue flashes of lightning only highlight the white sparkles in my eyes, as the rest of my body stands still like a motionless shadow. I never really took the opportunity to look at myself with the costume on. In fact, I think the last time I actually saw what I looked like as the Mare-Do-Well was on the first night when I was done making it. At the time, I felt like I looked ridiculous, and for the most part, I always felt I looked a tad foolish wearing this thing. At some point, I decided to keep wearing it for the sole purpose of concealing my identity so that the girls or anyone affiliated with me would never be targeted. But now that I look at myself through the windows reflection, especially given my current state and the nature of the weather, I never realized just how terrifying I must look out there. A chill ran up my spine as I stared back at my emotionless reflection. I really did look like a ghost. Like some sort of true monster. I need to start using it to my advantage.

Eventually I made it to the balcony of Bluebloods penthouse. I stopped the elevator right next to it, and quietly hopped onto it. Bluebloods apartment lights were on, and I could see the man pacing back and forth in his loft on the phone. He was clearly pissed about something. I never realized how tall he was. He had silk white skin, a long flowing blonde hair, and a body that was chiseled to perfection. He was wearing a blue collared shirt with his sleeves rolled up, black suit pants and a pair of black loafers. In one hand was the phone he was shouting into, and the other was a shot glass of what looked like bourbon. Prince Blueblood is Canterlots prince charming. A young aristocrat playboy. He graduated from Crystal Prep High as valedictorian and could have gotten into any college he saw fit. But from what I could tell, crime was more his speed, and he quickly became a top enforcer for Spoiled Rich’s mafia. I only really know of him for this, and whatever Rarity gushes over in her high society magazines. It always breaks my heart when she idolizes these people. She wants to be like them so much that I don’t think she ever saw her own self-worth. I want to tell her sometimes that she doesn’t need to be high society. She’s already leagues above these people. These people are down to my level, not hers. So greedy and power hungry that they’ll topple over anyone who stands in their way…just like I did.

I too was high society. Back at Equestria of course. I grew up in Canterlot and lived in Celestia’s castle for a number of years. Even when Celestia was already teaching Twilight personal lessons, and our relationship was deteriorating, I still carried a high social status amongst Canterlot elite. So, I know very well what it’s like to be a rich selfish asshole.

Slowly, I began to open the glass door from the balcony, standing idly by in the door frame. Blueblood was still pacing back and forth, shouting obscenities to the phone, and failing to notice my presence. But eventually he stopped dead in his tracks as a large bolt lighting illuminated the balcony, revealing myself momentarily. Bluebloods face dropped in fear, but then it turned to a look of anger.

“I’ll call you back,” he quietly said before hanging up the phone. He walked over to his personal bar, pouring himself another glass of whiskey. His gaze never darted away from me. “I don’t suppose you’d want a glass, my caped friend?” he asked. I just stood there in the darkness, being pounded by the rain, staring at him through the white, emotionless eyes of my mask. He smiled to himself before putting the bottle away. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” He took his cup and walked over to a couch that was no doubt more expensive than my entire apartment. He plopped himself in the middle and took a sip. I slowly began to step out of the rain, and into the apartment. I tried my best to stand up straight, and to make sure there was no sign of any fatigue or pain present. I used my damaged cape to conceal my entire body as best as I could, so as to not show any damage to my persons. Though, I could tell he knew I was in rough shape.

“Well, oh my, it appears our little caped crusader had quite the awful time with Iron Will. I do apologize, he can be quite vicious you see,” his smug expression never left his face. “Please do cease from entering my premises, you look absolutely filthy, and I do hate filth,” he said. I of course ignored his objection and continued walking inside the loft. Until I was standing right over him sitting on his couch. I could tell the mud and dirt staining his expensive and pristine carpet was striking nerves. But he continued to take a sip from his drink, trying his best to remain calm.

“I’m here to tell you Blueblood that your little operation is done here,” I declared. I pulled out a large septum piercing stained in blood. It was the ring from Iron Will’s nostril. I threw it on the floor in front of Blueblood, staining his carpet with red. He looked down at it, and I could see his veins budging from his forehead. “I don’t know what kind of crystals you’re importing for your boss, but you need to stop. Having this drug on your streets is dangerous,” I said. Bluebloods eyes met mine, and his look of anger was now visible.

“I’ll have your head on a stick,” he declared. With that, I turned around and began walking towards the door to the balcony, but stopped when I was in the door frame. “I’m watching you Blueblood, and your bosses. It’s only a matter of time before I take you all down,” I warned.

“Fuck you,” He spat. I didn’t bother responding. I stepped back out into the darkness and hopped off the balcony and back onto the elevator, making my decent down to the floor. Whatever it was I had just declared, I’ll know in due time if it was the right thing to do.

Author's Note:

Thank you all who have been following and supporting this story. As you can probably tell from the chapter titles, this will be more of an episodic fic with an overarching plot. Each set of chapters will act as parts to their respective story arcs. I know this arc may have been a tad boring, but I can assure you that the next ones will start to get the ball rolling. More characters will be introduced and the entire thing won't just be Sunset focus. I just needed to establish how the fic is formatted and lay a foundation in this first arc. Hope to see y'all in the next one!