• Published 21st May 2024
  • 330 Views, 2 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the Adventures of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well! - SkyeD63

Follow the adventures of Sunset Shimmer as she dawns the identity of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

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THE DEADLY SECRETS OF GABBY GUMS - PART 1: The Great and Terrible Trixie


It had been almost an entire week before I had returned to school. My body had shut down when I got home the night after my fight against Iron Will. I ended up sleeping through the entire following day. The pain was so bad that I did eventually have go to a medical facility to at least get my hands on some pain killers, though, with much great hesitancy. I was nervous about the staff questioning how I sustained such injuries, but thankfully they took my word that I took a nasty tumble from a bike down a hill. After some stitches, bandages, cleanings and painkillers, I was good to go.

Surprisingly Rarity was the one who kept texting me wondering if I was okay. She had even stopped at my place accompanied by Rainbow of all people. But I didn’t bother answering the door. Selfish I know, but I just wasn’t in the state to be seen by anyone. When I took my mask off in front of the mirror, my face wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. One massive black eye next to the old one, and a large cut that did end up getting stitched across the bridge of my nose, accompanied by some light bruising throughout my cheeks. The day before I went back to school, Applejack and Rarity stopped by, but unlike the past times, I did answer the door. The look of horror on both of their faces told me that it was going to take some convincing to assure them that I was fine. It was times like these that I really wished they would just forget about me. After assuring them that everything was peachy and that the injuries were nothing more than a clumsy mistake from a bicycle, they eventually took my word, though I could see Applejacks suspicions painted on her face.

The girls told me that I had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on, though to be honest, I kind of just gave up on academics. I don’t even know why I was still going to school. But one thing that the girls mentioned that did pique my interest was what was going on in the school paper. From what they told me, an anonymous writer who went by “Gabby Gums” had been revealing deep secrets from fellow classmates within the paper. Apparently, earlier in the week, on the front page of the paper, it was revealed that Lyra Heartstrings and Bon-Bon were secretly a thing, much to everyone’s surprise. A couple of days later, another front-page story had revealed Bulk Biceps apparently enjoyed dancing. Now, I personally found nothing interesting about these stories, but apparently our fellow classmates found this to be a big deal. I just found the whole thing tacky that someone would reveal secrets so casually for the intent of others entertainment. Though I suppose that would be hypocritical of me to say. I didn’t think much of it however, and after letting them know I’d be back to school the next day, they left, and I went straight back to bed.

Now I’m back at school, utilizing the gym. I haven’t seen any of the girls today, as I came in a bit late. Principal Celestia warned me that if I took another unexcused leave of absence again that I’d be expelled. Oh well. I never did like talking to her, because she was just like the princess back at home. An unsplendid thought that would constantly haunt my nightmares. I hope I never see Princess Celestia ever again. It’s just too much shame on my end to see her. I think I’d break down. Anyways Principal Celestia was already enough, she clearly still hated me for the Fall Formal. But it didn’t matter, anything she said to me just plopped out the other ear, I don’t think I really cared about getting expelled. Besides, I had too much to think about. The gym at this time was empty and quiet. I used the gymnastics equipment to practice an assortment of different skills from handstands, flips, strength and coordination. All for the night activities of course. I don’t really have anywhere in my apartment to fit gym equipment in, and besides, the isolation gives me time to think. I had to think about exactly where the crystallized drugs were coming from. The talk with Gary and the fight with Iron Will was enough for me to understand the true essence of these crystal drugs.

I hopped on the balance beam and entered into a handstand position, wincing a bit at the pain I still felt at my side. Holding the position intently, I continued to carry on with my thoughts.

The Kingpin Sombra is who Gary told me ran the whole operation. He was the guy at the very top that both Prince Blueblood and Spoiled Rich were answering too. I had heard the name mentioned briefly during my first two weeks scouring the underworld, but I didn’t think the name had any correlation to the Sombra that I know. Goes to show how stupid I am. The confirmation of a crystalized substance and the title of kingpin crowned Sombra all but confirmed my greatest fears. This world did have a King Sombra, and he was just as wicked as his Equestrian counterpart. But the way he utilizes crystals is rather peculiar.

Back at Equestria, the legend of King Sombra is one that shakes the bones of fillies all across the land, and even terrifies grown stallions. A powerful and ruthless tyrant who conquered the ancient Crystal Empire, enslaving its citizens and defeating both Celestia and Luna. All with the help of dark crystals he had used from the land. From what I recall, the properties of these dark crystals were still somewhat of a mystery. For only he could actually create them with Equestrias special Crystals from the Crystal Empire. But these dark crystals gave Sombra great and immeasurable power, and its corruption of any poor soul’s mind was one of its greatest weapons. It could pick apart, manipulate and demoralize anyone. From some of my own personal readings within Celestia’s castle, and the library from the ruins of the two sisters’ older castle, I suspect this manipulative property is what set the seeds in princess Luna to become Nightmare Moon. I theorize Sombra utilized these dark crystals to play with Lunas mind during the sister’s climatic battle to dethrone Sombra, and it was through this that the hatred and jealousy Luna had been feeling popped out. I mean, I don’t think it was a coincidence that Nightmare Moon appeared shortly after the war with Sombra, leading to the second great Equestrian civil war between the sun and moon.

But anyways, the crystals here seem to have a different Property. Gary told me that the drug enhances the strength of its users. After Iron Will had used a small dosage of it, he became an utter monster. If it wasn’t for dumb luck, I would surely have been killed. I’m not sure what Sombras plans are, or how these crystals are made, but all I know is that I can’t let any more of these dangerous drugs into Canterlot city.

Amidst my current position, I slowly raised one arm off the beam, keeping my entire body suspended in the air with one arm. I could feel the drips of sweat falling from my face onto the mat below, while my arm shook with the weight it was carrying. Clenching my teeth, I aimed to hold the position a bit longer, but the sudden slamming of the gym doors broke my concentration, and quickly my face met the ground. Groaning to myself in pain, I looked up to see who it was that had just barged into my moment of solitude, only to be utterly disappointed at the sight of Trixie accompanied by her two little friends.

“Well well well, looks like we found a wild animal in its cave, huh girls.” Trixie teased. Her two friends snickered at each other as the trio walked over to me. I looked up at her with a look of annoyance, but honestly no matter how hard she or the other students bullied me, I never had it in me to challenge them. Like I said, it’s what I deserve.

“What do you want Trixie?” I grumbled, trying to stand up. But my attempt was thwarted by Trixie’s hand wrapping itself around my face and pushing me back down on my knees.

“Oh, please Sunset, stay down there like a good girl. The ground suits you so well,” she snickered. All I could do was look up at her with a dead expression. I didn’t challenge her, nor did I make any attempt to get back up. By now, I had all but accepted any humiliation or torment by the students at this school. “Look at her face, did you get beat up in some alley she-demon?” Trixie’s blonde-haired friend mocked, causing the trio the laugh.

“Well, While I’m here, might as well get some good pictures out of this,” said Trixie. She pulled out her phone and began snapping pictures of me. It was only then I realized the outfit I was in. Whenever I did use the gym, I was practically naked. Wearing only a sports bra and briefs. My face began to turn red as I watched the flash on her phone light up multiple times as she took pictures. A feeling of rage began to build up inside of me, but immediately shot down when Trixie spoke again.

“You know girls, this little twisted bitch once stole my clothes in the locker room and took videos and pictures of me naked running around trying to find them. All for blackmail purposes of course,” Trixie explained. My rage was swiftly replaced with guilt and utter disgust for myself, and my eyes and head lowered to the floor, accepting whatever it was she wanted to do to me. It was true after all; I did do those things to her. Prior to arriving to this world, Trixie was the biggest bully at Canterlot High. She, in a sense, ran the school. Though nowhere near as cruel or unjust as I did. So, my solution to that was to hit her hard. The most effective and quickest strategy I utilized for my claim to power was blackmail. I’d have Snips and Snails, two more poor kids I damaged, acquire personal secrets and dirt of students, which I’d use as blackmail for their complete submission. With Trixie, I was especially cruel towards. I made sure that she knew that I would show the whole school her nudes if she ever dared crossed me, and from then on, she never got in my way. I guess now I’ve reaped what I sown.

“So, tell me Shimmer, do you still have those photos of me?” she asked, now holding up her phone sideways to record a video of me. I took a deep sigh and continued to stare at the floor, not daring to meet her gaze.

“No Trixie, I deleted them. Along with every secret I’ve ever had,” I admitted. Which was true, I destroyed the hard drives I had them on. I could hear Trixie scoff.

“Well, aren’t you a saint. Look how the dreadful she-demon Sunset Shimmer has fallen. I think I’m going to keep these pictures, Sunset. Maybe post them on the weird side Mystable and see what happens,” Trixie threatened. However, my degradation came to a cease when Rainbow Dash’s voice filled the loud space of the empty gym.

“Hey Trixie, don’t you have some mirror to talk to? Why don’t you leave her alone?” My eyes gazed up to see Rainbow leaning on the frame of the gym’s entrance with both arms crossed. She glared at Trixie with cold eyes. My bullies glared back at her, returning the look of abhorrence. Trixie put her phone up and began walking towards Dash and the entrance.

“I don’t know why you lot of idiots keep her around. Especially after everything she’s done. She’ll just betray you in the end.” Trixie looked over to me one last time with a grin plastered on her face. “Besides, I’m pretty sure she’s the one who’s this Gabby Gums character who keeps exposing everyone’s secrets. Obviously in some pathetic desperate attempt to have some form of power. Pathetic,” she accused. I just continued to look down at the floor. I didn’t even have it in me to object to her false claims. She turned her head back to the door, and with her nose held up high, her and her friends walked out the gym. Rainbow Dash made sure they were gone before closing the door. I didn’t have to raise my head up to know that Dash was staring at me intently. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the gym as she walked over to me, still kneeling with my head down. I’m not sure why, but the closer she got, the more I could feel my heart begin to race. I’ve never actually talked to Dash one on one. Just the two of us alone. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve talked to any of the girls in such conditions other than AppleJack.

The tips of her boots were now directly in my sight as she stood over me. My hands started clutching the end of my briefs as the inside of my mind began to jumble around. Thankfully, Dash broke the silence.

“Sunset, please look at me.” Her voice had a hint of disappointment as she sighed her words. All I could do was grimace as I kept staring at the floor. I didn’t feel like deserved to face her. To look her in the eyes as equals or friends. Oh, how I wish she would take the opportunity to degrade me like Trixie did. No one would know, and I would never say anything. But of course, only someone as awful as me would ever think a person like Rainbow Dash would scoop to such levels. She took a deep sigh and dropped her bag to the floor before taking a seat next to me. I still didn’t take my eyes off of the floor.

“Why do you let her treat you like that? Everyone in the school knows that it’s her who vandalizes your locker. The more you let her walk all over you, the more other students will take the opportunity to follow,” she explained. I didn’t respond, nor did I change positions. Dash continued after the moment of silence. “Look, just tell her to back off. She clearly only messes with you when we’re not around, so stand your ground Sunset.” I responded to her with silence, still staring at the floor. Whatever it was that she was saying, I wasn’t paying attention to. After another moment of silence, frustration began to build in her voice. “Damnit Sunset, what is wrong with you? Are you just going to sit there and sulk?” After another moment of silence, Dash cursed to herself and stood up, grabbed her bag and began walking away. I should’ve just let her, but my brain decided to go on autopilot, and the question just slipped out.

“Rainbow…why are you girls doing this? Pretending to be my friend I mean.” I raised my head and looked at her with tired eyes. Dash stopped in her tracks and turned back to face me. A sorrowful look of anger was present on her face, but quickly turned to a look of sympathy, all while her eyes were averting my direction. She walked back over to me, laid her bag down and sat next to me again. This time however, her stance was different. More relaxed than before. Not the body language of someone trying to cheer someone else up but doesn’t know how. But rather the body language of someone that just wanted to talk.

“Look Sunset, at first it was just out of respect for Twilight, but AJ believes that you do deserve a second chance, and she’s trying to give you it. I guess at first, the rest of us were just doing it out of respect for her too,” said Rainbow. I had figured much. I never believed they wanted me anywhere near them, let alone to be a part of their posse. There was just so much bad blood and damage done at this point to salvage any meaningful kind of relationship.

“I thought as much. Look, Rainbow, it’s clear that I don’t deserve any kind of chance, and I’m only hindering you girls’ bonding time. I think it would be best for all of us if we just go our separate ways.” I said bluntly. I was hoping for her to agree with my solution.

“And where would you go Shimmer? Would you just be on your own and subject yourself to more bullying?” Dash asked. I just gave her a shrug, my way of telling her that it’s okay. “Besides, you didn’t hear me. I said at first. Sunset, I know we may not have been doing our best at showing it, but we think AJ and Twilight are right. I don’t know what it was back at your home world that caused you to have so much anger and hatred, but I don’t think being alone is the solution to that. Look Sunset, I can’t say I forgive you. You damaged a relationship that I hold very dear. I consider those girls my family, and the bond I’ve had with them has been there for a long time. You destroyed that with no remorse, and ridiculed and manipulated all of us. Especially Fluttershy, who I’ve known the longest.” Dash said. Each word felt like a knife being twisted in my stomach. For the first time in a while, I could feel tears building up inside me, but I didn’t let them come out.

“But,” Dash continued. “We don’t want to hold that against you. We don’t want revenge or satisfaction from knowing you’re hurt. We all want to move on and look forward to a brighter future. If moving on means sharing it with you, then we’ll do it. Twilight Sparkle is someone I have nothing but respect for, and if she believes that you’re worth hanging onto, then we’ll do it. AJ’s faith in you too was enough to convince us. I’m sorry Sunset that we haven’t been reaching out to you like AJ has. Like I said, it’ll just take a while to forgive, if ever we do. But you have to work with us too. This is just going to take a while to heal from.” I stared at Dash, with glassy eyes. I didn’t really know what to say to any of this. I almost apologized to her right then and there. It was something I hadn’t done yet for anyone. I did say sorry back at the fall formal after the girls turned me back, but it wasn’t a heartfelt apology. It was just something I spewed out at the moment after realizing that I attempted to kill them. But I never believed in apologies. If I was really sorry, I wouldn’t have done it to begin with. My actions can’t be undone. So instead, I just lowered my eyes and gave her a slight head nod to show I understood. Dash gave me a weak smile before getting back up to her feet. She gave me a pat on the shoulder and started to walk towards the door. But as she was about to grab the doors bar, she turned around to face me and spoke.

“You know there’s a rumor going around that you’re Gabby Gums. I guess with the nature of secrets being revealed, you’re the easiest person to point the blame towards. But for what it’s worth, we don’t believe for a second that it’s you.” She gave me another weak smile before turning back to the door. “Oh, and Sunset, please be careful on bikes. We don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” With that, Dash walked out the gym, leaving me alone in my thoughts. I had a lot to take away from that little conversation we just had. A part of me wanted to believe her. Wanted to believe that I deserved some level of happiness. That I could move on from what I used to be and become another person. But as I looked down at my bruised knuckles, I knew the truth. The second I put that mask on I made my decision, and despite everything she had just said, I was going to put the mask back on tonight and delve back into the repugnant cesspool of evil. All in a vain attempt to stop it as a means of continuing this silly never-ending crusade I had taken upon myself. Mine alone.

That’s what I decided to be.

Comments ( 1 )

This looks interesting and wholesome!!!

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