Discord grows jealous when a Pegasus colt befriends Fluttershy and threatens their relationship, but dark and sinister things occur when the Tree of Harmony gets destroyed and the sun and moon disappear. The MANE 6 must set out to save Equestria as well as the entire world by venturing out to new and far away countries and wielding new and powerful artifacts.

Shipped couples: 

  • Fluttershy ♥️ Discord
  • Twilight ♥️ Flash Sentry
  • Rarity ♥️ Spike
  • Applejack ♥️ Caramel
  • Pinkie Pie ♥️ Cheese Sandwich
  • Rainbow Dash ♥️ Soarin
  • Starlight ♥️ Sunburst
  • More in the future

Warning: there will be lots and lots of Fluttercord, which will be the main shipping in this series, so if you're not a fan of this ship, then this story isn't the one for you.

Chapters (3)
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