Twilight Sparkle Creates 4chan for Ponies. Mistakes were made. :facehoof:

Era: Season 2 with notes from Starlight Glimmer that were added post-Season 9.

It should go without saying, but this is parody and the author :rainbowderp: acknowledges there is both good and bad in anonymous comments. :pinkiehappy:

Written for the Thousand Words Contest III in the Experimental and Comedy categories.

Cover Art by: Freepik with character faces from this site's icons and compiled by me.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

What a delightful farce! =D

> Twilight uses a memory-erasing spell

You know, I'm beginning to think there's a whole genre of "Twilight's disastrously misapplied magic" stories to tell. From out-of-control snowplows to closed time-like curves, if Twilight's had the opportunity to metaphorically swat a mosquito with a cannon, by Celestia's beard, I'm sure she's done it. Probably on purpose at least half the time too...

I got quite a few laughs out of that

Thank you, both. :twilightsmile:


I am sure there is. In fact, this is at least the second story of mine where Twilight uses one of those. :facehoof: And now this sort of makes me want to write the mosquito/cannon story. :derpytongue2:

Feghoot get.

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