• Member Since 20th Jan, 2015
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"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever


They’d ruined it. They’d ruined everything!

Her secret revealed, her community upheaved, all her hard work shattered in an instant by a few nosy interlopers and a bucket of water. 

Why couldn’t they see? Why didn’t they understand that she was working for the good of Equestria? To save it from the dark and shattered future of her nightmares?

But this would not be the end. She still had her magic, her genius, and a little time to come up with a plan. No, her destiny did not end here!

An entry for both the the A Thousand Words Contest III (Horror Category)

Special thanks to Pneu and Flashgen for prereading and feedback.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

This is what we in the buisness like to call a big oopsie.

Speaking of CutiePox... this is hilarious. :twilightsmile: I laughed out loud. :pinkiehappy:

Okay, we definitely need Discord to clean up this mess.

This is an amazing concept.

How awesome!!

Cutie Pox was the reason why the ponies were afraid in the story in the blank and the reason they killed that pony in the story because she got her cutie mark and they thought it was the virus. But imagine a creature or an infected AU that it wants to keep more cutie marks. If it's the creature scenario more cutie marks make it stronger. If it's the infectious scenario the virus would take over the body wanting to get more cutie marks overriding the victims personality and leaving them as empty husk going around and affecting more ponies. Don't know if creatures aren't ponies are immune or the virus can still affect them.

That's new, a pony overdosing on cutie marks

I love this premise i want a continuation of this. Do you plan on writing a sequel?

…bake someth—ing a son—go for a fli—fish on the la—knit a shaw—lift some weight Sculptaclou Diagnosethesic Kickfli Picksomeflower Surfthewave Shredasol Organizeapart Yode Leadatea Makeaballoonanima Lookatabir DevourandConque Readaboo Kayakdownarive Rollerska Teachaclas Sewahe Mixapotion—

Well that sounds like her soul and mind was shattered into a million pieces.

So is this the end of Starlight or....?

The euphoria vanished and Starlight suddenly felt… so very small. Everything that made her herwas crushed down into a tiny knot in the depths of a hole she’d dug herself, buried under a churning miasma of compulsions and warring magic.

She couldn’t move; couldn’t speak. She saw through her eyes as though through distant windows

She is now in “The Sunken Place”

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