• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Wanna join my Discord server and chat? DM me for the link!


Pinkie and Gummy were inseparable. Any chance the two had to be together, Pinkie took advantage of it.

All of that time spent together makes saying goodbye even harder...

Thank you to Thesmokinguy, Bronie312, 6-D Pegasus, and Buck Swisher for reading this ahead of time. I really have the best friends :)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

Such a beautiful fic, thanks for sharing this Sev 🥹 ❤️

It was a very wholesome, but also sad story! :, )

I feel like Pinkie's personality being contrasted to such a situation has to be one of the most effective tropes within the Brony fandom, if the intention is to make someone feel bad for a fiction horse character.

Really liked it! 9/10
- IGN Reviews (XD)

The most cutting stories are the ones that draw on a familiar pain. But taking that pain and making something beautiful, like this, out of it takes a special talent. Short, bittersweet, astounding :heart:

An absolute beautiful and heartbreaking fanfic.

Beautiful. Walked the tightrope of pain of losing and happy memories so well. :heart:

Got me crying in the club over here. Love you bro ❤️

This was such a great fic! I would have been really sad if Gummy really did kick the bucket.

That was a nice little sad story, that managed to be slightly uplifting at the end at the same time.

But it makes it ever so more sad knowing that's its based on reality.

Nice job.

Ruth's got to be a great dog if you love her that much.

Other ponies may not have understood the love he had for her alligator, but it was something Pinkie Pie never once questioned.

Do you mean "the love she had for her alligator"?

Honestly beautiful. Very wholesome, but very sad, too.

No one likes it when someone they love passes, be it friend, family, lover, or pet, but Pinkie does have a point. You can never tell them 'I love you' too many times. Sure, they probably heard it tons of times before, and they know you meant it, but sometimes it takes a little reminder to really let them know that they are cherished.

Chances are, Gummy already knows Pinkie loves him, pets have a special sense for these kinds of things.

10/10, R.I.P Gummy.

Good job on making me cry again, Sev. :fluttercry:

Congrats on the Feature. :pinkiehappy:

This hurts so much.

This was a sad yet beautiful story. I like that Pinkie remained positive overall despite the difficult news she got.

Doctor Fauna frowned. This wasn’t the kind of news any doctor liked to give, but the fact that it was in regard to a creature that didn’t even know of its own mortality added a special sort of emotional weight to her words.

Reading this made me wonder what sort of inner dialogue/monologue Gummy is having right now.

This is very touching. I know loss in general is rough, but it's good you can put your emotions into words this way and let it drive your creativity forwards.

Ruth is definitely a good girl.

Beautifully written. :heart:

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Thank you very much for all of your kind words, praise, and most of all for reading. Knowing that I'm going to lose my dog soon definitely hurts, but being able to write about the experience and pour my feelings out that way helps. It also helps to have such a supportive group of people. I love this website, man.

Thank you all again, so much. I can't wait to one day cross the Rainbow Bridge and be reunited with my baby.


If you could find a way to trim 57 words off of this, it would make an amazing entry into the Thousand Words contest. Sad or Drama category.

I have more than one pet nearing the end so I fear that next year will be hard for me. You have my condolences.

Funnily enough my friends were telling me this as well, but I've actually already entered into the Drama category and there's no Sad one this year.

Writers write from experience. It allows them to really capture those feelings they experienced and transform them into an art form that's healthy. This right here is a perfect example of that. Thank you for sharing this as it definitely hits home. Very well-written.

I hope that not only after Ruth is gone that you stand strong, but also I hope that you decide some day to adopt another dog in spirit of giving those less fortunate another chance of life. I thought I wouldn't adopt another pet after my dog I grew up with died, but I don't regret waking up to another dog who waits patiently by my bed waiting for my dumbass to get up.

While this ends on an optimistic note, it still made me want to curl into a ball and hide under some blankets to cry. Animals are precious to me and there really hasn't ever been a lessening in pain when it comes to losing them, even though I'm 24 now.

Nothing but love for Ruth. :heart:


Rest in peace, Gummy.

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